Molecular mechanisms of sulfur-induced resistance in pepper and tobacco plants infected by Tobamoviruses
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Király L, Künstler A, Fattinger M, Höller K, Juhász C, Müller M, Gullner G, Zechmann B: Sulfate supply influences compartment specific glutathione metabolism and confers enhanced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus during a hypersensitive response, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 59: 44-54, 2012 | Zechmann B, Höller K, Fattinger M, Király L, Künstler A, Juhász C, Müller M, Gullner G: Sulfur-induced resistance is correlated with enhanced glutathione metabolism in Tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco plants, 10th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, July 5-8, 2011, Budapest, Hungary. Abstract Book p. 240., 2011 | Király L, Künstler A, Juhász C, Zechmann B, Müller M, Gullner G: Sulphate-induced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus infection in tobacco is correlated with the induction of pathogenesis-related and antioxidant genes, Conference on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance against Pathogens and Insects, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 4 - 8 September 2011. Abstract Book p. 85., 2011 | Zechmann B, Höller K, Fattinger M, Király L, Künstler A, Juhász C, Gullner G and Müller M: Sufficient sulphate supply is correlated with enhanced defense in Tobacco mosaic virus–infected tobacco plants, 1st BIONUT Meeting on 'State of the Art in Plant Nutrition Research', 27-29 September, 2011, Conegliano, Italy, 2011 | Gullner G, Künstler A, Király L, Juhász C, Müller M, Zechmann B: Sulfur supply of susceptible and resistant tobacco plants influences their defense reactions against Tobacco mosaic virus inoculation, International Conference on Agri-Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, September 20-22, 2011, Budapest, Hungary. Abstract Book p. 14, 2011 | Juhász C, Tóbiás I, Gullner G: Up-regulation of defense genes in pepper leaves inoculated with two different Tobamoviruses, 9th International Conference on Plant Functioning under Environmental Stress, September 12-15, 2012 Cracow, Poland. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34 (Suppl. 1): S24-S25, 2012 | Juhász Cs, Tóbiás I, Gullner G: Lipoxigenáz-függő reakcióutak Tobamovírusokkal fertőzött paprika levelekben, XXIII. Keszthelyi Növényvédelmi Fórum, 2013. január 23-25., Georgikon for Agriculture 16 (1): p. 78, 2013 | Juhász C, Tóbiás I, Gullner G: Up-regulation of defense genes in pepper leaves inoculated with two different Tobamoviruses, Proceedings of the 'Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases' Conference, Avignon, France, 10-13 June 2013, IOBC WPRS Bulletin, közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Gyulai G, Bittsánszky A, Szabó Z, Waters L Jr, Gullner G, Kampfl G, Heltai G, Kőmíves T: Phytoextraction potential of wild type and 35S-gshI transgenic poplar trees for environmental pollutants herbicide paraquat, salt sodium, zinc sulfate and nitric oxide, International Journal of Phytoremediation, közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Juhász C, Tóbiás I, Gullner G: Up-regulation of defense genes in pepper leaves inoculated with two different Tobamoviruses, Proceedings of the Conference on 'Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases', Avignon, France, June 10-13, 2013. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 89, pp. 17-20, 2013 | Gyulai G, Bittsánszky A, Szabó Z, Waters L Jr, Gullner G, Kampfl G, Heltai G, Kőmíves T: Phytoextraction potential of wild type and 35S-gshI transgenic poplar trees (Populus x canescens) for environmental pollutants herbicide paraquat, salt sodium, zinc sulfate and nitric oxide in vitro, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 16: 379-396, 2014 | Gullner G, Künstler A, Király L, Müller M and Zechmann B: Sulfur supply influences the up-regulation of tobacco genes encoding key enzymes of cysteine and glutathione biosynthesis following TMV inoculation, XVII Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB), Valencia, Spain. Abstract volume p. 185-186, 2010 | Höller K, Király L, Künstler A, Müller M, Gullner G, Fattinger M, Zechmann B: Enhanced glutathione metabolism is correlated with sulfur induced resistance in Tobacco mosaic virus-infected genetically susceptible Nicotiana tabacum plants, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23: 1448-1459, 2010 | Barna B, Bittsánszky A, Viczián O, Király L, Fodor J, Gullner G, Kőmíves T, Király Z: Biotic and abiotic stress-tolerant plants with elevated antioxidant capacity, In: Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture. Agrisafe Final Conference (Ed. Weisz O), Agricultural Res. Center, ISBN 978-963-8351-37-1, pp. 227-230, 2011 |





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