Inducible protein-protein interactions in the cell membrane and the nucleus: dynamics and function of interleukin receptors and nuclear receptors studied with single molecule sensitivity
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Vámosi G, Vereb G, Bodnár A, Tóth K, Baudendistel N, Damjanovich S, Szöllősi J: Fluorescence-Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), In: Cellular Diagnostics: Basic Principles, Methods and Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry, Eds.: Sack U, Tarnok A, Rothe G; Karger, Basel, 2009 | Vámosi G, Damjanovich S, Szöllősi J, Vereb G: Measurement of molecular mobility with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Curr Protoc Cytom; Chapter 2: Unit 2.15, 2009 | Balogh A, Beck Z, Kis A, Izsépi E, Cervenak L, László G, Bíró A, Liliom K, Mocsár G, Vámosi G, Füst G, Matkó J: New cholesterol-specific antibodies remodel HIV-1 target cells' surface and inhibit their in vitro virus production, J Lipid Res 51(2):286-96, 2010 | Mádi A, Majai G, Koy C, Vámosi G, Szántó A, Glocker MO, Fésüs L.: Altered sialylation on the cell-surface proteins of dexamethasone-treated human macrophages contributes to augmented uptake of apoptotic neutrophils, J Cell Sci Nov 1;124(Pt 21):3631-42, 2011 | Berényi E, Benko I, Vámosi G, Géresi K, Tárkányi I, Szegedi I, Lukács L, Juhász I, Kiss C, Fésüs L, Aradi J: In vitro and in vivo activity of 4-thio-uridylate against JY cells, a model for human acute lymphoid leukemia, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Jul 8;410(3):682-7, 2011 | Volkó J, Mocsár G, Nagy P, Tóth K, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S, Bodnár A, Vámosi G: Influence of MHC I gene silencing on interactions of membrane proteins and IL-2/IL-15R signaling in human lymphocytes, International Bunsen Discussion Meeting, Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in Life Sciences, Göttingen, 27-30 March, 2011 | Brázda P, Szekeres T, Bravics B, Tóth K, Vámosi G*, Nagy L* (*equal senior, corresponding authors): Live cell fluorescence correlation spectroscopy dissects the role of coregulator exchange and chromatin binding in retinoic acid receptor (RAR) mobility, J Cell Sci Nov 1;124(Pt 21):3631-42, 2011 | Mocsár G, Kreith B, Buchholz J, Krieger JW, Langowski J, Vámosi G: Multiplexed multiple-tau auto- and cross-correlators on a single field programmable gate array, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 046101, 2012 | Doan XQM, Szalóki N, Vámosi G, Bacsó Z: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of nuclear proteins by laser scanning cytometry, Eur Biophys J 40 Suppl 1, 124-125, 2011 | Nizsaloczki E, Csomos I, Mocsar G, Szaloki N, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S, Vámosi G, Bodnár A: Biophysical investigation of IL-9R assembly and function in human T-lymphoma cells, Eur Biophys J 40 Suppl 1, 73-73, 2011 | Sebestyén V, Nagy É, Mocsár G, Papp F, Hajdu P, Panyi G, Tóth K, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S, Bodnár A, Vámosi G: Membrane potential influences mobility, interactions and signaling of interleukin-2 and-15 receptors in T cells, Eur Biophys J 40 Suppl 1, 86-86, 2011 | Fábián A, Horváth G, Vámosi G, Vereb G, Szöllősi J: TripleFRET measurements in flow cytometry, Cytometry A 83(4):375-85, 2013 | Renz M, Daniels BR, Vámosi G, Arias IM, Lippincott-Schwartz J: Plasticity of the asialoglycoprotein receptor deciphered by ensemble FRET imaging and single-molecule counting PALM imaging, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(44):E2989-97, 2012 | Hajdu I, Bodnár M, Trencsényi G, Márián T, Vámosi G, Kollár J, Borbély J: Cancer cell targeting and imaging with biopolymer-based nanodevices, Int J Pharmaceutics 441(1-2):234-41, 2013 | Buchholz J, Krieger JW, Mocsár G, Kreith B, Charbon E, Vámosi G, Kebschull U, Langowski J: FPGA implementation of a 32x32 autocorrelator array for analysis of fast image series, Opt Express. 20(16):17767-82, 2012 | Kolozsvári B, Bakó É, Bécsi B, Kiss A, Czikora Á, Tóth A, Vámosi G, Gergely P, Erdődi F: Calcineurin regulates endothelial barrier function by interaction with and dephosphorylation of myosin phosphatase, Cardiovasc Res. 96(3):494-503, 2012 | Szalóki N, Doan-Xuan QM, Szöllősi J, Tóth K, Vámosi G*, Bacsó Z* (equal senior, corresponding authors).: High throughput FRET analysis of protein-protein interactions by slide-based imaging laser scanning cytometry, Cytometry A. 83(9):818-29, 2013 | Fábián Á, Horváth G, Vámosi G, Vereb G, Szöllősi J: TripleFRET measurements in flow cytometry, Cytometry A. 83(4):375-85, 2013 | Hajdu I, Bodnár M, Trencsényi G, Márián T, Vámosi G, Kollár J, Borbély J: Cancer cell targeting and imaging with biopolymer-based nanodevices, Int J Pharm. 441(1-2):234-41, 2013 | Renz M, Daniels BR, Vámosi G, Arias IM, Lippincott-Schwartz J: Plasticity of the asialoglycoprotein receptor deciphered by ensemble FRET imaging and single-molecule counting PALM imaging, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(44):E2989-97, 2012 | Buchholz J, Krieger JW, Mocsár G, Kreith B, Charbon E, Vámosi G, Kebschull U, Langowski J: FPGA implementation of a 32x32 autocorrelator array for analysis of fast image series, Opt Express. 20(16):17767-82, 2012 | Kolozsvári B, Bakó É, Bécsi B, Kiss A, Czikora Á, Tóth A, Vámosi G, Gergely P, Erdődi F: Calcineurin regulates endothelial barrier function by interaction with and dephosphorylation of myosin phosphatase, Cardiovasc Res. 96(3):494-503, 2012 | Brazda P, Krieger J, Daniel B, Jonas D, Szekeres T, Langowski J, Tóth K, Nagy L*, Vámosi G* (*senior authors): Ligand binding shifts highly mobile RXR to chromatin-bound state in a coactivator-dependent manner as revealed by single cell imaging, (közlésre elküldve), 2013 |





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