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Mirmazloum, I., Forgács, I., Zok, A., Pedryc, A., György, Z.: Transgenic Callus Culture Establishment, a Tool for Metabolic Engineering of Rhodiola rosea L., Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Series Hortum Cultus, 2014 | György,Z., Vouillamoz, J., Ladányi, M., Pedryc, A.: Genetic survey of Rhodiola rosea L. populations from the Swiss Alps based on SSR markers, Biochemical Sytematics and Ecology, 54:137-143., 2014 | György,Z., Fjelldal, E., Ladányi, M., Aspholm, P.E., Pedryc, A.: Genetic diversity of roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) in Northern-Norway., Biochemical Sytematics and Ecology, 50:361-367., 2013 | György,Z., Fjelldal, E., Szabó, A., Aspholm, P.E., Pedryc, A.: Genetic diversity of golden root (Rhodiola rosea L.) in North-Norway based on recently developed SSR markers, Turkish Journal of Biology 37: 655-660., 2013 | György,Z., Szabó, M., Bacharov, D., Pedryc, A.: Genetic Diversity Within and Among Populations of Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) Based on Molecular Markers, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 40(2): 266-273, 2012 | Mirmazloum, I., György, Z.: Review of the molecular genetics in higher plants towards salidroside and cinnamyl alcohol glycosides biosynthesis in Rhodiola rosea L., Acta Alimentaria 41: 133-146., 2012 | György, Z.,: Biotechnology of roseroot., In Rhodiola rosea (Eds.: Cuerrier, A. and Ampong-Nyarko, K.). CRC Press LLC, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1439888407, 2014 | Wilhelm, J., Pedryc, A., György, Z: Európai Rhodiola rosea populációk felmérése molekuláris markerekkel., Kertgazdaság 46(1):76-83., 2014 | Veress, A., Lendvay, B., Pedryc, A., György Z.: Markerfejlesztés Rhodiola rosea fajra., Kertgazdaság 45(4): 63-70., 2013 | György, Z., Derzsó, E., Galambosi, B., Pedryc, A.: Genetic diversity of Finnish Rhodiola rosea populations based on SSR and ISSR analysis., Abstract book of the the I. International Symposium on Medicinal, Aromatic and Nutraceutical Plants from Mountainous Areas, 2011. 07. 06-09. Saas-Fee, Switzerland, 2011 | Mirmazloum I., Pedryc A., Komáromi B., Ladányi M., Malekzadeh M. György Z.: Seasonal influence on glycosides content and their counterpart gene’s expression in Rhodiola rosea L., Proceedings of 3rd International Horticultural Conference for Post-graduate Students 2013, October 23rd-24th 2013, Lednice, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-7375-892-9. pp. 23, 2013 | György Z., Szabó M., Bacharov D., Pedrycz A: Ázsiai rózsagyökér populációk genetikai vizsgálata SSR markerekkel, . XVII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2011. , Összefoglalók (Szerk.: Veisz O.) p. 125., 2011 | György, Z., Trócsányi, E.: Rhodiola rosea mikroszaporítása, . XVIII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2012. Összefoglalók (Szerk.: Veisz O.) MTA, Budapest ,p.82., 2012 | György,Z., Szabó, M., Bacharov, D., Pedryc, A.: Genetic Diversity Within and Among Populations of Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) Based on Molecular Markers, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 40(2): 266-273, 2012 | Mirmazloum, I., György, Z.: Review of the molecular genetics in higher plants towards salidroside and cinnamyl alcohol glycosides biosynthesis in Rhodiola rosea L., Acta Alimentaria 41: 133-146., 2012 | György,Z., Fjelldal, E., Szabó, A., Aspholm, P.E., Pedryc, A.: Genetic diversity of golden root (Rhodiola rosea L.) in North-Norway based on recently developed SSR markers, Turkish Journal of Biology, in press, 2013 | György Z., Derzsó E., Galambosi B., Pedrycz A: Genetic diversity of Finnish Rhodiola rosea populations based on SSR and ISSR analysis, Acta Horticulturae (Proceedings of the I. International Symposium on Medicinal, Aromatic and Nutraceutical Plants from Mountainous Areas, 2011. 07. 06-09. Saas-Fee, Switz, 2012 | György, Z., Vouillamoz, J., Pedryc, A.: Genetic diversity of Rhodiola rosea populations from the Alps based on SSR markers., Book of Abstracts 5th International Symposium Breeding Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 18-20. June, 2012, Wien, Austria pp. 19., 2012 | Mirmazloum I, Pedryc A, György Z.: Biosynthetic Pathways of Salidroside and Cinnamyl Alcohol Glycosides in Rhodiola rosea L., 13th International Congress of the Society for Ethnopharmacology. Book of abstract p 153. September 2-6. 2012. Graz , Austria., 2012 | György Z., Wilhelm J., Pedrycz A.: Közép-európai Rhodiola rosea L. populációk diverzitásának felmérése SSR markerekkel, XX. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok: Növénynemesítés a megújuló mezőgazdaságban, 2014. március 18. Budapest, pp 155-159., 2014 | Mirmazloum, I., Forgács, I., Zok, A., György, Z.: Transgenic callus culture establishment, an alternative tool for Rhodiola rosea bioengineering, 5th International Symposium Breeding Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 18-20. June, 2012, Wien, Austria, Book of Abstracts p.84., 2012 | Mirmazloum, I., Forgács, I., Zok, A., György, Z: Transzgénikus Rhodiola rosea kallusz kultúra létrehozása., XVIII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2012. Összefoglalók (Szerk.: Veisz O.), MTA, Budapest p.90., 2012 | Mirmazloum, I., Komáromi, B., Ladányi, M., Pedryc, A., György, Z.: Glycoside content in Rhodiola rosea L.: dynamics and expression pattern of genes involved in the synthesis of rosavins., Book of Abstracts of the Internataional Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Natural products. 17-19 June, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada p. 29., 2013 | György Z., Derzsó E., Galambosi B., Pedrycz A.: Genetic diversity of Finnish Rhodiola rosea populations based on SSR and ISSR analysis., Acta Horticulturae 955: 197-202., 2012 |




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