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Kubinyi E, Vas J, Hejjas K, Ronai Z, Brúder I, Turcsán B, Sasvari-Szekely M, Miklósi, Á: Polymorphism in the Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) Gene Is Associated with Activity-Impulsivity in German Shepherd Dogs, PLoS One 7(1): e30271., 2012 | Turcsán, B., Kubinyi, E., Mikósi, Á.: Trainability and boldness traits differ between dog breed clusters based on conventional breed categories and genetic relatedness., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 132: 61-70., 2011 | Mirkó E., Kubinyi, E., Gácsi, M., Miklósi, Á.: Preliminary analysis of an adjective-based dog personality questionnaire developed to measure some aspects of the personality in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 138:88-98., 2012 | Hernádi, A., Kis, A., Turcsán, B., Topál, J.: Man’s underground best friend: Domestic ferrets, unlike the wild forms, show evidence of dog-like social-cognitive skills, PLoS One, 7: e43267, 2012 | Turcsán, B., Range, F., Virányi, Zs., Miklósi, Á., Kubinyi, E.: Birds of a feather flock together? Perceived personality matching in owner–dog dyads, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 140: 154-160., 2012 | Kubinyi E, Vas J, Hejjas K, Ronai Z, Brúder I, Turcsán B, Sasvari-Szekely M, Miklósi, Á: Polymorphism in the Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) Gene Is Associated with Activity-Impulsivity in German Shepherd Dogs, PLoS One 7(1): e30271., 2012 | Turcsán, B., Kubinyi, E., Mikósi, Á.: Trainability and boldness traits differ between dog breed clusters based on conventional breed categories and genetic relatedness., Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 132: 61-70., 2011 | Mirkó E., Kubinyi, E., Gácsi, M., Miklósi, Á.: Preliminary analysis of an adjective-based dog personality questionnaire developed to measure some aspects of the personality in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 138:88-98., 2012 | Hernádi, A., Kis, A., Turcsán, B., Topál, J.: Man’s underground best friend: Domestic ferrets, unlike the wild forms, show evidence of dog-like social-cognitive skills, PLoS One, 7: e43267, 2012 | Turcsán, B., Range, F., Virányi, Zs., Miklósi, Á., Kubinyi, E.: Birds of a feather flock together? Perceived personality matching in owner–dog dyads, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 140: 154-160., 2012 | Ákos, Zs., Beck, R., Nagy, M., Vicsek, T., Kubinyi, E.: Leadership and Path Characteristics during Walks Are Linked to Dominance Order and Individual Traits in Dogs, PLoS Computational Biology, 2014 | Kis, A., Bence, M., Lakatos, G., Pergel, E., Turcsán, B., Pluijmakers, J., Vas, J., Elek, Zs., Brúder, I., Földi, L., Sasvári-Székely, M., Miklósi, Á., Rónai, Zs., Kubinyi, E.: Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with human directed social behavior in dogs (Canis familiaris), PLoS ONE, 9(1): e83993., 2014 | Kis, A., Klausz, B., Persa, E., Miklósi, Á., Gácsi, M.: Timing and presence of an attachment person affect sensitivity of aggression tests in shelter dogs, Veterinary Record, 2014;174:196., 2014 | Klausz, B., Kis, A., Persa, E., Miklósi, Á., Gácsi, M.: A quick assessment tool for human-directed aggression in pet dogs, Aggressive Behavior, 40:178-188., 2014 | Miklósi, Á., Turcsán, B., Kubinyi, E.: The personality of dogs., In: The Social Dog (Eds Kaminski, J., Marshall-Pescini, S.) Elsevier, in press, 2014 | Wan, M., Héjjas, K., Rónai, Zs., Elek, Zs., Sasvári-Székely, M., Champagne, F.A., Miklósi, Á., Kubinyi, E.: DRD4 and TH gene polymorphisms are associated with activity, impulsivity and inattention in Siberian Husky dogs, Animal Genetics, 44: 717-727., 2013 | Kubinyi, E., Gosling, S.D., Miklósi, Á.: A comparison of rating and coding behavioural traits in dogs, Acta Biologica Hungarica, 2015 | Turcsán, B., Szánthó, F., Miklósi, Á., Kubinyi, E.: Fetching what the owner prefers? Dogs recognise disgust and happiness in human behaviour, Animal Cognition, 18: 83-94, 2015 | Range, F., Virányi, Zs.: Tracking the evolutionary origins of dog-human cooperation: the „Canine Cooperation Hypothesis”, Frontiers in Psychology, 5:1582, 2015 | Temesi, A., Turcsán, B. Miklósi, Á.: Measuring fear in dogs by questionnaires: An exploratory study toward a standardised inventory, Applied Animal Behaviour Sciences, 161: 121–130, 2014 | Banlaki, Z., Bence, m., Viranyi, Z., Koller, D., Sasvari-Szekely, M., Ronai, Z: Effects of canine OXTR alleles and epialleles on gene expression, XXIInd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics; October 12-16, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014 | Kubinyi, E., Bence, M., Wan, M., Koller, D., Pergel, E., Ronai, Z., Sasvari-Szekely, M., Miklósi, Á.: Association of novel oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms with sociality and activity of Siberian husky dogs, VII. European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 17-20., 2014 | Szánthó, F., Kubinyi, E.: „We cry and laugh together” Emotional contagion between the owner and the dog – a questionnaire study., VII. European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Prague, Czech Republic July 17-20., 2014 | Turcsán, B., Miklósi, Á., Kubinyi, E.: Owner-reported behaviour differences between mixed-breed and purebred dogs., 4th Canine Science Forum, Lincoln, England, July 15-17., 2014 | Polgár, Z., Miklósi, Á., Gácsi, M.: Strategies used by pet dogs for solving olfaction-based problems at various distances, PLOS ONE 10(7): e0131610, 2015 | Kubinyi, E., Gosling, S.D., Miklósi, Á.: A comparison of rating and coding behavioural traits in dogs, Acta Biologica Hungarica 66:27-40, 2015 |





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