Large scale synthesis of purified coiled carbon nanotubes by CCVD method
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D. Fejes, Z. Németh, K. Hernádi: CVD synthesis of spiral carbon nanotubes over asymmetric catalytic particles, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. Vol.96, No.2, 397-404, 2009, 2009 | D. Fejes, K. Hernádi: CVD synthesis of spiral carbon nanotubes over asymmetric catalytic particles, NanoLab Workshop 2009, Kustendorf, Szerbia, 2009 June 16-22., 2009 | Fejes D., Hernádi K.: Spirális szén nanocsövek CVD szintézise aszimmetrikus katalizátor részecskéken, XXXII. Kémiai Előadói Napok, Szeged, 2009. október 26-28. Fejes Dóra, 2009 | Á. Kukovecz: Carbon nanotube based sensors and fluctuation enhanced sensing, E-MRS Spring meeting, Strasbourg, Franciaország, 2009. június 8-12. Symposium N, Ákos Kukovecz, 2009 | Á. Kukovecz: Recent results on the synthesis and properties of 1D inorganic nanostructures, COST 539 Action Final meeting, Aveiro, Portugália, 2009. október 28-30. Ákos Kukovecz, 2009 | Á. Kukovecz: Recent results on the synthesis and properties of 1D inorganic nanostructures, FP7 RP "DEMATEN" first workshop, Nanostructured ceramics and nanocomposites Challenges and perspectives, Novi Sad, Szerbia, 2009. december 4-6, Ákos Kukovecz, 2009 | D. Fejes, L. Forró, K. Hernadi: Catalyst preparation with ball milling for catalytic synthesis of coiled carbon nanotubes, Physica Status Solidi B 247, 2713-2716 (2010), 2010 | D. Fejes, K. Hernádi: A Review of the Properties and CVD Synthesis of Coiled Carbon Nanotubes, Materials 3, 2618-2642 (2010), 2010 | D. Fejes, M. Raffai, K. Hernádi: Growth and characterization of coiled carbon nanotubes, Solid State Chemistry 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-15 September 2010, 2010 | D. Fejes, L. Forró, K. Hernádi: CVD synthesis of coiled carbon nanotubes over asymmetric catalytic particles, IWEPNM 2010, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 6-13 March 2010, 2010 | D. Fejes, K. Hernadi: Electron microscopy investigations of helically coiled carbon nanotubes synthesized by CCVD, 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, Urbino, Italy, 4-9 September, 2011, 2011 | D. Fejes, M. Raffai, R. Smajda, E. Horvath, L. Forro, K. Hernadi: Morphology of helically coiled carbon nanotubes prepared using Co/13X zeolite catalysts, IWEPNM 2011, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 26 February - 5 March, 2011, 2011 | Dóra Fejes, Zoltan Balogh, Klára Hernádi: Fabrication Of Helically Coiled Carbon Nanotubes For Making Reinforced Composite Materials, ICCE-21, Tenerife, Spanyolország, 2013. július 21-27. General 5, 2013 | Dora Fejes, Zoran P. Popović, Manuella Raffai, Zoltan Balogh, Milan Damnjanović, Ivanka Milošević, Klara Hernadi: Synthesis, Model and Stability of Helically Coiled Carbon Nanotubes, ECS Solid State Letters , 2 (3) M21-M23 (2013), 2013 | Dóra Fejes, Endre Horváth, Davide Carnelli, Markus Geuss, Ayat Karimi, Massimo Spina, Zoltán Németh, Balázs Réti, Arnaud Magrez , László Forró, Klára Hernádi: Water assisted CVD synthesis and Mechanical Properties of millimeter thick arrays of coiled carbon nanotubes, IWEPNM 2012, Kirchberg in Tirol, Ausztria, 2012. március 3-10. MON35, p53-54., 2012 | Dora Fejes, Endre Horvath, Zoltan Nemeth, Arnaud Magrez, Laszlo Forro, Klara Hernadi: Growth and mechanical properties of millimeter-long and vertically aligned coiled carbon nanotube forest, EMRS Spring Meeting 2012, Strasbourg, Franciaország, 2012. május 14-18. R9 5, p:R12., 2012 | Dora Fejes, Endre Horvath, Markus Geuss, Ayat karimi, Massimo Spina, Zoltan Nemeth, Balazs Reti, Arnaud Magrez, Laszlo Forro, Klara Hernadi: Catalytic CVD synthesis and elastic properties of millimeter-height coiled carbon nanotube forest, Nano 2012, Rodosz, Görögország, 2012. augusztus 26-31. P011, p25., 2012 |





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