Non-linear relationships in selective interactions between chiral compounds.
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Pálovics E, Faigl F, Fogassy E:: Separation of the Mixtures of Chiral Compounds by Crystallization, Advances in Crystallization Processes, (edited by Yitzhak Mastai) ISBN 978-953-51-0581-7, DOI: 10.5772/2672, 2012 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Behavior of Structurally Similar Molecules in the Resolution Processes, Comprehensive Chirality Vol.8, Physical Separations, pp:91, 2012 | Pálovics E, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Industrial application of environmentally friendly resolving agents, New trends and strategies int he chemistry of advanced materials., (Ed. S.G. Muntean, R. Tudose), 16-21, (2012), ISSN 2065-0760., 2012 | Fogassy, E.; Pálovics E, Szeleczky Zs: Reszolválási eljárás amfoter karakterű vegyületek körében, Hungarian Patent P120027, 2012 | Bagi; P.; Fogassy, E.; Keglevich, G: Királis hattagú foszforheterociklusok ennatiomerjeinek előállítása., Hungarian Patent 1200228, 2012 | Bagi, P.; Kovács, T.; Laki, A.; Fekete A.; Fogassy, E.; Keglevich, G: Resolution of 5- and 6-membered P-heterocycles; Racemic and optically active platinum(II) -3-phospholene complexes, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon Relat. Elem. published online http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10426507.2012.743545, 2012 | Pálovics E, Szeleczky Zs, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Amfoter karakterű vegyületek a reszolválás folyamataiban, Műszaki Szemle, 53, 35-39,, 2012 | Pálovics E, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Rokon molekulaszerkezet hatása az enantiomerek elválasztására, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2012 | Ujj V., Bagi P., Laki A., Fogassy E., Keglevich Gy.:: Resolution of P-heterocycles with tartaric acid derivative, Phosphorus Sulfur and sSicon and the Related Elements, 186 (4) 792-793, 2011 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Behaviour of structurally similar molecules in the resolution processes., Műszaki Szemle, 52, 40-43,, 2010 | Pálovics E., Faigl F., Fogassy E: Resolution Processes using structurally similar compounds, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on „New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials” (eds.: Tudose, R., Muntean, S.G.), Mirton, Timisoara, 2010, pp 20-2, 2010 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Faigl, Fogassy E: he influence of molecular structure and crystallization time on the efficiency of diastereoisomeric salt forming resolutions, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 21, 2429-2434, 2010, 2010 | Ujj V., Bagi P., Schindler J., Madarász J., Fogassy E., Keglevich Gy: A Practical and Efficient Method for the Resolution of 3-Phospholene 1-oxides via Coordination Complex Formation, Chirality, 22 , 699-705, 2010 | Ujj V, Kerenyi A, Laki A, Fogassy E., Keglevich Gy.: Optically Active 6-Membered P-Heterocycles: 1-Phenyl-1,2-Dihydrophosphinine Oxide and 1-Phenyl-3-Diphenylphosphinoyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydrophosphinine Oxide, Letters in Organic Chemistry : 7, 110-113, 2010 | Faigl F, Fogassy E, Nógrádi M, Pálovics E, Schindler J.: Separation of non-racemic mixtures of enantiomers: an essential part of optical resolution, resolution Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 8, 347-359, 2010 | Ujj V: Nagy P-heterociklusok reszolválása borkősav-származékokkal, http://www.doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=193&vid=4167, 2010 | Molnar P, Bombicz P, Varga C, Bereczki L, Szekely E, Pokol G, Fogassy E, Simandi B.: Influence of Benzylamine on the Resolution of Ibuprofen with (+)-(R)-Phenylethylamine via Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Chirality 21, 628-636,, 2009 | Bereczki L, Bombicz P, Balint J, Egri G, Schindler J, Pokol G, Fogassy E, Marthi K: Optical Resolution of 1-(1-Naphthyl)ethylamine by its Dicarboxylic Acid Derivatives: Structural Features of the Oxalic Acid Derivative Diastereomeric Salt Pair, Chirality 21, 331-338, 2009 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Kölcsönös reszolválás lehetőségei rokon szerkezetű vegyületek körében, Munkabizottsági előadás, 2009 | Pálovics E, Dombrády Zs, Schindler J, Faigl F, Fogassy E: The effect of structurally related molecules ont he enantiomer recognition during the resolution V, Műszaki szemle,. 48, 14-18, 2009 | Mayer ZA, Kallay M, Kubinyi M, Keglevich G, Ujj V, Fogassy E: Assignment of absolute configurations of chiral phospholene oxides by UV/CD spectroscopy using TD-DFT quantum chemical calculations and singular value decomposition appro, Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem, 906, 94-99, 2009 | Ujj V., Schindler J., Bagi P., Czugler M., Fogassy E., Keglevich Gy.: Resolution of P-heterocycles with tartaric acid derivatives via diastereomeric complex formation., Tenth Tetrahedron Symposium, Paris, 2009 | Pálovics Emese: Közös alapvázú, rokon molekulaszerkezetű vegyületek a reszolválás folyamataiban, http://www.doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=193&vid=2140, 2009 | Ujj V, Schindler J, Novak T, Czugler M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Coordinative resolution of 1-phenyl- and 1-naphthyl-3-methyl-3-phospholene 1-oxides with calcium hydrogen O,O '-dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-tartrate or ..., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19, 1973-1977, 2008 | Schindler J, Faigl F, Hegedus L, Palovics E, Fogassy E: A rational synthesis of trans-2-(3-phenylprop-1-yl)cyclohexylamino-2-oxazoline enantiomer, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19,. 773-778, 2008 | Kálai, T.; Schindler, J.; Balog, M.; Fogassy, E.; Hideg, K.: Synthesis and resolution of new paramagnetic alpha-amino acids, Tetrahedron, 64, 1094-1100, 2008 | Nemák K., Fogassy E., Bényei A., Hermecz I.:: The role of TLC in investigation of diastereomeric salt formation by a group of pipecoloxylidides, JPC- Journal of Planar Chromatography, 21, 125-128, 2008 | Gizur T, Fogassy E, Balint J, Egri G, Torley J, Demeter A, Greiner I.: New practical synthesis of tamsulosin, Chirality 20, 790-795, 2008 | Faigl F, Fogassy E, Nogradi M, Palovics E, Schindler J: Strategies in optical resolution: a practical guide, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19, 519-536, 2008 | Novak T, Schindler J, Ujj V, Czugler M, Fogassy E, Keglevich Gy: Chiral P-heterocycles: Efficient method for the resolution of 3-methyl-3-phospholene 1-oxides, Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Relevated Elements, 183, 543-546, 2008 | Molnár, P, Thörey P, Bánsághi G, Székely E, Poppe L, Tomin A, Keméeny S, Fogassy E, Simandi B: Resolution of racemic trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol with tartaric acid, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19, 1587-1592, 2008 | Pálovics E, Schindler J, Faigl F, Fogassy E: Kvázi-racemát, vagy -konglomerátum képző diasztereomerek összetétel, optikai tisztaság és termelés függése a racém vegyület és a reszolválóágens molekulaszerkezetétől, 13thInternational Conference of Chemistry Cluj,2008, 89-93, 2008 |




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