List of all projects 

List of all projects - english
"1. Internetes tartalomfejlesztés (Tudomány emberközelben); 2. Az atomoktól a csillagokig cikksorozat; 3. A modern orvosbiológia mai muhelymunkáiról (cikksorozat) (Kiadó: TIT Természet Világa Szerkesztoség)"
"Agro Innovation 5.0"
"Ardzsúna dilemmája": Reszocializáció és legitimáció egy magyar krisnás közösségben. (L Harmattan Kiadó)
"Bibliogaphy of the Hungarian Litarary History 1996-2000"
"In situ" structural study of environmental adsorbents with non-conventional NMR methods
"Learning and Society" Interdisciplinary International Conference (2022)
"Mecsekalja tectonic belt" in Pécs town"
"On Ice" in Strasshof. The History and Memory of Hungarian Jewish Forced Labourers in Vienna and its Vicinity (1944-1945)
"Variants of unknown significance" - detection and functional characterization of genetic alterations in inherited diseases
"We will be good!" How do schools shape kids into social beings? Comparative educational ethnography
"Writing", ipseity, literature. On the (con)texts of Deconstruction.(On Derrida’s interpretations of Husserl and Lévinas)
''Miracles exist, if only you notice them...'' Local religion, folk belief and religious folklore in Gyimes
'Locator' broadcasting science
'Micro-electric imaging: modeling, source reconstruction and causality analysis for multi-electrode arrays'
(Dis)continuities - Hungarian Sociology Between 1960 and 2010
(FWF Lead Agency) Diophantine number theory: effectiveness, algorithms and applications
(Im)politeness, relational rituals and stance in Romani and Boyash interaction
(In)Famous Menyhárt Balassa
10 years of Accession: Lessons from the agri-food sector of the New Member States
10th International hardwood Conference
12th Central European Relativity Seminar
150 years of Department of Architecture - Wood Architecture Conference
188-W/188-Re generátortermékek terápiás alkalmazása
19th century Sources of Literature and Culture History: the Diaries of Lajos Gyulai
19th-20th century tradition and modernization in Transylvania’s changing ethnographic picture. Continuing basic research into building complex from Transylvania
2-photon imaging of presynaptic modulation
20 years in the European Union: public policy assessment of Hungary's EU membership
20th International Morphology Meeting
21st European Bioenergetics Conference, August 20-25 2022
23rd Summer School of Psycholinguistics
31st Fungal Genetics Conference
3D local dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere
3D production of terrestrial (and celestial) globes (Museum of Virtual Globes and digital virtual restoration)
3D Sedimentological Modeling of Point Bar Sand Bodies
400 years of treasure hunting in Hungary (handbooks and their readers)
5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) induced protoporphyri IX fluorescence in the photodynamic diagnostic (PDD) of laryngo-pharyngeal cancer
5th International Conference on Water Sciences
7th International Conference on Food Digestion
8th meeting of the European Section of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Science
: Effects of climatic and defoliation stresses on the growth and vitality of trees in mixed oak forests: dendroecological and ecophysiological approaches
A ''real'' interpretation system and its computational implementation
A Baumgarten Alapítvány: Dokumentumok 1941-1950 IV-V. kötet (Argumentum)
A categorical study of quantum symmetries and their applications
A Chronology of Hungarian History from the Beginnings to 2000. Vols. 1-3
A Chronology of Mihály Babits's Life and Work Part 3, 1915-1920
A cognitive, dependency grammatical description of Hungarian sentences
A comparative study of the folk music cultures in Eurasia using mathematical and computational tools
A comparative study of the folk music cultures in Eurasia using mathematical and computational tools
A comparative study of the folk music cultures in Eurasia using mathematical and computational tools
A comperative study of the climates of apple plantations of differing ages
A complex approach to study the physiology and regulation of pheromone blend production in the pest, Mamestra brassicae
A complex survey of invasive pests and their natural ennemies along highway margins in Hungary
A complex survey of invasive pests and their natural ennemies along highway margins in Hungary
A comprehensive account of Hungarian demonstratives
A comprehensive geno-glycomic approach to discover new lung cancer biomarkers
A comprehensive survey of Hungarian Shakespeare film adaptations
A concise historical grammar of the Hungarian noun phrase
A continental refugium in the Late Cretaceous western Tethyan archipelago: paleobiological and biogeographical study of the Iharkút vertebrate fauna and its comparison with other European faunas
A corpus-based analysis of temporal patterns in children's speech
A corpus-based and computerised analysis of discourse competence in text produced by Hungarian learners of English
A corpus-based computational analysis of Hungarian negative emotive elements from the viewpoint of semantic changes and mental disorders
A critical look at interoception
A cross-disorder investigation of impulsivity: associations with personality traits, inhibitory control deficits, childhood adversity, and genetic vulnerability factors
A cryptic gonadotropin releasing hormone neuronal system in human basal ganglia
A császár új ruhája. Tanulmányok az irodalomtudomány és a hipertext köréből, valamint más médiumokról (Jószöveg Műhely Kiadó)
A daganatos sejtek proliferációs hajlamának, valamint sza-badgyökös és antioxidáns tulajdonságainak vizsgálata kutyák non-Hodgkin-típusú lymphoblastos lymphomájában
A dentin caries in vitro modellezése és a de- és reminera-lizációját befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata
A dictionary of the Sumerian Royal Inscription of the 3rd Millennium BC
A Digital Database and an Iconographical Corpus of the Baroque Ceiling Painting in Hungary
A drámaírás praxisa a 16-17. századi Magyarországon (Argumentum kiadó)
A Drosophila model of inflammatory bowel disease
A felvilágosodás krízise: August Ludwig Schlözer és Kelet-Közép-Európa a forradalmak korában
A formal approach to the metaphysical foundations of physics
A genetic characterisation of the human metastasis inhibitor nm23 orthologues in C. elegans
A geolinguistic research of dialect-islands, Cumanian substrata, and geolinguistic anomalies in the regions of Alföld (Kiskunság, the southern part of Duna-Tisza köze)
A German Renegade Interpreter in Buda in the 17th century. The Career of Hans Caspar in View of his Secret Reports
A Germanic group in northern Pannonia in the early Roman Period. The complex archaeological analysis of the cemetery from Vinár-Cseralja
A Germanic group in northern Pannonia in the early Roman Period. The complex archaeological analysis of the cemetery from Vinár-Cseralja
A Gyönk Vásártér-úti avar temetö monográfiája
A hatékony jogvédelem eszköze a magyar és az Európai Unió polgári eljárásjogában - az ideiglenes intézkedés (Bíbor Kiadó)
A History of Early Modern Philosophy
A history of everyday life in Hungary after the Second World War period
A homocisztein szerepe a korai fellépésű ischaemiás szívbe-tegségek pathogenezisében
A Hungarian History of English Literature
A Kárpát-medence története a bronzkor kezdetén (Varia Archeologica Hungarica)
A Kárpát-medence történeti földrajza
A karsztbeszivárgás fulvosav-transzport feltárása az aggte-leki monitoring rendszer működésének keretében
A klororespiráció terminális oxidázának keresése ciano-bakteriális modellrendszerben
A kukorica Adh1 gén szervspecifikus expressziójának tanulmányozása
A laboratory phonology approach to Hungarian prosody
A Lexical-Functional Approach to the Hungarian Language
A linguistic analysis of doctor-patient communciation. Theory, practice, method
A longitudinal study of Finnish-Sami language change in Northern Sami speech communities in Finland (2002–2012)
A low-tension waterflooding
A magyar népesség biológiai állapota az ezredfordulón
A magyarországi neogén mélymedencék pannóniai s.1. képződ-ményeinek szedimentológiája, ciklussztratigráfiája és fej-lődéstörténete
A Meta Analysis of Intergroup Contact Theory Based on Surveys, Controlled Experiments and Case Studies—With a Special Focus on Immigrants Living in Europe
A Meta Analysis of Intergroup Contact Theory Based on Surveys, Controlled Experiments and Case Studies—With a Special Focus on Immigrants Living in Europe
A Mikola verseny feladatai és azok megoldása 2002-2005
A Minimalist Approach to Syntactic Locality: A study of the division of labour of linguistic subsystems underlying syntactic locality effects
A Molecular Characterization of Drugs, Their Targets and Biological Effects within Lung Cancer to Facilitate New Treatment Paradigms
A multi-level study on mechanisms of binocular stimulus processing
A multidisciplinary approach to prosocial behavior: physiologycal, cognitive, and affective mechanisms
A multisensory loop of the basal ganglia including the superior colliculus and the posterior thalamus in the feline and primate brain. Electrophysiological and morphological investigations.
A multy-proxy study of red clays from the Carpathian Basin: implications for provenance, sedimentary processes and age, and late Cenozoic climate and environmental changes
A Nagyszentmiklósi Kincs (Balassi Kiadó)
A new approach to almost factorizability
A new beginning in astronomical interferometry: imaging and spectroscopy of the innermost stellar environment
A new combined spectroscopic and molecular modeling approach to folding and assembly of membrane proteins
A new systemorf thematic map representations
A new tool for the computation of surface and subsurface flows: the meshless finite element method
A new translational approach to study the neurocognitive bases of autism.
A non-modal approach to temporality and intensionality
A novel approach to regional climate modelling and its application to the analysis of convective precipitation change in the Carpathian Basin
A novel experimental model and new approaches in understanding and treating birth asphyxia
A novel experimental model and new approaches in understanding and treating birth asphyxia
A novel model to study light-regulated seed germination
A novel somatic gene transfer system in mice and its utilization to evaluate the consequence of AlkB type nucleotide repair deficiency in vivo
A novel way of intervention in soft tissue calcification: preclinical investigations of pyrophosphate action
A novel, network-based approach to studying cognitive abilities
A nukleációs és növekedési mechanizmus vizsgálata kémiai g?zleválasztással el?állított gyémántrétegekben korrózió-védelmet biztosító textúra kialakítása érdekében
A one-step method for quantitative determination of uracil in DNA by real-time PCR
A Paratethys neogén holoplanktonikus gastropodái
A Personality Psychological Approach toward the Spectrum Concept of Addictive Disorders
A plágium szerialitása. Cholnoky László szövegszerkesztési elvei és publikálási praxisa
A poliglot research program in textology/text linguistics
A Preparation of the Critical Edition of Lőrinc Szabó's Poetry. The Digitalisation of all the Variations of the Poems. II.
A priori knowledge and philosophical thought
A process systems engineering approach for design of preferential crystallization of enantiomers: from experiments to machine learning through multi-objective optimization
A Psychological Study of Filmstyle
A regeneráció és funkcionális javulás előmozdítása a sérült gerincvelőben egy új, őssejt secretome-alapú kombinált kezeléssel
A regional tectonic velocity map in Central Europe
A repolarizáció non-invazív mérésének kutatása informatikai módszerekkel
A Responsible Innovation Approach Towards Autonomous Vehicles Readiness: Socio-Technical Integration with Neoroscience and Urban Aspects
A series of articles observing the International Year of Planet Earth
A series of articles on scientific research supported by OTKA grants
A shift in Paradigm in Russian Linguistics
A significant and irregular Baden Settlement in Hungary, Transdanubia -Balatonőszöd-Temetői dűlő
A sleep physiological approach of the cognitive neuropsychological factors of autism
A social-psychological analysis of the interaction between the organisational cultura of schools and their socio-cultural environment
A soil mechanics parameter system for off-road vehicles
A special developmental way in the plant family Araceae
A special developmental way in the plant family Araceae
A special type of quantummechanical rotation: the rotating nucleus
A Study of Eurasian Relations of Hungarian Folk Music Using Mathematical Methods
A study of imagination in the reception of fictive narratives
A study of molecular mechanisms involved in systemic acquired resistance
A study on Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977)
A systematic approach to connect glycomics and pathophysiology of cancer
A systems biological analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress induced survival processes in inflammatory bowel disease
A systems biological view of choosing between autophagy and apoptosis after endoplasmic reticulum stress
A szarmaták története c. monográfia megírása és nyomdai előkészítése
A Szilágyság mondahagyománya (magyar Népköltészet Tára VII.) (Balassi Kiadó)
A talajképzödés és a talajtulajdonságok elörejelzésének vizsgálata
A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea VI. Noctuinae I
A Tergo Dictionary of Old Hungarian Surnames
A területpolitikai döntések hatása a települések népességtartó képességére
A transdiagnostic electrophysiological study of social cognition and self-perception differences in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia
A transz-rezveratrol és rokonvegyületek vizsgálata BioAréna-rendszerben
A tudástársadalom és a magyar vidékfejlodés. A vidék jelenkori helyzete: társadalom, mezogazdaság, vidékképek, civil élet
A tudomány határai
A városi hősziget probléma új módszertani közelítései
A veleszületett dongaláb pathogenezisének kutatása
Ab-initio Density Functional study of metals, alloys ans oxides
ABC transporters in physiological contexts
ABCC6, the key component connective tissue calcification
Abhd4 serine hydrolase, an enigmatic member of the endocannabinoid system: molecular, anatomical and functional characterization in the developing neocortex
Abiotic and biotic stress interactions and the cross-tolerance phenomena in plants
About the Basic Terms of the History of Styles in 18th Century Literature
Absorbable mesh created by nanotechnology: Evaluation in animal hernia model
Abstract Automata and Formal Languages
Abstracts of the antique coin finds and hoards in Hungary I-III. (County Tolna, Vas and Veszprém)
Abundance and diversity of antimicrobial resistance genes in meat originating from Hungary and Slovenia
Acarology: from taxonomy to biological control
Acclimation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. L.) to osmotic and salt stresses: crosstalk between hormonal regulation and signal transduction pathways
Accounting and management of Scope 3 emissions
Acculturation and school socialiaztion of second-generation Vietnamese pupils in Hungary
Accuracy analysis of Faye-anomalies of the Hungarian Level Base Network, EOMA
Accurate and routinely applicable quantum chemistry methods
Accurate description of multi-reference electronic structures in point-like defects
Accurate description of multi-reference electronic structures in semiconductors hosting defect-based qubit candidates
Accurate excited-state properties for large molecules
Accurate properties for large molecules
Achievements of the Enlightenment Spread over Northeast-Hungary in the Light of State Measures
ACM Digital Library
Acoustic and dialectometric study of Hungarian dialects
Acoustic cavitation and chemical kinetics: the role of GPU programming and machine learning in the scale-up of sonochemical reactors
Acoustic cavitation control by reinforcement learning
Acoustical, cognitive and neural basis of stress processing
Acoustical, cognitive and neural basis of stress processing
Acoustical, cognitive and neural basis of stress processing
Acoustical, cognitive and neural basis of stress processing
Action and interaction of neural and endothelial mediators in the regulation of blood supply ti the gingiva
Action-induced changes in perceptual processing
Activation and conformational change: the antithrombin III and the A subunit of blood coagulation factor XIII
Activation mechanism of MASP-3, a key protease linking the alternative and lectin pathways of complement
Activation of secondary metabolite gene clusters in Aspergillus nidulans and Fusarium verticillioides by stress – a combined transcriptomic, metabolomic and genetic approach
Activation of Strong Covalent Bonds in Metalloenzymes: Theoretical Studies
Active compounds and bioactivity of nectar and honey in invasive medicinal plants
Active galactic nuclei and their environment in the early universe
Active participation in the world's leading scientific congresses in the field of arrhytmology
Active participation on EHRA and Heart Rhythm 2022 Congresses
Active participation on EHRA and Hearth Rythm 2022 Congresses
Active slip-systems, Burgers vectors and twinning in hexagonal, cubic and ortorhombic systems determined by X-ray line profile analysis
Active Theory. Changing Role of Architectural Theory at the Turn of the Millennium
Activity of T cell cation channels in cancer
Activity- and Information-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in Neural Networks in vitro
Activity-dependent differentiation and fate-determination of induced human neurons
Actuation phenomena in 3D moving microstructures
Acute astrocyte swelling contributes to ischemic lesion progression
Acute exacerbations of asthma in adults. Experimental and clinical studies of synergistic and antagnistic immune mechanisms
Acute Pancreatitis from Bench to Bedside
Acyclic regular isoprenoid hydrocarbons: their formation, stability and application as organic facial and maturity parameter
Acyclic regular isoprenoid hydrocarbons: their formation, stability and application as organic facial and maturity parameter
AD FONTES: history, theory and practice of Hungarian church music
Ad hominem -- Modern philosophical special library
Adalékok a magyarországi, 19-20. századi művészet történetéhez. Egy több generációs művészcsalád levéltári hagyatékának és művészi munkásságának tükrében.
Adaptability of medicinal and aromatic plants to climatic changes: effects of abiotic stress on their cultivation and chemical composition
Adaptability of the agricultural small-scale commercial producers by a marketing approach to the concentration of trade in the fruit and vegetable sector
Adaptation and development of different methods of in situ hybridization for the analysis of wheat genetic stocks
Adaptation and influential nodes of biological networks
Adaptation and learning of biological networks
Adaptation of cerebrovascular autoregulatory mechanisms to preeclampsia
Adaptation of the PALM-4U urban climate model using the Local Climate Zone system in case of a medium sized city
Adaptation, coevolution and stability in host-brood parasite relationschips
Adaptional strategies in rural economy
Adaptive and maladaptive signal transduction pathways in human and mammalian cardiac and neural tissues
Adaptive and non adaptive forms of risk taking
Adaptive ecology in variable environment
Adaptive noise clustering during structural changes
Adatok Nyugat-Magyarország kora bronzkori történetéhez
Addiction problems in the general population; monitoring the trends and renewal of the applied research methods
Additive and multiplicative number theory
Additive number theory and Fourier analysis
Additive number theory in positive characteristic
Additive problems
Additive problems and Fourier analysis
Additive Problems and Fourier Analysis
Adhesive and tribological characteristics of polymer surfaces treated with atmospheric cold-plasma process
Adiabatic control in quantum optics and in quantum informatics
Adsorption and self-assotiation of ionoc surfactants in aqueous solutions
Adsorption of protein molecules on nanostructured surfaces of dental implants: in situ molecular level studies by Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
Adsorption-related electrochemical problems
Adult autonomous learning and the process of commitment to improving mastery of a subject
Adult Education in Hungary in the Enlightenment and in the Reformed Age
Advanced analytic methods to fault detection with application to vehicle systems
Advanced Ceramics with Novel Structure
Advanced Control Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Marine Robots
Advanced data mining techniques and model based algorithms in product and process development
Advanced fine tuning of catalysts: stereoselective coordination and catalysis towards biologically active compounds
Advanced Joyce research
Advanced mathematical methods in the geodesy
Advanced Metallo-organic Complexes for Catalysis
Advanced Methods for Discrete Tomography with Priors and Applications
Advanced multi-wavelength ultrafast fiber lasers for stain free histopathology
Advanced numerical methods for the particle-based simulation of complex plasmas
Advanced traffic modeling techniques
Advancement of novel mechanical ventilation modality: combining high frequency oscillations with conventional waveform
Advancing the concept of computational thinking
Adversaries and Partisans of the Physiocrates
Aerial archaeological topography in Hungary
Aerial Archeological Researches in Hungary
Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic investigation of counter-rotating open rotors, utilizing beamforming methods
Aeroacoustic investigation of the cavity tone
Aeromycological research on plant pathogenic and mycotoxin-producing fungi
Aeromycological research on plant pathogenic and mycotoxin-producing fungi
Aesthetic Communication in Europe (1700–1900)
Aesthetic thought in Early Modernity (1450-1600)
Aesthetical, Historical and Social Concepts of Space Experience in the 20th Century
Aesthetics - Politics - Theatricality
Aetiology of attachment disorganisation: the roles of infants' sensitivity to stress and maternal care
Aetiology of attachment disorganisation: the roles of infants' sensitivity to stress and maternal care
Affective prosody in waking and hypnotic states: A comparative study
Affectivity in philosophy
Affectivity, fantasy, memory: non-intentional consciousness from Kant to phenomenology
Afforestation and soil fauna in particular the Collembola diversity in Hungary
After Postsoviet: A Geographical Analysis of Social Processes at the Shifting Eastern European Buffer Zone
Afterdepolarization, Cellular electrophysiology, Action Potentail Clamp
Age-dependent UV absorbance of the human ocular lens
Age-related development of obesity. Role of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channels in regulation of energy homeostasis.
Ageing in a competitive society: psychophysiological processes of risk-taking
Ageless Tree - The Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo biloba) in Hungary
Agency in higher education - from individual to global level
Agent-based modelling of multi-level project management
Aging and nutritional state in the regulation of energy balance: role of leptin, melanocortins and neuropeptide Y
Agricultural climate change adaptation behaviour and circular economy
Agricultural market options after Eu accession
Agricultural Prices
Agrin, a novel basement membrane component in human and rat liver, accumulates in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
Agroecological impacts on quality and pesticide residue characteristics of winter wheat (triticum aestivum L.) grain yield
Agronomic and environmental evaluation of reactive rock phosphates use
Agrophysical characteristics and heta physicla modelling of biological material
AI-supported Digital Research Environment for the Classification of Folk Tunes
Air quality oriented urban design strategies
al-Marqab Research Project - the Historical Sources
Alapkutatások az orvostudomány és gyógyszerészet magyarországi története köréből
Alexander The Great and his encounters with barbarian women in ancient and early mediaeval Greek and Latin sources
Alfred Hoffmann and the book-trade of the Austro-Hungarian dualism
Algebra and algorithms
Algebra and algorithms
Algebra and calculations
Algebraic and Proof Theoretic Investigations of Substructural Logics
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry and Its Neighbouring Fields
Algebraic geometry and related fields
Algebraic invariants and computational problems
Algebraic invariants of omega-categorical structures
Algebraic investigations with ring theoretical methods
Algebraic ligic; investigating the logical structure of relativity theory
Algebraic logic; investigation of the logical structure of relativity theory
Algebraic logic; investigation of the logical structure of relativitytheory
Algebraic methods for the application of differential equations
Algebraic methods in computational complexity
Algebraic methods in models of quantum field theory
Algebraic structures and algorithms
Algebraic structures and fixed point operations in computer science
Algebraic structures and ordered sets
Algebras and relational structures
Algebras and their classes: structure and complexity
Algebras and their related structures
Algebras, varieties and algorithms
Algebriaic methods in Galois-geometries
Algorithmic Game Theory for Matching and Exchange Markets
Algorithms for Big Data Analytics
Algorithms, systems and models in computational intelligence
Aliciklusos beta-aminosavak új felhasználási lehet?ségei: enantioszelektív átalakítások, kombinatorikus kémia, foldamer szintézis
Alkaline earth metal titanate-based photocatalysts: preparation, stability, and environmental applications
All philosophy is a "critique of language". On the history of philosophy of language in the 17th-20th centuries
Allelochemicals from alfalfa and Ajuga plants and those of biological activity on different insect orders
Allergy genimics: Studies on known and other asthma susceptibility genes found by whole genome search in human and transgenic animal models; generation of Hungarian asthma biobank for Europen comporative studies
Allocational problems in voting situations
Allosteric modulation of ionotropic receptors
Alpha2-plasmin inhibitor and its role in thrombotic diseases
Alsónyék: from the beginnings of food production to the end of the Neolithic
Alsónyék: from the beginnings of food production to the end of the Neolithic
Alteration of enzyme specificity by a strategy based on in vitro evolution
Alteration of normal and pathological cartilage tissue under in vitro conditions
Alterations in autophagic membrane trafficking during secretory autophagy and tumorigenesis
Alterations in store-operated calcium entry and its relation to calcium homeostasis in skeletal muscle
Alterations in the gut microbiota composition and health status of rabbit livestock induced by fed microplastic particles.
Altered connectomic organisation of migraineur's brain.
Altered modulation of the Ryanodine receptor in malignant hyperthermia
Alternative development strategies and growth paths after the EU accession: Investigations about the chances of the accession countries for approaching the growth centers or staying in peripheries based on modern growth theories and economic geograph
Alternative mechanisms of the cell death as targets for anti-tumor therapy
Alternative methods of quantitative motion analysis
Alternative methods of thematic representation in cartography
Altruism, division of labour and cheating in social species
Amine-oxidases and NADPH-oxidase-studies on their contribution to vascular and neuronal damages (pathomechanism and drug targets)
Amino acid transporters as novel regulators of energy metabolism in active beige adipocytes
Ammonite biostratigraphy of the Hungarain Cretaceous
Amorphous Topological Matter
Amphiphilic polymer conetwork based gels and their nanohybrids as a novel type of nanostructured material platform
Amplification of the mutant EGFR gene: molecular mechanism and role in therapeutic resistance
An agent based model capable of simulating a large number of tumour cells
An Alternative Literary History of the Low Countries: Word and Image
An Animal Model for Novel Human Diseases Associated with Mutations of Type IV collagen COL4A1 and COL4A2
An archontology of Hungary's public life during the soviet regime
An atlas of inducible cis-regulatory elements of cytokines in dendritic cells and macrophages
An empirical study of morphological convergence in Hungarian
An Environmental History of the Carpathian Basin in the Middle Ages
An Etymological Database of Cheremis Language
An etymological dictionary of the Buryat language
An examination of triple borders in the south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern regions of Hungary
An examination of triple borders in the south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern regions of Hungary
An experiment to get a better understanding of the "Janus face" of social control theories - through the social construct of drug use as an example
An experimental study of the altered state of consciousness, induced by hyperventillation
An ignored link – chance and relevance of return migration in regular and shock periods
An in vivo RNAi screen of Drosophila kinases and phosphatases involved in autophagy
An inexhaustible resource? Garden zones, vinehills and resort areas in the squeeze of urban development
An integrated approach to understanding the isolation and transport properties of fractured rock bodies: the role of different host rocks, fluid chemistry, and deformation history
An integrated regulation of transmembrane signalling: interactions between Ca2+, K+ channels and interleukin receptors
An integrative approach to behavioral addictions
An international conference on the crosslinguistic examination of maximalization strategies in the event domain of the sentence
An investigation of evolutionary potential games using the tensor renormalization group method
Anaeroic conversion of gaseous substrates by mixed microbial communities
Analisys of possible strategies of development of the doctrine system
Analogical generalisation processes in language acquisition
Analogy-based Formal Approach to Phonology and Morphology
Analogy-based Formal Approach to Phonology and Morphology
Analyses and integration of spatial and thematic properties of soil maps and databases for the compilation of countrywide, digital soil maps
Analyses of acidity caused soil degradation processes and their early indicators
Analyses of factors regulating fish sex using genomic tools
Analyses of factors regulating fish sex using genomic tools
Analyses of family stories and myth of young drugabuser`s narratives
Analyses of Martian sedimentary rocks using Earth analogues and connection to European space project
Analyses of relationships between maize genotypes on the basis of genetic polymorphism
Analyses of the toxin content of cyanobacterial and algal mass production in Hungarian water bodies. Physiological and bioanalytical measurement of the effect of environmental factors on toxin production in isolated cyanobacterial and algal strains
Analysing financial networks using the tools of game theory
Analysing IoT device and application behaviour modelling to foster efficient management of Cloud and Fog environments
Analysing Protein Kinase D mediated protective functions during neurodegeneration
Analysing spatial patterns of ecosystem services and condition under anthropogenic pressure and climate change
Analysing the Environmental Effects of International Agro-food Trade
Analysing the Environmental Effects of International Agro-food Trade
Analysing the role of COX-2 and alpha2-adrenoceptors in NSAID-induced small intestinal injury and dysbiosis
Analysing the role of trust in the performance evaluation of IT service providers
Analysing the signs of wet environments on Mars using Earth analogues
Analysis and application of innovative integrators
Analysis and comparison of natural gas combustion reaction mechanisms
Analysis and control of dynamical systems with a network structure using compartmental representation
Analysis and control of polynomial nonlinear systems using optimization methods
Analysis and control of polynomial nonlinear systems using optimization methods
Analysis and design of dynamics and structure of neural networks
Analysis and forecasting of business cycles
Analysis and identification of fuzzy systems and models
Analysis and solving sets of nonlinear equations originated from mechanics using the integrated system MATHEMATICA.
Analysis of abiotic stress-effects on in vitro propagation of fruit an ornamental plant cultures, and possibilities of prevention
Analysis of antiarrhytmic and proarrhythmic mechanism
Analysis of antibiotic emission properties from different bone transplants and bone substitute materials
Analysis of articulation and brain signals for speech-based brain-computer interfaces
Analysis of biosynthetic pathways that lead to the glycoside production of Rhodiola rosea
Analysis of blood cell differentiation and transdifferentiation in Drosophila melanogaster
Analysis of Bordetella bronchiseptica virulence factors and host adaptation
Analysis of Bordetella bronchiseptica virulence factors and host adaptation
Analysis of calcium-activated chloride current profiles in cardiomyocytes derived from various regions of the canine heart using the action potential voltage-clamp technique
Analysis of calcium-dependent ion currents in canine ventricular myocardium
Analysis of career paths: individual decisions, networks, social, economic and labor market consequences
Analysis of cell-derived microvesicles that represent novel players in intercellular communication
Analysis of complex networks with statistical physics methods
Analysis of computation accurary and robustness in some classes of analogic CNN algorithms
Analysis of continuous and discrete mathematical models in biology, chemistry and genetics
Analysis of contributing plant genes in grapevine-Agrobacterium host-pathogen interaction: new possibilities in resistance breeding
Analysis of contributing plant genes in grapevine-Agrobacterium host-pathogen interaction: new possibilities in resistance breeding
Analysis of cost-benefit relationships of enterprises and technologies with different environmental loads in agriculture
Analysis of differentiation, anti-mitogenic and suvival signaling in PC12 cells
Analysis of dynamic phenomena in hydraulic systems
Analysis of energetic ion behavior and of ion-wave interaction in front of the Earth's bow shock
Analysis of energetic ion behavior and of ion-wave interaction in front of the Earth's bow shock
Analysis of epigenetic processes in pathology of rheumatoid arthritis
Analysis of genes and candidate genes contributing to crop reliability of polyploid Prunus fruit trees
Analysis of genes and candidate genes contributing to crop reliability of polyploid Prunus fruit trees
Analysis of human heat producing adipocytes to reveal novel mechanisms of thermogenic stimulation for combating obesity
Analysis of hydrogen peroxide signaling in mammalian cells using novel molecular tools
Analysis of hypothalamic hormonal equilibrium in the regulation of energy balance: interactions between thyroid hormone, estrogen, leptin and ghrelin
Analysis of interactions between inflammatory and vasoregulatory pathways in chronic heart failure: application of logical analysis of data, a novel data-mining tool
Analysis of intravascular blood volume status
Analysis of localization microscopy data with deep learning algorithms
Analysis of market behavior based on minute-order (intraday) financial data
Analysis of method inherent species composition biases of molecular species diversity analyses, method optimatisation and practical application
Analysis of molecular background of leaf developmental abnormality caused by virus infection
Analysis of molecular base of "Rare- and undiagnosed diseases" and recosntruction their origin by new generation genomic tools
Analysis of osteoclast development by a novel genetic approach
Analysis of plastic transport in rivers
Analysis of proarrhythmic mechanisms based on decreased repolarization reserve and disturbed adaptation of cardiac ventricular repolarization under clinical circumstances and in mammalian hearts
Analysis of protein-DNA interactions and methylation patterns in regulatory regions of oncogenes of Epstein-Barr virus in nasopharygeal carcinoma cells
Analysis of purging and likelihood of genetic death in Pannon White rabbit and Border Collie dog populations
Analysis of river flow-bed interactions
Analysis of social security systems for specific groups of employees in Hungary and Slovenia
Analysis of spatial data
Analysis of Sporthorse show-jumping competition results
Analysis of Surface Integrity and Cutting Properties of Nano Structural Materials
Analysis of the basic mechanisms of the humoral immune response in transgenic mice that overexpress the neonatal Fc receptor
Analysis of the Book of Genesis from the point of view of History of Composition, Construction and Tradition
Analysis of the compatitiveness and the subsidy demand of the Hungarian agricultural enterprises on the base of the FADN database
Analysis of the effects of endocrine disruptors on the expression of estrogen receptors and thyroid hormone receptors in the developing rat cerebellum.
Analysis of the effects of endocrine disruptors on the expression of estrogen receptors and thyroid hormone receptors in the developing rat cerebellum.
Analysis of the effects of posttranslational modifications on human cardiac muscle cell contraction
Analysis of the function and regulation of extracellular matrix protein genes
Analysis of the genetic determinants of cucumoviral host range and symptomatology
Analysis of the information model of land consolidation
Analysis of the legal institutions in Austrian-German corporate law from a comparative and theoretical perspective (Achieving new results in the Hungarian education and science)
Analysis of the marketing facilities of outstanding hungaricums of animal origin
Analysis of the multi-period site of Ménfőcsanak road n. 83.
Analysis of the natural micro-regions of Hungary from the aspect of their sensitivity to landscape degradation
Analysis of the physiological functions of Nox5 using a knockout rabbit model system
Analysis of the projected hydroclimatological changes and their uncertainties for the 21st century based on climate and hydrological models
Analysis of the role of a fork-head transcription factor in cell division
Analysis of the rotatory components of the congenital clubfoot
Analysis of the stress tolerance in Aegilops species to expand the gene-pool of bread wheat
Analysis of the Tecto-Thalamo-Caudate Nucleus System in the feline and macaque brain: Anatomy, Physiology, Function, and Possible Evolutionary Significance
Analysis of the transcriptional activation and cross-regulatory functions of the p53 family members in tumour suppression by functional genomics
Analysis of transition metal complexes of biomimetic peptides
Analysis of Walsh and Walsh like systems
Analysis or Intuition: Practice of Strategic Decision Making in California and in Hungary
Analysis, Interpretation and Publication of the Early Medieval archaeological finds in Hungary
Analysis-based control of nonlinear dynamical systems
Analytic convex geometry
Analytic methods in number theory
Analytic number theory and automorphic spectrum
Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology: their Relations in Historical Perspective
Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology: their Relations in Historical Perspective
Analytic philosophy, "continental philosophy", pragmatism
Analytical and Combinatorial Number Theory
Analytical and combinatorial number theory
Analytical and numerical models for delaminated composite and sandwich structures
Analytical characterization of human milk oligosaccharides
Analytical description of the 18. century bindings of the Rády Library
Analytical separations in microfluidic chips
Analytical, combinatorial and computational number theory
Analyzing metabolic heterogeneity and plasticity in small cell lung carcinoma: the effect of spatiotemporal evolution and phenotype transitions on the metabolism of the tumor cells
Analyzing Quantum Communications in Noisy Environment
Analyzing supply networks - a behavioral approach
Analyzing the quantum based satellite communications
Analyzing the simultaneous development of quality and efficiency with the of management sience
Analyzing, modeling and predicting of the active state of proteins
Anatómiai és paleopatológiai vizsgálatok háziállatok csontozatán: recens megfigyelések a régészeti leletek értelmezésében
Anatomical and behavioural dissection of lateral thalamo-amygdalar circuitry
Ancient and Modern Selves: Tension or Complementarity?
Ancient commentaries on Roman poetry and their scholarly reception
Ancient magic, parallel researches: Curse tablets and magic gems
Ancient People and Ancient Metallurgy. Understanding Networks of Early Bronze Age Societies in Central Europe
Andrássy avenue
Andrological aspects of exercise: moderate swimming protects against isoproterenol induced testis and semen abnormalities via diminishing oxdative stress in rats
Angyalok, démonok, látók, és szentek. Vallásetnológiai fogalmak tudományközi megítélésben (Tanulmányok a transzcendesről.) (Balassi Kiadó)
Animal Ecology
Animal Minds on Wide Screen
Animal-Assistance with the Contribution of Dogs in the 21st Century
Anisian microbal reefs?
Anisometric granular materials
Annotation and development of BEA Hungarian spoken language database
Anorexia of aging, sarcopenia: age-dependent changes in the effects of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides on energy homeostasis in rodents
Antecedents of Enlighment in Transylvania in 17-18th centuries
Antiaromatic molecular semiconductors and photochromic switches
Antifungal proteins – Investigation of antifungal mechanism and biological role for new therapeutic approaches
Antiinflammatory therapies for enhancing tissue regeneration
Antimatter studies at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN
Antimicrobial compounds from basidiomycetous macrofungi for plant protection
Antimicrobial compounds of invasive goldenrod plants
Antioxidant capacity of fresh and processed fruits, identification and biosynthesis of their antioxidant compounds
Antioxidant metabolism and transport processes in the endo/sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Antioxidant-inspired drug discovery: extension of chemical space towards new blood-brain barrier protective agents
Antioxidants as oxidative stress activated prodrugs: antitumor potential of an overlooked chemical space
Antiphonale Waradiense. Facsimile Edition with Commentary
Antique Coins East of the Danube
Antique Coins East of the Danube II
AOVET Mastercourse in equine fracture repair
Apartment, house and housing in Budapest: built forms and discoursive spaces, 1870–1945 (The exploration and database of sources of housing in Budapest)
Apocryphal Old Testament and Folklore
Apoptosis, phagocytosis and prevention of inflammation
Apoptotic role of microsomal glucose-6-phosphate in granulocytes
Appliances of automatical information system of animal husbandry keeping (Precision animal husbandry)
Application and validation of measurement techniques related to the physical modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer in a new boundary layer wind tunnel
Application for the publication of the manuscript titled as "Histological comparison between wheat embryos developing in vitro from isolated zygotes and those debeloping in vitro"
Application of high-performance separation methods (MEKC, CZE, HPLC) to characterize bioactive molecules.
Application of 3D printer in production of individual implants for human bone defects
Application of analysis in number theory
Application of biological carrier systems containing antibiotics with controlled drug delivery in bone grafting
Application of chiroptical spectroscopy in the structural analysis of organic compounds
Application of circular dichroism, Fourier-transform infrared and vibrational cirkular dichroism spectroscopy in the investigation of peptides, proteins and supramolecular complexes
Application of combined dezintegration and nanoprecipitation methods in modern drug formulation
Application of cysteine-rich antifungal proteins secreted by Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 as biopesticides and crop preservatives
Application of cysteine-rich antifungal proteins secreted by Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 as biopesticides and crop preservatives
Application of cysteine-rich antifungal proteins secreted by Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 as biopesticides and crop preservatives
Application of differential diagnostic and prognostic markers in early arthritides especially in rheumatoid arthritis
Application of electrophysiological recordings inplant cells in order to reveal the role of NO and low extracellular potassium levels in stomatal function
Application of evolutionary techniques in structural optimization
Application of field theoretical methods for nonequilibrium systems
Application of gamma-valerolactone as a green solvent in catalysis
Application of hyperspectal RS methods for analyzing spatial processes
Application of information originating from spatially non-exhaustive, ancillary observations in the spatial predictions targeting specific features of the soil mantle
Application of innovative techniques in metal structures optimization
Application of microbial proxies to study paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in various sediment types
Application of microfluidics and capillary electrophoresis for pharmaceutical analysis: new possibilities
Application of multinuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy in Statical and dynamical structure determination of biological macromolecules
Application of nanotechnology methods for fabrication and study of model catalysts
Application of new copper and manganese radioisotopes for PET studies
Application of new PET radionuclides for 'in-vivo' gene expression studies
Application of next generation cytomics in AI semen quality control
Application of noncommutative geometrical methods in the theory of dynamical systems
Application of oxide and carbon nanostructure based nanofluids in energy and thermal systems
Application of remotely sensed data in urban and agricultural areas
Application of retro Diels-Alder rection for preparation of fused-heterocycles
Application of satellite remote sensing data to characterize vegetation dynamics within the Carpathian Basin
Application of solvenr free microextraction methods for trace element speciation
Application of the atmospheric water vapour and total water measuring instrument developed by the University of Szeged in airborne measurement campaigns on mid-latitude cirrus clouds and its further development
Application of the classical model of the water molecule
Application of the non-perturbative renormalization group to quantum many-body systems
Application of the Reinecke Anion in Supramolecular Chemistry
Application of thermal analysis for studying thermal decomposition reactions possessing environmental interest
Application of time-frequency and nonlinear reconstruction methods
Application Oriented Fuzzy Rule Interpolation Methods
Application to attendance fund for '15th World Congress on Inflammation' international conference
Applicationof resistance forms for immunizing plants against pathogenic infections and for breeding disease resistant transgenic crops
Applications and analysis of time varying systems
Applications of a New Non-destructive Geochemical Method (PGAA) in Archaeometry
Applications of Combinatorics in Multiplicative Number Theory
Applications of integrable quantum field theories
Applicstion of new algorithms and coding procedures in mobile communications and computing
Applied algorithms for large-scale problems
Applied knowledge space theory
Applied sebaceous immunobiology - A novel approach to understand and treat inflammatory skin diseases
Appllications of Fuzzy Operators in Intelligent Road Vehicle Informations Systems
Applying for grant to participate in international microbiology and molecular biology courses
Applying Non-Equilibrium Thermodynnamics to living and complex non-living systems.
Approximation algorithms for connected subgraphs and tours
Approximations by random polytopes and their generalizations
Aptamers targeting fibroblasts in inflammatory arthritis
Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in sodic waters, population sizes and feeding connection to the aquatic birds
Aqueous organometallic catalysis - molecular mechanisms and new applications
Aragonite: structure and formation
Arany János and the Tradition of Parody
Arany János Studies
Arbitrage and pricing functionals in financial market models
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of invasive plants of semiarid sandy areas
Archaeogenetic characterization of Hungarian commoner cemeteries with Next Generation Sequencing
Archaeological and epigraphic researches in the Theban Necropolis
Archaeological and historical research on the early history of Hungarian's and migration period
Archaeological evidence for international textile trade in the medieval and early modern Hungary
Archaeological fieldwork at the ancient site of el-Lahun, Egypt
Archaeological investigation in the German town of medeival Vác
Archaeological investigations in a microregion of the Hungarian Great Plain
Archaeological investigations in County Békés
Archaeological processing of the Late Iron Age cemeteries of Ludas- Varjú-dűlő and Sajópetri - Homoki-Szőlőskertek
Archaeological sites of Hungary
Archaeological sites of Hungary
Archaeological systematic survey in Pest County (Gödöllő Hills and Galga Valley)
Archi- and neocortical morphological alterations in tumor- and developmental malformation induced human epilepsy
Architectural and immunohistochemical characterization of biliary ductules in normal human liver
Architectural changes during regenerative and ontogenic liver growth in the rat
Architectural Drawing and education – contributions to the emergence of a discipline
Architectural history of the Löwer-District in Sopron
Architecture of regional cultures on the Millennium - contemporary portuguese architecture
Archives of Hungarian Vernacular Architecture
Archontology of Medieval Hungary vol. I. (1000-1301) and vol. III. (1458-1526)
Arctic climate and atmospheric dust variations during the late glacial period from remnants of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
Are invasive plants ccophysologically more plastic than their non-invasive relatives?
Are there systemic components in plant UV responses?
Argonauts Programme
Aristocratic Students in the Jesuit School Network in the Kingdom of Hungary and Transylvania in the 17–18th Centuries
Aristotelian and Peripatetic natural philosophy: The problem of celestial nature
Arithmetical functions, sets of uniqueness, generalized number systems
Arnold Hauser. His career and reception
Ároktő Dongóhalom (middle Bronze Age settlement) and the landscape history of the Bükk Mountains/Great Hungarian
Ároktő-Dongóhalom (middle Bronze Age settlement) and the landscape history of the Bükk Mountais/Great Hungarian Plain juncture
Aromatic stacking between nucleobase and enzyme promotes phosphate ester hydrolysis in dUTPase
Arrangements and approximation of convex bodies
ARRS Lead Agency - Multiscale investigations of calmodulin conformational dynamics
ARRS Lead Agency: »FunContrAPest: Novel fungal proteins for biopesticidial control of challenging invasive alien agricultural pests«
ARRS LEAD AGENCY: Optimization of autologous blood plasma rich with platelets and extracellular vesicles for treatment of postoperative wounds in otorhinolaryngology
Ars compilandi: A későközépkori prédikációs segédkönyvek forráshasználata (Universitas Könyvkiadó)
Arsenic geochemistry in thermal water aquifers in the Great Hungarian Plain
Arthistory in the 19–20th Century in Hungary
Articles on research projects funded by OTKA - in color
Artifical intelligence methods in process modelling
Artificial intelligence for processing signals measured by modern brain sensors
Artificial intelligence-supported quality control of pharmaceutical manufacturing
Artificial propagation of European eel
Artificial receptors based on surface imprinted electrosynthesized polymer nanostructures for protein sensing
Arts and Scholarship in the Service of the Nation-building in the Nineteenth-Century Hungary
Arts for Discovering Science. Studies on the Life and Work of Gyula László
Ascorbate transport and environmental regulation of ascorbate biosynthesis in plants and green algae
Aspects of international and domestic criminal law in supressing corruption
Aspects of Persian Art and Hungary: the Islamic Period
Aspects of Responsibility
Aspects of Responsibility
Assaying the diagnostic properties of epigenetic alterations in precancerous lesions of colorectal and gastric cancer
Assemblages of local agency for social innovation in peripheral localities
Assembling and Publishing of Documentation Concerning the Peregrination of Hungarians to Abroad Universities
Assembly and folding of alpha-helix and beta-barrel membrane proteins
Assembly and physiological role of the endoplasmic reticulum/plasma membrane microdomain in polarized epithelial cells
Assembly coding of behavioral events in the median raphe.
Assessing investment propensity of Hungarian small municipalities
Assessing Resistance Evolution by Horizontal Gene Transfer against Antibiotic Therapies in Clinical Development
Assessing susceptibility of rivers to eutrophication using remote sensing and catchment modelingAssessing susceptibility of rivers to eutrophication using remote sensing and catchment modeling
Assessing the ability of cannabinoids to correct the calcium fluxes in skeletal muscle fibers from mdx mice
Assessing the interaction of complement MASP-1 with endothelial cells under physiological and pathological conditions
Assessing the potential of a novel method of fighting chytridiomycosis, the most devastating emerging infectious disease of wildlife
Assessment and modification of the microcirculatory consequences of locomotor disorders
Assessment of cutaneous anti-inflammatory effects of phytocannabinoids
Assessment of cytostatic transition metal complexes in cell membrane therapy
Assessment of geographical effects of climate change with remote sensing methods
Assessment of impacts of the invasive oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata) in oak forests, and exploration of the potential for its biological control
Assessment of molecular interactions between tumor cell-derived exosomes and the tumor microenvironment
Assessment of vaccination induced pathogen specific antibody level and complement activation on microarray
Assessment of wind erodibility of soils with different methods and the possibilities of wind erosion protection
Assimilation language use, identify- Double identy, comparative Research amorig the German, Croatina, Serb, Slovak & Sloven minorities in Hungary in synchron and diacron perspective
Association beetween genomic alterations and gene expression, search for genetic markers in association with melanoma metastasis formation
Association between cigarette smoking-provoked vasopressin release and skin blood flow reduction in relation to ageing, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and vasospastic angina: can vasopressin play an etiological role in the development of hypertensio
Association between glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms and primary and secondary osteoporosis
Association between serum, mucosal and fecal infliximab levels and response to anti TNF-α therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease – new insights into the mechanism of loss of response to biological therapy
Association of catalase gene and catalase protein expression
Association of estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms with serum lipoprotein levels and hemostatic factors. The role of estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms in the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Association of perceived risk and health behaviour
Association testing of barley candidate genes for terminal drought tolerance using EcoTILLING technology
Associations between interoception and affectivity
Associations of childhood behaviour problems with genetic variations in dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission
Assuring the good quality of air in comfort spaces, principle of methodology and basic data for designing take into consideration of the national specifies
Assymetric information, Corporate, Knowledge, Market Structure and Corporate Performance in Central and Eastern Europe
Assyrian Imperial Expansion
Asteroseismic laboratories
Astrocyte swelling is central to spreading depolarization and penumbra-core conversion in cerebral ischemia
Astroglia-derived retionic acid is a key factor in glia-induced neurogenesis
Astronomy and space science open university
Astrophysics and Cosmology of galaxy Formation
Astrophysics of supernova explosions
Asymmetric syntheses using heterogeneous chiral catalysts
Asymptotic approximations in stohactics
Asymptotic behaviour of interacting particle systems: fluctuations, limit distributions, hydrodynamic limits
Asymptotic behaviour of nonautonomous models from population dynamics and mathematical epidemiology
Asymptotic behaviour of population dynamical models
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of differential equations
Asymptotic methods in stochastics
Asymptotic methods in stochastics
Asymptotic transformations of tensors and entangled quantum states
Asymptoticmethods in stochastics
Asymptotics of Stochastic Processes
Aszód–Papi földek Late Neolithic site: Connection between East and West
Aszód–Papi földek Late Neolithic site: Connection between East and West
At the interface of attention and memory - using pupillometry to explore how arousal shapes the encoding and retrieval of information
At the outskirts of the city. (Past and Present of the brownfield area in Budapest)
Athero-heme and vascular calcification
Atlantisz Publishing Project for Philosophy
Atlantisz publisming project for philosophy
Atmospheric new aerosol particle formation and growth: the role of biogenic sources
Atomic and molecular collision processes relevant for radiation damages
Atomic Ionization Studies
Atomic layer deposition and applications of functional sulfide nanolayers
Atomic nuclei in extraordinary conditions
Atomic topological arrangement: relation between the potential energy and the electronic structure
Atomic-level activation mechanism of the mu-opioid receptor from a new perspective
Atomically thin nanostructures
Atomspectrometric determination of trace metals and computer modeling of trace metal speciation in drug matrix for chelating exchanger separation
Atopic dermatitis in childhood. The role of family structure, indoor environment, feeding and bacterial superantigens.
Attandance in the BotrySclero 2022 Symposium
Attendance at the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science
Attendance of international scholarly conference
Attendance on the EUPA Proteomic Forum 2022 congress
Attendance on the VI International Symposium on Post-harvest Pathology: Innovation and advanced technologies for managing postharvest pathogens conference
Attending conferences of the History of Education, Education Sciences
Attending Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems Conference
Attending the GRC Calcium Signaling Conference
Attention and distraction in hearing
Attenuated pseudorabies virus-evoked rapid innate immune response in the rat brain (Elsevier)
Attenuation of oxidative stress-induced inflammation by probiotic lactobacilli in intestinal epithelial cells: mechanism of action and application as antibiotic-substitute in weanling pigs
Attila József: Studies and articles (1930-1937)
Attometer physics phenomena: experimental and theoretical studies at the CERN LHC ALICE detector
Attosecond dynamics of matter in ultra-high laser fields with sub-cycle temporal and sub-wavelength, nanometer-scale spatial resolution
Attosecond dynamics of matter in ultra-high laser fields with sub-cycle temporal and sub-wavelength, nanometer-scale spatial resolution
Attribution research of ancient Greek and Roman jewellery: possibilities and limits of the comparative technical analysis method through Hellenistic and Imperial Period gold jewellery
Auditory processing abilities in newborn infants
Augmentation and structural problems on graphs
Augmenting the absorption cross-section of photosystem I for enhanced photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency
Aurora-text edition
Automata, fixed points, and logic
Automata, trees and logic
Automated modeling of chemical reaction dynamics
Automatic and task-related information processing: change detection in task context
Automatic measurement and control of shape of long-span bridges
Automatic phonologial phrase and prosodic event detection for the extraction of syntactic and semantic/pragmatic information from speech
Automatic speaker diarization in Hungarian spontaneous discourse
Automatic transcription and modelling of speech with disfluency and voice disorders and their clinical application
Automatized cytogenetic screening of male breeding animals
Automorphic forms and L-functions
Automorphic forms and L-functions
Autonomists and Patentalists. Political struggle for and against the Protestant Patent in Hungary, 1859-1867
Autonomy in public administration - autonomous public administration
Autophagy – a possible ameliorating factor in glycogen storage disease type 1
Auxological study of Children living in Disadvantaged micro-regions - Auxological Data to the Hungarian National Programme againts Child Poverty
Avar Cemetery at Zamardi
Avian neuroethological models for the study of social behaviour and its disorders
Az adenovírus hexonfehérje antigénszerkezete és funkcioná-lis szerepe az endocitotikus transzportban
Az áltudomány mint alternatíva ellen (BME Szolgáltató Kft., Műegyetemi Kiadó)
Az édeskömény (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) minőségi drogelőállítását megalapozó virágzásbiológiai és kemotaxonómiai összefüggések vizsgálata
Az egyi vérkeringés autoregulációs dinamikájának analízise a fraktál- és káoszelmélet alapján
Az elsajátítási motíváció (Műszaki Könyvkiadó)
Az érés és a szénhidrogén-képződés folyamatainak összeha-sonlítása növényieredetű (III-as és II/III-as átmeneti tí-pusú) és kénben gazdag II-es és III-as típusú szerves anya-gok esetében
Az EU Adaptáció és versenyképesség
Az iskolába rendezett gyerek. Kiváltság és különbségtétel a közoktatásban. (Gondolat Kiadó Kör Kft.)
BACH1 acts as a pioneer repressor to shape the transcriptional and chromatin-3D landscape in macrophages
Background and consequences of the azole-resistance in mucormycosis-causing fungi
Background and regularities of accumulation of phenolic compounds in medicinal plants
Background and regularities of accumulation of phenolic compounds in medicinal plants
Bacteria on optical biochips: fundamentals and model systems
Bacterial biodiversity of Hungarian soda lakes and polyphasic taxonomic characterisation of extremophile microorganisms
Bacterial evolution of biocide resistance
Bacterium-fungus interactions during growth substrate colonisation and fruiting body formation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Balance of powers and the international publicity. Hungary in the German broasdsheet in the century
Ballistic electron transport in hybrid nanostructures
Ballistic electron transport in low dimensional nanostructures
Banchmark calculations for identifying reliable quantum chemical components for QM/MM and fragment based methods
Baroque literature in Silesia and alongside the Duna (text, studies)
Barrier maturation in stem cell models of cerebrovascular endothelium
Basal forebrain control of prefrontal cortical function during fear learning
Basal ganglia circuits in learning and motivation: the roles of nucleus accumbens and aspartate
Basic and interdisciplinary research of noise and fluctuations in physics, neurocardiology and nanotechnology
Basic Investigation of the Applicability of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Models to Improve the Quality of Production with Advanced Machining Processes
Basic of complex multifunctional optimalization in mining activity planning
Basic principles and methods in plant nutrition
Basic research for supporting the realisation of cyber-physical production systems
Basic research in support of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) breeding
Basic research in the history of chemistry in Hungary
Basic research in the history of public health
Basic Research on Prose Works and Correspondence of Zsigmond Justh
Basic research on small livestock
Basic researchers
Basis of building-up and developing the environmental-conscious behaviour of companies
Bayesian methods for the generalized feature subset selection problem and their biomedical applications
Bayesian, systems-based methods for analyzing large health data sets
Beginning of a New Era - Beginning of a New Paradigm. Changes in the Ethics of the Roman Philosophy and Historiography in the 1st century B.C. and A.D.
Behavior of discrete and continuous time stochastic processes
Behavior of mechanical connections of a timbered framework structure due to dynamic loads
Behavior of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions from effective models of QCD
Behavior-specific coordination of the cholinergic and dopaminergic projection systems during learning
Behavioral and molecular characterisation of a psyllid - phytoplasma - apricot three-trophic system.
Behavioral approach and avoidance: personality traits from affective neuroscience perspective:
Behavioral Biases, Persuasion, and Incomplete Information. The Role of Information in Decision Making.
Behaviour genetical approach to dog personality
Behavioural mechanisms enhancing survival during epidemics: social distancing and self-healing in the ectothermic amphibians
Behind Host-Microbe Interactions: Functional and structural analysis of virulence factors of Candida parapsilosis.
Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition
Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition
Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition
Béla Imrédy, Banker and Minister
Béla Kondor, his life, his work, his legacy
Béni Egressy (1814–1851)
Benthic algal composition-extreme climatic events' relations in the Carpathian Basin
Beta-amyloid aggregation and interaction with proteins; novel neuroprotective compounds for prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Bethe Ansatz and Dynamical R-matrices in integrable models
Between passion and emotion: changes in the theory of the emotionionality in the 18th century
Between right-wing radicalism and conservatism. Miklós Horthy, 1919-1931.
Beyond Hermiticity: open quantum systems
Beyond the dogma: quantitative biophysical analysis of the clustering of receptor tyrosine kinases and its effect on transmembrane signaling
Beyond trypsin: The role of collision energy in mass-spectrometry-based bottom-up and middle-down proteomics with alternative enzymes
Biased Intuitive Decisions: Assessment and Correcting Techniques
Biased sex ratios: evolutionary significance and consequences for conservation biology
Bibliography of Hungarian Authors' Printed Matter in Abroad between 1761-1800
Bifurcation Research in Power Electronics and Motion Control
Bilateral Treaties and Minority Protection in Central and Southeastern Europe
Bio-inspired computation: formal language theoretic models
Bioactive macromolecules and ions: Study of equilibrium and kinetic processes influencing high performance analytical separations
Bioassay-guided isolation of antiproliferative compounds from plants and biotechnological sources and their in vitro/in vivo studies
Bioassay-guided isolation of antiproliferative compounds from plants and biotechnological sources and their in vitro/in vivo studies
Bioavailability of systematically and topically applied fluorides in caries prevention
Biobehavioral inflexibility and risk for juvenile-onset depression-Revised version
Biochemical analysis of the replication of stable secondary structure-forming DNA sequences
Biochemical and biomechanical analysis of the musle in cerebral palsy
Biochemical and cell biological changes during platelet activation
Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of resistance of grapes to powdery mildew
Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of resistance of grapes to powdery mildew
Biochemical background of corneal stromal opacification (haze) after photorefractive laser-treatment
Biochemical characterization of calmodulin-sphingosylphosphorylcholine interaction
Biocompatible ceramic matrix nanocomposites: preparation and investigation
Biocompatible ceramic matrix nanocomposites: preparation and investigation
Biocompatible polymer scaffolds for potential biomedical applications
Biocomplex – serum protein interactions
BIOCONTRACT, mutualisms, contracts, space, and dispersa
Biodistribution of antitumor metal complexes: solution speciation and interaction with transport and target macromolecules
Biodiverdity of the littoral zone of Lake Balaton: biomonitoring of structures and trophic relationships of invertebrate and vertebrate (fish) communities
Biodiversity and ecosystem functions at the crossroads of agricultural intensification and urbanization
Biodiversity of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages of streams in the Balaton catchment area – development of a long term biomonitoring system
Biodiversity patterns and conservation priorities in the Balkan Peninsula and the Carpathian Basin
Biodiversity under agricultural and urbanization constrains
Biodiversity, soil seed banks and grassland restoration
Bioelectrochemically-assisted downstream processing for advanced biohydrogen production
Bioenergetical changes in glutamate excitotoxicity and oxidative stress
Biofungicide and bioactivator potential of novel defensin-like proteins from Solanum lycopersicum L.
Biographie, Career wiev and Oeuvre-catalogue of Johann Blaschke (1770-1833)
Biography and psychotherapy
Biohydrogen and biomass production in algal-bacterial co-cultures
Bioinformatics approaches to transmembrane protein structures
Bioinformatics of transmembrane protein sorting
Bioinspired metallopeptides for the functional mimicking of metalloenzymes
Biological and genetic basis of epidemiological competitions between Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Infantis
Biological and genetic basis of epidemiological competitions between Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Infantis
Biological and therapeutic relevance of Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 in small cell lung cancer
Biological effects of electromagnetical fields
Biological effects of low dose ionizing radiation, the effect of individual radiation susceptibility
Biological functions and mechanism of action of WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 proteins
Biological role and clinical importance of procalcitonin in bacterial and fungal infections: bioregulation of procalcitonin production
Biologically and environmentally relevant redox reactions of inorganic oxidants
Biology and ecology of invading weeds and their virus epidemiological role
Biology and ecology of invading weeds and their virus epidemiological role
Biology of RNA interference in model and crop plants: molecular link between biogenesis and action of small regulatory RNAs.
Biomachinery of uridine isomerisation: the structure and catalytic mechanism of box H/ACA pseudouridinase
Biomarker-based phenotyping of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations
Biomechanical analysis of effect of endoprothesis with in vivo motion analysis
Biomechanical constraints in the structure and function of the noctuid genitalia
Biometrical analysis and testing of the abudance structure of a pasture fly community.
Biomimetic formation and organization of magnetite nanoparticles
Biomimetic nanosensors for proteolytic process monitoring
BioMining: Data Mining for Biomedical Problems
BioMining: Data Mining for Biomedical Problems
Biomolecular NMR: Structure, oligomerization, dynamics and molecular recognition of gkycopeptide antibiotics, carbohydrates and calcium binding proteins
Bionics equipments and methods of the inproving of human neuromuscular performences
Biophisics of protein insertion and folding in membranes and their interaction with lipids
Biophysical and ultrastructural properties of human cortical neurons
Biophysical aspects of mild heat stress in T-cell signaling
Biophysics of bacteriophage life cycle
Biophysics of living cells and cell adhesive coatings exposed to novel compounds
Biopsychosocial aspects of coronary heart disease, ways of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention (monograph)
Biospeciation of drug candidates studied by the combination of separation and spectroscopic methods
Biospeciation of insulinmimetic metal complexes in the extra intracellular space
Biotechnological approaches supporting environmentally friendly agricultural technologies
Biotelemetric studies of energetics in TRPV knockout and wild type mice: modifications body temperature and activity rhythms under different feeding and stress situations
Biotic and abiotic effects on changing parental role specialization
Biotic and abiotic effects on changing parental role specialization
Biotic interactions, coexistence and stability in grasslands – A plant trait-based approach
Bird song as a multiple functioning sexual signal: patterns on individual, population and regional levels
Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: preventive and therapeutic alternatives
Black Holes of the Galactic Bulge
Blocking problems in combinatorial optimization
Blood coagulation factor XIII.
Blood coagulation FXIII: structural, functional aspects, its involvenment in varios pathological conditions
Blood-brain barrier changes in acute pancreatitis: a study on animal and culture models
Blood-brain-barrier penetration of organic compounds
Body, soul, spirits and supernatural communication (Studies on the transcendence 8.)
Bond of FRP reinforcements in concrete
Bone density and genetical changes in etiology of idiopathic scoliosis.
Book and Image at the Beginning of the 19th Century. Catalogue of the Bookillustrations by János Blaschke (1770-1833)
Book and Image at the Beginning of the 19th Century. Catalogue of the Bookillustrations by János Blaschke (1770-1833)
Book of Correspondence of László Magyar
Boosting the energy of the semiconductor-based terahertz pulse sources
Borders and influences. Meetings, mixing in the religious life of the contemporary Hungary
Borehole geophysical method development for a more reliable evaluation of petrophysical parameters of near-surface structures
Boss conference
BOSS XVII attendance
BOSS XVII conference attendance
BOSS XVII conference participation
BOSS XVII participation
Botanic garden as a ''living'' gene bank: the importance of the modell populations
Bounding of functions of random variables
Bounds for eigenforms on arithmetic manifolds
Brain receptor-systems in neurological disorders: special and conventional autoradiographic methods in investigation of Parkinson-disease, Alzheimer-disease and aging
Brain-computer interfaces in a new perspective: observing the neocortex simultaneously with high density microelectrode arrays and two-photon microscopy
Brain-computer interfaces supported by machine learning
Branched multi-epitope conjugates as molecular platform for subunit vaccine candidates
Brane cosmologies and gravitational radiation
Breeding and production technology development of sour- and sweet cherry varieties with high antioxidant capacity
Breeding system variations in vertebrates: the significance of adult sex ratio
Breviarium Notatum Strigoniense saec. XIII, Proprium de Sanctis. The second volume of the 13th-century notated breviary of Esztergom. Facsimile edition with essays
Bridging the Gap between Short- and Long-Term Light Acclimation
Bridging the Gap between Short- and Long-Term Light Acclimation
Briefwechsel des Karl Gottlieb Windisch (Magyarországi tudósok levelezése, 5)
British Literature in the Hungarian Cultural Memory
Broad-scale functional patterns in Pannonian grasslands
Broadband Magneto-optical Spectroscopy on Complex Magnetic Materials
Broadband photoactivity of semiconductor solgel coatings
Brood size control and offspring sex-ratio, parental quality and mate fidelity in the breeding of nocturnal raptors
Bru phono-photo-video thesaurus
Bryophyte ecological and forest ecological investigations
Buckling and chaos: equilibrium configurations of DNA
Buda (1246/1247–1686) Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns No. 4.
Buda oppugnata - The Forgotten Historical Work of Wolfgang Lazius
Budapest - Environmental History of an Urban Area
Budapest Longitudinal Study on Addictive Behaviors: Protective and risk factors in the addictive processes
Building of an ancient empire: the Incas
Buildings of secondary railway lines.
Bulk and nano phase equilibria in monotectic metallic systems
C2, namely combinatorics and cryptography
Ca2+ signaling in BRAF mutant tumors: therapy resistance and drug combinations
Ca2+ signaling in BRAF mutant tumors: therapy resistance and drug combinations
CABCD, FSTA, Zoological Record
Calcium influx factor- metabolism and role in the development of T-cell deficiencies seen in diabetes mellitus
Calculation of energy components in molecules and in reacting systems
Calculation of Equilibrium Phase Diagrams by ESTPHAD method
Calculation of structure and thermodynamics of peptide complexes of epigenetic and therapeutic importance
Camp-dwellers and their Families. Life path analyses of prisoners leaving Hortobágy closed camps in 1953
Campus climate: Group culture, group identification
Can preschoolers meditate? Fostering young children's sustained attention and executive function skills with the help of mindfulness meditation
Can visual mental image be ambiguous? Effects of ability and parctice
Cancer immunity and the evolution of tumour resistance across the tree of life
Candida parapsilosis infection: How does the host respond?
Candidates and Parliamentarians. Individualistic and Partisan Representation
Canons and standards in premodern South Asia: Formation, preservation, innovation, reception
Capabilities of Hungarian suppliers in the automotive supply chain
Capture of CO2 from biogases and industrial flue gases
Carbohydrate Structure Data Base for Capillary Electrophoresis Profile Allocation
Carbon - metal (Ti) nanocomposite thin films
Carbon - metal (Ti) nanocomposite thin films
Carbon nanoparticles: response to environmental stimuli. Graphene oxides
Carbon nanotubes: Catalytic synthesis, modification of their surface and wettability properties by inorganic materials
Carbon-cage (fullerene) and long chain reversed phase adsorbents (C30) and investigation of the sorption equuilibrium in liguid chromatography
Carbonaceous atmospheric aerosols in Budapest: chemical characterisation, source identification, and investigation of their formation mechanisms and environmental impacts
Carborane-based (in)organic ring systems as platform for light-emitting materials
Carboxylated nanomaterial dispersions for biomedical application
Cardiac adaptation to ischemic stress in chronic kidney disease and diet-induced hypercholesterolemia: the role of microRNAs
Cardiac effects of modulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate signalling in diabetes mellitus
Cardiac electrophysiological changes and altered arrhythmia susceptibility after chronic heavy exercise in animal models
Cardiac electrophysiological changes in automaticity after chronic heavy exercise in animal models: implication for mechanism of sudden cardiac death in competitive athletes
Cardiac stress adaptation in obesity: the role of autophagy and mitophagy
Cardioprotective effect of kynurenic acid: focus on ER stress-triggered autosis
Cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors in coeliac disease: A series of studies
Cardiovascular risk assessment in children and young adults following kidney transplantation
Cardiovascular risk factors in children and in an experimental model
Carotenoid dendrimers and water-soluble carotenoids
Carotenoids in drugs of natural origin
Carotenoids, as biological mediators responsible for enhanced skeletal muscle function
Carotid bifurcation stenosis: treatment by percutan transluminar angioplasty (PTA) and / or stent implantation.
Carotid stenosis CFD modelling and plaque analysis
Carrier-envelope phase controlled few-cycle pulse generation by undulator radiation
Cartography 2.0
Cascading effects of direct and indirect natural enemy – pest interactions in a spider – leafhopper – plant virus – plant system
Case studies in the history and philosophy of science - contemporary and early modern problems of representation
Case-studies for Sr-isotope-ratio-based numerical dating of Senonian and Oligocene-Miocene geological events in the Western Tethys and adjacent seas
Castles, settlement system, material culture, 1300-1700 - Complex micro-regional research on the history, landscape history, and archaeology of Transdanubia
Catalogue of the Hungarian Folksong Types
Catalogue of the Hungarian Folksong Types
Catalogue raisonné of eleven hungarian sculptors in nineteenth century
Catalogues of collections of the Museum of Ethnography
Catalogues of the Classical Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, VI
Catalogues of the Museum of EThnography, Budapest
Catalogues of the Oriental Collection
Catalysis on nanocomposites
Catalysis with carbene complexes
Catalytic and electrochemical application of ionic liquids
Catalytic and surface science studies related to the reactions of hydrocarbons and alcohols
Catalytic application of heterodonor ligands towards sustainable chemistry
Catalytic application of solids with functionalized surface
Catalytic applications of size-exclusion boranes
Catalytic carbonylation of sulfonamide derivatives. Mechanistic studies
Catalytic hydrogen production from renewable energy sources
Catalytic reactivity from QMMM smulations
Catholic Schooling in Hungary in the Early Modern Period: the Students of the Győr, Nagyszombat and Pozsony Jesuit Colleges
Catholic Schooling in Western Hungary in the Early Modern Period: The Social Historical Research of the Region of Trnava/Nagyszombat, Bratislava/Pozsony and Győr
Causes and consequences of the record-setting algal bloom in 2019: climate sensitivity of Lake Balaton
Causes and effects of land use transformation in the Northern Balaton catchment area
Cave laboratory: application of Ca and Mg isotope compositions in speleothem research
Cavity quantum electrodynamics of systems from few atoms to controlled ensembles
CB1 antagonism: a possible new approach to alleviate muscle strength loss in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Cedar bark beetle: exploring chemical as well as acoustic communications and revealing potential of carrying pathogens of cypress canker in populations adapted to temperate region
Cell and molecular biological investigations in UV-light induced skin disorders and skin tumours. A study on nanoscopic (dendritic) reactos in the chemical actinometry for preventive purpose.
Cell and molecular biology of photoreceptor development
Cell Biology, Immunology and Genomics Studies in Psoriasis
Cell biophysical and genetic analysis of higher-order chromatin organization and homologous recombination in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Cell confluence dependent regulation of signaling by the PDGF receptor
Cell contractility in mesothelioma progression
Cell death, clearance of dead cells and their link to the regulation of inflammation
Cell surface organization of MHC I.
Cell surface receptor patterns as potential diagnostic tools
Cell Therapy of Breast Cancer Using Genetically Modified Macrophages
Cellular and molecular background of the prevention of tissue ischemia/reperfusion injury - experimental and clinical investigations
Cellular and molecular basis of senso-motor integrative processing of olfaction in gastropods
Cellular and molecular biological properties of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Assessment of minimal residual disease and development of novel therepautic strategies
Cellular and molecular interactions of bivalent ligands with oligomer receptors
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of age-related changes in a defined neuronal network encoding associative memory
Cellular and network mechanisms of neuromodulation in the olfactory cortex
Cellular factor XIII: novel functions and localizations
Cellular function of membran estrogen receptors in hormonal control of human uterus and in pathomechanism of tumor formation
Cellular mechanisms of the neuromodulation in neuromuscular and neuroglandular junctions.
Cellular organization and differentiation of organelles in spermatogenesis
Cellulase gene expression in Trichoderma reesei: mechanism of lactose induction
Celtic cemetery at Ludas - Varjú-dűlő
Cenozoic brachiopods of Europe: taxonomic revision, evolution, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
Cenozoic volcanic and structural evolution of the north-eastern part of the Pannonian Basin
Cental- and East-European corpus-based multilingual terminological databases
Central regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of the "low T3 syndrome
Centuries of transformation – settlement structures, settlement strategies in the central parts of the Carpathian basin in the 8th - 11th century
Ceramic finds of the Bajcsa fort (1578-1600)
Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of acute leukaemia
CERME Participation
CERME Participation
CERME Participation
Certain problems of the Yugoslav conflict in International Law
Certification of quantum networks
Challenges of sustainable urban development in Hungary
Chamber autonomies in Hungary and the European Union between 1990 and 2004
Chance, Causality, Space, and Time
Change and Continuity in Hungarian Spatial Imaginaries: Nationality, Territoriality, Development and the Politics of Borders
Change and future
Change and Relic-Phenomena of Cultural Diversity.
Change detection and event recognition with fusion of images and Lidar measurements
Change of intestinal toll-like receptor expression an their effect on immune activation in immunopathogenetic intestinal diseases
Change of name or change of syndrome? The influence of social psychological factors on the transformation of psychosomatic disease categories
Change of the proton - neutron correlation close to the nucleon drip lines
Change-detection and orientation
Changes and determinants of Central and Eastern European agricultural trade
Changes in Aesthetical and Political Attitudes Toward Popular Music in the Rákosi Era and Early Kádárism (1948-1968)
Changes in body structure by reproductive ageing in menopausal women
Changes in carabid assemblages along an urbanisation gradient
Changes in condition of karstecological system, distirbing in the karstecological system (relief, soil, karstwater), its impact on change of karts landscape
Changes in death receptor signaling during malignant transformation
Changes in flavonoid composition and gene expression during adaptive responses to solar irradiance (visible and UV) in various autochthonous grapevine cultivars.
Changes in host-pathogen relationships during the period of rapid climate change
Changes in Life and Death. Bronze Age Communities in Tiszafüred
Changes in organotypic vasculature in cardiomyopathies
Changes in plaque characteristics after short-term intensified statin therapy as assessed by cardiac CT
Changes in the Eurasian Steppes and their Peripheries
Changes in the settlement structure and the function of the Iseum-area in Savaria
Changes of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complexes, redox state and impaired disulfide reductase activity in misfolding alpha-1 antitrypsin transgenic mice. (FASEB Journal. nyomtatás alatt)
Changes of modern state - Historical perspectives and answers to contemporary challenges
Changes of modern state - Historical perspectives and answers to contemporary challenges
Changes of plasminogen activator activity in tears after excimer laser (PRK) treatment
Changes of soil microbial community caused by salt and water stresses, vegetation type and cultivation
Changes of the political-moral's ideas in the Old Hungarian literature
Changes of the political-moral's ideas in the Old Hungarian literature
Changing geographical environment under social impact in the case of Bodrogköz
Changing models in higher education – How does the change of institutional governance system affect Hungarian universities?
Changing of regional differencies in the transition. Evaluation analysis of the Hungarian spatial processes in the 1990`s.
Changing of school-management
Changing of texts in the history of Hungarian language
Changing partnership forms - transitions and/or stability
Changing populations or changing identities in the Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin
Changing Regional Identity - Changing Local Society: Communicative Networks between Western Migrants amd Local Population in Two West Hungarian Villages
CHANGING SOCIETY - CHANGING ADDICTIONS? Wave 6 of the National Survey on Addiction Problems in (NSAPH) 2023
Chaos, Environment, Complexity - The special editon of the World of Nature - 2013
Chaotic Dynamics and Selforganizing Communikation Networks
Charachterisation and modelling of phosphorus cycle of different soils using winter rape
Charachterisation and modelling of phosphorus cycle of different soils using winter rape
Characterisation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae strains isolated from Hungarian swine herds
Characterisation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae strains isolated from Hungarian swine herds
Characterisation of HIV entry mechanism by tiolated pyrimidine mononucleosides
Characterisation of nuclear samples using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Characterisation of Pasteurella multocida virulence determinants with special attention to adhesion to the target cell
Characterisation of sustainable solvents and their utilization in advanced catalysis
Characterisation of the molecular components of innate immunity (CD14, Toll-like receptors) in patients suffering from autoimmune disorders (polymyositis-drmatomyositis) and atherosclerosis,
Characteristic of Byproduct Gypsum and Scrubber Water of Lignite-fired Power Plants, Enviromental Effects of their Disposal, Ways of Utilization
Characteristics of microRNS in intestinal mucosa, serum and urine of pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease .
Characteristics of resuspended and respirable road dust and its contribution to urban PM10 concentration
Characterization and comparison of signaling elements of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) induced by pathogenic and abiotic stress factors in tobacco
Characterization and evaluation of enantioselective recognition processes by the application of high and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography systems
Characterization and formal description of a new Phytophthora species
Characterization of a family of Arabidopsis receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCK class VI)
Characterization of a novel cell type in innate immunity, the multinucleated giant hemocyte
Characterization of a novel nematode PPGL model: analyzing metabolic consequences of clinically relevant SDHB mutations leading to malignant neuroendocrin tumors
Characterization of adsorption/adhesion interactions by polarization reflectometric interference spectroscopy
Characterization of bone homeostasis abnormalities in diabetic animals deficient in macrophage nuclear receptor signaling
Characterization of cholesterol binding monoclonal IgB antibodies
Characterization of EZH2 as a therapeutic target and regulator of proliferation and metabolic plasticity in anaplastic meningioma
Characterization of functional and morphological changes is the hypoperfused rat brain
Characterization of Homologue of FISH (HOFI), a Novel Scaffold Protein and its role in tumor development
Characterization of immune complex effects by biosensors on antigen microarrays
Characterization of immunological mechanisms and identification of new angiogenic processes in mesenchymal stem cells of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Characterization of interactions in thalamic microcircuitry by multichannel physiological methods
Characterization of invasive, established and emerging Phytophthora species
Characterization of light induced conformational changes and exploration of their dynamics in photosystem II
Characterization of metabolic reprogramming and identification of new regulators of antiviral responses in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Characterization of microstructure by X-ray line profile analysis
Characterization of Mycoplasma iowae strains and improving the therapy of infection
Characterization of neuronal and extraneuronal aminergic receptors in invertebrates
Characterization of new DNA repair players having a unique ubiquitin-binding domain
Characterization of oat genetic resources
Characterization of oat genetic resources
Characterization of oat genetic resources
Characterization of Polymers and Block Copolymers by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Characterization of primary and secondary aerosols relevant for climate effect of the atmospheric emissions of the energy sector
Characterization of prograde and retrograde metamorphic processes on the basis of structural and chemical changes of phyllosilicates and other rock-forming minerals
Characterization of stress response elements in Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus
Characterization of T-helper and B cell interactions in different systemic autoimmune diseases – the impact of epigenetical alterations on the function of follicular T helper cells and the generation of autoreactive B cells
Characterization of the cellular stress responses to defective pseudouridylation
Characterization of the clonal evolution of childhood soft tissue sarcomas and investigation of their therapeutic targets by molecular genetic methods
Characterization of the excitation and electron transport properties of DNA by quantum chemical investigation of its building blocks
Characterization of the function of Duox2-derived hydrogen peroxide in gallbladder epithelia
Characterization of the interaction of WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 with Myostatin and GDF11.
Characterization of the interaction of WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 with Myostatin and GDF11.
Characterization of the mechanism of miRNA controlled gene expression in plants
Characterization of the organic matter stored in the major soil types of Hungary
Characterization of the pulmonary effects of circulatory support
Characterization of the Renox superoxide-producing enzyme in mammalian cells
Characterization of the role of reactive nitrogen species during ZnO nanoparticle-induced phytotoxicity
Characterization of the role of sumoylation in phytochrome-mediated signalling
Characterization of the role of the β-arrestins in the regulation of non-receptor proteins
Characterization of the strigolactone biosynthesis-related D27-like gene in plants
Characterization of transcription factors, which control stress responses of Arabidopsis
Characterization of urban aerosol in East-Hungary region
Characterization of vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) located in blood vessels
Characterization the role of P53 in DNA damage induced transcriptional silencing
Characterizing fundamental processes of biomolecular mass spectrometry
Characterizing the ranking between increased fidelity SpCas9 nucleases and target sequences
Characters of the Age of the Hungarian Andegavins 8-9.
Charactzerization of stress-induced acclimation, early flowering and death processes in cereals
Charge dynamics in nanostructures
Charge for color illustrations of a publication
Charters illustrating the History of Transylvania III. (1340-1359)
Charters illustrating the History of Transylvania IV. (1360-1369)
Charters of the Angevin Era
Charters of the Angevin Era XXII. (1338)
Charters of the Angevin Era XXXII. 1348.
Charters of the Angevin Era XXXIII. 1349.
Charters of the Pécsvárad Convent as a Place of Authentication
Cheating and Machiavellianism: decision-making mechanisms in social dilemma situations
Chemical analysis of the responses provided by oak species for enviromental effects
Chemical and biochemical examination of plant food components - phytonutrients - having health promoting properties
Chemical and visual stimuli in communication of pest and beneficial insects and their host organisms
Chemical and visual stimuli in communication of pest and beneficial insects and their host organisms
Chemical characterization of fluorine containing ligands and their Mn(II) and Fe(III) complexes for cell tracking by 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chemical characterization of water Soluble Components of the Atmospheric Aerosol
Chemical ecology of lepidopterous pests of corn: identification of new kairomones and pheromones for practical monitoring
Chemical ecology of wood-borers associated to Cypress trees: an invasive jewel beetle rearranging olfactory communication channels
Chemical investigation of heartwood formation and heartwood defects of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)
Chemical pattern analysis of pea (Pisum sativum) sprouts using metabolomic methods
Chemical structure and performance of high surface area carbons
Chemical transformations of carotenoids
Chemical Waste: Designing Optimal Reuse and Management Supply Chains Networks
Chemically modified synthetic nanopores for label-free detection of biomolecular interactions
Chemopreventive action of rexinoid-based subtherapeutic combinations through maintenance of genomic integrity
Child health, childhood chronic conditions in Hungary in the 21st century
Child protection in schools: the factors driving school personnel's reporting behaviour
Childbirth Among Roma and Non-Roma Women of Low Educational Level Living in Disadvantaged Regions
Childhood Origins of Human Capital
Chilldren in school: Well-being and beyond
China's and Russia's infrastructure push in Central and Eastern Europe: Mapping different responses to a multidimensional challenge
China, Byzantium and the Steppe Peoples in the 6th-10th centuries: Some Cultural Aspects of the Interrelations
Chinese Commentaries on the Avatamsaka Sutra
Chinese person in the family" Chinese-Hungarian relations in Hungary in the light of interethnic couple relations and Hungarian child care providers' experiences with Chinese families
Chiral crown ethers and their complexes, chiroptical spectroscopy and chromatography
Chiral recognition in heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenations
Chiroptical, NMR and mechanistic investigation of heterocycles
Chloroplast iron homeostasis: The iron uptake machinery of chloroplasts
Cholinergic and purinergic signalisation of the regulation of micturition in human and rat urinary bladders
Chorological analysis of the vascular flora of Hungary
Christiantity versus Islam. At a Crossroads between Crusades and Coexistence in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Chromatin level determinants of cell identity
Chromatin-regulated transcriptional reprogramming in somatic plant cells during the acquisition of totipotency
Chromatographic studies on metabolic biotransformations
Chromatography of amino acids and its derivatives. Chiral chromatography.
Chromatography of amino acids and peptides. Chiral separations.
Chronic allograft damage in the kidney: new role and new place for the RAAS system.
Chronic Ethanol Exposure Impairs Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Rat Intestine (Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research)
Chronicle of the Archives. History of the Palace of the National Archives of Hungary in Bécsi kapu Square
Chronological and spatial relations of Early and Middle Copper Age settlements, cemeteries and metal finds on the Great Hungarian Plain
Chronological studies of age relations of metamorphic and tectonic processes in the Carpatho-Balkan region and of the evolution of Tethys and related magmatic rocks. Effect of fluids on the K/Ar and Ar/Ar ages.
Chronological, cultural and population relations of Transdanubia and the Great Hungarian Plain during the Late Neolithic. Multidisciplinary comparative analysis of the material from Pusztataskony-Ledence, site no. 1 and its surroundings
Church and folkways in Transylvania in the 17th-20th century, with special regard to Szekler villages and small farms
Church, law, and society: the publication and analysis of the Hungarian petitions at the Apostolic Penitentiary
Ciklikus klímaváltozások kimutatása dél-magyarországi pleisztocén rétegsorok üledéktani, geokémiai és őslénytani vizsgálatai alapján
CIL III Pannonia
Ciphers and codes in Early Modern Hungary (1500-1711)
Ciprián Horváth: Cemeteries and grave findings from the Age of the Hungarian Landtaking and the Early Arpadians of County Győr and County Moson
Ciprián Horváth: Cemeteries and grave findings from the Age of the Hungarian Landtaking and the Early Arpadians of County Nógrád
Circuit mechanisms underlying the generation of hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillations
Circular communities in the fashion industries
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and depression: a possible novel link between heart and soul
Circulation and Dissent in the Hungarian Cultural Elite
Circulation in the gingiva as a prognostic, diagnostic and follow-up marker of periodontal diseases and of the post-surgical healing
City, urbanity and representation
Civic dictionary of Debrecen
Civic strategies and local development: the restructuring of social integration
Civil society, enemy images and redistribution: The interplay between structural factors and political action in the process of de-democratization.
Classes of algebras and clones
Classes of algebras and clones
Classes of algebras and operations
Classical Antiquity, Byzantium and Humanism. Critical Editions of Latin and Greek Sources with Commentary
Classical ecological competition theory revisited: integrating spatial processes and various competition mechanisms
Classical pulsators and the Blazhko effect
Classical traditions, national literary practises, contemporary european sources of inspiration in hungarian discourses on poetic theory at the beginning of 17th century (János Rimay and his circle)
Classification of cortical neurons based on their two-dimensional action potential waveforms recorded with high spatial density
Classification of video events through automatically detected categories of video database
Click assisted self-immobilizing quinone methides for imaging and therapeutic applications
Click on science!
Climate and environmental change in the Transdanubian Range during the Carnian (Late Triassic): an integrated biostratigraphical, paleoecological and geochemical approach
Climate change and atmospheric dispersion processes
Climate change and human health in Hungary
Climate change and scale insects: new challenges in agriculture, forestry and horticulture in the 21th century
Climate change effects on ecosystem carbon efflux: combining field experiments and biogeophysical modelling.
Climate change effects on plant-arthropod interactions along a European biodiversity gradient
Climate change impact assessments for sustainable tourism development in Hungary
Climate change impact on grain yields in drought vulnerable plains of the Northern Hemisphere
Climate change in small scale: the strengths and limitations of field experiments
Climate change scenario for the Carpathian Basin using regional modeloutputs
Climate change: threats and responses - A complex, popular science media project
Climate-sensitivity of the soils
Climatic conditions and social-economic issues of the utilization of wind, solar and biomass energy in the Hernád-valley, North Hungary
Climatic influence on occurence and growth of Pteridophyta in Early Jurassic vegetation in the Mecsek Mountains
Climatological evaluation and forecast of the intra-urban patterns of thermal and human comfort conditions
Clinical and biochemical consequences of inherited and acquired forms of catalase deficiency
Clinical and experimental examinations in inherited cardiac disorders: genetic analysis of heart muscle diseases of various origin
Clinical and experimental investigation of Barrett's esophagus
Clinical and experimental investigation of the role of erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) in malignant lung tumors.
Clinical and experimental investigations of calcium regulating hormones and bone metabolisms in physiologic and pathologic conditions
Clinical and experimental studies of mechanism and prevention of major ventricular arrhythmias
Clinical and immunological features of dermatitis herpetiformis
Clinical electrophysiological investigation of tremors with central origine
Clinical impact of steroid resistance in hormone sensitive tissues
Clinical research: a comprehensive guide from design to publication
Clinical, molecular genetic evaluation and animal model of risk factors influencing the cardiovascular system and bone metabolism in children with uraemia and following renal transplantation.
Clinical, sociological, psychometric, experimental, genetic research and comparative nosology, of functional psychoses based on their 21-33-year follow through investigation
Clinical-epidemiological studies in systemic autoimmune diseases
Clinically and laboratory investigation of the pulmonary manifestation of systemic autoimmune diseases
Clinicopathological and experimental characterization of pathogenetic, diagnostic, prognostic and predictive factors in premalignant conditions and tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Clonal evolution and treatment resistance in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Cloning and characterisation of the rabbit neonatal FC receptor
Cloning and characterization of the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) neonatal Fc receptor (drFcRn) (Developmental and Comporative Immunology/ELSEVIER)
Cloning and functional characterisation of new voltage-dependent and 2P-type
Clonong of genes connected to signal transduction of Gibberella fujikuroi
Clothes and Clothing in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Transylvania in the light of clothing ordinances
Clothes and Clothing in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Transylvania in the light of clothing ordinances
CMS and ALICE experiments at Large Hadron Collider – Popularization for the Public, supported by OTKA
Co-evaporated four-component semiconductor thin films for photovoltaics
Co-evaporated four-component semiconductor thin films for photovoltaics
Co-localized and simultaneous intra- and extracellular recordings for ground-truthing cellular level neurophysiology
Co-pyrolysis of natural and synthetic polymer waste materials
Codex diplomaticus Transsylvaniae
Codex diplomaticus Transsylvaniae VI. (1390-1399)
Codices and Fragments from late Medieval Hungary. Examinig, Re-examining and Online Publishing of Notated Manuscripts and Chant Repertories
Coding of visual stimuli in the temporal cortex of the monkey
Coding theory and its neighbourhood
Coevolutionary games on graphs
Coevolutionary games on graphs
Coexistential structures of non-planktonic diatoms
Cognitive alternatives and pontential collective actions
Cognitive stylistic research
Cohabitation in Pest - Divorce in Buda. Stepfamily of a Hungarian Doctor at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Coherence of phytoplankton and benthic diatom based ecological status assessment in streams and lakes
Coherent manipulation of atoms using partially overlapping laser pulses
Cohomology and deformation theory of algebraic structures
Cold and drought tolerance of the progeny of DH maize lines selected and regenerated from microsopres under oxidative stress conditions
Collaboration during the Socialist Period. Socio-Historical Documents of the State Security
Collecting CHinese Art in Hungary from th Early 19th Century to 1945
Collecting oriental art in Hungary as reflected in the collections of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Estern Asiatic Arts, Budapest
Collection of anatomical formulas for health science students Hungarian and English edition
Collection of charters of the age of the Árpáds, 1197-1300. II.
Collection of Hungarian Folk Music XI
Collection of Hungarian Folk Music XII
Collection of Hungarian Folk Music, 11th and 12th volumes
Collections of Miklós Jankovich
Collective and single-particle motions in nuclei
Collective behaviour in two-dimensions
Collective decision making and collective mission completion with autonomous flying robots
Collective Dynamics of Elastic Lattices in Disorder Potential
Collective properties of dislocations
Collectivization and State Violence
Colliculo-thalamic influence on amygdala network activity
Colliding worlds – living at the borderland between East and West in the Avar Period (6–9th c. AD)
Collisions of ions with atoms molecules and surfaces: Higher-order processes
Colloidal interactions of PEGylated nanoparticles
Colonization-naturalization ability of alien aquatic plants and trait based-assembly of their communities
Coloring geometric hypergraphs
Colorings and decompositions of graphs
Combination of microfluidics and microspectroscopy to study carotenoid turnover in relation to photosynthesis in green algae
Combinatorial and convex geometry
Combinatorial and convex geometry
Combinatorial aspects of geometry and number theory
Combinatorial Computer Science
Combinatorial methods in discrete geometry
Combinatorial methods in the study of rigidity of graphs and frameworks
Combinatorial optimization and its applications in electrical engineering
Combinatorial optimization: algorithms, structures, applications
Combinatorial optimization: algorithms, structures, applications (a supplementary to the running OTKA-project with the same title no. T 037547)
Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms, Structures, Applications, II.
Combinatorial Preparation and Characterization Methods for High Through-put Study of Advanced Functional Materials
Combinatorial problems with an emphasis on games
Combinatorial rigidity and its applications
Combinatorial rigidity and its applications
Combinatorial rigidity and its applications
Combinatorial Set Theory
Combinatorial stress responses in the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus
Combinatorics in Geometry and Number Theory
Combinatorics, algorithms, stochastics
Combined application of molecular genetic techniques and high capacity cell sorting in malignant myeloid diseases
Combined Effects of Sampling and Friction on Mechatronic Systems Dynamics
Combined micro-nanotechnology supported by local probe analytical techniques: from pattern formation toward applications
Combined micro-nanotechnology supported by local probe analytical techniques: from pattern formation toward applications
Combined neuroprotective strategies on global ischemic models
Combined surgical and radiotherapy treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Multicentric prospective randomized study
Combining perovskites and modified low dimensional materials for advanced photovoltaic applications
Combining Phylogenetics with Genomics to unravel the Evolutionary Origins of Fungal Multicellularity
Comcurrent and longitudinal patterns of mental and behavioural development in function of perinatal risk and environmental background: follow-up of preterm and full-term children into school age
Comlexity and algebra
Commentary on the Hungarian Constitution
Commercial sources in the service of Hungarian medieval economy
Commmodity prices, inflation and monetary policy
Common Crane (Grus grus), as an ecosytem engineer species in the dry grasslands
Communication between tumor cells and their microenvironment. Role of fibroblast activation in tumor growth and invasion
Communication: badges, attention seeking and survival games
Communicational pragmatics in infancy: Exploring the interplay between language prediction, theory of mind, turn-taking and conceptual development
Community response of planktic and benthic microorganisms to anthropogenic pressures and the applicability of DNA metabarcoding in the ecological status assessment of lakes
Community-building and the integration of minorities as a condition of successful state-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Voivodina and Kraina
Community-building and the integration of minorities as a condition of successful state-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Voivodina and Kraina
Comparative analysis of forest stand structure and herblayer in managed and unmanaged sessile and Turkey oak dominated forests
Comparative analysis of genetic and induced resistance to downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni) and white rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) in sunflower
Comparative analysis of paternal protein's transmission to zygotes
Comparative analysis of recognition motifs, linear epitopes and amyloidogenic regions in intrinsically disordered proteins
Comparative analysis of selected Pasteurellaceae bacterium species
Comparative analysis of signalling pathways involved in cell scattering
Comparative analysis of UV inducible colouring compounds in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves
Comparative anthropological analysis of foreign populations in Turkish occupation of Hungary
Comparative auditory fMRI studies in minipigs: introduction of a new model species to cognitive neuroethology
Comparative chemical investigations on the Lamiaceae and related families (mainly Verbenaceae) with special respect to the secondary metabolites of genara Salvia, Stachy and Vitex.
Comparative dynamical analysis of trophic networks
Comparative ecological study of riverine reed stands
Comparative Economic amalysis of Milk Production in East-Germany, Poland and Hungary
Comparative Economics Analysis of the Private family Farms in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Comparative ecophysiological and molecular investigation of Trichoderma strains derived from natural habitals or clinical samples
Comparative evaluation of group litigation
Comparative evaluation of process wastewater treatment methods: separation methods and incineration
Comparative examination of Francisella tularensis strains isolated from different species in Hungary
Comparative examination of some mammal pathogens of the Family Pasteurellaceae
Comparative expressional and functional analysis of melanoma associated fibroblasts/mesenchymal stem cells
Comparative Functional Study of the Region 3 and Region 7 of Feline Coronaviruses
Comparative genomics of animal rotaviruses
Comparative genomics of animal rotaviruses
Comparative glycosylation profiles in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Comparative immunological and genetic analysis of foreign body innate immune reactions involving multinucleated giant hemocytes
Comparative investigation of gene expression changes, identification of genes playing central role in symptom development and virus infection processes in plants
Comparative investigation of the Late Copper Age Baden Culture on the base of excellent site
Comparative investigation of the social-cognitive mechanisms in dogs and humans: an innovative methodological approach.
Comparative investigation of the survival and growth of pikeperch, volga-pikeperch and their hybrid under intensive conditions
Comparative investigations of electrochemically prepared, evaporated, ion beam mixed, rapidly quenched and ball milled microcrystalline, amorphous and crystalline alloys and related compounds by Mössbauer spectroscopy and other methods
Comparative magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomographic and radiographic examinations of the metacarpophalangeal joint of horses in full race and competition training: a longitudinal study
Comparative mapping and sequence analysis of the genomes of legumes and other dicotyledonous plants
Comparative molecular genetic analysis of Candida species derived from animal and human source by whole genome sequencing method
Comparative molecular genetic analysis of Candida species derived from animal and human source by whole genome sequencing method
Comparative neuroimaging investigations of vocal social perception in dogs and humans
Comparative physiomorphological and thermodinamical investigations on the scales of monophyletic and non-monophylethic lycaenid butterfly (Insecta, Lepidopetra, Lycaenidae) species-groups with special regard to the convergent phenomenon of discoloura
Comparative phyto-sociological research of the forests of home Duna flood-area and Drava plains regarding to the possibilities of the forest restoration in the region
Comparative research on Karachay-Balkar-Kyrgyz-Azeri-Hungarian folk music and texts
Comparative Studies in East Europe: Regionalism, Intertextuality, Historical Experience
Comparative studies on Dinophyta species of Hungarian and Croatian standing and running waters
Comparative studies on homodimeric aspartyl proteases
Comparative studies on the agronomic and environmental responses of maize hybrids by methods of plant growth analysis and ecophysiological measurements in long-term experiments
Comparative studies on the host specificity of myxozoan parasites (Myxozoa)
Comparative studies on the infections caused by fish-parasitic myxozoans (Ph: Myxozoa)
Comparative studies on the infections caused by fish-parasitic myxozoans (Ph: Myxozoa)
Comparative study of Late Jurassic faunas from the Bakony Mts: their palaeobiology and bearing on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
Comparative study of red clays in Hungary
Comparative study of the fluid migration processes in the deep lithospheric mantle
Comparative study of the independence of justice
Comparative study of the origin of dolomites formed in various tectonic units of Hungary
Comparative study of the Upper Permian and Triassic dolomites of the Transdanubian Range and interpretation of their origin
Comparative study of vitro somatic embryogenesis of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant in bioreactors with special reference to their physical conditions of cultivation
Comparative study on rift-related silicate-carbonatite melt and fluid systems
Comparative study on the autecology of common Psammotettix spp (Homptera: Cicadellidae)
Comparative study on the autecology of common Psammotettix spp (Homptera: Cicadellidae)
Comparative study on the growth and body composition of the intensive reared pikeperch and Volga perch
Comparative study on the results of complex laboratory and morphological examinations in hyposplenic and asplenic status in order to diagnose postsplenectomy sepsis in due time
Comparative tort law with special focus on new directions in European private law
Comparison and evaluation of environmental P test methods in soils of long-term fertilization field trials
Comparison of developmental stage specific gene expression patterns in pluripotent rabbit embryonic and epiblast derived stem cell lines .
Comparison of experimental treatments and groups by means of new statistical methods
Comparison of intrinsically ordered and disordered protein structures using spectroscopic methods
Comparison of salicylic acid-induced programmed cell death in the presence of light or in darkness in tomato plants: the role of ethylene and reactive oxygen- and nitrogen species
Comparison of soil redistribution due to water erosion under conventional and conservation tillage using rare earth oxide tracers
Comparison of subsurface water-flow patterns evaluated from chemical/isotopic analyses above fractured and non-fractured zones in the Great Hungarian Plain
Comparison of the agriculture in Humgary and in France multidimensional statistical methods
Comparison of the information collecting processes in older versus younger adults
Comparison of the mechanisms of salicylic acid and salt stress-induced programmed cell death in tomato
Comparison of thoracic epidural and systemic analgesia in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis: Experimental and clinical studies
Competence-based risk management in service projects
Competing solutions in large populations with conflicting interests
Competing structures in Middle Hungarian vernacular: a variationist approach
Competition and market power in the regulating power market in Hungary
Competition policy, regulation and asymetric information
Competition, Cooperation and Coopetition in the Deployment of the Hydrogen Supply Network
Competition, gender differences, and the role of the environment – experimental evidence from online games
Competitive firms in the era of digitalisation - a resource-based view
Competitive hierarchical networks from sports to cultural evolution
Competitive interactions in functional polymer systems
Competitive Strategies and Formation of Marketing Strategic Groups in Meat and Wine Sectors
Competitiveness of Agriculture in International Trade: A Global Perspective
Competitiveness of Firms and Well-Being of Workers: The Role of Management and Interfirms Relations
Competitiveness of regional clusters in the agriculture and food industry
Competitiveness of the Hungarian elite sport system through the incentives systems of individual and team sports
Competitiveness of the Hungarian regions in the European Union
Complete catalogues of the drawing collection at the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts
Complete system for examinations of processes caused by complex energy transfer in biological materials
Complete work of Kálmán Mikszáth, volume 43.
Complete Works of János Arany, volume 18
Completion of the Hungarian Students’ Foreign Migration Database including the proceeding of its publication series
Complex (physical- and human geographical) comparative analysis of karst and non karst landscapes from the viewpoint of modern environmental possibilism
Complex analyses of the Late Copper Age burials in the Carpathian Basin
Complex analysis of a Late Bronze Age burial mound group in the Hárskúti Basin
Complex analysis of dietary patterns of Hungarian population for sustainable, circular food system development: evidence-based planning and optimization
Complex analysis of the features of production geometry and meshing in case of up-to-date application
Complex analysis of the physico-mechanical and surface-physical properties of wood with low density
Complex Analysis of Today's and Future Space Photometry of Multiple Stellar and Planetary Systems
Complex and modern investigations of hemorheological and microcirculatory changes after gonadectomy and hormone substitution, and after limb ischemia-reperfusion in experimental surgical models
Complex Assessment of Soil Moisture Conditions in the Rákos Stream Catchment
Complex behavior in classical and Quantum Networks
Complex behavioural and electrophysiological investigation of prosopagnosia
Complex biodiversity studies on crustose lichens II. Further taxa, new methods
complex biomaterials: engineering mimetic epithelial tissue environments for lung cancer research
Complex characterisation of the mechanism, regulation, cellular and development role of autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans by methods of cell biology and genetics
Complex clinical and laboratory exploration, characterization, and grouping of rare and ultra-rare neuromuscular diseases
Complex Collective Decision Problems
Complex ecological comparison of continuous cover and rotation forestry systems in native forests of the submontane region of Hungary
Complex environmental geochemical study of the sorption of heavy metals by soil mineral constituents
Complex enzyme activities supporting genome maintenance and cancer prevention in real-life crowded environments
Complex Ethnical Researches in "Fekete-Körös" Valley
Complex evaluation of the environmental changes on Great Hungarian Plain useing geography, geoinformatics and remote sensing
Complex evaluation of the fractured metamorphic basement of the Tisza Unit
Complex follow-up investigations of filtration and immunological function of the spleen after different types of spleen-sparing surgical techniques (morphological, examinations with functional imagining diagnostics and stem cells, micro-rheologic and immunologic methods)
Complex genetics of idiopathic epilepsies
Complex geochemical, paleoclimatological and tectonic investigations on continental carbonate deposits in Hungary
Complex hydraulic and geochemical evaluation of the Villány thermal karst area
Complex interpretation of grain size and particle shape analysis of paleosols
Complex introns in filamentous fungi: evolution and function and opportunities
Complex investigation of C1-inhibitor interactions
Complex investigation of sown and unsown fallow systems for climate and modell adaptation
Complex investigation of the fat metabolism of moulting in laying hens
Complex investigation on changes occuring due to natural processes and human activities of epikarstic systems on two Hungarian sites
Complex laminar electrophysological and histological examination of the human neocortical and hippocampal epilepsies
Complex networks in molecular biological regulation
Complex non-invasive monitoring of neonates undergoing anesthesia: a step toward personalized medicine
Complex plasmas in action
Complex post mortem analysis of the strictly protected otter
Complex proteomics analysis of tears and aqueous humor for the examination of post-operative wound healing complications following glaucoma surgery
Complex psychophysiological assessment of the psychoactive effect of commonly used drugs (nicotine, caffeine, alcohol)
Complex spatial modelling possibilities of the socio-economic changes of Hungary for the 21st century
Complex statistical studies of earthquake populations, with possible applications to earthquake prediction
Complex studies on purinergic receptor-mediated actions: a theoretical basis for neuroprotection
Complex study of diatom diversity with special emphasis on rarity and invasion
Complex study of the ABCC6 gene and the encoded protein: from transcriptional regulation of the gene associated to genetic diseases to structure-based mechanism of the transporter.
Complex study of the ABCC6 gene and the encoded protein: from transcriptional regulation of the gene associated to genetic diseases to structure-based mechanism of the transporter.
Complex study of the polar motion of the Earth
Complex symmetries of physical systems
Complex system for the risk analysis of electrostatic hazards
Complex water-treatment with natural materials
Complex zoologic investigation of mosquito assemblages in Hungary: supporting modern control strategies through gaining knowledge on vector species
Complex, comparative investigation of Quaternary sediments of the Gödöllő Hilly Region and the Danube-terraces: morphotectonicstudies and paleoenviroment-reconstruction
Components of competitíveness of the agrikulture.
Composing optimally arranged sensor network for detecting radiation using machine learning
Composite behaviour of lath martensite
Composition, structure and equilibria of O-donor atom coordinated complex compounds forming in hyperalkaline aqueous solutions of environmental relevance
Compositional and functional biodiversity of aquatic assemblages along spatial and temporal gradients - vulnerability, resilience, implications for applied issues
Comprehensive analysis of changes in global gene expression, full metabolome, lipid and hormone content to elucidate the mechanisms of light induced frost tolerance in cereals and in lower model plants
Comprehensive analysis of the novel D27-like carotenoid isomerases in plants
Comprehensive archaeological research on the canabae and legionary fortress of Brigetio
Comprehensive archaeological research on the northern zone of the Ripa Pannonica
Comprehensive atudy of the surface properties of single crystalline noble metals
Comprehensive experimental and clinical investigations in systemic sclerosis with focus on the role of autoantibodies and B-cells in the development of fibrosis
Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian
Comprehensive profiling of dietary phenolics and their metabolites by mass spectrometry
Comprehensive profiling of dietary phenolics and their metabolites by mass spectrometry
Comprehensive profiling of dietary phenolics and their metabolites by mass spectrometry
Comprehensive quantitative and spatial analysis of geochemical distributions in the Recsk ore field with respect to geological uncertainty
Comprehensive Remote Sensing Data Analysis
Comprehensive study of the 3He(a,g)7Be astrophysical key reaction
Comprehensive study of the coupling between substrate transport and ATP hydrolysis in P-glycoprotein and ABCG2
Comprehensive study of the pathogenesis of severe asthma
Comprehensive theory of early and delayed afterdepolarizations
Computational analysis of nonlinear uncertain systems with applications
Computational insights into catalytic cycles
Computational intelligence systems and applications
Computational Morphological Analyser of Nganasan
Computational number theory and its applications in cryptography
Computational number theory.
Computational quantum chemistry serving chemistry
Computational spin-orbitronics
Computational study of evolution in early life and extant model organisms
Computational tools for the revitalization of endangered Finno-Ugric minority languages (FinUgRevita)
Computationally assisted of organophosphorus and organosilicon chemistry
Computationally intensive research in applied mathematics
Computer aided data processing of medieval documents in the national erchives of Hungary
Computer aided information and planning system development in plant production
Computer aided photogrammetric measurements in human morphology
Computer aided planing for surgical rekonstruktion of fractures
Computer simulation of structure and electronic structure of noncrystalline semiconductors.
Computer simulation study of selectivity and conductance of ion channels
Computer Simulations in Condensed Phases: from Basic Principles to Applications
Computerized Historical Linguistic Data Base of Latin Inscriptions of Imperial Age
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age: Phase 2
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age: Phase 3
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age: Phase 4
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age: Phase 5
Computerized metrical and stylometrical study of old Hungarian poetry
Computers meet nature: deep learning in conservation biology
Conceptions of self in ancient and medieval philosophy
Concerted acoustic and aerodynamic analysis on unmanned aerial vehicles for establishing new guidelines on noise reduction
Concerted investigation of aerodynamic and noise generation mechanisms in highly-loaded axial flow rotor blade rows
Concrete demostration of the developmental patterns of the IPS (Interactive Party-Atate) model on the example of Romania, Hungary and China, and the empirical testing of the patterns in China on county level.
Condensed Phase Molecular Dynamics: Clusters, Interfaces and the Bulk
Condition Based Maintenance Technology Development for Nuclear Control and Instrumentation (C&I) Cable via Korea-Hungary Joint Research
Conditionally Activatable Photocage Systems for Targeted Drug Delivery
Conditions of rural communities for postmodern (nature, culture and social participation based) revitalization of rural spaces
Conductivity Modulation of ZnO Nanowires by Bioreceptors (CoMoNano)
Conductivity Modulation of ZnO Nanowires by Bioreceptors (CoMoNano)
Conext and Behaviour: Facilitating Performance in Older Age
Conference attendance
Conference attendance at Gordon Research Conference
Conference attendence for publishing scientific results
Conference participation and presentation in the world of digital crime
Conference participation: 16th EuroBIC
Confererence celebrating the 100th anniversary of Rényi's birth
Confessionalism and Nation Building in Hungarian and Romanian history from the Reformation to Communism, with a Special View on Cultural Transfers
Configurations of Identity in the Theatre of the Absurd and Modern Tragicomedy
Conflict and association: A theory of politics in a time of democratic crisis
Conflict handling as reflected by the Consensus Rorschach method
Conform geometry of spaces with Riemann-Finsler metrics
Conformational changes of photosystem II reaction center complex: uncovering, mechanism(s) and functional significance
Conformational dynamcs in calmodulin under time-dependent Ca2+-load: Implications in target selection
Congresses Participation
Congruences and Mal'tsev conditions
Congruences of tropical polynomials
Conjugated linoleic acid content of foods and factors affecting its quantity
Connection between experimental and numerical modelling of power engineeringand environmental protection system and the optimisation of related processes and structures
Connection of epiphytic, lignicolous and terricolous plant and animal communities in tropical rain forests.
Connection of lans-use with land-rent (income)
Connections between beliefs about learning and the use of adaptive problem solving strategies
Connections between RNA- and protein-based quality control systems in plants
Connections between RNA- and protein-based quality control systems in plants
Connections of the peptiderg and GABAerg neurons of the optic tectum
Connective tissue mineralization, from bench to bedside
Conquering the Social Media? Digital public diplomacy of Hungary and Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic
Consequences of distinguishability in evolutionary games
Conservation and forest protection role of dead wood in Hungarian hardwood forests
Conservation and restoration of biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services
Conservation genetics, molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of high conservation concern in Hungary
Conservation Genomic Researches in Hungary
Conservation of female genetic resources in fish
Consice dictionary of Freinet-pedagogy
Consideration of readily mobilisable element fraction in application of soil quality standards
Consortional assoc.: (Pre)retirement migration and its potential development impact in rural Hungary
Consortional assoc.: : Quantifying the effects of climate change on long distance migratory birds: A case study using Hungarian Sand Martins (Riparia riparia)
Consortional assoc.: A functional study on nodule-specific cystein-rich (NCR) peptide genes required for bacterial differentiation in Medicago truncatula
Consortional assoc.: An interdisciplinary study of recursion in language. The neurolinguistic foundations
Consortional assoc.: Analyses of the interactions between local air pollution and urban vegetation by in situ measurements and model simulations.
Consortional assoc.: Analyses of the interactions between local air pollution and urban vegetation by in situ measurements and model simulations.
Consortional assoc.: Analysis and optimization of complex technological systems with energetic applications
Consortional assoc.: Analyzing the role of Rab19 in autophagy and protein secretion
Consortional assoc.: Art historian and archeometrical research of haban ceramics from public and privat collections in Hungary to prepare database and catalogue
Consortional assoc.: Arthistorian and archeometrical research of haban ceramics from public and private collections in Hungary to prepare database and catalogue
Consortional assoc.: Arthistorian and archeometrical research of haban ceramics from public and private collections in Hungary to prepare database and catalogue
Consortional assoc.: Association mapping-based approach for the characterization and improvement of N-use efficiency in winter wheat
Consortional assoc.: Beyond Point-based Geometric Alignment, Fusion, 3D Reconstruction and Recognition of Visual Objects
Consortional assoc.: Biopoetics in 20th and 21st Century Hungarian Literature
Consortional assoc.: Buried Miocene forest at Bükkábrány, Hungary - a complex study
Consortional assoc.: Career Models and Career Advancement in Research and Development. Different Patterns and Inequalities in Labour Market Opportunities, Personal Network Building and Work-Life Balance
Consortional assoc.: Career Models and Career Advancement in Research and Development. Different Patterns and Inequalities in Labour Market Opportunities, Personal Network Building and Work-Life Balance
Consortional assoc.: Childcare availability effects on female labor status, with special respect to flexible employment
Consortional assoc.: Climatic conditions of grape and wine production in historical wine production regions of Northern Hungary
Consortional assoc.: Climatic conditions of grape and wine production in historical wine production regions of Northern Hungary
Consortional assoc.: Climatic conditions of grape and wine production in historical wine production regions of Northern Hungary
Consortional assoc.: Climatic conditions of grape and wine production in historical wine production regions of Northern Hungary
Consortional assoc.: Comprehensive investigation of bacterial lipopeptides
Consortional assoc.: Consortional main: M-ERA.NET-WaterSafe: Sustainable autonomous system for nitrites/nitrates and heavy metals monitoring of natural water sources
Consortional assoc.: Correlation between the association state of ErbB proteins and resistance to receptor-oriented cancer therapy
Consortional assoc.: Correlation between the association state of ErbB proteins and resistance to receptor-oriented cancer therapy
Consortional assoc.: Critical edition of the works of Dezső Kosztolányi
Consortional assoc.: Crosstalk between the three complement activation pathways: The individual roles of the serine proteases
Consortional assoc.: Cytogenetic and immunology markers predicting the outcome and late sequel of radiation therapy
Consortional assoc.: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment
Consortional assoc.: Determination of the atmospheric transport, concentration and deposition of radionuclides and particulate matter by in situ measurements and model simulations
Consortional assoc.: Development of combustion mechanisms based on both direct and bulk measurements
Consortional assoc.: Development of novel silicium carbid nanomarkers and more effective glutamate and GABA uncaging materials for measurement of neuronal network activity and dendritic integration with three-dimensional real-time two-photon microscopy
Consortional assoc.: Development of novel silicon carbide nanomarkers and more effective glutamate and GABA uncaging materials for measurement of neuronal network activity and dendritic integration with three-dimensional real-time two-photon microscopy
Consortional assoc.: Development of selection methods for grape varieties with multiple and durable resistances for sustainable viticulture
Consortional assoc.: Developmental factors influencing individual variation in mammals
Consortional assoc.: Discovering geometric properties from intrinsic visual features
Consortional assoc.: Discovering the potential inside of bioactive peptaibol compounds: a step towards practical applications
Consortional assoc.: Effects of wetland mosaics on spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of iron budget
Consortional assoc.: Energetic electron density estrimation from frequecy shift of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the Radiation Belt
Consortional assoc.: Enhancing the cellular uptake of cell penetrating peptides by understanding their membrane interactions and oligomerization
Consortional assoc.: European Social Survey (ESS)
Consortional assoc.: European Social Survey (ESS)
Consortional assoc.: Examinations on the stress-protecting and physiological effects of a new biologically active compound, S-methylmethionine salicylate
Consortional assoc.: Examples of ethnical equipoise, local models of coexistence in two small regions of mixed ethnicity (Tövishát, Zobor-vidék)
Consortional assoc.: Examples of ethnical equipoise, local models of coexistence in two small regions of mixed ethnicity (Tövishát, Zobor-vidék)
Consortional assoc.: Experimental and theoretical investigation of heat conduction
Consortional assoc.: Experimental investigation of the strong interraction with the CMS
Consortional assoc.: Experimental study of strong interaction in the CMS collaboration
Consortional assoc.: Exploration of cadastral surveys (tapu defter) of Ottoman Hungary and the periphery of the occupied region II
Consortional assoc.: Exploring disease susceptibility genes to produce bacterium wilt-resistant potato
Consortional assoc.: Exploring hadron production and the strongly interacting matter at SPS to RHIC energies
Consortional assoc.: Exploring of the genetic, compositional and processing potentials of spelt
Consortional assoc.: Exploring the impact of nanoparticles on productivity, metal uptake and iron metabolism of plants
Consortional assoc.: Genom-wide association study (GWAS) for the improvement of beef quality and palatability traits in Hungarian Simmental cattle
Consortional assoc.: Geophysical noises in gravitational wave detection
Consortional assoc.: Geophysical noises in gravitational wave detection
Consortional assoc.: Gravitation and astro-particle physics
Consortional assoc.: Heat transport in extrem media and systems
Consortional assoc.: Heritage construction in contemporary community settings - Identity, Memory, Representation
Consortional assoc.: Heritage Construction in Contemporary Community Settings - Identity, Memory, Representation
Consortional assoc.: Heritage Construction in Contemporary Community Settings – Identity, Memory, Representation
Consortional assoc.: Holocen aeolian landscape development, active wind erosion and the protection against it, case studies on Hungarian blown sand areas
Consortional assoc.: How interfacial water structure controls protein conformation
Consortional assoc.: Hungary and the Western Balkans
Consortional assoc.: Hungary in the CMS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
Consortional assoc.: Identification of metabolites of biologically active ingredients and characterization of their chemical/ecotoxicological effects
Consortional assoc.: In vitro (molecular, ion channel and cellular) and in vivo investigations for the elucidation of antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic mechanisms: the role of the repolarization reserve
Consortional assoc.: Influence of different moisture conditions and N-fertilization methods on NOx and CO2 production, fertility and microbiological activity of soil in field and model experiments
Consortional assoc.: Influence of different moisture conditions and N-fertilization methods on NOx and CO2 production, fertility and microbiological activity of soil in field and model experiments
Consortional assoc.: Influence of different moisture conditions and N-fertilization methods on NOx and CO2 production, fertility and microbiological activity of soil in field and model experiments
Consortional assoc.: Information Processing with Resisitive Switching Memories
Consortional assoc.: Integrated development of the residential building stock and the electricity mix models for decarbonised building stock scenarios
Consortional assoc.: Integrated magnetic, geochemical and mineralogica study of airborne dust
Consortional assoc.: Integrated magnetic, geochemical and mineralogica study of airborne dust
Consortional assoc.: Integrative and Desintegrative Processes in the Hungarian Society
Consortional assoc.: Investigating the mechanisms of thin filament assembly during myofibrillogenesis
Consortional assoc.: Investigation of fundamental problems of phase transitions and symmetry breaking phases
Consortional assoc.: Investigation of fundamental problems of phase transitions and symmetry breaking phases
Consortional assoc.: Investigation of proprioceptive and motor-brain functional connectivity change during stroke rehabilitation
Consortional assoc.: M ERA-NET2 Material synthesis in non-equilibrium conditions
Consortional assoc.: Magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic nanocomposites
Consortional assoc.: Mass Accumulation Rates and their change in the Carpathian Basin, based on high resolution investigation of loess deposits representing the last two glacial cycles - producing input data for paleoclimate models
Consortional assoc.: Mechanism of action and physiological role of the complement system: a comprehensive study based on in vitro evolved pathway-selective inhibitors
Consortional assoc.: Molecular factors changing the fate of plant-microbe interactions
Consortional assoc.: Monitoring and modelling of the transport processes of air pollutants originated from accidental or continuous release
Consortional assoc.: Multiorgan modelling of DiGeorge syndrome by pluripotent stem cells
Consortional assoc.: New approaches of virus elimination from grapevine: examination the applicability of chemotherapy and induced resistance
Consortional assoc.: New aspects in wheat breeding: improvement of the bioactive component composition and its effects
Consortional assoc.: Novel mechanisms of maternal-fetal immune regulation in early pregnancy: the role of placental proteins in extracellular vesicle-mediated immune modulation
Consortional assoc.: Novel tests of the strong interaction with the CERN CMS experiment
Consortional assoc.: Novel tests of the strong interaction with the CERN CMS experiment
Consortional assoc.: Optimally parameterized interaction strategies for robot-mediated active-guided motion therapy at spastic hemiparetic upper limbs
Consortional assoc.: Optimization of a magnetic hysteresis measurement-based nondestructive inspection method and its application in materials science
Consortional assoc.: Particles and intense fields
Consortional assoc.: Possibilities of personalized antipsychotic treatment
Consortional assoc.: Profit maximalization in symbiosis? Gene for gene interactions in the Medicago-Sinorhizobium partnership
Consortional assoc.: Quantum phases and phase transitions in tunable correlated systems
Consortional assoc.: Quantum phases and phase transitions in tunable correlated systems
Consortional assoc.: Regulatory Issues of the Internet Intermediaries
Consortional assoc.: Research in number theory
Consortional assoc.: Research on the application of renewable energy utilization and landscape protection on sample areas of Hungary
Consortional assoc.: REvPAMS: an integrated REsearch of a volcano with Potentially Active Magma Storage, the youngest volcano (Ciomadul, E Carpathians) of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Consortional assoc.: SDevelopment of novel silicon carbide nanomarkers and more effective glutamate and GABA uncaging materials for measurement of neuronal network activity and dendritic integration with three-dimensional real-time two-photon microscopy
Consortional assoc.: Selective oxidation on gold-containing bimetallic catalysts
Consortional assoc.: Selective oxidation on gold-containing bimetallic catalysts
Consortional assoc.: Sleep, circadian rhythms, and amyloid deposition: prediction of cognitive decline from sleep neurophysiology
Consortional assoc.: Social trust, participation, and perceived risks associated with shared mobility services. How to promote participation in shared mobility services in Hungary?
Consortional assoc.: Study of the effect of barley chromosome regions incorporated into the wheat genome on earliness, quality and drought tolerance
Consortional assoc.: Systematic investigation of the strongly interacting matter from SPS through RHIC to LHC energies
Consortional assoc.: Territorial aspects of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Hungary
Consortional assoc.: Test of the Standard Model and search for exotic phenomena at the CMS experiment
Consortional assoc.: The development of the principles of state-of-the-art soil observation and information system to serve the conservation of soil resources of Hungary
Consortional assoc.: The development of the principles of state-of-the-art soil observation and information system to serve the conservation of soil resources of Hungary
Consortional assoc.: The Effect and Memory of the Great War on Rural Culture
Consortional assoc.: The effects of punitive criminal policy on sanctions and the budget
Consortional assoc.: The influence of social identity on intergroup prejudice and colective action
Consortional assoc.: The molecular control of plant cell dedifferentiation
Consortional assoc.: The multiple level of immunregulation in Rheumatoid arthritis: the role of B-cells
Consortional assoc.: The Standard Model and beyond: Searching for New Physics with the CERN LHC CMS experiment
Consortional assoc.: The study of recursion in language: psychological foundations
Consortional assoc.: The Temporal Structure of Multimodal Communication
Consortional assoc.: Translation, Publicistics, Letters - Critical Editions of Dezső Kosztolányi's Writings
Consortional assoc.: Unraveling the puzzles of bacterioplankton functioning and diversity in shallow lakes with different macrophyte cover - One step closer to understanding the role of the littoral zone
Consortional assoc.: Uracil-DNA in Holometabola insects and in human cells: physiological role in DNA-damage repair and in signaling
Consortional assoc.: Vascularization patterns of cancer and molecular pathways behind
Consortional assoc.: Vascularization patterns of cancer and molecular pathways behind
Consortional main: (Pre)retirement migration and its potential development impacts in rural Hungary
Consortional main: Aerobic selective oxidation on gold-containing bimetallic catalysts
Consortional main: An interdisciplinary study of recursion in language
Consortional main: Analyses of the interactions between local air pollution and urban vegetation by in situ measurements and model simulations
Consortional main: Analysis and optimization of complex technological systems with energetic applications
Consortional main: Analyzing the role of Rab19 in autophagy and protein secretion
Consortional main: Art Historical and archeometrical research of haban ceramics from public and privat collections in Hungary to prepare database and catalogue
Consortional main: Association mapping-based approach for the characterization and improvement of N-use efficiency in winter wheat
Consortional main: Beyond Point-based Geometric Alignment, Fusion, 3D Reconstruction and Recognition of Visual Objects
Consortional main: Biopoetics in 20th and 21st Century Hungarian Literature
Consortional main: Buried Miocene forest at Bükkábrány, Hungary - a complex study
Consortional main: Career Models and Career Advancement in Research and Development. Different Patterns and Inequalities in Labour Market Opportunities, Personal Network Building and Work-Life Balance
Consortional main: Childcare availability effects on female labor status, with special respect to flexible employment
Consortional main: Climatic conditions of grape and wine production in historical wine production regions of Northern Hungary
Consortional main: Comprehensive investigation of bacterial lipopeptides
Consortional main: Correlation between the association state of ErbB proteins and resistance to receptor-oriented cancer therapy
Consortional main: Crosstalk between the three complement activation pathways: The individual roles of the serine proteases
Consortional main: Cytogenetic and immunology markers predicting the outcome and late sequel of radiation therapy
Consortional main: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment
Consortional main: Determination of the atmospheric transport, concentration and deposition of radionuclides and particulate matter by in situ measurements and model simulations
Consortional main: Developement of selection methods for grape varieties with multiple and durable resistances for sustainable viticulture
Consortional main: Development of combustion mechanisms based on both direct and bulk measurements
Consortional main: Development of Innovative and Environmental Ways for Reactive Fire Retardancy of Polymer Systems Reinforced with Bio-fibres (InnoFiRetPolyBio)
Consortional main: Development of novel silicon carbide nanomarkers and more effective glutamate and GABA uncaging materials for measurement of neuronal network activity and dendritic integration with three-dimensional real-time two-photon microscopy
Consortional main: Developmental factors influencing individual variation in mammals
Consortional main: Developmental factors influencing individual variation in mammals
Consortional main: Discovering geometric properties from intrinsic visual features
Consortional main: Discovering the potential inside of bioactive peptaibol compounds: a step towards practical applications
Consortional main: Effects of wetland mosaics on spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of iron budget
Consortional main: Energetic electron density estimation from frequecy shift of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the Radiation Belt
Consortional main: Enhancing the cellular uptake of cell penetrating peptides by understanding their membrane interactions and oligomerization
Consortional main: European Social Survey (ESS)
Consortional main: Evaluation of resistance strategies based on arbuscular mycorrhizae-induced in tomato against powdery mildew and viral pathogens.
Consortional main: Examinations on the stress-protecting and physiological effects of a new, biologically active compound, S-methylmethionine salicylate
Consortional main: Examples of ethnical equipoise, local models of coexistence in two small regions of mixed ethnicity (Tövishát, Zobor-vidék)
Consortional main: Experimental and theoretical investigation of heat conduction
Consortional main: Experimental investigation of the strong interaction in the CMS Collaboration
Consortional main: Exploration of cadastral surveys (tapu defter) of Ottoman Hungary and the periphery of the occupied region II
Consortional main: Exploring disease susceptibility genes to produce bacterium wilt-resistant potato (RESPOTA)
Consortional main: Exploring hadron production and the strongly interacting matter at SPS to RHIC energies
Consortional main: Exploring of the genetic, compositional and processing potentials of spelt
Consortional main: Exploring the impact of nanoparticles on productivity, metal uptake and iron metabolism of plants
Consortional main: Exploring the impact of nanoparticles on productivity, metal uptake and iron metabolism of plants
Consortional main: Fieldwork and data analysis of the European Social Survey Round 4 (ESS R4)
Consortional main: Genom-wide association study (GWAS) for the improvement of beef quality and palatability traits in Hungarian Simmental cattle
Consortional main: Geophysical noises in gravitational wave detection
Consortional main: Gravitation and astro-particle physics
Consortional main: Heat transfer in extreme media and systems
Consortional main: Heritage Construction in Contemporary Community Settings - Identity, Memory, Representation
Consortional main: Holocene aeolian landscape development, active wind erosion and the protection against it, case studies on Hungarian blown sand areas
Consortional main: How interfacial water structure controls protein conformation
Consortional main: Hungary and the Western Balkans
Consortional main: Hungary in the CMS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
Consortional main: Identification of metabolites of biologically active ingredients and characterization of their chemical/ecotoxicological effects
Consortional main: In vitro (molecular, ion channel and cellular) and in vivo investigations for the elucidation of antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic mechanisms: the role of the repolarization reserve
Consortional main: Influence of different moisture conditions and N-fertilization methods on NOx and CO2 production, fertility and microbiological activity of soil in field and model experiments
Consortional main: Information Processing with Resisitive Switching Memories
Consortional main: Integrated development of the residential building stock and the electricity mix models for decarbonised building stock scenarios
Consortional main: Integrative and Desintegrative Processes in the Hungarian Society
Consortional main: Investigating the mechanisms of thin filament assembly during myofibrillogenesis
Consortional main: Investigation of fundamental problems of phase transitions and symmetry breaking phases
Consortional main: Investigation of proprioceptive and motor-brain functional connectivity change during stroke rehabilitation
Consortional main: Living from their Land: Agricultural Actors, Rural Development Trajectories and Rural Policies in Hungary
Consortional main: M ERA-NET2 Material synthesis in non-equilibrium conditions
Consortional main: M-ERA.NET-WaterSafe: Sustainable autonomous system for nitrites/nitrates and heavy metals monitoring of natural water sources
Consortional main: Magnetic, geochemical and mineralogical study of airborne dust
Consortional main: Magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic nanocomposites
Consortional main: Mass Accumulation Rates and their change in the Carpathian Basin, based on high resolution investigation of loess deposits representing the last two glacial cycles - producing input data for paleoclimate models
Consortional main: Mechanism of action and physiological role of the complement system: a comprehesive study based on in vitro evolved pathway selective inhibitors
Consortional main: Modelling of DiGeorge syndrome by pluripotent stem cells
Consortional main: Molecular factors changing the fate of plant-microbe interactions
Consortional main: Monitoring and modelling of the transport processes of air pollutants originated from accidental or continuous release.
Consortional main: New approaches of virus elimination from grapevine: examination the applicability of chemotherapy and induced resistance.
Consortional main: New aspects in wheat breeding: improvement of the bioactive component composition and its effects
Consortional main: Novel mechanisms of maternal-fetal immune regulation in early pregnancy: the role of placental proteins in extracellular vesicle-mediated immune modulation
Consortional main: Novel tests of the strong interaction with the CERN CMS experiment
Consortional main: Optimally parameterized interaction strategies for robot-mediated active-guided motion therapy at spastic hemiparetic upper limbs
Consortional main: Optimization of a magnetic hysteresis measurement-based nondestructive inspection method and its application in materials science
Consortional main: Optimization of a magnetic hysteresis measurement-based nondestructive inspection method and its application in materials science
Consortional main: Particles and Intense Fields
Consortional main: Possibilities of personalized antipsychotic treatment
Consortional main: Profit maximalization in symbiosis? Gene for gene interactions in the Medicago-Sinorhizobium partnership
Consortional main: Quantifying the effects of climate change on long distance migratory birds: A case study using Hungarian Sand Martins (Riparia riparia)
Consortional main: Quantum phases and phase transitions in tunable correlated systems
Consortional main: Regulatory Issues of the Internet Intermediaries
Consortional main: Research in Number Theory
Consortional main: Research on the application of renewable energy utilization and landscape protection on sample areas of Hungary
Consortional main: REvPAMS: an integrated REsearch of a volcano with Potentially Active Magma Storage, the youngest volcano (Ciomadul, E Carpathians) of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Consortional main: Sleep, circadian rhythms, and amyloid deposition: prediction of cognitive decline from sleep neurophysiology
Consortional main: Social trust, participation, and perceived risks associated with shared mobility services. How to promote participation in shared mobility services in Hungary?
Consortional main: Study of the effect of barley chromosome regions incorporated into the wheat genome on earliness, quality and drought tolerance
Consortional main: Systematic investigation of the strongly interacting matter from SPS through RHIC to LHC energies
Consortional main: Territorial aspects of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Hungary
Consortional main: Test of the Standard Model and search for exotic phenomena at the CMS experiment
Consortional main: The development of the principles of state-of-the-art soil observation and information system to serve the conservation of soil resources of Hungary
Consortional main: The Effect and Memory of the Great War on Rural Culture
Consortional main: The functional study of nodule-specific cystein-rich (NCR) peptide genes required for bacterial differentiation in Medicago truncatula.
Consortional main: The Impact of Punitive Criminal Policy in Sentencing and Its Fiscal Effects
Consortional main: The influence of social identity on intergroup prejudice and collective action
Consortional main: The molecular control of plant cell dedifferentiation
Consortional main: The multiple level of immunregulation in Rheumatoid arthritis: the role of B-cells
Consortional main: The Social and Mental Dynamics of Cooperation
Consortional main: The Standard Model and beyond: Searching for New Physics with the CERN LHC CMS experiment
Consortional main: The temporal structure of multimodal communication
Consortional main: The Timing of Life: Understanding the Consequences of Individualization for The Organisation of the Life Course in Europe
Consortional main: Translation, Publications, Correspondence - Critical Edition of Dezső Kosztolányi's Works
Consortional main: Unraveling the puzzles of bacterioplankton functioning and diversity in shallow lakes with different macrophyte cover - One step closer to understanding the role of the littoral zone
Consortional main: Uracil-DNA in Holometabola insects and in human cells: physiological role in DNA-damage repair and in signaling
Consortional main: Uracil-DNA in Holometabola insects and in human cells: physiological role in DNA-damage repair and in signaling
Consortional main: Vascularization patterns of cancer and molecular pathways behind
Constitutiv equations of nonlocal continuum mechanics and their application on investigation of Wawe stability and in biomechanics on modelling of blood-vessel
Constitutive modelling of cellular solids
Constitutive modelling of soft material based artificial muscles
Construction and characterization of live-attenuated enterobacterial vaccine candidates
Construction and study of light-matter interaction in hybrid structures based on graphene, MoS2, and nanoparticles
Construction of a spatially heterodyne LIBS spectrometer and its application to the development of sensitive and selective trace analytical methods
Construction of database for web based searchable reference lists of periodicals published in Hungary for social sciences and humanities
Construction of Full-text Databases
Construction of the Székely self-concept in the 19th and 20th centuries
Consumer Biases, Nudging and Regulation
Consumer Protection in the Criminal Law
Contact parameter identification of machines based on nonlinear dynamical experiments
Contacts and Relationships of Hungarian Aristocracy between the 16th and 20th Century.
Contacts to III-nitride semiconductors
Contacts to III-nitride semiconductors
Contemporary objects, contemporary people, social history museums. Towards a museum based on participation and collaboration
Contemporary questions of multivariate and weighted approximation
Contemporary theories of space and spatiality in the Central Eastern European context
Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century
Continuation of Excavating Istállós-kő Cave and Problem of Bükk Aurignacian
Continuing of the Field-work in Bir Minih and Preparing the Publication
Continuing the application "Preparations for the Lőrinc Szabó critical edition" and starting the critical edition itself
Continuing the Preparations for the Lőrinc Szabó Critical Edition and Starting the Critical Edition itself.
Continuity and Turning Points in the Activity of the Educational School of The University of Debrecen
Continuous and pulsed lasers in processing of solids: Laser-induced thin film transfer and direct writing
Contrasting Romanian and Hungarian Histories (On the Anatomy of the Great Debats)
Contribution by distinct types of GABAergic interneuron to hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillations.
Contribution of performance management systems to efficient and effective functioning of the for-profit, public and nonprofit sectors - Perspectives of the Hungarian economy
Contribution of the gut microbiome in Parkinson's disease
Contribution of the platelet physiology and pathophysiology to cardiovascular disorders
Contribution Score Computation for Secure and Private Federated Learning
Contributions to the History of Art of the Arpadian Age. I.
Control of amygdala-dependent fear learning by defined neuronal populations
Control of ion properties in low-pressure radiofrequency gas discharges relevant for surface processing
Control of linear and parameter-varying switching mode systems
Control of stress resilience by microbiom-induced (neuro)immune alterations
Control of the growth associated protein 43 - calmodulin interaction by the signalling lipids sphingosine and lysophosphatic acid
Control of the limbic network via ascending brain stem-septo-hippocampal pathways
Controlled growth of metal nanoparticles on atomically thin 2D insulator and conductive films and their role in surface catalytic reactions
Controlled Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Caracterization, Modification and Potential Applications
Controlling hippocampal GABAergic neurotransmission by the DGL-alpha enzyme
Convective circulations in the Earth system under changing climate
Convergences and divergences in Hungarian and European Human Resource Management
Conversion of waste into fuel by thermal methods
Convex and discrete geometry
Convivialism - the Philosophy of Ecopolitics
Cooperation and communication in biology: game theoretical studies
Cooperation between regulatory B cells and follicular T cell subsets in health and inflammatory autoimmune disease
Cooperation with Externalities - Theory and Applications
Cooperative actions of Trx/GSH systems and the CARS2 system in mediating protein polysulfidation
Cooperative and competitive ecological and evolutionary dynamics on several levels of organization
Cooperative and competitive ecological and evolutionary dynamics on several levels of organization
Cooperative games with capacities
Coopetition: theory and experiments
Coordinate structures in Tundra Nenets
Coordinated information supply for economic higher education and research
Coordinated regulation of ageing by autophagy genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Coordination and electrochemical background of role of metal ions in neurodegenerative disorders
Coordination of Metrical Repertories - Corpus Poeticarum
Coorrespondence, documents and psalter of Albert Molnár
Coping with macro shocks: success and failure of household adjustment during the crisis in Hungary - TÁRKI Household Monitor survey
Coping with stress: integrating physiological mechanisms to evolutionary ecology
Corneal limbal stem cell deficiency: novel in vivo imaging modes for diagnosis and cellular dynamics of the stem cell niche and transplants during attempts at restoration
Corpus of Avar and German Antiquities of Migration Period
Corpus of Early Hungarian Poetry, 18th century; Popular poetry 3/B: Common morals and individual destiny
Corpus of Hungarian Poetry of 18th Century, Popular poetry III/A
Corpus of Roman Sculpture of Savaria (Corpus of Sculpture of the Roman World)
Corpus of the Architectural Stone Fragnents in Hungary
Corpus of the curse tables of Clermont-Ferrand
Corpus of the Early Hungarian Poetry, 18th century, Popular Poetry II., Part Songs and Wedding Poetry
Corpus-based cognitive poetic research on person marking constructions
Correlated electrons in confined molecular systems
Correlated states and excitations in d- and f-electron systems and ultracold Fermi gases
Correlation and finite-temperature effects in metallic magnets
Correlation between intermediary metabolism and free radical formation in isolated nerve endings and in microglial cells
Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of advanced ultrafine-grained materials
Correlation between perception and emotion recognition in schizophrenia: An ERP study
Correlation effects and disorder in mesoscopic and strongly correlated systems
Correlation functions and finite size effects in two-dimensional quantum field theories
Correlation functions in the AdS/CFT duality
Correlation of endothelial function and intravascular thrombotic events in patinets with cardiovascular disease
Correlation of factors associated with chronicity and severity of liver diseases; HCV receptors, fibrosis, steatosis
Correlation of microstucture and magnetoresistance in nanoscale multilayers
Correlation of tectonic units, deformation events and facies belts in the Pannonian-Alpine-Dinaridic domain: first step towards quantitative tectonic reconstruction
Correlation of terrestrial and deep-sea Quaternary deposits on the basis of complex stratigraphic investigation into loesses along the Danube
Correlation of the plio-pleistocene sediments of the western basin margin of the Great Hungarian Plain
Correlation of the plio-pleistocene sediments of the western basin margin of the Great Hungarian Plain
Correlation of volcanic horizons in northern Hungary using paleomagnetism
Correlations and their explanation
Correlations between collagen XVII upregulation malignan transformation and tumor-progression in melanomas
Correlations in non-equilibrium quantum fields and lattice models
Correlations in nuclei; varieties and interrelations
Correlations in photoionization from visible light to XUV
Correspondance of Ferenc Kölcsey
Correspondence of István Weszprémi
Correspondence of Reformed college professor Pál Sárvári
Correspondence of Scholars of Hungary, 16-19. century
Correspondence of Scholars of Hungary, 16-19th century
Corrosion properties of the copper-tin metal couple
Corruption as a crime from the viewpoint of the Criminal Justice System
Corvina Graeca
Cosmogenic 10Be dating of Danube terraces: tectonic and climatic influence on Quaternary river incision in Hungary
Cosmogenic 10Be dating of Danube terraces: tectonic and climatic influence on Quaternary river incision in Hungary
Cosmological Large Scale Structure in the Light of New Observations
Cost-effective Mechanisation in Small- and Medium Sized Plant Grower Farms
Coupled homeostasis of membrane lipids and stress proteins
Coupled problems in nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Coupling reactions of tosylhydrazones with N-heterocycles
Coupling, anisotropy and domain phenomena in magnetic thin films
Court culture and power representation in late medieval and early modern Hungary
Court society and office-holder nobility in Transsylvania in the Rákóczi Era
Craftsmen: their organizations and products (16-19. century). Research in archives, analysis and edition of unpublished data
Cration of high quality cellulose-based textile materials by using environmentally friendly
Creating human alkaline phosphatase producing transgenic rabbits by lentiviral gene transfer
Creating microchannels by Proton Beam Writing and their applications in Lab-on-a-chip devices
Creation and investigation of quantum emitters in nanodiamond structures
Creation of a New Urban Development Model? Transition and Globalization in Hungarian New Town Areas
Creation of a New Urban Development Model? Transition and Globalization in Hungarian New Town Areas
Creation of flagellin based magnetic nanotubes (contract terminated)
Creation of short videos and podcasts in the Science Communication Center at the University of Pécs
Creative labour in the Hungarian music industry
Crime (de)constructed: Social Control in 15-16th Century Hungary
Criminal law of Public Administration - EU
Criminal Myths
Crises and Everyday Strategies: Anthropological Perspectives on Social and Environmental Crises
Crises, challenges and adaptation in contemporary Hungarian society
Cristoforo Castelletti's theatre and his influence on Bálint Balassi
Criterion-referenced ability development between the ages 4-12
Criterion-referenced education
Critical edition and interpretation of Stephen Széchenyi's Hunnia
Critical edition of Babits Mihaly's letters, essais
Critical edition of Dániel Berzsenyi's correspondence and poems
Critical edition of drama manuscripts (1600-1837)
Critical edition of dramas of József Katona (before „Bánk bán”)
Critical Edition of Ellebodius' Poetics
Critical Edition of Ellebodius' Poetics
Critical Edition of Ferenc Erkel's operas Sarolta and Bánk bán
Critical edition of Ferenc Kölcsey's Complete Works
Critical edition of Ferenc Kölcsey's Complete Works
Critical edition of István Brodarics' Correspondence
Critical edition of John of Udine's world chronicle in Latin and German (camera ready edition)
Critical edition of Péter Pázmány
Critical edition of Sermones de sanctis of Osvaldus Laskai with preparing the philological work-helps
Critical edition of the Babits's translation of Dante's Divine Comedy and Dante's poetry
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Dezső Kosztolányi
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Dezső Kosztolányi (2.)
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical Edition of the Complete Works of János Arany
Critical edition of the evangelical-lutheran and calvinist hymns in the 17th century
Critical edition of the evangelical-lutheran and calvinist hymns in the 17th century
Critical Edition of the Jókai Mór's Short Stories Written in 1861-1862
Critical edition of the letters of István Széchenyi
Critical Edition of the Long Italian Version of the Meditationes Vitae Christi
Critical Edition of the Poems and Literary Translations of Mihály Babits
Critical Edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch I.
Critical Edition of Theoretical Works (1930-1937) of József Attila
Critical Editions of Hindi and Sanskrit Texts
Critical point of Quantum Chromodynamics
Critical Publishing of The Works of Mihály Babits
Critical revision of the vascular flora of Albania
Critical role of VGF signaling in mouse and human fertility
Critical transitions and emergent boundaries in ecosystems: computer simulations
Cross signaling in plants: regulation of proline metabolism by interacting stress and light signals.
Cross-border co-operations in Hungary
Cross-Categorial Case
Cross-model sensory integration of visual face processing and olfactory information
Cross-regulation of tyrosine kinase based signalling by serine/threonine kinases and their role in the pathomechanism of type II diabetes
Cross-sectional study of women cared for a pregnancy complicated by pregestational and gestational diabetes after delivery: Pathogenetics of complications and cardiovascular risk factors
Cross-talk between phophorylation-dephophorylation and free radical-mediated signal transduction pathways
Cross-talk between the salicylic acid-dependent protective mechanisms and other signal transduction pathways in cereals
Crossed modules over Hopf monoids
Crosstalk among pathways for prevention, repair, tolerance and potential signaling of uracil-DNA
Crown ether based chiral stationary phases
Crucial role of smoking in the development and progression of chronic pancreatitis
Cryogenic cave carbonates
Cryogenic cave carbonates
Cryopreservation of gametes in cereals
CRYPTIC: CRYPtogams’ Traits In the Carpathians
Crystallographic studies of supramolecular phenomena: correlation between polymorphism and isostructurality and their symmetry properties
CSA material science and engineering databases
CUES AND RULES - Neurocognitive investigation of auditory and visual processing of words
Cult, identity, image - Theoretical and historical aspects of social operativity of (literaty) cults
Cultivation, society, rural life. The north-western hinterland of Aquincum
Cultural evolution of birdsong
Cultural heritage and sustainable rural development. Consumption of rural traditions, local food and products and built heritage and its impacts on rural social, economic and cultural restructuring
Cultural heritage of the Mongolian monastic capital city
Cultural or demic diffusion? Transformations of population and subsistence strategies in the 2nd millennium B.C. in the Carpathian Basin
Cultural Patronage and Patrons in Budapest 1867-1914
Culture Contact in Evenki Land
Culture contacts in the borderland of taiga and steppe
Culture contacts in the borderland of taiga and steppe
Culture, intellect and social roles: aristocrats in 17th-20th century Hungary
Current Hungarian basic research
Current Tendencies in Feminist Literary Criticism
Curves and surfaces in geometric modelling
CXCR2 signalling in intestinal smooth muscle during the development of ileus
Cyclic damage of ultra-fine grained titanium
Cyclodextrin-based traps to control cooperative action of bacteria
Cyclostratigraphic analysis of Southern Hungarian middle triassic carbonates
Cytokine and chemokine mRNA changes in an inflammation-sensitized hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy piglet model
Cytoplasmic functions of Importin-alpha2, a factor of nuclear protein import
Cytoprotective role of c-jun N-terminal kinase in nitric oxide-induced cardic mycocyte apoptosis
D2 dopamine receptor signaling and tonic inhibitory regulation of prolactin secretion
DAAMBA – Domestic Anthropic Activity Markers of Bronze Age settlements: A multiproxy methodological approach to understand household related activities.
Daily rhythm of neutrophil functions under physiological and pathological conditions
Damping Properties of Fruit Trees at Shaking
Dante's Philosophy
Dark personality traits and social cognition - general and context-specific phenomena
Darwinian Aesthetics: Evolutionary research of mate choice preference related physical attractiveness
Data driven structural behavior modeling in civil engineering
Data modell fusion for studying the combined effects of different land use and climate change scenarios on water regime and soil erosion
Data structure in cognitive semantic theories
Database approach to the complete spectroscopy of small molecules
Database of 16-18th century album amicorum entries of Hungarian relevance
Database of 16-18th century album amicorum entries of Hungarian relevance (IV.)
Database of Hungarian inscribers of album amicorums
Database of temples in Veszprém county
Database of the history of Hungarian historical scholarship
Database on bibliographical items of Polish historical interest, published in Hungary after World War II.
Datataking in the CMS experiment in Run3 and analysis of ATLAS, CMS and TOTEM results
Dating of Middle and Late Pleistocene loess sequences using luminescence
Dating of young blown sand activity and studying the winderosion-sensitivity of different Hungarian soil types with suggestions of the reduction of deflation
Day of Hungarian Science on Eötvös József College in 2022 - International Conference
Deandrochronology with applications in geology and paleoclimatology
Debates on Globalisation in the Hungarian Public Sphere
Deciphering gene-environment interactions in stress-response and monoamine systems related psychopathology
Deciphering links between mantle melts and surface gas emanations in the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field
Deciphering Micafungin Resistance in Candida auris: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand Evolution, Fitness, and Virulence
Deciphering novel signal transduction pathways underlying fungal multicellularity
Deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying osteoclast activation during bone metastasis formation
Deciphering the role of the RALA signal transduction pathway in colon cancer progression
Deciphering the structural basis of protein-protein interactions and their selective inhibition via directed evolutionary methods
Decision marking in behaviour ecology of birds: maternal preference
Decision of the Regional Policy effect on the Local Organisation of Social Services an the preservation of the population ability of the Rural Local Society (village, small-town) and the Assertion of the Interests of Local Governments
Decision Support and Intelligent Automation of Next-Generation Sequencing Workflows
Decision support in higher education using machine learning and econometric methods
Decision support with fuzzy methods and optimization.
Decision support: models and computer-aided solutions for economic and business decisions
Decision-making in the Hungarian Constitutional Court between 2005-2017 - an empirical analysis
Decision-making of the Hungarian Constitutional Court between 1990-2026 - an empirical analysis
Decision-making under conflict: the role for an amygdala-striatal projection in approach-avoidance dilemma
Decisions under ambiguity
Decisions under ambiguity
Decisions under ambiguity
Decoding nuclear hormone receptor activity using chromatin immunoprecipitation in human primary immune cells
Decoherence, inelastic scattering and size depedence in strongly correlated quantum impurity models
Decrease of uncertainty of natural grassland's carbon dioxide exchange
Decreta Regni Mediaevalis hungariae - The Laws of Medieval Hungary Vols. IV. és VI.
Decreta Regni Medievalis Hungariae, volumes IV and VI
Deep Learning of Morphological Structure
Defining and enhancing the component skills of problem solving
Defining the role of polyamine metabolism and its light-related modulation in the development and stress tolerance of crop plants
Definition of required parameters of computer aided tillage-tool modelling on woodland soils
Deformation mechanisms of amorphous alloys
Deformation processes in siliciclastic reservoirs based on satellite ground motion observations and novel modelling approaches
Degradation of pharmaceutical residues in aqueous solutions by ionizing radiation induced hydroxyl radicals
Degree bounds related to the rings of polynomial invariants of finite groups
Dehydration and Hydrogenation of Carbohydrates in the Presence of Water Soluble Catalysts
Delamination of layered materials and structure-dynamics relationship in green solvents
Delay differential equations
Deliberative Justice. Morality and Politics in the Age of Globalization
Delivery of values and norms at Denominational Universities
Dementia and Language - Prosodic features of speech in Alzheimer’s disease (Theoretical and diagnostic aspects)
Democracy in the age of identity-politics: Building a realist theory of democracy
Democratic Act and Relation to the Law in a Family History Background
Democratic Innovations and Hungarian Parties
Demography and population dynamics of birds in urban and natural landscapes
Demonstrating the importance of soils with social media campaign
Demystifying dative: A study on Uralic
Dendritic nicotinic receptors modulate backpropagating action potentials and long-term plasticity of interneurons
Dendrochronological researches in Transilvania
Dendrochronological researches on historical wood structures and installations in Transylvania
Denominations and the Creation of their Past. Unknown and/or Unpublished Texts from the Prehistory of Transylvanian historia litteraria
DeNOx reactions over synthetic chabazite (SSZ-13) catalysts
Density and stability of sparse combinatorial structures
Density functionals for atoms and molecules
Dental wear studies in Mesozoic sauropsid reptiles
Depression and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis especially the role of vasopressin
Dermatopathological application and interpretation of the immunohistochemical detection of Factor XIII subunit A
Déry Tibor: Collected Letters 1956--1960
Descents to the Underworld and Punishments in Hell. Ancient and Medieval Literary Sources of Dante's Divine Comedy
Desciprive analyses of Orthopteran acoustic signals and experiments on their function in the species-specific mate-recognition system
Describing drug metabolism and regulatory interactions in the chemoimmune system using systems biology approaches
Description of strongly coupled quantum systems with functional methods
Descriptive set theory and applications
Design and analysis of ranking systems
Design and application of covalent inhibitors in drug discovery
Design and Application of Novel Transition Metal Catalysts and Onium Salts in Organic Synthesis
Design and application of photonic crystal fibers for femtosecond pulse optical fiber lasers, laser amplifiers and optical parametric oscillators
Design and application of photonic crystal fibers for femtosecond pulse optical fiber lasers, laser amplifiers and optical parametric oscillators
Design and applications of high accuracy models for non-covalent interactions of electronically excited pi systems based on ab initio monomer wave functions
Design and characterization of new autonomous nonlinear chemical systems
Design and control of EU-conform environmental friendly híbrid processes
Design and semi-pilot application of high-performance tandem catalysts for liquid hydrocarbon (C5+ HCs) production from single-pass CO2 hydrogenation
Design and synthesis of biologically inspired ion-conducting nanopores
Design and synthesis of new conjugated or atropisomeric hetero- and polycycles through organometallic methodologies
Design and synthesis of new conjugated or atropisomeric hetero- and polycycles through organometallic methodologies
Design and synthesis of novel types of bioactive carbohydrate derivatives
Design and synthesis of photocaged amino acids with visible light activation for epigenetic studies
Design and synthesis of upconverting nanomaterials enabling targeted, NIR light induced drug release
Design and utilization of electrophilic reagents and transition metal based catalytic systems
Design of "special" periodic chemical systems
Design of corrosion resistant coatings targeted for vesatile applications (M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2014/2; COR_ID)
Design of Distributed and Self-organizing IT Systems
Design of drug carriers and biosensors from erythrocyte-ghost
Design of economic welded structures with special attention on fire resistance and efficient optimization techniques
Design of functional electromagnetic metasurfaces
Design of neuroinformatical algorithms and system with applications in robotics
Design of novel methods for the functionalization of heterocyclic molecules
Design of novel oscillatory reactions and periodic patterns in closed and open chemical systems
Design of polypropylene with unique properties by modification of its crystalline structure based on quantitative structure-property correlations
Design of the heat pump systems
Design, fabrication and analysis of luminescent silicon carbide nanocrystals for in vivo biomarker applications
Design, synthesis and chemical characterization of new rigid macrocyclic ligand based Magnetic Resonance imaging probes: the safe way in diagnosis with manganese(II) complexes
Designing advanced NMR methodology to explore biorelevant interactions of novel carbohydrates with proteins and cell systems
Designing graphene nanostructures with novel electronic properties
Designing graphene nanostructures with novel electronic properties
Designing novel composite materials with combination of amorphous and crystalline structure
Designing plasma-activated liquids and colloids by controlling the plasma-liquid interaction processes
Desingn and Development of Highly Active and Stable Nano-Structured Catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane with CO2
Detachment of peripersonal and extrapersonal spatial representations: depersonalization, reality - irreality and computer generated virtual reality
Detailed analysis of the molecular background of the severe developmental disorder, Exon38/39 missense syndrome
Detailed characterization of the mouse glioma 261 tumor model for experimental glioblastoma therapy (Cancer Science, Blackwell Publishing)
Detailed investigation of source parameters for Hungarian earthquakes
Detecting and disarming ecological traps by conservation measures in lowland landscapes
Detecting the fingerprints of past agricultural practices through integrated soil scientific and archaeobotanical data
Detection and analysis of emerging porcine parvovirus infections
Detection of early disease recurrence using plasma cell-free DNA methylome from liquid biopsy of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma patients
Detection of genetic alterations of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by multicolor-Fish (M-FISH)
Detection of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and host cell specific targeted delivery of potential antituberculotic compounds
Detection of salivary biomarkers by „omics” technologies in oral cancer and oral precancerous conditions
Detection of structural materials' degradation by electromagnetic nondestructive methods
Determinants of blood parasite infections in birds
Determination and reduction of the mutation rate of PRRSV RNA dependent RNA polymerase
Determination of aerodynamic properties of seeds by a new method and its effect of the sowing accuracy
Determination of chiral molecules from enviromental samples and synthetic products with chromatographic methods
Determination of complete rotational-vibrational spectra
Determination of different polytopic models of the prototypical aerolastic wing section by TP model transformation (Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Informatics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.)
Determination of elastic and dissipative free-energy contributions as well as the termodynamic equilibrium temperature in martensitic transformations
Determination of fossil fuel originated CO2 content of air in Hungary by 14C and CO2 concentratio measurements
Determination of fumonisins-producing genotypes of Fusarium verticillioides associated with small-grain cereals and maize in Hungary
Determination of geometrical and energetical parameters of non-conventional optical collector elements
Determination of mechanical and neural baroreflex components - human physiological and clinical studies
Determination of provenance and fabricing technology of old, mediavel Hungarian historical bricks with methods of modern analytical chemistry and physical sciences.
Determination of substrate binding centre of human nucleoside transporter hCNT1 implicated in the transport of antiviral/anticancer drugs through novel experimental approaches
Determination of the carnitine ester profiles as a tool in study of human carnitine metabolism
Determination of the inhibitory mechanism for the P1 silencing suppressor of the Sweet potato mild mottle virus and characterization of its closest homologue, the P1 protein of the Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Determination of the inhibitory mechanism for the P1 silencing suppressor of the Sweet potato mild mottle virus and characterization of its closest homologue, the P1 protein of the Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Determination of the kinetic parameters of high energy radition initiated polymerization
Determination of the nutrition requirements of pike (Esox lucius) in intensive rearing conditions
Determination of the nutrition requirements of pike (Esox lucius) in intensive rearing conditions
Determination of the tryptophan enantiomers of the protein
Determination of thermodynamic parameters for free radicals by ESR-spectroscopy in biologic and model systems
Determination of virulence factors in avian Mycoplasma species
Determination of virulence factors in avian Mycoplasma species
Determining biological age by using artificial intelligence
Determining the effects of the conjugate pneumococcal vaccine, examination of invasive and multi-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates
Determining the role of Galectin-1 as an immunosuppressive factor produced by bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells
Determining the role of protein degradation in the regulation of chromosome segregation and mitosis
Determining the significance of the expression of variant erythropoietin receptor forms in human breast cancer
Determining the structure and interactions of transmembrane protein complexes using artificial intelligence
Deterrence, labeling and reintegration - Towards a comprehensive theory of punishment
Developement of new silica based affinity phases and monoliths
Developing a climate-smart land use system on reclaimed wetlands of the Hungarian Plain
Developing a high throughput electrophysiology screening method for testing insecticides on sodium channels
Developing a landmark based system for studying taxonomic and phylogenetic issues of vertebrates with various tooth morphologies
Developing a method for determining saturated and near saturated hydraulic conductivity of the main soil types of Hungary
Developing a method for determining saturated and near saturated hydraulic conductivity of the main soil types of Hungary
Developing and applying new methods to solving the Cauchy problem in general relativity
Developing and applying new methods to solving the Cauchy problem in general relativity II
Developing and modeling electrospun nanofibrous structures
Developing artificial intelligence tools for solving bionformatical problems
Developing high-throughput experimental method for investigation of the structure of transmembrane proteins
Developing intelligent control strategies for autonomous mobile robots in logistic systems
Developing inverse methods to study the molecular interactions in liquid chromatography
Developing LIDAR technology for quantitative mapping of wetland biodiversity and ecosystem services
Developing new stratagies for plum pox virus resistance in stone fruit trees
Developing of a computer-aided database for 19th music theatre in Hungary
Developing of cellulose based reinforced/filled biodegradable polymer composites and investigation its properties
Developing of the method for measurement of velocity- and pressure field of axial flow fan and its application in agriculture
Developing organic carbon related diagnostic categories to support soil classification, mapping, and monitoring
Developing soil bonitet methodology on the basis of soil classification of diagnostic approach
Developing tender X-ray spectroscopy probes to tackle problems in materials science and ultrafast science
Development a new particle size distribution measurement technique in order to harmonizing the different methods
Development and analysis of hybrid hydrogels for a new type of 3D in vitro model
Development and analysis of novel signal processing architectures to be applied in integrated circuits
Development and application of a linear law-based method for causality analysis and price prediction
Development and application of mass spectrometric techniques for the analysis of peptides and proteins
Development and application of modern amination methodologies in the field of oxygen heterocycles
Development and application of momentum space density matrix renormalization group method for fermion models
Development and application of new theoretical methods to study (bio)catalytic reactions
Development and application of novel numerical model to investigate the precipitation formation in mixed phase clouds
Development and application of open cell based photoacoustic systems for measuring the exchange of ammonia and water vapour between surface and air
Development and application of propagule substitutes to reveal factors influencing the development of soil seed banks
Development and application of special physical methods for interdisciplinary research problems
Development and application of ultrahigh throughput virtual screening methods
Development and characterization of bioactive and antibacterial trace element doped hydroxyapatite-biopolymer composite coatings
Development and characterization of epoxy resin-based shape memory polymer (SMP) systems
Development and function of the ovarian stem cell niche in Drosophila
Development and investigation of new type of contrast agents. On the safe use of lanthanides and transition metals in medical diagnosis.
Development and investigations of antitumor platinum group metal and thiosemicarbazone complexes
Development and mechanistic study of chemical sensors based on synthetic receptors
Development and molecular cytogenetic identification of new winter wheat - winter barley ('Martonvásári 9kr1'- 'igri') disomic addition lines (Genome NRC Resarch Press)
Development and molecular genetic/cytogentic identification of wheat-perennial rye (Secale cereanum) introgression lines as new genetic resources for wheat breeding
Development and optical monitoring of nanostructures for sensing
Development and structural investigation of 3D printed polymer composites with in-situ foamed core material
Development and study of microfabricated electrochemical biosensors for biocatalyst assay
Development and Testing new density functionals and their application for molecules
Development of a fragment-based ab initio method for the description of excited state and transport properties of polynucleotides
Development of a Hungarian Chinese Dictionary
Development of a low emission burner for modern liquid fuels
Development of a marker assisted selection system for breeding cereals with better nutritional value using association mapping
Development of a mixed quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical method and its application to biochemical systems
Development of a model for the material transport between spheres
Development of a new formulation method of virus vaccines with improved efficiency by production of biocompatible polymer-based, virus-loaded nanoparticles
Development of a novel brain organoid-blood-brain barrier co-culture model on a microfluidic biochip platform
Development of a novel functional genomic system in pediatric acute lymphoid leukemia based on DNA and cDNA chip analysis as well as immunophenotyping
Development of a novel polymer composite of advanced recyclability for large series production
Development of a Uniform Softcomuting Based Concept for Global Stabilization of Complex Nonlinear Systems
Development of a wheat genotype combining the recessive crossability alleles kr1kr1kr2kr2 and the 1BL.1RS translocation, for the rapid enrichment of 1RS with new allelic variation
Development of accurate chemical kinetic mechanisms
Development of adaptive vehicle industry solutions using non-Newtonian fluids
Development of additive manufacturing technology of crosslinked elastomers
Development of advanced fire-retarded composite materials for engineering applications
Development of advanced polymer composites from renewable resources
Development of an Artificial Intelligence for Automated MOCART Score Determination for Knee Cartilages to Evaluate Cartilage Surface Restoration Treatments
Development of an effective predictor of single- and multi-component liquid-liquid phase separation systems
Development of an efficient wheat transformation method
Development of an integrated resarch method for the geophisical investigation of environmental conditions in the Quanternary
Development of an online European inventory of digitized medieval music manuscripts
Development of anticancer drug-peptide bioconjugates for combination targeted cancer chemotherapy
Development of antioxidant hybrid nanomaterials
Development of arterial blood supply in experimental liver metastases
Development of Automated Agri-cytogenetic Diagnostic System to support effective gene introgression into cereals
Development of basic mathematical skills and mathematical thinking of 6-18-year-olds
Development of bioconjugates for targeted tumor therapy of cancer types leading to high mortality
Development of Body Representation
Development of Business Context Specific Digital Maturity Models
Development of cannabinoid receptor 1 negative allosteric modulators against illicit synthetic cannabinoids toxicity
Development of catalytic tandem reactions for the synthesis of industrially relevant molecular building blocks
Development of catalytic tandem reactions for the synthesis of industrially relevant molecular building blocks
Development of cell-permeable peptide based calpain inhibitors
Development of cellulose based photoactive nanohybrid membranes to remove viruses from drinking water
Development of chromatographic, capillary electrophoretic and termochemical methods for speciation analysis of biological and environmental samples
Development of compounds targeting multidrug resistant cancer
Development of Computational Protocols Based on Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Quantum Chemical Applications
Development of consistency-based models for futurology
Development of consistent energetical and environment evaluation methods of the energy conservation and determination of the reasonable extent and procedure of subsidies
Development of continuous crystallization technologies using PAT tools
Development of continuous drug crystallization procedure using polymer additives
Development of controlled drug delivery systems based on poly(amino acid) gels
Development of data processing procedures combined with inversion to improve the quality of geophysical interpretation
Development of ductile polimer composites with designable interfacial adhesion
Development of E-caprolactam based flame retardant polyamide 6 composites
Development of effective quantum-chemical models for molecular clusters and floppy molecules
Development of electrochemically assisted planar waveguide optical sensors
Development of Electromagnetic (EM) Methods tending to more efficient and more stable revelation of the geological information from field data
Development of electrospun thermoplastic nanofibers and related composites
Development of engineering measurement methodologies for identification of nonlinear mechanical effects
Development of environmental friendly, self-reinforced polymer composite
Development of environmental health education: physical, chemical, epidemiological and dermatological aspects, with special emphasis on radiation induced damage
Development of evolution system of building constructions from the point of view of building ecology and building biology, based on Hungarian production dates of building materials
Development of ex vivo epithelial-stromal cocultures for disease-specific modelling of chronic pancreatitis in translational research
Development of finite- discrete element method models of soil-tool interaction using artificial intelligence based on laboratory and field tests
Development of flame retarded composites of reduced additive content for upgrading of recycled PET
Development of gastrointestinal peptic ulcer
Development of genetically modified human organotypic culture system for epilepsy research
Development of genome engineering approaches to study the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Development of graphene/ceramic hybrid filled heat conductive polymers
Development of hibrid-specific maize technologies for the protecting of soil fertility in long-term experiment
Development of High CO-Tolerant Anode Electrocatalysts for Reformate-Fed PEM Fuel Cells
Development of high performance damage tolerant, damage indicating hybrid composites
Development of high performance ductile hybrid composites
Development of high performance separation techniques (MEKC, CZE). Practical applications for physico-chemical and biological characterisation of biologically active molecules
Development of high yielding drought tolerant potato cultivars with good quality and complex resistance to important local diseases.
Development of high yielding drought tolerant potato cultivars with good quality and complex resistance to important local diseases.
Development of high-throughput epigenetic enzyme screening platform of reconstituted human chromatin in cell-free translation
Development of hyrid polymer nanocomposites
Development of implant materials and surfaces with improved load bearing capacity and wear resistance
Development of indicator protocols to improve the effectiveness of European Union financed agri-environmental schemes
Development of indicator protocols to improve the effectiveness of European Union financed agri-environmental schemes
Development of inductively coupled mass spectrometric methods for determination of lead isotope ratios in geological samples
Development of interpolation of sunshuine duration and global radiation
Development of joint inversion method for investigation of 3D layered geological structures
Development of joint inversion methods to investigate near surface 2-D and 3-D structures
Development of Lab-on-a-chip platforms for investigation of protein-ligand interaction
Development of laser ablation and electrothermal sample introduction methods for atomic spectrometry of element distributions
Development of laser speckle interferometric method for blood perfusion monitoring of the skin
Development of mass spectrometry-based prediction strategies for lipid A structures of bacterial endotoxins
Development of measuring methods for detection of very small surface mass movements
Development of measuring methods for detection of very small surface mass movements
Development of mechanical models and diagnosis procedures for the assessment of the load carrying capacity and serviceability of historical masonry bridges.
Development of mechanical models for the interlaminar fracture and vibration analysis of delaminated composite and sandwich plates
Development of methodologies for efficient construction of libraries of heparin and heparan sulphate structures for biological evaluation
Development of methodology of crop decision support and hazard analyis
Development of methodology of measurement of the efficiency of subsidies for technical and technological development
Development of methods for the construction of accurate and fast-evaluable potential energy surfaces and their application in the investigation of the dynamics of elementary reactions
Development of methods for the description of complex-forming bimolecular reactions
Development of micro- and nanostructures for analytical laser and plasma spectroscopy
Development of microclimate simulation model.
Development of molecular markers linked to biotic and abiotic stress-resistance in potato
Development of molecular markers linked to biotic and abiotic stress-resistance in potato
Development of multi-functional, high performance pseudo-ductile hybrid composites
Development of multi-reference coupled-cluster methods
Development of multifunctional smart polymer gels and composites
Development of multifunctional smart polymer gels and composites
Development of nanocellulose based high added-value materials for various utilizations
Development of nanometer scale resistive switching memory devices
Development of nanoparticle-modified membranes and their utilization for efficient treatment of oil contaminated waters
Development of neuroprotective strategies in a large animal model for the treatment of perinatal asphyxia
Development of new activation concepts in catalysis
Development of new enzymatic strategies for the preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds, important from biological and chemical aspects
Development of new enzymatic strategies to enantiopure compounds important in drug research
Development of new fluorogenic dyes for super-resolution microscopy of site-specifically engineered proteins
Development of new formulation technologies for the preparation nanofibrous drug delivery systems
Development of New Generation Cyclic Alky Amino Carbene-Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Catalyst for Sustainable Chemical Applications
Development of New Homogeous Media for Liquid Chromatography and Electrochromatography
Development of new methodologies for the synthesis of polifunktionalized aliphatic and heterocyclic compounds from alpha-azidoketones
Development of new methodology for 3D soil hydraulic property mapping and testing its application on the catchment of Lake Balaton
Development of new organic analytical methods, proper for various, special natural and biological matrices: both on the basic research and on the practical research levels
Development of new peptide conjugates for targeted therapy of cancer.
Development of new separaton methods for the nonenzymatic glycation. Investigation of the nonenzymatic glycation of proteins isolated from blood and urine in case of renal nephropathy caused by diabetes II.
Development of new soil structure indicators to characterize the hydrophysical effects of soil degradation processes
Development of new theoretical and experimental methods for describing the collective properties of dislocations
Development of new therapeutic methods and the analysis of the ways of their action in patients with polysystemic autoimmune diseases
Development of new tools for studying the function and drug interaction pattern of organic anion transporters
Development of new, nature-friendly biotrasformations to pharmaceutically and/or chemically important enantiomeric compounds, in batch and continuous-flow systems
Development of novel biocompatible smart materials for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications
Development of novel estrone derivatives for targeted intracrine modulation of estrogen biosynthesis and transport
Development of novel machine learning models for drug safety predictions
Development of novel methods in quantum molecular dynamics
Development of novel methods in silicon micromachining
Development of novel NMR methods for improving structure elucidation of biologically or catalytically active molecules
Development of novel scanning electrochemical microscopic (SECM) methods employing ultra-micro sized ion selective electrodes and using them for discovering fine details of certain corrosion phenomena
Development of novel sensory methods for solving food science problems
Development of Novel Synthetic Methods Based on Borate and Fluoroalkyl Motifs
Development of organic-inorganic nanocomposites and their application in artificial photosynthesis
Development of OWLS based immunosensors for detecting toxins produced by moduls
Development of peptide toxins targeting ion channels
Development of personality dispositions and their stability in regards to vocational orentation and options
Development of perturbative approaches to the quantum many-body problem
Development of photoactivatable ligands for the selective modulation of Ca2+ dynamics in astrocytes
Development of photovoltaic power forecasting algorithms
Development of pollen pellet’s flavour wheel, nutritional biological profiling and food safety risk assessment
Development of polymer blends using recycled plastics
Development of polymer nano- and biocomposites of designed stability and controlled technology for their production
Development of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) chemotypes of modified lyfe cycle and alkaloidspectrum
Development of precision mutagenesis based on genome elimination in wheat
Development of procedures and methods to investigate the electronic structure of atoms and molecules
Development of propertis laser sintered or melted rapid prototipes
Development of purification and test procedures of tumorspecific immunoglobulin fragments for their further diagnostic use
Development of purification and test procedures of tumorspecific immunoglobulin fragments for their further diagnostic use
Development of recyclable-by-design high performance fibre reinforced polymer composites
Development of reliable nonlinear optimization methods and their application to hard problems
Development of resources of social broadleaves' reproductive material produktion
Development of reusable supported catalysts for carbonylation reactions
Development of rheology and treatment of agricultural slurries
Development of selective synthetic methods in aqueous medium in the presence os transition metal complexes
Development of short-range ensemble weather prediction system
Development of silent speech interfaces and investigation of speaker dependency using ultrasound tongue imaging and electromagnetic articulography
Development of single-gene FISH map to facilitate marker development and gene introgression from Aegilops umbellulata and Ae. comosa into wheat
Development of small and accurate kinetic reaction mechanisms for the synthesis and combustion of biofuels and other value-added chemicals
Development of soft sensor models based on in vitro experiments and creation of related metrics
Development of soil extractant for determination of mobile boron contents, and establish of the role of some soil properties
Development of structural optimization system
Development of Surface Morphing Method for the Adaptive Optimisation of Solid Wall
Development of system elements of linear-circular business transformations with Big Data using
Development of the calacium transient in the beating heart
Development of the components of an atmospheric dispersion
Development of the hybrid ceramic/nanocarbon nanocomposites with novel structure
Development of the lympho-myeloid and hemopoietic organs: embryo manipulation
Development of the Private Law in the Interwar Period
Development of the social-culturally disadvantaged gifted children: cognitive, personal and environmental impediments
Development of the two-dimensional matematic model of heat transmission, and the heat transmission model of building structures under channing edge-conditions.
Development of treatment-specific diagnostic assays for personalized cardiovascular medicine
Development of TXRF and ICP-MS microanalytical methods for determination of essential trace elements in human biopsy samples
Development of virtual Photosystem II and photosynthetic electron transport models, and their application for in silico investigations of photosynthetic processes
Development Possibilities of the Region and Settlements in the Szatmár-Bereg Lowland in wiew of the EU Accession Approaching
Development, Synthesis and Characterization of bimetallic complexes as potential hypoxia-activated prodrugs with dual anticancer activity
Development, test and application of neutron detectors within the framwork of the nuclear physics ERANET
Developmental and functional analysis of the sessile tissue and its crosstalk with other hematopoietic compartments in Drosophila melanogaster
Developmental dynamics, individual quality and plumage signals
Developments regarding the notion of rule of law
Developmet of biobased and/or recyclable fibre-reinforced flame-retarded polymer systems
Developmnet of nanofiber production methods and new nanofiber-based drug formulations
Device-independent quantum information
Device-independent quantum protocols for non-distillable quantum systems
DH_Budapest_2022 Conference és DARIAH Day
Diachronic and comparative linguistic study of Hungarian noun phrases and determiners
Diachronic Cognitive Onomasiological Dictionary of the Nganasan Language
Diachronic verbal morphology of Sumerian
Diagnostic possibilities of noble metal nanostructures having various optical properties
Diagnostic possibilities of speech disorders caused by abnormal speech-forming organ lesions, neurological and psychiatric disorders using artificial intelligence
Diákoldalak: Internetes tartalomfejlesztés (Tudományos Ismeretterjeszto Társulat)
Dialect and Standardization in the City of Szeged – Language use, language attitudes and coexisting linguistic systems in Szeged
Dialectological and onomatological researches out of our borders
Dialectometric Analysis of Hungarian Dialects
Diary of László Bártfay (1838-1842)
Diatom-based paleoenvironmental reconstruction of mountain and lowland lakes in the Carpathian basin
Dictionaries of the Tibeto-Mongolian Buddhism
Dictionary of Botany
Dictionary of Hungarian Settlements' Names
Dictionary of the German Dialects in Hungary
Differences and similarities of adolescent’s substance use habit in Hungary and other European countries. Causes and interpretation on the basis of ESPAD 2015
Differences and trends in the hard animal material manufacturing tradition in the Carpathian Basin during the Late Neolithic period
Different dietary effects on membrane composition and gene expression of brain and liver
Different methods for seed treatment in organic farming
Different physiological ways of morphological and adaptation diversities of plant desiccation tolerance
Different physiological ways of morphological and adaptation diversities of plant desiccation tolerance
Differentiable Modeling and Simulation in Visual Computing
Differential diagnostic study of muscle dystrophies by molecular genetic, immunohystochemical and Western-blot analyses
Differential Geometry and its Applications
Differential geometry and related areas
Differential social pattern in ghetto villages
Differential systems and their applications in geometry
Differentiation and characterization of the single stages of the evolution in polymetamorphic rocks, in Hungary by means of geochronological methods
Diffusion and segregation in nanonstructures
Diffusion of Information Technology in Hungary
Diffusion Processes on the Nanoscale
Diffusion- and convention-induced spatiotemporal pattern formation
Digital Critical Edition of the Correspondence of Lajos Kassák and Jolán Simon between 1909 and 1928, and New Perspectives for Modernism Studies
Digital Critical Edition of the Correspondence of Zsigmond Móricz
Digital Humanism: Customer- centered application of Artificial Intelligence in Services
Digital mapping and assessment of soil functions and services using advanced statistical approaches
Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education
Digital Microfluidics
Digital photogrammetry research in forestry
Digital political footprints
Digital transformation and digital entrepreneurship: new upgrading strategies and opportunities for Hungary
Digitalization of tear and serum proteomes and the utilization of the digital proteomes in examination of diseases affecting large populations
Digitization of musical sources of medieval Hungary and their CD-ROM publication
Dilemmas and strategies in reconciling family and work
Dilepton and strange particle production in heavy ion reactions
Dimension Theory of iterated function systems
Dimension theory of non-conformal systems
Dimensional approach in externalisation disorders: aggression,suicidality and social aspects
Dimensioning and reliability analysis of fault-tolerant networks in Differentiated Reliability (DiR) environment
Dimethyl trisulfide: a promising drug candidate against experimental acute pancreatitis
Dinamics of structures in systems with large degress of freedom (high energy and classical macroscopic processes)
Dinaridic-Hellenidic correlation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of NE Hungary
Diophantine Number Theory And its Applications
Diophantine number theory: qualitative, quantitative and numerical investigations
Diophantine results connected with Appell sequences
Diplomatic sources concerning the Ottoman contacts of the Kingdom of Hungary (16th-17th centuries)
Dirac fermions in solids
Dirac spectrum in lattice QCD in the chiral limit
Direct and indirect polarotaxis in caddis flies
Direct democracy in Hungary: development, challenges, and perspectives (1989-2018)
Direct photon search in heavy ion collisions
Direct recording and imaging of axonal voltage signals in small mossy fiber terminals
Direct threshing of unmown cereal
Directed Evolution of Protein Sensors and Antibacterial Peptides in Microfluidic Droplet Compartments
Direkt és indirekt autoagresszív viselkedésformák kapcsoló-dása és veszélyeik (diagnosztikus, terápiás és preventív lehetőségek)
Discourses of the nation and its alien in the relation of Hungarian citizens and ethnic Hungarians abroad
Discovering novel roles for Tks4 in adipogenic homeostasis
Discovering the vector and tensor glueballs at CERN LHC with the TOTEM and CMS experiments
Discovery of novel viruses and virus-like agents in animals and humans by molecular methods and viral metagenomics
Discovery of STAT inhibitors against hematopoietic cancer
Discrete and Continuous: interfaces between graph theory, algebra, analysis and geometry
Discrete and convex geometry
Discrete element analysis of the mechanics of masonry structures
Discrete Geometry
Discrete geometry and combinatorial convexity
Discrete geometry and geometric algebra
Discrete geometry and geometric convexity
Discrete Latente variable Models and application in the fields of the consumer culture
Discrete mathematical models related to problems in informatics
Discrete mathematics
Discrete methods in digital image processing
Discrete optimization and its applications
Discrete Tomography from Incomplete and Uncertain Data: Modelling, Algorithms, and Applications
Discrimination in teacher assessments or network effects? Understanding the mechanisms behind ethnic and gender differences in school achievement
Discrimination of natural and anthropogenic events by the joint analysis of seismic and infrasound data
Discursive Approach to the Political Party: Research of Fidesz-MPSZ
Disease-specific effects of novel, selective NCX1 inhibitors
Disorder effects in many-body systems
Disorder effects in many-body systems
Disordered quantum spinsystems
Disrete mathematics and its applications
Dissecting and aligning the regulatory and effector mechanisms shaping murine M2 macrophages
Dissecting the transcriptional network allowing macrophages to control angiogenesis
Dissecting the genetic bases of heat and drought stress tolerance with a complex approach in wheat
Dissecting the protein-protein interactions involved in the signaling network around Rho kinases
Dissecting the regulatory mechanisms of a fungus specific protein phosphatase
Dissection of autophagosome formation in Drosophila
Disseminating the time-aware computing paradigm
Dissemination of novel health-focused optimisation models and results at international conferences
Dissemination of novel optimization results of production systems under uncertainty
Dissemination of optimization and simulation results in the field of sustainability and scheduling
dissemination of scientific knowledge via book about patterns of behavior of entrepreneurs
Dissemination of super resolution microscopy methods using short films and a mobile showroom
Dissemination Processes, Network Dynamics and Selforganization in the Newspapers
Dissolution and neutralization processes of reactive components of red mud
Distances and spaces in economics
Distinct structural characteristics of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4b forms in polarized and non-polarized cells
Distinct structural characteristics of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4b forms in polarized and non-polarized cells
Distinction of chemical precipitations from microbial structures in geological formations
Distinction of subaerial and submarin gaps in the Lower and Middle Cretaceous successions of the Transdanubian Range
Distributed models in unconventional computing
Distributed models of molecular computation
Distributed sensor systems: semantic & geometric modelling
Distribution and decline of vascular plants protected by Hungarian law
Distribution and ecological significance of aggregated dead zones along the Hungarian section of River Tise
Distribution and molecular characterization of cyclomodulins and AB5 cytotoxins procucing Escherichia coli and their bacteriophages
Distribution and molecular characterization of cyclomodulins and AB5 cytotoxins procucing Escherichia coli and their bacteriophages
Distribution of Primes and Integers in Beurling's Theory of Arithmetical Semigroups
Distribution of the Hungarian nobility's domains around 1770
Distribution of the matter under extreme conditions
Distributional models of lexical knowledge
Distributional semantics of Hungarian grammatical constructions
Disturbances in cancer cell regulation - a basis to design diagnosis and therapy
Disturbances of essential fatty acid metabolism and potential therapeutical interventions in the paedaitric praxis
Ditransitive constructions in Mansi language
Diversity and Changes Concerning Material Culture of the Common People in Hungary during the 18th and 19th Centuries
Diversity and molecular evolution of adenoviruses, comparison with co-evolved DNA viruses, possible animal health implications
Diversity and significance of eukaryotic microbes in shallow lakes with special regard to winter condition
Diversity of ectomycorrhizae in Hungarian beech stands
Diversity of Ingoldian fungi in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
Diversity of thelephoroid ectomycorrhizae in Hungarian forests
Diversity under the sun: can solar parks support biodiversity and ecosystem services?
Diversity, distribution, coenology of the cryptogams in the silicate and slate bedrock areas of the Bükk Mountains
Diversity, regulation and reliability – fine-scale functional organization in vegetation
Diving in the deep
Division of Labour in the Grammar of Scope. The interaction of syntax with semantics, information structure and prosody in the generation of scope effects.
Do birds of a feather flock together? Group formation and the physiological consequences of sociality
Do Connections and Size Matter? – New Directions in the Bank Run Literature
Do mutually predictable responses support successful face-to-face communication?
Do older workers crowd out young ones?
Do the landscape-scale effects override the local, patch-level effects on urbanization-driven changes in arthropod biodiversity?
Do within-lake metacommunity processes shape phytoplankton diversity in shallow, eutrophic standing waters?
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as a free radical scavenger brain protector
Documentation of Romani varieties spoken in Hungary and the description of morphological variation
Documents of Miklós Zrínyi`s European fame
Documents of the Angevin Era XL. (1356)
Documents of the establishment and thi history of Institute of Litarary Studies of H.A.S.
Documents on French Policy in the Carpthian Region II. vol. 1919-1920 and II. vol. 1920-1921
Documents on the Hungarian-Czechoslovakian relationship (1945-1992)
Does SNRK1 provide a signalling link from cellular sucrose and energy status to the regulation of cell proliferation by direct regulation of the RBR E2F transcriptional complex?
Does the physical state of the plasma membrane modulates Heat Shock Factor-1 to regulate an oncogenic subset of Heat Shock Proteins – a detailed analysis in a B16 mouse melanoma model
Dog personality as a model of the human personality: ethological, psychological and genetical investigations
Dog vocalization – investigation of the structure, function and genetic background of an unusually variable communicative system
Domain-specific fluorescent labelling of mammalian spermatozoa
Dominant charecteristics and biochemical markers of biotic and abiotic stresstolerance in different pear species and hybrids
Dominant Elite in Hungary during the Socialist Period
Domino transition metal-catalysed ketene formation — cycloaddition reactions leading to beta-lactams. Synthetic and theoretical aspects.
Donor atom preference of metal ions with biological relevance to construct heterobimetallic complexes having likely hypoxia activation
Double transgenic LQT2-5 rabbits – understanding reduced repolarization reserve for more reliable testing of pro-arrhythmic side effects
Drag reduction using miniature vortex generators
Dramatic changes in solar and stellar magnetic activity cycles – what drives them, and can we predict them?
Dramatic Sermons: History of a Tradition from Late Antiquity to the End of the Middle Ages
Dreams, memories and emotional functions in the networks of the sleeping brain
Driven assembly at the nanoscale by nonlinear chemical dynamics
Drug repurposing according to mechanism of action of an antifungal protein to inhibit Candida biofilms
Drusen proteome analysis with MALDI-MS
Dry reforming - from understanding the elementary steps to better catalysts
DTTTA (GSSHDCD) - Reconstruction of the Geo-social Structure of Debrecen City in 1870-72
Ductility of steel frames including joint behaviour. Experimental and numerical studies
Durability and performance characteristics of concretes with novel type supplementary materials
Durability of repair mortars of monumental stones
Durable resistance in grapevine: MAS- based gene pyramiding and comparison of two powdery mildew resistance genes of Vitis vinifera origin
Dusting the data: studying economic persistence on unique databases digitalized using machine learning
Dusty plasma: a laboratory for classical many-particle physics
Dynamic 3D motion analysis of the spine
Dynamic analysis of nonlinear power electronics converters
Dynamic analysis of transport processes determined from experiment datas
Dynamic and static analysis of nonhomogeneous structural components
Dynamic changes of peptide-protein composition in aquatic animals underlying adaptation to environmental challenges
Dynamic compartmentalization by protein condensates: a new organizing principle for bacterial genome metabolism
Dynamic consequences of structural complexity and spatial organization: coordination, degradation and regeneration of Brachypodium pinnatum grassland
Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). Development of a measurement system and its use for the study of the electrochemistry of platinum
Dynamic Investigation on Controlled Pneumatic Systems
Dynamic model of the relationship of optimized customer behaviour and firm performance in the changing omnichannel purchasing environment
Dynamic properties of materials for sound insulation in buildings
Dynamic regulation of the late sodium current in ventricular cardiomyocytes
Dynamical and Geometric Aspects of Measure theory
Dynamical investigation of exoplanetary systems
Dynamical modelling and stabilization of single track vehicles
Dynamical models in the origin of life
Dynamical models in the origin of life
Dynamical models of network processes
Dynamical process in random structures
Dynamical quarks and the topological charge on the lattice
Dynamical study of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Dynamical Systems, Geometric Measure Theoretic Aspects of Real Analysis
Dynamics and coding during different hippocampal network states: how the interaction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons organizes activity?
Dynamics and control of metapopulations
Dynamics and entanglement in quantum field theory
Dynamics and measurement in coherent and open quantum information networks
Dynamics od phase transitions and symmetry breaking phases
Dynamics of complex chemical system
Dynamics of complex systems
Dynamics of coupled chemical systems: coherent behaviour, control and synchronization
Dynamics of digitally controlled mechanical systems
Dynamics of human and artificial legged locomotion – running towards model-based predictions
Dynamics of hybrid quantum systems
Dynamics of interacting quantum many-body systems
Dynamics of maladaptive and adaptive schizotypy in the general population: cognitive correlates obtained by experience sampling
Dynamics of molecular collisions: Experimental and theoretical studies
Dynamics of nitrous oxide emission of a typical agricultural region
Dynamics of non-equilibrium morphologies
Dynamics of one-degree-of-freedom oscillators in fluid flow with applications on relief valve valve stability
Dynamics of Phase Transitions and Symmetry Breaking Phases
Dynamics of polyatomic chemical reactions
Dynamics of polyatomic chemical reactions
Dynamics of Robot-Assisted Machining
Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
Dynamics of the main plant nutrients in long-term field experiments
Dysregulation Carbohydrate Metabolism of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Inherited Disorders
Dysregulation of retinoid and eicosanoid signalling in atopic dermatitis
Dysregulation of retinoid and eicosanoid signalling in atopic dermatitis
Dystrophin proteins in neurons and glial cells
E-patients and e-physicians in Hungary: The role and opportunities of digital health solutions in the healthcare system
Early and later biomechanical examination after total knee arthroplasty
Early characteristics of cerebral hypoperfusion in the rat
Early detection of developmental disorders and skill-improving by a mobile-application which facilitates physical activity and analyzes motion automatically
Early detection of lung cancer based on methylated DNA pattern and DNA fragmentation in blood samples
Early detection of post-transplant graft-damage by highly sensitive amplification of donor specific free plasma DNA
Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer with metabolite biomarkers in new-onset diabetes mellitus
Early disease prognosis based on volatile biomarker compounds
Early Enlightenment on the Threshold of 18th Century
Early hemoadsorption therapy for major burn trauma patients
Early Hun
Early Hungarian Authors I. From the Beginnings until 1700
Early Iron Age Land Use between the Alps and the Danube; comparative landscape archaeological analyses of Süttő and Poštela site-complexes
Early Jurassic ammonoid biochronology, global quantitative biostratigraphic correlation and integration of radiometric dates with the new high-resolution age model of the JET (Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale) project
Early Jurassic plant succession as reflection of local changes in delta plain environment.
Early Modern History
Early Modern Religious Controversies (1525-1535)
Early Repolarization Syndrome: novel therapeutic possibilities, new insights into the mechanisms
Early risk assessment of diabetic angiopathy using vascular haematological parameters, a prospective follow-up study
Early selective academic tracking and social inequalities in education – which one is the reason and which one is the consequence?
Early social disturbances induced abnormal aggression: epigenetic and neural plasticity-related changes
Early word learning in infants based on the structural regularities of communicative signals
East-Central European Nationalisms During the First World War
Eastern ceramic types used in the Turkish occupation territory
Eastern Europe and the Balkans 1000-1800: intellectually constructed historical notions or real historical regions?
Ecclesiastical history as a source of information on everyday life in the congregations of the Reformed Church’s Békés Diocese between 1711 and 1821: creating a digital document repository
ECD and VCD spectroscopic studies on peptides, peptidomimetics and metal complexes
Eco-friendly AlON Processing
Ecological and behavioral consequences of urbanization for a worldwide urban exploiter, the house sparrow
Ecological and evolutionary significance of within-individual behavioural variation
Ecological and molecular biological investigation of invasive mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), with special attention to their pathogenic microbes
Ecology and genetic diversity of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
Economic analysis of biological diversity
Economic and environmental optimisation of distillation processes and configurations
Economic and social factors of cooperation attitudes at SMEs in North-Hungarian Region
Economic and social factors of cooperation attitudes at SMEs in North-Hungarian Region
Economic and social prerequisites and constrains of collaboration – co-operation among producers in the Hungarian agri-food economy with special emphasis on trust issues
Economic convergence and structural change in the new member states of the European Union: services versus goods and implications for wage convergence
Economic crises and their explanations in the long nineteenth century
Economic crisis and international agricultural trade
Economic crisis and the changing EU-perception of the European elites
Economic Decision Models
Economic development role of Financial institutions based on performance and lending indicators: Territorial Financial Analysis
Economic fluctuations and demographic behaviour in Western-Hungary, 1767-1914
Economic Freedom and Development
Economic governance and mine managment in the Principality of Transylvania (1600-1630)
Economic gowth, institutional mix and market process
Economic Growth, Consumption and the Quality of Life: Hungary in an International Comparison from WWI to Present Day
Economic growth, productivity and structural change: the European Union and Hungary
Economic growth, spatial disparities and invesstment in China
Economic growth, valuation, stability
Economic role and importance of the stock exchange in Hungary between 1864 and 2005
Economic role and importance of the stock exchange in Hungary between 1864 and 2005
Economic role of the health care sector
Economical and Social Impacts of Food Quality Schemes and Short Food Supply Chains in Hungary
Economical and Social Impacts of Food Quality Schemes and Short Food Supply Chains in Hungary
Economical production of algae-based biomass and its utilization in renewable energy production
Economice an Political relations of Taiwan and Mainland China from the Song Dynasty to Our Age
Economics in the World of globalization
Economic–social reform projects and social models between the two world wars
Economies and agricultures of East Central European countries, among them of Hungary
Economy and Ethnicity. Agricultural Associations as Factors of Social and Economic Resilience in Swabian Villages in Satu Mare Region From the Regime Change to the Present
Economy and farming in Medieval Hungary: economic history, material culture, archaeology: English edition
Economy and Religion. Models of Economic Spirituality
Economy of the Koháry family's estates in Nógrád county (1647-1731)
Economy/Wealth and culture - Impact of ciultural pattern on future oriented competitiveness (by GLOBE research)
Ecophysiological investigation of diatom species in small saline lakes in relation to the ecological status and climate change
Ecophysiological study of trees species of climate-zonal forests covering Hungarian central range, with special focus on water budget
Ecophysiology: reproductive strategies and population dynamics of lizards in a changing environment
Ecosystem functioning in drylands – patterns, processes and vegetation changes
Ecosystem responses to droughts: experiments, observations, and synthesis
Ecosystems view on internationalization at home: Understanding faculty, student and staff perspectives within the university as an organization
Edition of the correspondence of John of Capestrano in Hungary
Educate, train, and deploy simulation patients (SP) professionally.
Education and politics in HUngary in the second half of the 20th century
Education and Politics. Study on the new forms of power in the 10th District of Budapest: local goverment, the ''classified'' child and the public sphere.
Education policy and elementary school teachers' training. Intermediate-level teachers' training institutions ('preparandias') and their pupils ('prepas') and teachers in Hungary in the 20. century
Educational policy, teenage fertility and human capital accumulation
Effect of abiotic environmental factors on the disease resistance of wheat
Effect of abiotic stress factors on maize (Zea mays L.) metabolism and plant development
Effect of additives on the thermal decomposition reactions occurring in waste utilization
Effect of aerosol water content on mass concentration
Effect of age and the sexual differeces on the immuno-reacticity following injury
Effect of bacterial and chemoattractant therapy in metastasis regression
Effect of bacterial and chemoattractant therapy in metastasis regression
Effect of biochar on soil fertility, organic matter management and its role in climate change mitigation
Effect of carbon-based nanostructures on the aerobic granular sludge wastewater treatment process
Effect of cereal aphids on the baking quality of wheat flour
Effect of climate change on Hungarian humid, mesoic and dry oak forests and their soils organic carbon storage capacity
Effect of climate change-related drought on structuring aquatic macroinvertebrate communities
Effect of connectivity loss on biodiversity in experimental metacommunities (CLOSER)
Effect of corticothalamic innervation on thalamic somatosensory nuclei
Effect of cover crop on soil aggregation, erosion and carbon storage
Effect of drought and heat stress on pollen-pistil interaction, fertilisation and kernel development in wheat
Effect of electron localization on the electronic and magnetic porperties of surfaces and surface nanostructures
Effect of environmental factors on biogenic amine and bacteriocin biosynthesis of certain lactobacilli
Effect of environmental stresses and CO2 concentration on antioxidant enzyme activity.
Effect of environmental toxicants on the elementary and complex neuronal processes
Effect of environmental-load-reducing manufacturing procedures on the lifetime of machine industry components
Effect of epileptic activity on the progression of Alzheimer's disease
Effect of functional traits of phytoplankton on their waterbird-mediated dispersal network
Effect of grazing on functional diversity of grasslands
Effect of histamine on cell differentiation, comparative study of tumor-and embronic stem cells
Effect of long-term fertilization on accumulation of heavy metals in soils
Effect of mental fatigue on the functioning of attentional systems
Effect of metabolic diseases on extracellular vesicle-mediated signaling in the heart
Effect of metabolic syndrome on vasomotor function of coronary vessels
Effect of microRNA on the drug-response of malignant tumors, focusing on PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway
Effect of mitochondrial redox state on Arabidopsis stress tolerance
Effect of molecular structure variation on the kinetics and thermodynamics of inclusion in biocompatible macrocycles
Effect of multiple virus infection on the antiviral RNA interference in perennial woody hosts (grapevine and fruit trees)
Effect of noncovalent interactions on the photoinduced processes of biologically important compounds
Effect of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition on metabolic balance, lipid and glucose metabolism
Effect of polymorphisms in the dopamine D4 receptor gene promoter on gene expression in vitro and their role in the development pf drug addiction
Effect of raising the compulsory school age on teenage pregnancy
Effect of red mud on soil biota
Effect of red mud on the microbial activity of sandy soils
Effect of selenium-containing feed additives on the selenium speciation of milking cows' saliva
Effect of State Interferences and Develpment Act on disadvantaged Roma Comminities
Effect of State Interferences and Develpment Act on disadvantaged Roma Comminities
Effect of the Agaricales-specific duplication of the cdc11 septin on the evolution of fruiting body formation.
Effect of the changes of the speed at walking and running to the kinematical and kinetical parameters of the motion
Effect of the crop copmosition of crop rotations on the dynamics of the main plant nutrients in the soil and on the pH of the soil
Effect of the evolutionary change of Newcastle disease virus on the protection by vaccination
Effect of the food additive tBHQ on the immune system via xenosensors
Effect of the natural compound S-methylmethionine on the physiological characteristics, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance of tomato and maize
Effect of the Patristic Sources on the Medieval Canonical Collections
Effect of tillage systems on the soil water and nitrogen dinamics
Effect of UV-B radiation on maize development
Effect of virus infection on the development and function of plant photosystems
Effect of weather fluctuation on grasslands: community and species-level approach
Effect of weeds on the water and nutrient cycle of soil
Effective business strategies in different development stages of corporations
Effective Preparation of Optical Isomers Using Innovative Separations of Diastereomers
Effective recovery management in consumer services
Effective theories in heavy ion collisions
Effective, quantitative and computation investigations in the theory of Diophatine equations
Effective, quantitative and computational investigations in Diophantine number theory
Effective, quantitative and computational investigations in diophntine number theory
Effectiveness, equality of opportunity and productivity of public education in international comparison
Effects and after-effects of phosphorus in long-term fertilisation experiments on chernozem soil with forest residues
Effects and Results of the Active Policy in Hungarian Rural Areas - a Case Study on the Beneficiaries of Social Agriculrure Programmes
Effects of alternative plant nutrition methods on organic matter and plant available nutrient content of soils
Effects of amyloid-ß deposition upon morphology of neocortical principal cells and their interneuronal connections
Effects of anaesthesiological procedures on respiratory mechanics
Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on freshwater biodiversity
Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on freshwater biodiversity
Effects of assistance programs on the spatial spatial development of tourism
Effects of biochemical processes on population dynamics in activated sludge wastewater treatment
Effects of climate-change driven diet shift on community composition and ecosystem functioning in an invasive crustacean (ClimateShift)
Effects of conventional and biodegradable plastics on plant development and the root-soil system
Effects of conventional and conservation tillage systems on soil physical status
Effects of different ecological secondary crops on soil chemical and physical properties
Effects of disturbances on the productivity-species richness relationship
Effects of endogenous and exogenous agents to the intestinal permeability and absorption in patients and animal models
Effects of environmental stochasticity on optimal timing of annual behaviour
Effects of extensive grazing on vegetation in non-conventional pasture-lands (marshes and forests)
Effects of extracorporeal hemoadsorption in patients with septic shock and COVID-19 causes acute respiratory distress syndrome
Effects of extrem macrometeorological processes on the canopy-climate and production
Effects of habitat-urbanization on birds’ food availability and breeding success
Effects of historical traumas on current national self-concept and the present potentialities
Effects of human papillomavirus oncoproteins on the expession of cellular genes
Effects of individual movement and predation pressure on the changes in habitat use of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in different forestry treatments
Effects of local, regional and global environmental factors on migrating birds
Effects of management and environmental factors on weed species composition of soybean and oil pumpkin fields in Hungary
Effects of management and environmental factors on weed species composition of soybean and oil pumpkin fields in Hungary
Effects of mental fatigue on visuo-motor control
Effects of mood stabilizer drugs (lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine) on the calcium ion mediated intracellular signal transduction
Effects of natural and anthropogenic stresses on cyst formation and storage accumulation of algae
Effects of pollen-induced oxidative stress on human dendritic cell function
Effects of programmed cell death inhibition in plants on disease resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens
Effects of programmed cell death inhibition in plants on disease resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens
Effects of structural changes on the free volume of condensed phases: a positron annihilation study
Effects of the atomic environment on atomic transitions of strongly bound electronic states
Effects of the atomic environment on the resonant and non-resonant inner-shell transitions
Effects of the commensal microflora on human skin cells and on the complex skin barrier under physiological and pathological conditions
Effects of the large scale circulation characteristics to regional climate conditions: estimated trends, extreme events
Effects of toxic molecules and heavy metal ions on modellmembran systems
Effects of twenty years of organic matter treatment on soil biological activity, AM protein levels and labile carbon turnover
Effects of urbanisation, a drying climate and invasive fish on amphibian communities in Hungary
Effects of urbanization on arthropods' biodiversity at various levels of biological organization
Effects of urbanization on the behaviour of wild animals towards humans
Efficiency analysis of state institutions in Hungary
Efficient algorithms
Efficient algorithms for allocation problems
Efficient and specific gene editing with Cpf1 (Cas12a) nuclease variants: intracellular localization of tagged prion protein family members
Efficient application of today's computation technology in the stability analysis of thin-walled structures
Efficient reversible chemical hydrogen storage – towards a viable practical device
Efficient whole-system impact analysis methods with applications in software development
Efficiently reducing the wear and friction of ceramic composites by graphene and other 2D filler materials
EFL and translational discourse production: a study of discourse and individual variables
Egyptomania and Collecting Egyptian Antiquities in Hungary from 18th Century Beginnings until the Second World War
Elaboration and application of new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of heterocyclic molecules of aimed biological activity
Elaboration and application of novel synergistic molecular approaches for breast cancer therapy.
Elaboration and characterization of graphene-metal hybrid nanostructures
Elaboration and characterization of graphene-silver nanoparticle hybrids
Elaboration and empirical validation of a Global well-being model concerning the personality characteristics
Elaboration of a novel methodology for design of axial flow turbomachinery with consideration of three-dimensional flow, with application of simulation and experimental tools
Elaboration of Béla Bartók`s Hungarian instrumental folk music-collection and of the supplement of Bartók-system for a critical source-edition
Elaboration of chimeria techniques for cloning, masculinisation and gene manipulations
Elaboration of Csorna district's toponymes in form dates, maps and indexes
Elaboration of GIS for supporting researches on Austria-Hungary and Hungary (1857-1910)
Elaboration of GIS methods for the exploitation and upgrading of information content of map based soil data
Elaboration of new methods for noise mapping of ducted axial fans
Elaboration of new methods for studying the near-Earth environment by extremely low frequency radiation of lightning strokes
Elaboration of new methods for the preparation of lipoxygenase enzyme inhibitors
Elaboration of spatial predictions together with modelling of their uncertainty for specific functions and processes of soils applying spatial statistical and machine learning methods
Elastic x-ray scattering in structural research
Eleboration and application of objective elektrophysiological methods for optimal operation of cochlear implants
Election Campaigns 2009-2010
Election Pledges and Public Policy in Hungary, 1990-2014
Elections on the European Parliament in the EU - and in Hungary
Electoral and political behaviour in Hungary, 1920–1947
Electoral geography of Central Europe
Electoral Rules, Representational Roles and Satisfaction with Representative Democracy
Electric control of the optical magnetoelectric effect in multiferroics
Electric Properties of Poly N-isopropylacrylamide based microgels and their Interaction with Ionic Surfactants
Electrical Impedance-Based Characterization of Sub- and Supracellular Structures by Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Methods
Electro and photomechanical effects in organic soft materials
Electro and photomechanical effects in organic soft materials
Electrochemical and electroanalytical studies of solid compounds and materials
Electrochemical and radiochemical investigation of the movement and uptake of environmental pollutants in soils
Electrochemical investigation of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
Electrodeposition of special magnetic materials from nonaqueous solutions
Electrokinetic phenomena in strong electric fields
Electromechanical investigation of piezoelectric zinc oxide nanowires
Electromechanical investigation of piezoelectric zinc oxide nanowires
Electron beam induced annealing of ion-irradiation damage in zircon
Electron density and energy functionals of atomic systems: Hierarchical approach and practical applications
Electron induced reactivity of major hydride cations in interstellar space
Electron spin resonance in non-conventional magnets
Electron spin resonance of non-conventional magnets
Electron spin resonance of spintronic materials
Electron transport in mesoscopic systems
Electron transport in molecular nanostructures
Electron transport in nanojunctions
Electronic processing of Sanscritic, Greek and lLatin philosophical works Hungarian translation
Electronmicroscopic and molecular characterization of neurons responsible for energy-homeostasis in the rodent hippocampus
Electrophysiological analysis of the Dentate Gyrus on behaving rats
Electrophysiological role of TRPM4 channel in mammalian heart
Electrophysological characterization of neural stem/progenitor cells during in vitro differentiation: a study on an immortalized neuroectodermal cell line
Electrostatic precipitator model development
Elektromagnetic waves in artifical periodical structures
Elektron- Elektron Interactions in Solids – DFG - IRTG
Elements and methodical fundamentals of EU conform customet service qualiti management in public transport mobility services
Élet és Tudomány - OTKA art competition series
Élet és Tudomány - OTKA cikkpályázat sorozat
Elimination of micropollutants from underground water by means of membrane separation combined with advanced oxidation processes
Elimination of polluting components from pyrolysis oils of plastics wastes
Ellipsometric modelling of nanograin structures and thin films for biological and (opto)electronical applications
Elucidating the contribution of citric acid cycle enzymes and cyclophilin D in mitochondrial phosphorylation potential using multiple transgenic mice strains
Elucidating the regulatory role of innate lymphoid cells in reconstitution of immune system after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and in prevention of acute graft-versus-host disease
Elucidating the role of apelin in lymphangiogenesis
Elucidating the role of MITF in regulating reactive oxygen species in melanoma
Elucidation of characteristics of intracellular processes during activation of Th1, Th2, regulatory T and Th17 cell types with a novel flow cytometry technique.
Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the actions of opioid-like peptides nocistatin and nociceptin / orphanin FQ in the relaxation of the late-pregnant rat and human uterus
Elucidation the role of p-S10H3 in the development of heat hyperalgesia with utilizing cell-type-specific in vivo gene editing
Emblematics and Fine Art: International Conference Presentations
Embodied leadership for improving supply chain performance and relationships
Embryonic and post-embryonic effects of synthetic cathinones as 'designer drugs' on early neurogenesis and learning
Emergence and Evolution in the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi
Emerging roles of deoxynucleotide metabolism in genotoxic stress tolerance
Emigrants. Poetics of the intercultural literature
Emission and control of electrons from atomic and solid state systems by electromagnetic pulses
EMLG conference
Emotion regulation strategies: Individual differences and social relationships in the adaptive-maladaptive spectrum
Emotional-information processing: perception, (re)appraisal, individual differences
Empiricism and atomism in the twentieth-century Anglo-Saxon philosophy
Employee friendly workplaces in Hungary - myth or reality
Employment of the low-skilled in Hungary
Emulsion based microsystems prepared through directed interfacial assemblies of nanoparticles, polyelectrolytes and surfactants
En Route. Preparing the New Core exhibition of the Museum of Ethnography
Enabling the in-beam Mössbauer facility to perform low temperature measurements, and application for studying modified noble metal catalysts
Enabling the in-beam Mössbauer facility to perform low temperature measurements, and application for studying modified noble metal catalysts
Enantioselective heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenations
Enantioselective heterogeneous catalytical reactions
Enantioselective synthesis catalysed by chiral crown ethers
Enantioselective total synthesis of ergot alkaloids and analogues
Encasing human factor in the structure of transport models
Encoding visual features by retinal ganglion cell oscillatory activity
Encounters between less-known languages. The reception of Dutch Literature in Hungary, the Reception of Hingarian Literature in the Low Countries.
Encyclopaedia on Hungarian Political Parties 1846-2006.
Endangered Film Resources of Hungarian Dance Heritage: Their Preservation, Ethnochoreological Interpretation, and Publication
Endeavour for a unified description of protein structure formation
Ending of the historical placenames in Erdély of Szabó T. Attila
Endocannabinoid signaling in hypothalamic regulation of reproduction
Endocannabinoid-mediated cardiometabolic effects in experimental menopause
Endocytosis and degradation of the metastasis suppressor PMCA4b and its role in the lysosomal degradation program
Endogenous adaptation of the myocardium, survival signals, therapeutic considerations: experimental and clinical investigations
Endogenous modulations of thrombolysis
Endogenous regulation of angiotensin converting enzyme by posttranslational modifications and its involvement in cardiovascular disease development
Endoplasmic reticulum redox systems in health and disease
Endothelial cell function in patients with hereditary angioedema
Endothelial cells and ER-mitochondria signalling in myocardial infarction-associated microvascular obstruction
Endothelial dysfunction in the early stage of atherosclerosis: a potential role of autotaxin
Energy density functionals and their derivatives in ground-state and in time-dependent density-functional theory
Energy geography and sustainability
Energy homeostasis of the prefrontal cortex contributes to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder
Energy homeostasis of the prefrontal cortex contributes to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder
Energy metabolism in conformational diseases: Experiments and biosimulation.
Energy research of diffusion processes in pharmaceutical and food industry
Engineering of rapeseed redox pathways to improve environmental stress tolerance.
Engineering tomato fruit ripening variation by genome editing
English-Hungarian technical translation: characteristic operations, translated text, evaluation
Enhanced Surface Chemistry of Carbon for Soft Matter Composites
Enhancement of deep learning based semantic representations with acoustic-prosodic features for automatic spoken document summarization and retrieval
Enhancing Minority Rights Using Group Litigation in Europe (EMULE)
Enlargement of the Hungarian Historical Garden Archive respectively to thehistorical gardens of the former Hungarian territories
Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment
Enolate/Enoyl Catalysis: A Structure-Based Approach to Enolizing Organocatalysts
Ensemble approach in climate dynamics and nonequilibrium processes
Entanglement and non-locality in quantum field theories
Entanglement detection and quantum metrology in quantum optical systems
Entangling the involvement of DWARF27-like carotenoid isomerases in strigolactone and ABA biosynthesis in model plants and barley
Enthralling science -- online science content at ELTE TTK
Entrepreneurial Culture in the 19th Century Based on Bankruptcy Files
Entrepreneurial intentions of Hungarian students and possible incentives
Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness investigations in Hungary based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor surveys 2017-2019
Enviromental changes at the Permian-Triassic boundary, based on studies of boundary sections in Hungary
Environment and society transformation of common forest and pasture use in the 18th and 19th Century and 19th centuries and its contemporary effects in Southern Transdanubia
Environmental and health impacts of ultrafine aerosol
Environmental benign and energy efficient preparation of make-up water of power plants
Environmental biotechnology aspects of the new crop production systems
Environmental effects on sex in vertebrates with diverse sex-determination systems
Environmental Factors - Pathological Brain Development - Novel targets in psychiatric disorders: the role of NLRP3 signaling pathways
Environmental factors and season dependent traits affecting phenology of Drosophila suzukii
Environmental flows and reactions
Environmental geochemical study of soils
Environmental history - annual resolution proxies
Environmental interpretation of Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic) faunal diversifications: Hungarian case studies
Environmental plasticity of grapevine leaf phenolics: Microlocalization and functional analysis
Environmental pollution and the effect of different microelements
Environmental programmes and strategies in the European Union and Hungary
Environmental questions – community responses. Environmental Humanities textbook 1.
Environmental relevancies and variability of cyanobacterial toxins
Environmental tests on the novel lead-free solder alloys used in electronics
Environmentally friendly semiconductors: iron silicide nanostructures
Environmentally friendly semiconductors: iron silicide nanostructures
Environmentally relevant redox reactions: kinetics and mechanism
Enzyme-catalysed kinetic and cinetic dinamic resolutions in synthesis of enantiopure compounds
Enzymic characterisation of the quality of food industrial raw materials of plant origin
Epidemiological and molecular genetical study of the inherited and immunodetermatological diseases
Epidemiology and clinical relevance of inactivating BRAF mutations: a potential target for therapy in lung adenocarcinoma
Epidemiology, contemporary diagnostic and treatment of oral cavity cancer in North-East Hungary
Epigenetic changes from infancy to adolescence in response to socio-emotional environment
Epigenetic changes in the in vitro culture of Malus x domestica
Epigenetic effects of ascorbate in the pathomechanism of scurvy and arterial tortuosity disease
Epigenetic factors in tomato development and stress response
Epigenetic regulation in the bithorax complex of Drosophila melanogaster
Epigenetic regulation of ABA signal transduction: function of ZFP3 zinc finger factor in regulation of chromatin remodeling.
Epigenetic role of ascorbate compartmentalization in human diseases
Építési faanyagok technikai szilárdságainak kísérleti meg-határozása
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in renal disease - Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets
Epizootiological investigation and conservation biological effects of bat-harboured viruses
Equal employment within the frames of HRM tendencies reflecting the changing expactation of labour law
Equilibria and transient dynamics of nonsmooth mechanical systems
Equilibrium and kinetic studies of complex chemical systems
Equilibrium Behavior and Fluctuations of Stochastic Interacting Systems
Equilibrium, kinematical and dynamical bifurcations of bars and bar structures
Equity: Moral Principles, Communication and Actual Moral Judgements
Equity: Moral Principles, Communication and Actual Moral Judgements
ERA-NET Concert Japan: FEmtosecond laser Advanced manufacturing for Ship-In-a-Bottle Lab-on-chips Enrichment, FEASIBLE
ERA-NET Concert-Japan; Plasmon-enhanced Tera-Hertz emission by Femtosecond laser pulses of nanostructured semiconductor/metal surfaces
ERA-NET E-Rare - Enhancing Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteostasis to rescue Alpha1 AntiTrypsin Deficiency (ERAAT)
ERA-NET E-Rare 3. Genomic Instability of Expanded Repeats in HD and ALS/FTD
ERA-NET HIVERA: Development of a novel family of natural and natural product based synthetic HIV Integrase inhibitors
Erdély Miklós / critical monography /
Ergodicity breaking in quantum many body systems
Erosional micro-, meso- and macroforms of the Medves Area with special respect to the development of the sandstone gorges
Error Analysis of Worm Gear Pairs
Error correction algorithms in coordinate measuring technique
Error estimations for discontinuous Galerkin methods: a conforming approach
Eruptive rates and erosional dynamics of the Inner Carpathian volcanism as constrained by volumetry, radiometric chronology and paleomagnetism
Eruptive young stars in the Gaia era: classification based on spectroscopy
Erythrocyte membrane proteins for early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Erza-Mordvin vocabularies
Escape from the Labyrinth of Buda Castle
ESEAC 2022 conference
ESPAD 2011 - Fifth wave of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs
Essential Oils and Their Main Components As Potential Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Substances
Essential transition metal recycling in plant cells
Establishing single-cell transcriptomics-based databases to explore clinically actionable vulnerabilities in solid tumors
Establishing structure/composition-property relationships of block copolymers by artificial intelligence
Establishing the (U-Th)/He geochronological method at the Institute for Nuclear Research
Establishment and maintenance analysis of woody biotop-systems
Establishment of a guinea pig platform to study disease models in vivo
Establishment of basal resistance in grapevine to crown gall disease
Establishment of genome editing in barley and other crop species for research and crop improvement.
Establishment of genuinely photoautotrophic hydrogen production in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Establishment of multicolor transgenic zebra fish lines for environmental toxicology and pharmacology tests
Establishment of reliable of human and canine atrial and ventricular action potential computer models
Estate management of Pauline monasteries in the Middle Ages
Estimation of evapotranspiration in the vegetation period on the local scale
Estimation of Linear Shape Deformations and its Medical Applications
Ethiology and pathogenesis of abnormal lutein phenomena what influence the reproductive performance in dairy cattle
Ethnic geographical examination of the german minority of Southern Transdanubia concerning Somogy county
Ethnic geography and cartography of the countries in the Carpatho-Pannonian area
Ethnic geography and cartography of the countries in the Carpatho-Pannonian area
Ethnic geography of Hungary and the study of the recent ethnic-spatial processes inthe neighbouring counties
Ethnic stereotypes in contemporary Hungary
Ethnical, etnological and cultural phenomena among Hungarian in Croatia after the war in 1991
Ethnicity, identity, politics. Hungarian minorities between nationalism and regionalism in interwar Romania and Czechoslovakia
Ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacobotanical survey in Székely Land
Ethnobotanical studies in Transylvania
Ethnographic research of the ethnic and religion contact zone in North-East - Hungary
Ethnographical-Cultural Anthropological Research of Eco-villages in Hungary
Ethnology of the Hungarians Vol. I. 1.
Ethnopolitics in Europe: Modells and Challanges
Ethnosyntactic Analysis of Siberian Uralic Languages
Etho-robotical devices of Human-Machine interaction
Ethological approach to develop artificial social agents
Ethylene 2022 Conference participation
Etiological investigation of poultry enteric disease complexes using metagenomic approach
Etiology and molecular characterization of Wheat dwarf virus.
Etiology of overactive bladder syndrome induced by systemic and local inflammation - role of isoprostanes
Etiology, pathology and of contractures of the upper extremities and of the hand (posttraumatic, ischemic, Dupuytren`s, perinatal, cereral, spastic hand congenital)
Etiopathogenesis of sensorineural hearing loss
Etiopathogenesis of sensorineural hearing loss
Etiopathogenetic evaluation of middle- and inner ear diseases causing hearing loss - foundation of an otopathology register
Etiopathological role of salivary gland hypofunction in oral and systemic diseases with special aspect to Sjögren`s syndrome
Etiopathomechanism and treatment of sensorineurol hearing loss
Etnographical research on the theme of the sacral buildings of Palócföld (region in North Hungary and South Slovakia), establishing a register of the representation of saints in churches of the region, and an intercultutal cross-border contact-zone s
Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian Herbs
Etymological Dicttionary of Egyptian, volume 3 & 4
EU law framework of active State intervention in the market
EUCHARISTY AND ALTARPIECES. Baroque altar-building in Western Hungary (17th and 18th centuries)
Eukarióta kórokozók gazdaszervezethez való kapcsolódásának feltárása
Európai Graduális Kollégium
European case studies of economic, social and cultural diversity
European conference on veterinary and medical education (ECVME)
European constitutional and parliamentary history from 1945 up to now
European Governance" and the Hungarian Accession
European governance: the integration of EU25
European legal unification in the field of matrimonial law
European Phraseological Universals.
European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) 2007 - Hungary
European velocity model based on the integration of dense permanent GNSS networks
European velocity model based on the integration of dense permanent GNSS networks
Evaluating the drought-tolerance of native broadleaf tree species through dendroecological analysis
Evaluating the role of ambient temperature in determining flowering in cereals
Evaluation and prediction of therapeutic response to novel JAK inhibitors with multidisciplinary approaches in ulcerative colitis patients
Evaluation of cerebrovascular events in patients with occlusive carotid artery disorders based on morphological and hemodinamical features
Evaluation of chemical and medicinal value of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) essential oils with fieldwork, chromatographic and biological assays
Evaluation of clinical and therapeutic response based on patient-specific cytokine and microbiome profile in inflammatory bowel diseases
Evaluation of combined effects of antibiotics and endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish growth
Evaluation of different management systems based on CO2 and N2O emissions
Evaluation of different physical barriers in prevention of adhesions to intraperitoneally placed polypropylene meshes (animal and clinical studies)
Evaluation of environmental mobility and longterm transformation of heavy metal contamination in soils and sediments
Evaluation of factors influencing phenotypical dharacteristics and drug quality of thyme (Thymus) species and infraspecific taxa originating from wild habitats of Hungary
Evaluation of hypogenic karstification focusing on the microbially mediated processes
Evaluation of mechanism of action of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor compounds in animal and in rheological models
Evaluation of new and emerging biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma: the role of microbiome and circulating DNA and RNA
Evaluation of new pharmacological agents in cardiac surgical experimental animal models
Evaluation of satiation, satiety and GI hormon production in patients after total gastrectomy and in morbidly obese
Evaluation of substituent and solvent effects in reaction series using reaction constants, derived from activation parameters
Evaluation of the genetic basis in beef cattle breeding
Evaluation of the metal tolerance and phytoremediation potential of herbaceous and woody species
Evaluation of the quality of students' knowledge
Evaluation of the role of Na-Ca exhbanger in the sinus node pacemaker mechanism in health and disease
Evaluation of thrombocytosis as predictive factor for survival in non-diabetic and diabetic patients
Evaluation of vascular system with modern imaging methods
Evalution of antibiotic resistant clinical isolates of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria; investigation of the genetic background of resistance by molecular biological methods
Evalution of organic reactivity by using activation parameters and isokinetic relationships, separation of substituent and solvent effects.
Evaporation and evapotranspiration of aquatic macrophytes
Evenki People and Culture
Event anticipation, prospective memory and executive functions in episodic memory
Event-level panel data based health policy evaluation
Everyday ethnicity, national and a-national in everyday life in a multi-ethnic region, Tranylvania 1918-1944
Everyday justice judgements and generational justice in Central Europe
Everyday Life and Imperial Politics in the Köprülü Era
Everyday placebos and nocebos
Everything you wanted to know about 3D technologies
Evidentiality in the Uralic Langauges
Evironmental history and poultry keeping studies based on bird bone remains excavated from palaentological and archaeological contexts
Evolution and learning
Evolution and pathogenetic profile of emerging multidrug-resistant Salmonella Infantis
Evolution and self-similarity of viral epitopes
Evolution of behavioural consistency: environmental effects, fitness and genetics
Evolution of cosmic dust in the Milky Way and in the distant Universe
Evolution of debris zones in solar systems
Evolution of product and service markets in Hungary after 1989
Evolution of protoplanetary disks and conditions of planet formation in various star forming environments
Evolution of the Neogene calc-alkaline magmatic and hydrothermal activity in the cental part of the Carpathian Arc
Evolution of the Triassic Reefs on the Northern Part of the Tethys
Evolution of Turbulent Energy Spectrum
Evolutionary analysis of behavior in wild birds: separating variance components at different hierarchical levels
Evolutionary and demographic impacts of the social landscape on animal personality
Evolutionary arms race vs. evolutionary equilibrium: the analysis of a host-brood parasite relationship
Evolutionary ecological studies on the host-parasite relationship
Evolutionary ecology of tephritid olfactomics: a novel approach in lure development for walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa)
Evolutionary games on graphs
Evolutionary games on graphs
Evolutionary strategies, cognitive mechanisms
Evolutionary transitions in parental care in vertebrates
Evolutionary-ecological effects of anthropogenic environmental change: from stress to sex
Evolved compact stars in the era of photometric space missions
Exact results relating organic periodic structures
Examenation of the protective effect of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors in experimental heart failure models
Examination and therapeutic approach of the oxidative and inflammatory background of fertility-related female and male hormonal disturbances in obese and non-obese rat models: Spotlight on the kisspeptin signaling
Examination of ACC-synthase (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase) gene expression in strawberry cultivars produced in Hungary and in their lines transformed with antisense ACC-synthase gene
Examination of adaptaion of economic methods for measuring pesticide risk reduction in Hungary at farm level (in horticultural branch)
Examination of antibiotic susceptibility and its genetic background in Pasteurellaceae species of veterinary importance
Examination of arteries with ultra-high frequency ultrasound in athletes and patients with certain vascular pathologies
Examination of certain respiratory bacterial pathogens of poultry
Examination of cultivar properties, physiological and agroclimatic factors influencing fruit quality parameters
Examination of cytokine profile and therapeutic response in inflammatory bowel disease using patient-derived epithelial organoids
Examination of endophytic fungi and postharvest changes of horseradish roots
Examination of endophytic fungi and postharvest changes of horseradish roots
Examination of fertility awareness with an integrative approach: a mixed-method multi-centre study
Examination of Gender Differences in Education. Will the Disadvantage of Woman actually come to an End?
Examination of hydrological and soil status of the Upper-Tisza Region as reflected in study areas
Examination of hypercholesterolemic heart subjected to ischemia/reperfusion, regarding the mitochondrial gene activity
Examination of hyperpolarization in aqueous media with para-hydrogen
Examination of multidrug resistance in canine neoplastic immune mediated and cardiac disorders
Examination of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide, as a potential biomarker, in different physiological and pathological conditions
Examination of pulps reaction and compensatoric mechanism on rat dental pulp vessels on vitalmicroscopic model
Examination of solid base and solid acid catalysts in organic syntheses
Examination of Sonogashira Reaction
Examination of the applicability of new types of light sources in water treatment to replace low-pressure mercury vapor lamps
Examination of the dendritic structure and rewiring of the hypophysiotropic thyrotropin-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons using transgenic mouse model
Examination of the effect of lifestyle changes in spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone rats: The impact of inflammation and oxidative stress on the RAAS
Examination of the extracelular matrix and the microcirculation of the tooth
Examination of the factors that influence the proarrhytmic effects of the antiarrhytmic drugs
Examination of the functions of signal-dependent transcription factors in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages using epigenomics and transcriptomics data
Examination of the macrophage-specific enhancer grammar using next-generation sequencing methods
Examination of the molecular genetic background of sex determination in fish
Examination of the multiple association and dynamics of cell surface and nuclear receptors by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and energy transfer
Examination of the neuroprotective effects of PACAP in cochlear and retinal degeneration
Examination of the physiological role of salsolinol in dopaminergic neurotransmission
Examination of the political-geographical spatial-structures in the Carpathian Basin (changes of systems, possibilities of cooperations, absurdities on the turn of 20–21st centuries)
Examination of the possible mechanisms involved in the delayed antiarrhythmic effect of sodium nitrite
Examination of the regulatory SMARCB1 gene microRNA in soft tissue sarcomas
Examination of the role of tanycytes in the regulation of the hypophysiotropic TRH neurons
Examination of the selective interactions in nonlinear chiral systems
Examination of the traditional European sustainable pork production (Fatty Pig) and consumption using Discrete Choice Models
Examination of the uptake, movement and transformation of toxic elements in the heavy-metal-load experiment
Examination of total factor productivity and technical efficiencychange in Hungarian Agriculture
Examination of Transident Chaotic Motions with Applications in Mechanical Engineering
Examination of usefulness of the TOBEC method in the selection of hen eggs for improving the hatchability, the viability of the chicks and the dressing percentage and meat quality of the broilers
Examinations on the effects on landscapes of point-sources of pollution
Examinations on virus infection of herbaceous ornamental plants in Hungary
Examining the competitiveness of the Hungarian small businesses
Examining the effect of crop rotation and monoculture in maize production
Examining the spirituality among helping professionals and graduate students
Excavations in Egypt and Further Research, the Publication of the Results
Excerpts from the Angevin-era (the 1350s)
Excerpts of documents from the period of King Louis I. (1350, 1355,1356)
Excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes and membrane models
Excitatory and inhibitory control of higher order thalamic nuclei
Excited-state density functional theory
Executive system and memory retrieval: function and pathology
Existence and interpretation
Exotic Atomic Processes in Plasmas and on Solid Surfaces
Exotic nuclear decays, states and symmetries
Exotic nuclei, atoms and mezoscopic systems
Exotic phases and exccitation in frustrated electron systems with charge, spin and orbital degress of freedom
Expanding the chemical space by the synthesis of novel three-dimensional molecular entities through DOS selective metathesis protocols; fluorine-containing elements in drug design
Expanding the frontiers of label-free single cell biosensing and manipulation in biomedical engineering
Expected change of extreme events using regional climate model results
Experiences of a nature-based urban development on Western Hungary
Experiment for pig oocyte and embryo production in vitro and in vivo vitrification
Experimental analysis of non-equilibriam dynamics in sand grasslands
Experimental analysis of virtual and real human balancing tasks
Experimental and clinical investigation of short- and long-term cardiovascular effects of professional sport
Experimental and numerical analysis of mechanical changes in spine segments, due to operative and non-operative treatments
Experimental and numerical biomechanical analysis of lumbar spine
Experimental and numerical determination of attached cavity region
Experimental and theoretical conformation analysis of mu-opioid receptor selective peptide ligands
Experimental and theoretical examinations for better understanding of solvent dependence of photophysical processes
Experimental and theoretical investigation of micron-scale stochastic deformation phenomena
Experimental and theoretical investigations of dislocation avalanches
Experimental and theoretical investigations of vowel harmony patterns
Experimental and theoretical studies on neutron interactions
Experimental investigation biological effects of subchronic welding fume inhalation in mouse model with special regard to Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding, ozone ant thorium emission and the metal fume fever syndrome
Experimental investigation of chip removal mechanisms in the drilling of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites
Experimental investigation of the effects of forestry treatments on the forest site, regeneration and biodiversity
Experimental investigation of the pathogenesis and new therapeutic options for heart failure
Experimental investigation of turbulent flows
Experimental models to study the significance of syndecan-1 and decorin in the development of liver diseases
Experimental nad human studies on morphological and functional alterations of the central nervous system induced by neoplastic and circulatory disorders
Experimental research of preference-based product choice behaviour
Experimental studies of dynamical processes in granular materials
Experimental studies on the regulation of tissue hydratation with particular reference to the perinatal period
Experimental studies on the succession of phytobenthos with the simulation of different climate change scenarios
Experimental study of the astrophisicalp-process
Experimental study of the astrophysical p process in capture reactions
Experimental Study of the Functions of Zebra Stripes: A New Thermophysiological Explanation
Experimental study of the structural function and antioxidant role of eggshell pigments in wild birds
Experimental test of the CPT symmetry using slow antiprotons
Experiments in wide energy ranges serving low energy nuclear astrophysics
Experiments related to the 13C(α,n)16O astrophysical key reaction
Explaining welfare attitudes: general moral principles, issue framing and survey design
Explanation in sociology in the 21st century. An empirical research.
Explicit methods in diophantine number theory
Exploiting old wheat landraces from the Carpathian Basin in present breeding
Exploiting the sugar chiral pool for the synthesis of three-dimensional N-heterocyclic structures
Exploration and Social Historiographic Analysis of Members of the Hungarian Parliament in the Age of Dualism
Exploration of a new linear binding motif-based protein-protein interaction system for AGC kinases
Exploration of alternative electron transport pathways in cyanobacteria by computer modeling and experimental approaches: From regulation of light reactions to biosolar fuel production
Exploration of cadastral surveys (tapu defter) of the Ottoman Hungary and the periphery of the occupied region
Exploration of diversity in the expression pattern and functional properties of CR3 and CR4 complement receptors on dendritic cells
Exploration of fiber spinning as a new advanced link between continuous synthesis and formulation of pharmaceuticals
Exploration of gene and protein expression profiles of hypothalamic centers regulating reproduction: the mechanisms of estradiol feedback
Exploration of genetic and physiological backround of resistance of barley net blotch coused by Pyrenophora teres f. teres
Exploration of JNK mediated protein-protein interactions: from structures to cellular function
Exploration of novel genome-maintaining mechanisms using advanced imaging technologies
Exploration of protein binding sites by alternative splicing and paralogous protein data mining
Exploration of protein binding sites by alternative splicing and paralogous protein data mining
Exploration of the cadastral survey's documents and maps
Exploration of the core microbiota and functional relationships in anaerobic microbial communities and genome-centric identification of novel bacterial and archaeal species
Exploration of the diversity of intestinal microbiom in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid bleeding: what triggers aneurysm rupture?
Exploration of the environment in dynamic scenery from partial views
Exploration of the Origin and Relationships of Teleki's Grape Rootstocks by Isoenzyme and Microsatellite Markers
Exploration of the role of mitochondria in the (patho)physiology of human sebaceous glands
Exploration, rescuing and interpreting of Late Bronze Age hoards
Exploring attentional aspect of executive control. Theoretical and methodological problems in task switching paradigm
Exploring clause structure through the lens of ellipsis
Exploring coping strategies and processes of identity constuction in fictional and non-foctional historical narratives
Exploring distinct cognitive-emotional profiles in the paths from genomics to mental health
Exploring fine-scale plant coexistence patterns in grasslands
Exploring firm renewal through the lens of innovation and product strategies
Exploring Late Pleistocene and Holocene linkages between different geomorphological domains in the SE Carpathian Basin
Exploring leadership success in hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises
Exploring LIDAR-based indicators for biodiversity and ecosystem services at country scale
Exploring mechanisms regulating the immunological outcome of cell death underlying sterile inflammation
Exploring metastable states on the pressure-temperature phase diagram of proteins
Exploring molecular mechanisms responsible for plant recovery from virus infection
Exploring new roles for HSF-1 in the coordination of cellular stress responses and development
Exploring novel roles of homologous recombination factors through genetic studies of mutagenesis
Exploring Resonant Strong-Field Phenomena with Intense Tunable Narrowband THz Sources
Exploring the affective and cognitive modulators of control adaptation
Exploring the cognitive profiles of different addictive behaviors (work addiction, gaming disorder, and cannabis use disorder)
Exploring the effects of environmental factors and forestry treatments on the compositional, functional, and interactional dynamics of the forest microbiome
Exploring the effects of fine-scale canopy openings of continuous cover forestry on the understory vegetation – the investigation of skid trails and gaps
Exploring the effects of threatening stimuli on visual attentional performance using behavioral paradigms and physiological measures
Exploring the epidemiological features of pre- and postharvest fruit disease interactions for developing new forecasting models under mixed cultivar planting systems
Exploring the first eukaryotic nicotinic acid catabolic pathway in the model organism Aspergillus nidulans
Exploring the genetic architecture of chromosomal R-loops
Exploring the immunoregulation by mesenchymal stromal cells via the modification of cell death processes
Exploring the mechanism of AFB1 degradation of Rhodococcus erythropolis NI86/21 by identification of key enzymes and produced metabolites
Exploring the modulatory effects of phytochemicals on human dendritic cell mediated immune responses
Exploring the molecular mechanisms of autophagosome positioning
Exploring the nuclear functions of an actin organizing cytoskeletal protein
Exploring the phagocytic remodeling of extracellular matrices in Drosophila
Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter with femtoscopic correlations at the STAR experiment
Exploring the protein functions of Cucumoviruses with bioinformatics and proteomics
Exploring the regulation of tuberisation in cultivated potato varieties
Exploring the risk of horizontal gene transfer between the human microbiome and pathogenic bacteria with systems-level approaches
Exploring the role of complement factor H-related protein 5 in complement-mediated kidney disorders
Exploring the role of interferon regulatory factor 7 in the development of childhood obesity
Exploring the role of intraspecific trait variation in assembly of terrestrial plant communities
Exploring the role of skeletal endocannabinoid system in health and disease
Exploring the role of the glycinergic system in the development of opioid analgesic tolerance
Exploring the Set1 histone methylase complex: from DNA breaks to chromatin interactomes
Exploring the unknown diversity of phototrophic bacteria in soda pans
Exploring, tailoring, and harnessing electrical noise in nanoelectronic devices
Exposing cellular interactome of multifunctional human transglutaminase 2 for understanding its functions
Expression and activity of intracellular pattern recognition receptors in dendritic cell subsets and their role in anti-viral immunity
Expression and function of ABC transporters in human stem cells and during cell differentiation
Expression and participation in specific cell functions of activating proteins acting on Rho/Rac family small GTPases
Extending first- and second order algorithms for nested classes of optimization problems to solve computationally challenging industrial questions
Extending targeted tumor therapeutic approaches to resistant cancer models
Extension of the activation method in nuclear astrophysics research
Extension of the validity of a soil water balance simulation modell for intensively tilled soils with time-dependent soil physical properties
Extension- and Preserver Problems
Extensions of inverse semigroups
Extensions of the Theory of Automata and Languages
External Factors in Science and Knowledge
Extracellular and intracellular biospeciaciation of insulin-mimetic metal complexes
Extracellular matrix in enteric nervous system development and stem cell transplantation for neurointestinal diseases
Extracellular vesicle studies in paediatric malignant haematology
Extrasolar planet and variable star research by wide-field photometry
Extremal and random structures
Extremal combinatorial problems
Extremal combinatorics and finite geometries
Extremal combinatorics and its applications in other fields of mathematics
Extremal graph problems with algebraic and probabilistic methods
Extremal graph theory and extremal set systems
Extremal problems for multivariate and weighted polynomials
Extremal Problems in Discrete Structures
Extremal problems in hypergraph theory and geometry
Extremal problems of set systems
Extremal properties of geometric sets
Extremal structures
Extremal Vector Sets and Limit Shapes
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors determine expression levels of gap junction forming connexins in the mammalian retina.
Fabrication and Electron Transport Study of Nanowire based Quantum Devices
Fabrication and investigation of biological and bioinspired photonic nanoarchitecture based vapor/gas sensors
Fabrication and spectroscopic characterization of well defined low-dimensional surface structures
Fabrication and spectroscopic characterization of well defined low-dimensional surface structures
Fabrication of 150 nm period grating in fused silica by two -beam interferometric laser induced backside wet etching method (Optics Express)
Fabrication of chemically deposited nickel and nickel base coatings on aluminium alloy surfaces
Fabrication of integrated optical elements via ion beam implantation and irradiation for telecommunication applications
Fabrication of new types of microfluidic devices and the study of their capabilities for liquid chromatographic, electrophoretic and electrochromatographic separation
Fabrication of Z-scheme hybrid composites with CNTs for designing photocatalytic reactor to be applied in industrial wastewater treatment
Fabrication, characterization and catalytic application of low-dimensional carbon- and metal-modified boron nitride
Fabulous Creatures in Ancient and Early Mediaeval Indian Literature
Factor XIII B subunit: structure, function, clinical aspects
Factor XIII, thrombin generation and fibrinolysis in patients with chronic inflammatory disorders
Factors affecting plant diversity and conservation value of anthropogenic habitats
Factors and Measurement of Environmantal-Consciousness
Factors and Problems of Economic Growth : The Japanese Example
Factors influencing export performance – a comparison of three European regions
Factors influencing the development of coeliac disease
Factors influencing the expression of plasmid-mediated quinolone determinants (PMQRs)
Factors playing role in the aetiopathogenesis of cervical cancer
Fairness issues in sports: balanced competition and voting
Falds 2021 Should I stay or should I go?
Families in mortgage crisis
Family 2.0 Lifestyles from older to current forms of families
Family and institutional socialisation of constructive competition from early childhood to youmg adulthood with special emphasis on coping with winning and losing
Family life cycles and their impact on consumer behaviour in light of changes in family-form
Family, Household, Economy. The Society of Torna County in the 19th Century
Far from equilibrium: Patterns, fluctuations, and extreme statistics
Farewell to the peasantry I-III. Publishing
Farewell to the peasantry. The dissolution of peasantry's lifekind.
Farkas Bethlen: The History of Transsylvania
Fast evolution of resistance in bacteria in the presence of antibiotic gradients
Faunal changes of brachiopods in Hungary from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene (systematics, paleoecology, paleobiogeography)
FcRn mediates elongated serum half-life of human IgG in cattle (International Immunology/Oxford Journal)
Feasibility and limiting parameters of novel extractive and reactive separation processes
Feasible Peer Effects—How Seat Neighbors Affect Educational Attainment in Hungary
Federated artificial intelligence in healthcare
Federating large astronomical databases
Federative Conceps and Central Europen Experiments
Feedback vs. fluctuations in solar activity variations
Fees of an in extenso publication
Female sterility and switching from sexual to clonal reproduction in phytopathogenic fungi
Ferenc Erkel and His Workshop
Fertility awareness and the efficacy of the fertility education
Fertility transition from micro-perspective in 19-20th century Hungary
Fibrinolysis at the interface of inflammation and atherosclerosis
Field research (dialects, folk culture) among the Mongol ethnic groups in Mongolia and China
Field research in historic gardens in guest of vanished relies
Fight for reality. The relationship between critical theories and progressive politics in the contemporary West. Case study Germany
Fighting climate change woth heterogeneous catalysis - ACS Spring 2022 oral presentation
Filamental structures in biomechanics
Film tourism and competitiveness - through the example of Budapest
Filmed Books. The Relationship of Hungarian Film and Literature (1945–1995)
Finalising and publishing the book entitled "The Hungarian pendulum"
Financial liquidity and sustainability
Financial Security and Privacy
Financial structure and economic growth
Financial Support of Political Review for 2004 and 2005
Finding Focus of Interest in freely configured sensor networks
Finds of the Roman Villa at San Potito
Fine mapping and localisation of potato virus Y immunity gene of Solanum stoloniferum (Rysto) in tetraploid potato genom
Fine metalwork between two periods - tracing changes in goldsmithing tradition and craft organisation in the Carpathian Basin by the archaeometric investigation of mid-to-late 5th century goldsmith works
Fine resolution estimation of the future urban heat island effect for Budapest
Fine-scale landscape ecology: linking vegetation change with interacting indirect and direct drivers using traditional ecological knowledge and oral history
Fine-scale neighborhoods in plant communities: a comparative functional approach
Fine-scale neighborhoods in plant communities: a comparative functional approach
Fine-tuning and application of the transferable model of water
Fine-tuning of plant defence in the dark: the role of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and ethylene
Finite element and boundary element methods with a special regard to the nonlinear theory of shells and the dual system of elasticy
Finite Element Modelling in Materials Science and Materials Processing Technologies
Finite Element Modelling of Failure Processes in Fiber Reinforced Composites
Finite geometry
Finite groups and Lie groups in geometry
Finno-Ugric Digital Natives: Linguistic support for Finno-Ugric digital communities in generating online content
Finsler geometry and its applications
Fire resistance of recycled aggregate concrete
Firing dynamics and effects of identified dorsal raphé neurons in spontaneous and sensory evoked brain state dependent thalamocortical activity
First principles calculations for surfaces; surface stress and segregation
First steps in Lipopolysaccharidomics
First steps towards integration: institutional variations in providing access to creche services
FISH based karyotype and physical mapping of perennial Thinopyrum species, as a tertiary gene pool of bread wheat
Fish propagation by using sperm insemination into ovarian lobes
Fish-parasitological monitoring of Lake Balaton and its tributaries
Fitting multiple surfaces with geometric constraints
Five generations. Social history, micro society and sociology.
FLAG ERA Ultrafast Functional Ultrasound (fUS) Imaging for Highly-Resolved Targeted Mapping of Functional Connectivity in the Awake Mouse Brain
FLAG-ERA Graphitic films of group III nitrides and group II oxides: platform for fundamental studies and applications
FLAG-ERA Multifunctional Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Applications
FLAG-ERA: How rigid and plastic circuits contribute to hippocampal function
Flagellar bundling and confinement effects in bacterial swimming
FlagERA: Engineering topological superconductivity in graphene
FLAG–ERA Investigating the canonical organization of neocortical circuits for sensory integration
Floral and climatic development of the Paleogene
Floristical studies on centric diatoms in Hungary concerning on the nature conservation
Floristical studies on centric diatoms in Hungary concerning on the nature conservation
Floristical studies on centric diatoms in Hungary concerning on the nature conservation
Flow and dispersion phenomena in urban environment
Flow and rheology of non-spherical particles
Flow cytometric sorting of goatgrass (Aegilops) chromosomes and their use for molecular marker development
Flow dependent regulation of cerebrovascular resistance
Flow dependent regulation of cerebrovascular resistance
Flow-driven Precipitation in Confined Geometry and Porous Media
Flox phenomena in liquid crystals
Fluctuating selection behind phenotypic polymorphism: an empirical approach using subterranean and surface crustaceans as model
Fluctuations and fronts in far-from-equilibrium states
Fluctuations in systems far from equilibrium
Fluctuations in systems far from equilibrium
Fluid identification and filtration using morphologically controlled large networks of one dimensional nanostructures
Fluids from subducted slab: 3D inclusion study
Fluids in the lithosphere of the Bakony-Balaton Highland
Fluvial processes and the effects of river regulation works on the Tisza and Maros Rivers
Foeto-maternal communication in pregnancy
Foldamer-based antibody mimetics for recognition of undruggable targets
Földtudományi képződmények természetvédelmi értékelésének módszertana: a ritkasági-gyakorisági érték, a veszélyeztettségi érték és az oktatási-nevelési érték meghatározása, valamint az értékkataszte
Folk belief and folk religion at the modern age
Folk belief, religion, mentality. Hand-wrotten and printed sources, 16-19. centuries.Exploration, publication and study of sources
Folk belief, vernacular religion, mentality 16th-21st centuries: digital databases, encyclopedic summaries
Folk hymns in written sorces and folk tradition: Passion plays from Csíksomlyó, historical Nativity plays, the Deák-Szentes manuscript (supplemented with the manuscript from Csíkcsobotfalva)
Folk hymns in written sorces and folk tradition: Passion plays from Csíksomlyó, historical Nativity plays, the Deák-Szentes manuscript (supplemented with the manuscript from Csíkcsobotfalva)
Folk Legends from Mezőség
Folk religion, folk belief, religious folklore, 16th-21st centuries
Folk tales from Csíkszentdomokos
Folklore History
Folklore History II
Folklore text research, philology, historical poetics. The 19th century corpus and interpretation of folklore genres
Food security in global context
Food security in global context
Food webs of temporary ponds
Food, economy, daily life
Food-chain transfer of phytoecdysteroids: from ecological significance to human and animal health
Food-related use of natural resources through the lens of socio-economic metabolism
For the Development of Ukrainistics and Rusynistics in Hungary
Forced Labour Narratives – psychic and social burden and its effects on identity of Hungarian forced labourers in the light of their life-stories
Forced Labour Narratives – psychic and social burden and its effects on identity of Hungarian forced labourers in the light of their life-stories
Fordulópontos Japán és Dél-Kelet-Ázsiai: Tények, tapasztalatok, okok és kilátások . Tanulságok a modernizálódó közép-kelet-európai gazdaságok számára
Forecasting the diabetes mellitus epidemic and the role of modifiable risk factors in regions of the European Union
Foreign Direct Investment and Inequality in Hungary
Foreign Dramas. Translations of Ferenc Kazinczy
Foreign Investors' Trading, Stock Market Returns and Macroeconomic Activity in European Emerging Markets
FORENSICspeech: Forensic Voice analysis using Hungarian follow-up voice database
Forest regeneration in artificial gaps – Ecological evidences for continuous cover forestry and conservation-oriented forest management
Forest state assessment for nature conservation
Forestry of the different estates in the first half of the century
Forgotten sources from the 19th century: literature and history of culture (Digital collection)
Form-active and adaptive structures
Formation and investigation of interface moving in nanoscale
Formation and role of radical-molecule and molecule-molecule complexes in the kinetics and dynamics of gas phase elementary reactions
Formation mechanism, microstructure evolution and reaction affinity of symplectites after garnet
Formation of active sites of metal catalysts; effect of additives
Formation of as-solidified structure and macrosegregation during unidirectional solidification under controlled flow conditions
Formation of carbonate minerals in Lake Balaton
Formation of landscape-scale patterns in biodiversity
Formation of organic aerosol in cloud processes
Formation of Planetary Systems and Orbital Evolution of Earth-like Planets
Formation of surface reliefs on amorphous multilayers and its appication
Forms of Knowledge - different forms of knowledge, their foundations, shared and different characteristics
Forráskiadások a magyar képzőművészet és műkritika történetének feldolgozásához
Fortress/City: the Roman settlement complex of Brigetio
Foundations for developing students` metacognition
Foundations of a cognitive poetic theory of rhyme
Foundations of network data plane program analysis
Founding the Grinding-Kinetic and Energetic Principles for Automatic Control of Mills
Fountain of youth: uncovering the role of insulin-signaling in the evolution of lifespan
Fourier analysis: theory and applications
Fowling in Lowlands: Neolithic and Chalcolithic bird exploitation in South-East Romania and the Great Hungarian Plain
Fractal Geometry and applications
Fractals and probability
Fracture and fragmentation of solids
Fracture mechanical and dinamical investigation of composite materials
Fracture network modelling of a potential host rock of a high-level nuclear weaste repository
Fracture, stability and nonlinear dynamics of laminated structures with material defect
Fragment, Codex, Codex Series: Reconstructing a 15th-century Graduale Strigoniense (Resonemus pariter. Studies in Medieval Music History 3.)
Fragments across borders. Tracing lost medieval manuscripts in Central Europe: attending the 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress in Athens
Fragments across borders. Tracing lost medieval manuscripts in Central Europe: organizing a study session with lecture on the 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress in Athens
Fragments, chants, notations. Ecosystem of music fragmentology
Francis Bacon: Text and Context
Franciscan School Dramas ( RMDE 6/1.) Annotated edition
Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations in the Twentieth Century
Franz Joseph in Hungary. Policy and entertainment.
Free Churches in Hungarian Society in the 20th Century
Free Churches in Hungarian Society in the 20th Century
Free trade and state trade restrictions in international, European and US economic law: the state's margin of appreciation when restricting trade with reference to the public interest
French Diplomatic Documents about the History of the Carpathian Basin vol. IV. , V.
French Diplomatic Documents about the History of the Carpathian Basin vol. V.
Frequency-dependent double layer capacitances
Freshwater Invertebrates in Central Europe
From crystal mush to volcanic eruption
From data to theory: analizing dynamics in team sports
From developmental states to new protectionism: changing repertoire of state interventions to promote development in an unfolding new world order
From Equal Opportunities to Taigetos?
From Exotic Nuclei to Molecular Electronics
From Hronikum to Adriaticum: reliable paleomagnetic constraints for the quantitative tectonic reconstruction of several tectonic units of Neotethyan origin
From Kautz to Blaug: economics and its histories
From long-term trajectories to short-term habitat changes: country-level analysis and modeling of grassland and wetland habitat changes
From moment to the past: mechanisms of successful and failed long-term memory
From morphological adaptation to growth inhibition: role of heavy metal-induced nitro-oxidative stress in plant root development
From phenomenological facts to philosophical theories
From pixels to analysis: markerless sport performance on the field
From post-rift phase to basin inversion – late-stage tectonic evolution of a major intra-plate shear zone of the Pannonian Basin
From rifting to neotectonic differential motions: coupling of crustal deformation, denudation, sedimentation and deep lithospheric processes - case studies in the Pannonian basin
From sleep microstructure to subjective experience: Cortical networks, information-processing and dream experiences in light of psychophysiological investigations
From the Beta-Amino Acid Toolkit to Biomimicking Foldamers and Bioactive Building Blocks
From the dynamics of cracks to the forecasting of catastrophic failures
From the environment to belief systems: changing lifeways and culture as reflected by animal remains between the Late Copper age and the Late Bronze Age
From the Treasury to the Library: Patronage and Court Culture of Paul Esterházy
From topologically protected states to topological quantum computation
Frontal Synthesis of Polymers and Composites
Full waveform inversion of local earthquakes data for hipocenter coordinates and focal mechanism.
Full-Sky Imaging Polarimetry to Detect Clouds and to Study the Meteorological Conditions Favourable for Polarimetric Viking Navigation
Fullerene chemical investigation with special emphasis on new endohedral, supermolecular and biocompatible fullerene compounds and radiofullerenes
Function of CRK5 in regulation of auxin signaling and gravitropic responses in Arabidopsis
Function of CRK5 in regulation of auxin signaling and gravitropic responses in Arabidopsis
Function of RNase inhibitor in the signaltransduction mechanism of type I. receptors
Function of silencing complexes in the regulation of homeotic genes in Drosophila
Function of the Drosophila Prod chromosomal protein in heterochromatin condensation and gene regulation
Functional analysis of a mutation in the cattle motilin gene
Functional analysis of bZIP-type transcription factors in Aspergillus flavus – a genetics- and omics-based approach
Functional analysis of key transcription factors of photoreceptor mediated signaling participated in abiotic stress tolerance: HY5 and PIFs in barley
Functional analysis of lipid transfer proteins required for endosymbiotic interactions.
Functional analysis of miRNAs involved in neurodegeneration
Functional analysis of multimodal infant-directed communication in a comparative framework
Functional analysis of neurogliaform cells in cortical information processing
Functional analysis of phytochrome signalling
Functional analysis of the fission yeast sep genes
Functional and morphological studies of movement disorders: The rule of simultaneous tremorometric and MRI volumetric measurement in investigating the pathophysiology of movement disorders, in defining the efficiency of conservative and surgical ther
Functional and structural changes in DNA upon genotoxic effects
Functional annotation of genomic signatures using array CGH and NGS analysis of phenotypic variants with Mendelian inheritance.
Functional characterisation of a novel component of the plant circadian clock
Functional characterisation of human foetal panctreatic ductal and acinar cells
Functional characterization of a newly identified ubiquitin ligase specialized for symbiotic nodule organogenesis.
Functional characterization of a novel hormone-like small protein, identified in a halophytic relative of Arabidopsis thaliana
Functional characterization of genes and promoters identified in strawberry fruit development
Functional characterization of oxidative stress response elements in Aspergillus nidulans
Functional cognitive linguistics research
Functional composite metal foams
Functional control of supramolecular peptide systems
Functional differential equations in mathematical epidemiology
Functional diversity of the Carpathian fishfauna. Preliminary studies and database development.
Functional dynamics
Functional equations and inequalities
Functional equations and inequalities
Functional equations and inequalities
Functional equations and inequalities
Functional equations and inequalities
Functional equations, function algebras
Functional evolution of intrinsically disordered proteins
Functional evolution of intrinsically disordered proteins
Functional genomic analysis of the hematopoiesis and the innate immunity in Drosophila
Functional genomic analysis of the symbiotic root nodule organogenesis.
Functional genomics, microRNA and protein level studies on sporadic adrenal tumor pathogenesis in search for novel pathomechanisms.
Functional inequalities and elliptic PDEs: the influence of curvature
Functional materials produced from polymers and modified polymer systems with controlled structure
Functional methods in thermal quantum field theory
Functional microcircuits of identified neurons in the human and rodent cerebral cortex
Functional morphological study of somatostin receptors in the cental nervous system
Functional nanocomposites as water splitting photoelectrodes
Functional nanostructured layers
Functional pathogenesis of mature T-cell lymphomas
Functional polymers for electrocatalytic applications
Functional Role and Regulation of Endothelial Fenestration and Permeability in the Renal Afferent Arteriole
Functional role of VIP-expressing midbrain neurons projecting to the amygdala in aversive memory formation
Functional role, mechanism of action and exploitation of a molecular switch
Functional significance of apela in regulating the cardiac fibroblast phenotype
Functional sites of intrinsically disordered proteins
Functional sites of intrinsically disordered proteins
Functional studies on mitochondrial MAP kinase signalling
Functional study of the PPP family of phosphoprotein phosphatases in Arabidopsis thaliana
Functional variants of the 5q31 chromosome region: connections between polygenic diseases and the carnitine system.
Functionality of urban ecosystem: ecology, urban green area and air quality
Functionalized linear and hyperbranched polyglycidols as building blocks in complex advanced macromolecular materials for drug delivery systems
Functionalizing high entropy materials for magnetocaloric and thermoelectric applications
Functioning and impairment of numerical representations
Functioning and impairment of numerical representations
Functonal cognitive linguistic research
Fundamental changes in the role of government in the venture capital market after the crisis
Fundamental classes in cohomology theories
Fundamental Institutions of the European Civil Procedure
Fundamental optimization issues in structural mechanics extended with stochastic problems
Fundamental problems in topology and layout optimization of structures: deterministic and probabilistic approaches
Fundamental problems of Dicrete Element Modeling
Fundamental research by thermal analysis for the optimal utilization of biomass fuels
Fundamental researches in the field of the history of Hungarian physics
Fundamental rights in the jurisdictional practise of ordinary law courts
Fundamentals of complex, multi-cpomponent metallic alloys
Funding of Publications of Organic Chemistry
Fungal patho-evolution in perspective: investigation of the stress adaptation of the neonatal fungal pathogen C. parapsilosis
Fungal siderophores function as prophylactic and protective agents against atherosclerosis and cancer and promising drugs for treatment of lead-poisoning
Fungi in the anaerobic degradation of biomass for biogas production
Fungicide resistance in non-target mycorrhizal, endophytic and saprotrophic fungi
Fungicide resistance of powdery mildew fungi of crops and wild host plants
FunOpEC: Functional relationships between ecosystem characteristics and services -- operationalising the concept of ecosystem condition
Furor Normannorum. Research on 9-11th Century Double-Edged Swords: Archaeological and Metallurgical Approaches.
Further source revelations from the history of Hungarian Physics between 1850 and 1950.
Further development and geodetic applications of the QDaedalus system
Further development of a phased array microphone-based diagnostics method for aiding in the noise and loss reduction of axial flow fans
Further development of measuring methods of Earth tide and the one of relevant geodynamical phenonema, processing and complex interpretation of the data recorded in the Pannonian-basin
Further development of the 4M model focusing on its water balance module
Further investigation of the pathological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of the general plant resistance described by our group
Further studies on the mechanism of the cell poliferation-inhibitoy action of opioid peptides in the uterus
Further study plans of secondary school leavers in a border region
Fuso-EV-GEN: FUSOgenic peptide-enhanced Extracellular Vesicles for improved therapeutic GENe editing
Future of business education
Futures Studies in the Interactive Society
Fuzziness in complexes of viral proteins
FWF Lead Agency-Born2hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan
FWF Lead Agency: Dependable Dataplane for the Cloud
FWF Lead Agency: Novel insight into the development of inflammatory heat hyperalgesia: the role of the mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1 in primary sensory neurons
FWF Lead Agency; Functioning of vertebrate metacommunities in dynamic riverine landscapes: an innovative approach using eDNA metabarcoding
FWF Lead Agency; Functioning of vertebrate metacommunities in dynamic riverine landscapes: an innovative approach using eDNA metabarcoding
Gabonaminősítő módszerek fejlesztését megalapozó kutatások
Gait analysis system for detect of pelvis and hip joint motion
Galactic Archaeology in the Age of Big Data Sky Surveys
Gáll, Erwin: 10-11th century cemeteries of Transylvania, Partium and Banat
Game Theory
Game Theory: Concepts, Methods, Applications
Game Theory: The many faces of equilibrium and allocation
Game-theoretic modelling and mechanism design of energetic networks and systems
Games and decisions: classical and non-classical
Gamma Ray Bursts and their relationship to the interstellar matter
garden on the cube- culture- ecology- botany
Gas diffusion electrodes for continuous-flow electroreduction of carbon-dioxide
Gastrointestinal involvement of spondylarthropathies and systemic connective tissue disorders
Gastrointestinal microcirculatory changes during oxido-reductive stress conditions
GeLexi project (lexicalist grammar and discourse representation semantics with computational implementation)
Gender inequality of intergenerational support in Hungary: a micro and macro perspective with time transfers
Gene expression during filammentous growth, in a non-pathogenic dimorphic haploid yeast, Sch.japonicus
Gene expression in Fuchs' dystrophy, pseudophakic bullous keratopathy and keratoconus
Gene expression profile analysis of the hemocyte compartments and the cell-mediated immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Gene expression profiles characteristic to rice varieties cultivated under water-saver irrigation regime
Gene Expression Regulation of Sebaceous Glands in Inflammatory Skin Lesions
Gene-environment interactions in chronic pancreatitis: effect of cigarette smoking on disease progression in CPA1 mutant mice
Gene-expression profiles in the thyroid tumors of epithelial origin
Generalized tensor methods in quantum chemistry
Generation and analysis of dynamic conformational ensembles of biomolecules
Generation and application of ultrashort infrared and far-infrared (THz pulses) light pulses
Generation and applications of terahert pulses with extreme high field
Generation of a genetically engineered total PPARg null mouse line, a new model to study the function of the receptor
Generation of highly luminescent color centers in nanocrystalline diamond
Generation of the bFcRn transgenic sheep
Generation, spectroscopy and structure of unstable nitrile oxides, nitrile sulfides and nitrile selenides
Genesis and Creation. Exegetical traditions on the biblical Genesisi in the Mediterraneum.
Genesis and postpedogenic alterations of paleosols in loesses and possibilities for paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Genesis of late Creteceous calcite dykes from the Transdanubium Central Range
Genetic analyses of potential effects of stress on feeding behaviour, feed intake and feeding efficiency in intensively reared pikeperch
Genetic analysis of neutrophil function
Genetic analysis of patients with prostate cancer
Genetic analysis of symbiosome initiation and development in legume nodulation.
Genetic analysis of the protein delivery mechanism for proteasomal degradation
Genetic and Bacterial Programming for B-Spline Neural Networks Design (journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd)
Genetic and brain correlates of sensitivity to positive and negative environment: new predictive markers of stress management intervention outcome
Genetic and environmental risk factors to cardiometabolic diseases and their interplay in the Hungarian general and Roma populations
Genetic and epigenetic factors of social behavior: comparison of human-raised wolves and dogs living individually or in captive packs
Genetic and epigenetic markers assessing sepsis risk in patients with infection
Genetic and functional analyses of viruses of intensively reared fishes
Genetic and functional studies for the characterization of CYLD mutations identified in Hungarian cylindromatosis pedigrees - introduction of a novel gene therapy method
Genetic and humoral immunologic determinants of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes
Genetic and immunologic investigations of the pathomechanisms of asthma and allergy
Genetic and molecular biological characterization of protein phosphatase genes in Drosophila melanogaster
Genetic background of dosorders in sexual differentiation
Genetic bases of adaptation to human disturbance in urban birds
Genetic characterization of adenoviruses of different animal hosts ti archive an improved taxonomy, which reflects the viral evolution
Genetic classification and precision medicine in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Genetic criticism
Genetic disorders in Romani population
Genetic dissection of sperm and egg cell cooperation.
Genetic diversity and self-(in)compatibility in apricot and almond and molecular analysis of the origin of Hungarian cultivars
Genetic diversity studies on native Central-European populations of Pinus cembra L.: ecological, genetical, forestry, landscape-, and vegetation historical correlates
Genetic diversity, host adaptation, and the spread of antibiotic resistance in Pasteurella multocida
Genetic diversity, host adaptation, and the spread of antibiotic resistance in Pasteurella multocida
Genetic effects on the behaviour of the domestic dog
Genetic evaluation of the dominance effect in domesticated rabbits
Genetic factors of age-related decline in cognitive performance
Genetic influence on biosynthesis of astaxanthin in Phaffia rhodozyma
Genetic mapping of the Hungarian population of the Maize dwarf mosaic potyvirus (MDMV)
Genetic past, present and future of animal populations in the light of climate change - production of distance learning and scientific multimedia content for generations X, Y, Z
Genetic polymorphism and geographic variation in natural populations of endemic Lepidoptera taxa
Genetic polymorphisms of peroxisome activated receptors (PPARalfa intron 7 2498 G/C, PPARgamma Pro12Ala and exon 6 C161T) in assotiation with TNF-alfa -238 G/A, -308 G/A promoter polymorphism and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR) Asp299Gly és Thr399Ile poly
Genetic risk and meternal behaviour in the development disorganized attachment in infancy
Genetic studies on the nitrogen fixing and mycorrhyza symbioses in the model legume Medicago truncatula
Genetics of nephrotic syndrome
Genetics of the virulence of methicillin resistant versus sensitive Staphylococcus aureus strains, as well as in vitro and in vivo studies on the molecular pathomechanisms of associated infections
Geno-and phenotypic characterisation of antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Genome annotation
Genome annotation
Genome chimerisation in alloploid genomes of yeast interspecies hybrids
Genome introgression and egg cell activation in wheat-alien hybrids
Genome wide mRNA and small RNA transcriptome profiling and characterization in Capsicum annuum.
Genome-wide examination of the epigenetic role of the heme-dependent transcription factor BACH1 in macrophage polarization using bioinformatic methods
Genomic landscape of human melanoma progression
Genomic prediction of essential genes: in silico approach
Genomical and proteomical, basic and applied clinical research of the human placenta and gynaecological tumors
Genomics of corneal dystrophies
Genomics of metastatic progression of high incidence cancers
Genomics of the effect of smoke derived germination cues, KAR1
Genotype, stage and the innate immune response in pulmonary adenocarcinoma
Genotyping and phenotyping onvestigation of antibiotic resistance mechanism of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains
Genre specifics of Goncharov's novels
Genre specifics of Goncharov's novels
Génsebészeti módszerekkel sugárérzékenyített daganatsejtek sugárterápiája és angiogenezist gátló terápia kombinációja kísérletes agytumorok kezelésében.
Geo-hydrodynamics: fluid dynamical phenomena in the Earts`s interior
Geochemical and paleoclimatological investigations on freshwater mollusc shells
Geochemical effects of CO2 flooding in natural and experimental rock-(pore)water systems and numerical models
Geochemical effects of CO2 flooding in natural and experimental rock-(pore)water systems and numerical models
Geochemical effects of CO2 flooding in natural and experimental rock-(pore)water systems and numerical models
Geochemical transport modeling for contamination risk assessment in sensitive catchments
Geochronology of glacial landforms and cave sediments in Macedonia and implications for Quaternary landscape evolution in the Central Balkan Peninsula
Geodetic applications of torsion balance measurements
Geodiversity and species preservation: the capacity of karst dolines as microrefugia
Geodynamical effect of the Earth's and atmospheric tides and their connection with the radon emanation of rocks
Geoelectromagnetism and the changing Earth
Geographic variation in the effects of chytridiomycosis on amphibians: Causes and consequences
Geographical aspects in the migration of Hungarian health-care professionals
Geographical Dimensions of Understanding the Notion of Best Place within the Context of Total Tourism
Geographical examination of peer-to-peer accommodations in Hungary
Geographical features of development in mobile communication services in Hungary
Geographical features of the transformation of housing market in HUngary
Geographical Interpretations of the Trianon Treaty
Geography of tourism in Hungary: modern approaches
Geolinguistic research of dialectological and onomastical corpora
Geolinguistics methods in research of historical personal names
Geology and Urbanization - the Case of Budapest
Geometic Measure Theory
Geometric and combinatorial coverings
Geometric Strength of Materials
Geometrical, vibrational and electronic structure of borate crystals and their defects
Geometries, graphs, groups and their links
Geometry in Number Theory, Algebra in Geometry
Geometry of deterministic and random fractals
Geometry of manifolds
Geometry of Manifolds
Geometry, Analysis and Convexity
Geomorphological survey of the South-Eastern Bükk mountain, particulary focusing on the potentially tropical origin karst patterns and the South Eastern edge of the area
Geopolitical Processes and Imaginaries in Central Europe: States, Borders, Integration and Regional Development
Geoscientific analysis of urban and rural environment issues with remote sensing techniques
Gepid Settlements on the Hungarian Plain
German collocation dictionary: theory and carrying out of a new learner's dictionary
German Idealism and Romantics
Germans in Hungary, 1950-1990
Get to know and solve it! Scientists and innovators then and now in Hungary.
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in electrodeposited multilayers
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in electrodeposited multilayers
Giant Saharan dust in Europe: changing climate or uncertain analyses?
Global analysis of the biophysical properties of ErbB4
Global and regional deformation field
Global computation and qualitative decsripton of nonlinear boundary value problems
Global dynamics of delay equations: state-dependent delay and nonautonomous equations
Global dynamics of differential equations
Global Energy
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), Entrepreneurial Activity in Hungary 2010-2012
Global envirinmental regimes and the Hungarian public policy
Global optimization methods for solving location problems
Global optimization methods for solving location problems
Global patterns to molecular problems in lichenology
Global physico-chemical and mathematical invetigation of reaction paths/profiles, and critical points on potential energy surfaces
Global to local scale challenges of ecosystem restoration
Global view of metabolome changes between domesticated and wild yeasts
Globalisation and institutional change, Hungary's strategies for adjusting to the world economy
Globalization. European Intergration - EU. "Catching-up" strategies and possibilities of Hungary
Glucocorticoids and behavioural disorders: a study integrating effects on aggression, anxiety and depression
GLUT 10 deficiency and the arterial tortuosity syndrome
Glutamatergic innervation of hypothalamic structures: neurochemical and functional analysis
Glutamatergic neurons in the median raphe: a novel subcortical modulator of behavior
Glutathione transferases as redox transducers?
Glycinergic input to basal forebrain neurons; a potentially Janus-faced component of the neuronal circuitry
Glycoimmunological studies in search of the mechanism of autoimmune processes
Goals, self-regulation and positive functioning in couples: a longitudinal analysis
Gold and silver catalysts for abatement of environmentally harmful materials: modeling the structure dependency
Gold and silver catalysts for abatement of environmentally harmful materials: modeling the structure dependency
Gold and silver catalysts for abatement of environmentally harmful materials: modelling the structure dependency
Gombos, Albin: Catalogus Fontium... II-III-IV.
Gorzsa and Late Neolithic of the Southern Great Hungarian Plain
Gorzsa and Late Neolithic of the Southern Great Hungarian Plain
Gorzsa and Late Neolithic of the Southern Great Hungarian Plain
Gossip, Reputation, and Cooperation: Informal Building Blocks of Social Order
GOULASH-PLUS: investigating biomarkers for diagnosing the early phase of chronic pancreatitis
Gouvernment System and Power Apparatus of the Dualist Monarchy
Governance challenges in peripheral areas
Governing urban marginality in shrinking cities
Government ministers in Hungary 1867-2006: inertia and mobility, modernization and Europeanization
Governmental structures and ethnic minority party representation in Central and Eastern-Europe
Governmental structures and ethnic minority party representation in Central and Eastern-Europe
GPU accelerated computation of chemically active bubble clusters: participation in the 17th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry
GPU-Based Visualization and Image Processing
Granulometric analysis of recent Saharan dust
Granum: structure, flexibility, role in regulatory processes
Graph Drawings and Representations
Graph Optimization and Big Data
Graph Theory and Combinatorial Scientific Computing
Graphen based terahertz modulators
Graphen based terahertz modulators
Graphene nanoarchitectures: production and characterization
Graphene nanoarchitectures: production and characterization
Graphs and algoritms
Graphs, geometry, randomness, algoritms
Graphs, Groups, Configurations and Geometries
Grassland restoration based on nature-based solutions in agricultural landscapes: drivers at micro- and macro-scales
Grating fabrication by laser-based techniques
Grave-goods of Hungary from the Age of the Hungarian Landtaking and the Early Arpadians
Grave-goods of Hungary from the Age of the Hungarian Landtaking and the Early Arpadians
Grave-goods of Hungary from the Age of the Hungarian Landtaking and the Early Arpadians
Gravitational radiation and wawes in general relativity
Gravitational wave templates
Gravitational waves and their sources in the strong field regimes of generalised gravity theories
Gravitational waves in Astrophysics
Gravity lineament map of Hungary
Greek cities in the Roman Western Asia Minor: Asia Province and the Western part of Bithynia-Pontus under the Antonines
Greek Medicine and the Numerology
Green functions and polynomials
Greening and Sustainability of the Common Agricultural Policy: A Hungarian-Slovenian Comparison
Groundwater as a geological agent. Study of groundwater flow related actuogeological processes in the Kiskunság sector of the Danube valley
Groundwater microcosm studies on the microbial biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons under hypoxic conditions
Group actions
Group functioning and patterns of social interactions
Group rings
Group rings and crossed products
Group Theory
Group theory
Group-theoretic aspects of integrable systems and their dualities
Groups and graph limits
Groups and other algebraic structures
Groups and representations
Groups and their representations
Groups, algebras, loops
Growth and Characterization of Self-forming Diffusion Barrier Layers
Growth and Characterization of Self-forming Diffusion Barrier Layers
Growth and Characterization of Self-forming Diffusion Barrier Layers
Growth and spectroscopic study of self-frequency doubling laser crystals
Growth in groups
Growth potential and economic policy
Growth rate dependence of Lae1-type epigenetic regulation in the fungus Trichoderma reesei
Growth, synthesis and microscopy of wide bandglap semiconducting layers
Guaranteed stability of controlled dynamical systems with delay
Guignardia - insight into the black box of black rot
Gyulai - Tarján school in crystal physics
Habitability of exoplanetary systems around ultracool dwarf stars
Habitat adaptation of dark septate root endophytic fungi – exception or rule?
Habitat heterogeneity and environmental gradients in the sandy forest-steppes of the Carpathian Basin: Analyses on local and regional scales
Habitat selection, stock size, reproduction and genetic variability of Asian carps in Lake Balaton
Habitat structure and population survival - dynamic models
Habitat structure caddisly fauna realtionship in headwater streams
Hadronic physics at the CMS experiment
Haemodynamic forces-activated normal and pathological vascular mechanisms
Haemodynamic forces-activated normal and pathological vascular mechanisms
Hajdúnánás-Tedej-Lyukas halom: an typical Pit-grave kurgan at the Great Hungarian Plain.
Handbook of Cryptophytes – Taxonomy, description, demand and distribution
Handbook of Phraseology
Handbook of psychodiagnostics
Handicraft Heritage and Modernization
Handicraft in North-East Hungary (16-20. Century)
Haplotype structure of the 5' region of the D4 dopamine receptor gene: molecular and psychiatric aspects
Harmonic analysis and additive combinatorics
Harmonic analysis and applications
Harmonic analysis and discrete geometric problems
Harnessing the healing power of macrophages
Have the East-Central-European Democracies Stabilised? A Comparative Political Science Analysis
Have the East-Central-European Democracies Stabilised? A Comparative Political Science Analysis
Health and environmental consequences of atmospheric nano-aerosol
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children - a representative health survey on the Hungarian adolescents
Health care use and health outcomes: the role of socioeconomic and geographical variables
Health goals in social ecological context: the Personal Niche Model of health
Health migration: facts and interpretations
Health tourism and quality of life in Hungary
Health, income inequalities and their impact on pension systems: theoretical and empirical models (2018-2022):
Healthy aging after acute pancreatitis
Heat and mass transfer at convective drying process
Heat stress management of the “micromammal” S. pombe: development of a novel cellular model to explore new chaperone modulator drug candidates.
Heat stress sensitivity of wheat meiosis: Achilles' heel of yield stability
Heat stress-induced changes in defense mechanisms of the model crop barley during fungal infections
Heat-shock and metabolic stress responses in aging
Heavy element nucleosynthesis
Hebrew Carmina Gratulatoria of the Hungarian Peregrines in the 17th Century
Hebrew Carmina Gratulatoria of the Hungarian Peregrines in the 17th Century
Hebrew sources relating to the history of Hungary and the Hungarian Jewry - 18th century
Hegy- és dombvidéki kisvízfolyások szélsőséges árhullámai-nak vizsgálata
Heidegger and the National Socialism - philosophical approaches
Heidegger and the National Socialism - philosophical approaches
Hemocompatible magnetic nanostructures for theranostic purposes
Hemodynamic analysis of intracranial aneurysms: risk of bleeding and efficacy of treatment
Heritagization and Secularization in China (from 1949 to the present day)
Hermeneutics and Aesthetics. The Relation of Picture and Text in the Aesthetic Modernity
Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language. Interdisciplinary Research in the Theory and History of Humanities.
Hermetic Literature in Middle Europe (incl.Hungary)
Heterogeneity in user preferences and its impact on transport project appraisal
Heterogeneous data- and knowledge fusion to support genomic analyses
Heterologous expression of insect Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors for high throughput screening of pest selective insecticides.
Hibrid és lágy számítási módszerekre épülő intelligens na-vigációs modellek és algoritmusok
Hidden cardiotoxicity and cardiprotection in translational cell culture models
Hidden curriculum: versions of school life worlds
Hidden economy and hidden employment
Hidden microorganisms in horticultural plants and their interaction with the host
Hidden richness: Mesozoic and Tertiary benthic assemblages.
Hierarchical mechanobiology of the striated-muscle cytoskeleton
Hierarchical organisation in complex systems
High and low-frequency discharges for biomedical applications and nanostructuring
High brightness, high contrast KrF excimer sources and their applications for plasma- and surface physics investigations
High energy phisycs research and development at the LHC CMS (LERN) and RHIC PHENIX (BHL) detectors
High Frequency Oscillations in Epilepsy
High Performance Computing of Complex Cutting Models
High Performance Computing of Complex Delayed Dynamical Systems
High Performance Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography: Fundamental aspects, separation systems and data management
High precision cross sections for current and future colliders
High precision nuclear astrophysics investigations
High resolution characterization of an exotic wheat grass (Thinopyrum) hybrid genome using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach to transfer stress resistance, morphology- and quality-related traits into wheat
High resolution imaging of weak celestial radio sources
High speed, high resolution phase retrieval of off-axis hologram of sparse samples.
High-accuracy calculations in theoretical chemistry: method development and application
High-accuracy models in theoretical chemistry and their applications to spectroscopy
High-energy radiation initiated reactions in monomer solutions
High-frequency monitoring and modeling of shallow lake metabolism
High-intensity virtual reality sensorimotor in the rehabilitation stroke patients' clinical-motor symptoms through neuroplasticity
High-level quantum chemical study of electronic structure problems involved in chemi- and bioluminescence processes
High-performance modeling and simulation of low-temperature and strongly coupled plasmas
High-performance modeling and simulation of low-temperature and strongly coupled plasmas
High-performance modeling and simulation of low-temperature and strongly coupled plasmas
High-performance modeling and simulation of low-temperature and strongly coupled plasmas
High-resolution multi-proxy analysis of Holocene environment and climate in the Carpathian Region: vegetation response to Early Holocene warming in mountain vs. lowland environments
High-throughput laboratory evolution of antibiotic-producing bacteria in the presence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens - a new antibiotic discovery platform
High-throughput single cell manipulation and picoliter scale sampling of cell cultures
Higher education management handbook
Higher-dimensional complex algebraic geometry
Higher-order moiré superlattices in van der Waals heterostructures
Highlighting the roles of ceramide platforms in Parkinson’s disease-associated alterations of microglial KV1.3 ion channel
Highly accurate data analysis of permanent GPS networks
Highly eccentric signals in gravitational wave physics
Highly integrated genome level examination of transcription factor cascades during alternative macrophage polarization using next-generation sequencing methods
Hispanic Avant-garde Movements
Histological development of the hippocampal formation, neocortex and cerebellar cortex in the brain of aneuploid children
Historia litteraria a XVIII. században: Tanulmányok (Universitas Könyvkiadó)
Historiae: a history of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts - I
Historians of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Historians of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Historic Gardens in Hungary and Europe.
Historical biogeography of Northern Temperate Arboreal Thyatiridae and Noctuidae groups
Historical determination of certain institutions related to the general part of the law of obligations
Historical Geography Analysis of Integration Processes of Hungary During the Modern Times
Historical Geography of Hungary in the Age of Árpáds - County Sáros and Somogy
Historical Sources and Literature of the Hungarian Uniforme; (18th-19th c.)
Historical Studies in the Philosophy of Language (Monographies)
Historical Syntax of Middle Hungarian
Historical textfolkloristic research of the folktales and booktales in the Hungarian languange literacy. Popular reception of the tales of Grimm Brothers and László Arany.
Histories of the development of minority identity: Hungarian theatre history in Vojvodina 1918–1995
Historiography and historia litteraria (Science studies) in the lifework István Katona's (1732-1811)
Historiography and historia litteraria (Science studies) in the lifework István Katona's (1732-1811)
History and Astronomy
History and minutes of the Hungarian Catholic Episcopate between 1945 and 1948
History of administrative juctice in Hungary (1896-1949)
History of Czechoslovakia in Documents
History of economic thought in Hungary
History of Hungarian Constititutionalism and Parliamentarism 1989-2007
History of Hungarian Philosophy in Early Modernity (1570-1710)
History of literary scholarship and criticism in Hungary 1701-1772
History of medicine in Hungary 1700-1848.
History of memory in the East: Hungary 1945-2004
History of Persian Grammar-writing
History of physics in Hungary (XX. century)
History of secondary school teacher education
History of the Béla Balázs Studio
History of the Cumans to the Mongol invasion
History of the F.Liszt Academy of Music 1934-1967 (The period of the general directors Ernő Dohnányi, Ede Zathureczky and Ferenc Szabó)
History of the official use of Latin language in the Roman Empire
History of Yugoslav Political Emigrants in Hungary (1948-1956)
History of Zalalövő in the ancient times - Muncipium Aelium Salla
History, politics and mentality in Hungary during the XVIth century. Forgách Ferenc and his Commentarii
Hitchhiker’s guide to the waterbirds: seed dispersal effectiveness
HIV dual infection and early phase HIV-cell interactions
HIV genotyping: drug resistant HIV mutants in therapy naive patients
HMGB-1 secretion and RAGE gene polymorphism in septic conditions and in neurodegenerative diseases, experimental and clinical studies
Hoards and Hoardings in the Late Bronze Age
Holistic design of fuel cell electrocatalysts for the least power applications
Hollow-structured semiconductor oxides for photocatalytic environmental applications
Holographic methods in structural research
Holographic solution of gauge theories
Holomorphic geometry of circular banach manifolds
Homogeneous asymmetric carbonylation reactions and their mechanistic investigations
Homogeneous catalysis in alternative solvents - basic research for environmental protection
Homogeneous catalysis in multiphase liquid systems
Homogenous catalysis: backgrounds and applications
Homology-dependent DNA damage bypass mechanisms and their effect on mutagenesis
Horace and the Ancient Aesthetics
Horace and the Ancient Aesthetics
Horace' faces
Horace's Poetics and the lyric tradition of the Hunagrian Literature
Horizontal gene transfer and enzyme promiscuity in the evolution of microbial metabolic networks
Host cell-derived molecular factors that regulate pathogen-induced cell death in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Host-parasite interactions in a widespread tritrophic relationship
Host-vector-pathogen coevolution strategies: role of pathogens in shaping bat and bat-parasite population dynamics
Household debt in Hungary in an unfolding economic and energy crisis
Household-based complex network The complex household network analysis of the Late Neolithic settlemet at Polgár-Csőszhalom
Housing estate society and culture: a contemporary urban anthropological study
How "general" is generalized trust? - A critical review of trust measurement
How and why do autophagy and endocytosis meet?
How can plant ecology support grassland restoration?
How do 'superbugs' emerge? - A systematic study of the mobility of resistance and virulence genes in human microbiota and pathogenic bacteria
How do legumes choose their symbiotic partner from the sea of eligible soil rhizobia?
How do we imagine? About cobots, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles for kids
How does pre- and postnatal chronic stress exposure affect the development and vulnerability of peptidergic neurons in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in models of depression and Parkinson's disease?
How does soil food-web influence nutrient cycling after returning crop residues to agricultural fields?
How does the law adapt, resist and learn? The responsiveness of the Hungarian legal system 2010-2018
How does the mixed cholinerg-GABAerg basal forebrain projection modulate different areas of the neocortex?
How prosody shapes word order: An integrated interface-based approach to the post-verbal domain in OV languages
How social gap in non-cognitive skills predict inequalities in education – an exploratory study
How statistics shape reading and spelling
How the Old Church Prayed: The Earliest Christian Prayers on Papyrus
How to Approach the Unreachable? – Pilot analysis of unit non-response and ineligible populations in empirical surveys by re-connecting with special questionnaires and methods –
How to Study Western Liturgical Uses? Text Edition, History, Comparative Research, Methodology
How to track delta 11 desaturase expression, our new pheromone-strain specific diagnostic marker for European corn borer in single larvae, with the aim of characterizing different populations?
How variations in the rates of changes influence the evolution of fungi? – a comprehensive molecular evolutionary study using fungal models
HR Mirror: Role and competency expectation toward the Human Resource Managment, competencies)
HRM in Transition - Practices of MNC-Subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe
Hsp90-dependent regulatory mechanisms in aging
Human activities and air composition with special references to the atmospheric aerosol
Human and social capital formation: transition to adulthood, intergenerational mobility and fertility
Human Being in Late Antiquity: Plotinus in Context
Human dUTPase: cooperativity and cellular interactions
Human geographical research of people living on the periphery of society and space: A case study of small villages in North Cserehát, Hungary
Human landscape interactions in the Maros valley during the first half of the Avar period based on comparative interdisciplinary study of the archeology
Human papillomavirus infections
Human papillomavirus-associated cancers and early prognostic role of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatases
Human papillomaviruses in oral cancers
Human polyomaviruses: functional analyzis of genomes and prevalence study
Human population genetic research of the present-day Carpathian basin
Human resource management - Concepts and techniques in international perspective
Humanities in the 18th century in Hungary
Hume Interpretations
Hume Interpretations
Hume on true religion
Hundred Hungarian Soldiers' Songs
Hundred new land snail species from the Oriental and Australasian regions
Hungaria Pontificia
Hungarian art - French art, 1905-1914. (Hungarian "neos" and fauves)
Hungarian Art in the 19th Century. Vol 1. Architecture and the Applied Arts
Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns
Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns
Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns
Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns
Hungarian Basic Researchers - Weekly report on 2 pages in the Life and Science magazine
Hungarian bryophytes as potential sources for pharmacologically active substances
Hungarian Civil Servanta in the Common Ministries
Hungarian Constructicon
Hungarian Focus: Predicate or Operator?
Hungarian foodways in European context at the turn of the millennium: an ethnological approach c. 1920-2005
Hungarian Garden Design of the Modern Age: An Exploration of Historical Sources and Elaboration. Phase One
Hungarian generative diachronic syntax
Hungarian Generative Diachronic Syntax 2
Hungarian historical and literary sources from 14th and 16th century in Italian archives and libraries.
Hungarian in the Age of Informatics
Hungarian lignicolous fungi as promising sources of biologically active metabolites
Hungarian literary careers and text transfer 1888-1918
Hungarian Literature as World Literature
Hungarian Manuscript Database
Hungarian Metrical Tradititon and the Contemporary Hungarian Poetry
Hungarian music culture and composition in the 20th century
Hungarian music culture and composition in the 20th century
Hungarian Musical Tradition in the online Dimension: Challenges, Limits and Possibilities. Lecture, Hungarian Studies in the Covid-19 World - AHEA Conference
Hungarian Musichistory: 3. and 5. vol.
Hungarian Popular Cinema and Television During and After Socialism
Hungarian popular poetry (18-19th c.) Vol. 3.
Hungarian printers’ and publishers’ devices 1636–1900
Hungarian Relations of German Baroque Literary Societies and their Members in Hungary
Hungarian Saddles in the Carpathian Basin Dekorated with Carving
Hungarian saints in Italian manuscripts of the 13-15th century
Hungarian school children's language learning motivation: challenges prior and after joining the European Union
Hungarian Spontaneous Speech Corpus
Hungarian Surrealisms. Surrealist visions and images in Hungarian visual culture
Hungarian Trade Guild Database, 1526-1761
Hungarian university graduates in Law, Theology, the Arts and the Sciences (1867-1919). Prosopographic foundations of the study of the intelligentsia with classical education as to its recruitment patterns, academic education, intellectual creativity
Hungarian-German literary relations in the 20th century. I. At the beginning of the century through Hungarian newspapers and magazines. II. Between 1933 and 1945 through Hungarian and German newspapers and magazines.
Hungarian-Mongolian Fieldwork Researches for Mongolian Dialects and Folk Culture (continued)
Hungarian-Polish connections on field of public and private law in the 14th and 15th century
Hungarians and Serbs in Délvidék during the Second World War
Hungarica in the collection of the Literary Archives of Museum of the Czech Literature - Památník národního písemnictví
Hungarica in the collection of the Literary Archives of Museum of the Czech Literature - Památník národního písemnictví
Hungarica in the collection of the Maribor Regional Archives, branches of the Ljubljana Historical Archives, and the Manuscript Collection of the Slovene National and University Library
Hungarica in the Oeuvre of Ján Kollár
Hungaro-Byzantine Relations in the 10-15th Centuries. In the Fields of History, Politics, Culture History, Chruch and Law
Hungaro-Mongolian field-work
Hungary and Europe: the Foreign Policy of Hungary, with a special attention to Anglo-Hungarian Relations in the Middle Ages, 1235-1437
Hungary and Italy 1945-1990
Hungary and Italy in the Renaissance
Hungary and Soviet Union 1957-1964
Hungary and the Papacy (13–20. centuries) – Institutional Analyses
Hungary and the UN, 1945-1990
Hungary in Early Modern Europe
Hungary in the CMS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
Hungary in the energy crisis: From energy poverty to energy scarcity
Hungary in the European Economy of the 15-17th Century
Hungary's agricultural policy
Hunger controls aging
Hussars In and Outside the Battlefield. Our National Type of Cavalry in the Long 19th Century
Hussars, Cuirassiers and Uhlans. A comparative research of the Hungarian, German and Polish cavalry-officers’ élite of the Imperial-Royal Army in the Age of the French Wars (1792–1815)
HUSSE Hungary International Scholarly Conference Organisation
Hybrid composites: structure, properties, functionality
Hybrid magnetic structures
Hydration of macromolecules: connecting experiment and theoretical calculation
Hydraulic actuators made from high elasticity material for mechanical engineering and for the medicine
Hydrocortisone therapy during hypothermia treatment in asphyxiated neonates
Hydrodechlorination of chlorine compounds on zeolites
Hydrogen production using biomass derived materials
Hydrogenation on anchored complexes
Hydrogeology and carbonate mineralization
Hydrological and water quality charasteristics of forest covered cathments
Hydrological conditions of certain wetland vegetation types
Hydrostatic pressure induced changes in the electronic structure of solids
Hygroscopic behavior of atmospheric aerosol particles
Hyperbolic dynamical systems and fractals
Hyperbolic dynamical systems with singularities
Hyperbolic dynamical systems: attractors and correlation decay.
Hypothalamic mechanisms of puberty in rodents and humans
Hypothalamic regulation of the stress response
Iberoromance Historical Syntax
iCrowd: innovation, digital workforce and intellectual property rights
ICT-enabled cooperative learning in physical education
Idegtudomány (Természet Világa különszám) Híres kutatóhelyeink (cikksorozat), fiatal kutatók (interjúsorozat) (TIT Természet Világa)
Identification of fumonisin producing Fusarium species by PCR assay, and detection of new fumonisin analogons
Identification of fumonisin producing Fusarium species by PCR assay, and detection of new fumonisin analogons
Identification and analyses of altered patterns of gene expression in compatible host elicited by plant virus infevtion
Identification and analysis of DNA polymorphisms influencing economically important traits in diploid and polyploid stone fruit trees
Identification and analysis of genetic loci that cause heterosis in crop plants
Identification and analysis of NCR genes differentially expressed in Medicago truncatula lines.
Identification and characterisation of novel targets of the evolutionarily conserved Protein phosphatase 4
Identification and characterization of defensin-like antimicrobial proteins secreted by Neosartorya fischeri and related species
Identification and characterization of pathogenic factors in thrombotic microangiopathies
Identification and characterization of specific proteins for sphingo- and glycerolipid growth factors
Identification and functional characterization of components of the plant circadian clock
Identification and functional characterization of genes regulating left-right asymmetric development in Drosophila
Identification and functional characterization of novel molecular regulators of thermogenesis activation in human adipocyte subpopulations for combatting obesity
Identification and investigation of charged hadrons produced with large transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
Identification and isolation of economically important fish viruses and development of new generation prototype vaccines
Identification and isolation of economically important fish viruses and development of new generation prototype vaccines
Identification and structure-function studies on novel medically important modular proteins
Identification and validation of novel MAP kinase substrates and interactors
Identification and validation of novel molecular target for obesity and type 2 diabetes
Identification for control of nonlinear vehicle systems
Identification miRNAs of therapeutic and diagnostic value in endogenous cardioprotection by postconditioning in a clinically relevant swine model of myocardial infarction
Identification novel components in the regulation and mechanisms of autophagy
Identification of a calcium sensitive GSH transporter in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
Identification of a peripheral genetic marker suitable for diagnosis of schizophrenia
Identification of cellular mechanisms protecting against UVB induced damage in vitro and in vivo
Identification of Classical Greek Sculptors – Master-hand Attributions by 3D-analysis
Identification of drug targets for ischemic heart disease and its comorbidities by bioinformatic target prediction based on trascriptomic data followed by experimetal validation of predicted targets
Identification of epilepsy-related structural and functional brain differences with magnetic resonance imaging
Identification of friend or foe during the invasion of symbiotic nodule cells
Identification of Genes Affecting Hipermuscularity on Chromosome X.
Identification of genes and metabolites involved in the redox control of the transitions between growth, development and quiescent periods in cereals
Identification of germ plasm specific RHAs by DNA microarray method in Drosophila
Identification of Historical-Sociological Configurations of the Recruits of the Profession of University Professors (as the Elite of Knowledge) in the Period Between 1848–1944 and the Exploration of Mobility Patterns Based on Data-Rich Family Trees of Four Genereations of the Professors
Identification of interaction regions within centrosomal proteins
Identification of key microRNAs in estrogen sensitive ovarian cancer
Identification of leaf rust resistance- and nutritional quality-related genomic regions in a wild goatgrass species (Aegilops biuncialis) and their use in wheat prebreeding
Identification of membrane proteins interacted with aggregating peptides involved in Neurodegenerative diseases
Identification of molecular markers linked to yellow pigment content in winter durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)
Identification of Mutations in Hereditary Disorders of Paediatrics Using the Human Genome database
Identification of non-peptidic immunoproteasome inhibitors using fragment based drug discovery technics
Identification of novel disease modifiers in autoimmune thyroid diseases
Identification of novel molecular genetic markers in acute and chronic myeloid leukemias for optimal detection of minimal residual disease and for selection of individual therapy
Identification of novel molecular genetic markers in acute and chronic myeloid leukemias for optimal detection of minimal residual disease and for selection of individual therapy
Identification of novel regulatory mechanisms of the plant circadian clock
Identification of pain sensitization mechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis
Identification of plant genes responsible for viral symptom development
Identification of predictive biomarkers for the prognosis of targeted biological therapy in lung cancer
Identification of proteins involved in abiotic stress in barley
Identification of protiens regulating the activity of phagocyte NADPH-oxidase and proton channel using RNA-interference
Identification of sap-specific protein interactions in T-cells and their role in T-cell function
Identification of signal transduction pathways involved in cold stress by gene expression studies in cereals
Identification of the binding domain(s) involved in the binding with FXIII-A on FXIII-B
Identification of the proteins that form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore
Identification of the Rcg1 crown gall resistance gene in grapevine
Identification, physiological role and potential biotechnological applications of the alternative electron donors of photosystem II in cyanobacteria, algae and plants
Identification, synthesis and functional characterisation of new, diagnostic epitopes in autoimmune diseases, and of IgG Fc peptide chimeras binding to Fc receptor and triggering effector function
Identifications of diagnostic and therapeutic targets in gastrointestinal tumors and corresponding liquid biopsies.
Identifing biomarkers of therapy response in breast cancer
Identifying degron motifs regulating protein abundance
Identifying driver behavior to predict the motion of micromobility vehicles
Identifying novel mechanisms that contribute to the proper clearance of apoptotic cells
Identifying of Caskin1-dependent molecular mechanisms within the postsynaptic protein network
Ideologies (Image, music, text)
Ideology of the Literary Forms
Idetification of novel mechanisms in the oxidative stress induced mitochondria-related necrotic cell death
IFN rezistance signature in primary and metastatic tumors
IgA class autoantibodies in alcoholic liver cirrhosis: a hint toward bacterial translocation and their pathogenetic role in fibrogenesis
Image synthesis with image-space finite elements
Imidazoline 1 receptor - sphingosine 1-phosphate interaction in the gut : novel targets for the therapy of colonic inflammation?
Imitation and imagination. The Obsidio Szigethiana of Zrínyi in the epic tradition
Immobilization of antioxidant enzymes to reduce oxidative stress
Immune analytical and rheological characterization of einkorn genotypes with low immunoreactivity
Immunohistochemical characterisation of functional stages of the gliovascular basal lamina
Immunohistochemical studies on the functional role of neuropeptides and their receptors in the central regulation of food intake
Immunological and molecular genetical investigation of Graves` disease
Immunology of pre-eclampsia: characterisation of the inflammatory stage and therapeutical approaches
Immunomodulatory effect of neutrophil granulocyte derived extracellular vesicles
Immunomodulatory effect of sodium: new mechanisms in the background of hypertension and organ damage
Immunomodulatory effects of mast cell-derived extracellular vesicles
Immunomodulatory interactions of heat stress, certain mycotoxins and bacterial lipopolysaccharides in chicken
Immunopathological mechanism in atherothrombotic processes af antipospholipid syndrome
Immunoregulatory role of complement under physiological and pathological conditions
Impact of changing agriculture on the native pollinating insect assemblages of cultivated crop plants
Impact of climate change on Homopterous insect problems in Europe
Impact of climate change on Homopterous insect problems in Europe
Impact of different Rht gene mutations on light quality dependent regulation of seedling vigour and stress tolerance in cereals
Impact of drastic cuts in accessing insured benefits on health and labour market outcomes
Impact of invasive plant species establishment, spreading and management on semi-natural and regenerating habitats
Impact of land-use changes on climate in the past
Impact of Mechanical load on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling.
Impact of peri-aneurysmal environment on intra-aneurysmal flow dynamics and their effect on the natural history of the disease
Impact of Rural Development Policy in Hungary. A Complex View
Impact of spatial allocation of soil water and soil organic carbon on greenhouse gas emission in a small catchment
Impacts of agricultural policy on the regional adjustment in agriculture: A Hungarian-Slovenian comparison
Impacts of climate change on Hungarian agriculture: a complex view
Impacts of modernisation efforts to the spatial structures of the Carpathian Basin during 19th and 20th centuries
Impacts of urban regeneration on the quality of life in Hungary
Impairment of the blood-brain barrier associated with neurodegenerative diseases: study on in vivo and ib vitro models
Implantation into the central nervous system: harmonisation of the implanted cells and the host tissue
Implementation of an innovative surveillance system for invasive mosquitoes based on citizen science in Hungary with implications for research and practice
Implementation of BOLD MRI: a non-invasive, state-of-the-art method to assess renal hemodynamics and tissue oxygenation
Implementation of modern diagnostic and remedial approaches among individuals with special needs and serious, multiple impairments
Implications of endangered Uralic languages for syntactic theory and the history of Hungarian
Importance of chiropteran-borne viruses: detection, isolation and molecular characterization of potentially emerging novel zoonotic viruses
Importance of Triassic and Jurassic slope facies in the geodynamic reconstruction of the NW termination of the Neotethys
Importance of value chains from the point of global competitiveness - integration of Hungarian enterprises
Importance, life history and natural enemies of two invading leaf miners (Parectopa robiniella and Phyllonorycter robiniella) of balck locust
Importance, reproductive strategy and integrated weed management of several perennial weeds
Improved calibration of selected parts of the Mesozoic geologic time scale and its implications for the history of biosphere
Improved mass spectrometric method for the characterization of copolymers and its application for the design and synthesis of copolymer based barcodes
Improvement and application of modern and classical plant breeding methods for water saving rice production
Improvement and international correlation of the Hungarian soil classification system
Improvement of geostatistical methods to increase the reliability of hydrogeological models
Improvement of interferometric hydrostatic tilt sensor and its application to monitor multiscale geodynamical processes with beyond nanoradian resolution
Improvement of interferometric hydrostatic tilt sensor and its application to monitor multiscale geodynamical processes with beyond nanoradian resolution
Improvement of new batch special distillation methods and configurations
Improvement of single stage enantioseparation by means of membrane methods
Improvement of spelt wheat lines with low fermentable carbohydrate content (FODMAP) using modern and classic research methods
Improvement of sustainable development with green technologies
Improvement of the brightness, temporal contrast, extension of the wavelength and of the field of applications of high-brightness (UV) laser systems
Improvement of the most important wood properties with nanoparticles
Improvement of the selective layer of composite membranes by graphene oxide
Improvement of the surface biocompatibility of titanium medical implants and systematic study of the medical-biological properties of the resulting layers
Improvement, optimisation of rectifying and absorber-desorber systems
Improvements for circular economy: development of new physicochemical process wastewater treatment methods and their evaluation
Improvements of national intergrated protection technology with elaboration of specialised epidemiological and forecasting simulation model for apple diseases
Improving a new measurement device for the thermoanalytical support of innovative high-pressure processes
Improving bacterial metabolic efficiency and genomic stability by directed genome shuffling.
Improving carotene production in zygomycetous fungi
Improving functionalities of microscale brain-machine interfaces using integrated upconverting nanoparticles
Improving gluten-free dough by a novel hemicellulose network
Improving plant regeneration through the manipulation of polyamine metabolism
Improving prognosis of acute GVHD by combining microbiome analysis and immunogenomics in a large-scale survey of the host’s response to bone marrow transplantation
Improving the control of Mycoplasma synoviae infection
Improving the dimensional stability and biological durability of wood using nanotechnology
Improving the greenhouse gas budget estimation for Hungary using tall tower observations
Improving the greenhouse gas budget estimation for Hungary using tall tower observations
Impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease: epidemiology, biomarkers, risk factors and treatment possibilities
Imre Henszlmann’s correspondence 1837–1870
In and Out - three times
In New Disguise: Changes in the Traditional Music and Dance Culture in Hungary, Slovenia and Around
In silico characterisation of a new DNA motif class and its role in gene regulation
In silico study of point defect-based quantum technology applications
In silico study of point defect-based quantum technology applications
In silico virology and immunology: modelling, simulation and data analysis
In situ and operando studies of the selective catalytic conversion of NOx
In situ investigation and characterization of different plastic deformation mechanisms operating at the nanoscale
In situ structure and mechanics of the giant muscle protein titin
In situ study of chromatin structure and gene expression in the Ubx domain of Drosophila melanogaster
In the Outskirts of the Life Ethnographical, Historical, Geographical researches of Tiszazug Region at the Millennium
In the shadow of the United States: Canada and the transformation of the Hungarian emigration trajectory in the 1920s
In the Spirit of Abandonment and Coping Mechanisms. Cultural and Social Historical Deep Drillings for a Comparative Historical Analysis of Protestant Cultural Regions (between 16th and 19th centuries)
In vestigis Fratrum Sancti Pauli: Medieval architectural monuments and archeological research of the Hungarian Pauline Order
In vitro and in vivo study of the changes of amyloid precursor protein metabolism and amyloid formation induced by medicinal treatment
In vitro electrophysiological investigation of synchronous population activity in rodent and human hippocampus.
In vitro electrophysiological investigation of synchronous population activity in rodent and human hippocampus.
In vitro evaluation of the single and combined effect of mycotoxins
In vitro investigation of human tissues and definition of their mechanical material models
In vitro investigation of the bioaccessibility of food components in digestion simulation model
In vitro model to study retinal cone photoreceptor differentiation
In vitro oocyte maturation dynamics in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca)
In vivo and in situ study of glucose and energy metabolism at the molecular level in disease models
In vivo and in vitro analysis of antiarrhythmic mechanisms
In vivo and in vitro investigation of hemostasis in acute stroke patients treated with iv. thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy
In vivo and in vitro study of drugs with abuse potential
In vivo assessment of the NPHS2 interallelic interactions
In vivo examination of the correlations between hen's egg composition, hatchability and hatched chick's development and production by means of computer tomography in dual-purpose genotypes
In Vivo Preclinical Studies supporting a Clinical Trial of Allele-Specific Conformational Therapy In Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
In Vivo Studies supporting the Allele-Specific Conformational Therapy In Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy
In vivo target sites of nitric oxide in photosynthetic electron transport as studied by chlorophyll fluorescence in pea leaves
In-depth assessment of local CD4+ regulatory T cell defects and restoration of Treg functions in experimental acute graft versus host disease
In-depth structural analysis of biological membranes with the combination of in silico and scattering methods
In-silico study of transmembrane protein's structures.
In-situ spectral characterisation of artificially generated and atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols using photoacoustic spectroscopy
In-vivo analysis of biocompatibility and fixation of joint endoprostheses
Incantations. Text World of the Hungarian Folklore II.
Incentive design in the intersection of machine learning, information security and data privacy
Inclusion of small scale farming into modern food chains in Hungary
Income distribution and income inequalities in Hungary
Incorporating transmembrane proteins as targets in the search for promising drug candidates against tuberculosis
Incorporation of stabilization centers into threading
Increase of ß-glucan content by introgression of alien chromosomes into wheat genome
Increase of the efficiency of distillation and absorption separation processes
Increase of the mass transfer rate across a phase boundary in a plate columns with moving bed elements
Increasing government intervention in market regulation
Increasing Resilience through Bioregional Planning in the Sand Ridge
Increasing the accuracy of optical dating on fixed sand dune areas
Increasing the efficiency of precision breeding in potato
Increasing the productivity of Nyírség sandy soils in reforestation
Indentification of genes involved in the immune-function of epithelial cells using DNA microarray.
Index of Family Names to Dezső Csánki's Historical Geography
Indexes of housing finance in the system of social indicators
Indexing and retrieval of interpreted video contents
Indirect effects of foreign direct investment on local economic outcomes
Individual and Community in Changing Spaces: the ethnography and anthropology of economic strategies, local solutions and the world 'as lived'
Individual differences and emotions in foreign language learning: a multi-perspective approach
Individual differences in the socio-emotional outputs of life-history strategies
Individual quality and the determinants of fitness in a migratory bird species: new insights
Individual stress response in heterogeneous cell population
Individual variance in avian blood parasite infections: causes and consequences
Induced Spin Textures in van der Waals Heterostructures
Inducible protein-protein interactions in the cell membrane and the nucleus: dynamics and function of interleukin receptors and nuclear receptors studied with single molecule sensitivity
Inducing plant fungal resistance by reactive nitrogen species liberating nanomaterials
Induction of interspecific chromosome rearrangements and their use for the physical mapping of chromosomes in weat
Induction of symptomless plant disease resistance by reactive oxygen species
Induction of virus resistance in barley
Industrial Relations and Foreing Direct Investment in Hungary - Corporate Cultures, Country Models, European Norms - Transmission and Host Effects
Inequalities before Death: demographic, social and regional differences in mortality
Inequalities in algebra and analysis
Inequalities in information theory
Inequality, Poverty, Mobility and Stability in Hungary, 2003-2005
Infant intentionality and maternal attributions in the development of early interacitve patterns in preterm infants, atipically developing infants and infants with Down syndrome
Infiltration of microballoons
Infinite world, infinite challenge? Consumer concerns and the role of consumer protection in tourism with the growth of online opportunities.
Inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity and prevention of their surgical complications, such as motility disorders, transluminar inflammations, and peritoneal adhesions
Inflammatory mechanisms in long-term cognitive deficits induced by perinatal asphyxia
Influence of carbon and alloying elements on orientation relationships and formation mechanism of lath martensite
Influence of different crop rotation systems on the community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in maize cultures
Influence of drying-technical characteristics on physical-mechanical properties of cereals
Influence of feeding silkmoth (Bombyx mori L.) hybrid larvae with leaves of old local Hungarian and Slovenian mulberry (Morus alba L.) genotypes on the development and health status of larvae
Influence of feeding silkmoth (Bombyx mori L.) hybrid larvae with leaves of old local Hungarian and Slovenian mulberry (Morus alba L.) genotypes on the development and health status of larvae
Influence of genetic and environmental factors on udder health and milking ability
Influence of spectral irradiance on the solar energy production
Influence of the changing of the rock and fault quality for the rock mass mechanical parameters
Influencing the efficacy of anti-EGFR therapy by modulating the RAS signaling pathway
Info-Bionics, Nanoelectronics and Artificial Understanding - Multidisciplinary Information Technology
Informal marketplaces in contemporary Hungary
Informális piachelyek a mai Magyarországon (MTA Kisebbségkutató Intézet)
Information content of sexual signals in territorial lizards, and their role in reproductive success
Information dynamics of cooperative stochastic networks - design and analysis
Information processing in intelligent conrol systems
Information systems and computer network security
Information Theory and its application
Information theory and its applications
Information Theory and its Applications
Information Theory and its Applications
Informational aspects of trust and the impact exchange of information has on productivity and fairness of organizational relationships
Infrared spectral and mineral analysis of meteorites linked to the European asteroid space mission
Infrared studies of the galactic and extragalactic backround radiation
Inherited and situational factors of cognitive performance
Inherited cryoresistance of fish sperm
Inhibition and aging: costs and benefits
Inhibition of photosynthesis and growth in plants and microalgae by NaCl in interaction with other stress factors (drought and high light)
Inhibition of protective mechanisms (local heat shock and stress protein production) during breast cancer treatment to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and hyperthermia treatment
Inhibition of signal transduction pathways induced by homocysteine
Inhibition of vessel wall remodeling by catabolism of heme
Inhibitory pathways and mechanisms of the pancreatic ductal epithelium.
Inhibitory processes in memory retrieval
Inhomogenety delineation based on electromagnetic frequency sounding
Initial optimisation of artificial functional 3D human thymus
Innovation and Economic Performance in Central European Countries: Theoretical underpinnings of innovation policies, policy practices, and impacts
Innovation Fair at the Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University
Innovation in the liver surgery. Experimental and clinical investigation of the programmed liver regeneration.
Innovation resilience in food production and consumption
Innovation, creativity, regional fate and positive feedback in the rural development
Innovation-friendly Governance in Hungary: Challenges of Regional Innovation Policy
Innovation-friendly Governance in Hungary: Challenges of Regional Innovation Policy
Innovative management of chemotherapy-induced hair loss by targeted up-regulation of potent intrafollicular cytoprotectants
Innovative ranking methods in network theory
Innovative systematics: genomics, micro CT and bioacoustics for studying vertebrate biodiversity
Innovative, continuous technologies for downstream processing of sensitive drugs
INNOWELFARE: Innovations in Studying Welfare Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe
Insect FMRFamide-related neuropeptides (FaRPs) and receptors: genetic analysis of their mechanism of action in Drosophila melanogaster
Inside and Outside of the Labor Camps
Insight into plant systems biology trends by attending an international conference
Insight into the Enzyme Action at Levels of modular Organization, Atomic Interactions and Quantum-Mechanics. School of Protein Biophysics
Instant environment perception from a mobile platform with a new generation geospatial database background
Institutional and Cultural Transfers in 20th Century Hungary: Adoption, Hybridization and Refusal
Institutional and individual responses to state restructuring in different geographical contexts
Institutional convergence, economic growth and development at regional level
Institutional reforms in ageing societies: legal and political aspects
Institutional trust and the effectiveness of public policy in Hungary
Institutionalization of Roma Politics
Institutions and textual types of the Hungarian poetry in the first half of the XVIth century
Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-I sensitivity of nocicptive primary sensory neurons
Integrability and holographic duality
Integrability in Gauge and String Theory
Integrable many-body and field theoretic models
Integrated botanical and zoological research in conservation ecology to restore, conserve and increase grassland biodiversity
Integrated control of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) including a biocontrol stategy using plant pathogenic fungi
Integrated improvement of complex geochemical and geophysical research methods for characterisation of mobilisations grade of toxic and bioessential elements in soil
Integrated Modeling and Identification of Vehicle Dynamic Systems
Integrated modelling of complex plasma systems
Integrated reconstruction of diagenesis and fluid evolution at Algyő High and surrounding deep subbasins (Dorozsma Basin and Makó Trough)
Integrated signal systems in birds: context and meaning
Integrated studies in conservation ecology to conserve landscape biodiversity and to assess ecosystem services
Integrated study of recent earthquakes and paleoerthquakes in the Carpathian basin
Integrated thermal management in System-on-Package devices
Integrating functional genomics to investigate the genomic architecture of rare inherited neurological disorders
Integrating genomic and epigenomic alterations in tumours of endocrine system
Integrating molecular and experimental approaches to map cereal food webs
Integration and dissimilation in the late 18th century Hungarian literature
Integration of enzyme reactors and chromatographic/electrophoretic separation units into microfluidic chips
Integration of Fractional Order Derivatives in the Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems on the Basis of Novel Soft Computing Techniques
Integration of macro, micro and nanoelectrochemistry
Integration of the Hungarian refugees arriving from the neighbouring countries in Hungary (1938-1948)
Integration or Desintegration: Criminological research among juvenile males cohort in Budapest
Integration, Identity Construction and the Role of Religion in the Middle East: The Case of the Iraqi Yezidis
Integrative approach to unravel demographical and behavioural drivers of male-biased sex ratio and sex-role reversal in the Pheasant-tailed jacana
Integrative Argumentation Studies
Integrative investigation of the regulatory function of hemokinin-1 in mouse models of depression and comorbidities
Integrative systems biology approach to genome and metabolic network minimization in E. coli
Integrity and dynamics of cellular networks
Intellectual Autobiography
Intelligence, working memory, and executive functions: Testing Process Overlap Theory, a new model of human intelligence
Intelligent and soft computing based methods in digital signal and image processing
Intelligent and soft computing based methods in digital signal and image processing
Intelligent car-crash analysis system
Intelligent inference system for biological discoveries and its application to cancer research
Intelligent manufacturing planning and control
Intelligent Particle Physics: the birth of hadrons
Intelligent Self-Driving Communication Networks
Intelligent soft materials
Intelligent Space, intelligent robot
Intelligent techniques of production control
Intensive archaeological investigation of a local administrative center of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Intentionality - ancient, early modern, contemporary analitic
Intentionality and Experience
Intentionality and Mental Representation in Neoplatonism
Intentionally externalized costs in decision making
Inter- and intraspecific variability in growth and stress responses of duckweeds
Interacting particle systems and non-intersecting paths
Interaction between human society and geomorphology in space and time based on case studies from Hungary
Interaction between landscapes and communities in the Neolithic: modeling socioecological changes in Northeast-Hungary between 6000-4500 BC
Interaction between liquid crystals and polymer films
Interaction between oral opportunistic pathogenic yeasts and oral squamous cell carcinoma: yeast regulation of squamous cell signal transduction at the miRNA level?
Interaction dynamics in dyadic and multi-person interaction contexts: methodical developments
Interaction of a sequence of short frequency-chirped laser pulses with multilevel atoms
Interaction of biopolymers with cell membrane using model systems with increasing complexitity
Interaction of cortical synchronization with sensory information processing
Interaction of differentiation and apoptosis inducing signalling pathwais in myeloerythroid and erythroid cells
Interaction of differentiation and apoptosis inducing signalling pathwais in myeloerythroid and erythroid cells
Interaction of disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole- and β-aminoacid-containing peptides with phospholipid bilayers
Interaction of DLK2 and SMXL3 to regulate plant development and stress tolerance: friends or foes?
Interaction of endogenous ligands at the spinal level
Interaction of genetic and environmental influences in the development of infant attachment
Interaction of hydrogels with biologically relevant species in aqueous phase
Interaction of nitrogen species with hydrocarbons and alcohols at high temperature
Interaction of physical processes across spatial and temporal scales in shallow lakes
Interaction of positrons with atoms and capillary surfaces
Interaction of signaling pathways regulating hepatocyte polarization
Interaction of signaling proteins with lysophospholipid mediators
Interaction of signaling proteins with lysophospholipid mediators
Interaction of superparamagnetic clusters
Interaction of transition metal ions with peptides – coordination, oxidation, aggregation
Interaction of UV light with peptides and proteins: study of the role of aromatic amino acid residues in the photolysis of disulphide bridges by synthetic peptide models
Interaction of Wnt proteins with receptors and antagonists
Interaction of Wnt proteins with receptors and antagonists
Interaction, identity and innovation in the Carpathian Basin in the second half of the 5th millennium BC.
Interaction, topology and dynamics in exotic quantum systems
Interactions between ferroelectric core-shell nanospheres and autocatalytic front reactions - Towards developing combined visual/RFID sensor labels utilizing pH-change based responses
Interactions between intracellular signalling pathways regulating food intake and energy metabolism
Interactions between the arabonise and lactose metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans
Interactions between the pulmonary vascular and broncho-alveolar networks
Interactions of Ions with Biologically Active Molecules and Nano Structures
Interactions of metal ions with macromolecular bioligands.
Interactions of molecular chaperones and the cytoskeleton
Interactions of nanoplastic pollutants with biomolecular systems
Interactions of sentence processing and attention allocation in people with aphasia
Interactive examination of soil physical, water balance, nutrient management characteristics determining plant production
Interactive global illumination
Interactive Rendering of Optimally Sampled Volumetric Data
Interactive study of material circulation in agronomy space (soil-plant) for the production of quality wheat
Interdisciplinary analysis of producer’s organisations in the agri-food economy with emphasis on human factor considerations
Interdisciplinary basic research in the history of science and culture
Interdisciplinary mummy project II. - Study on some disease susceptibility genes in an 18-19th centuries population lived before the drogtherapy era
Interdisciplinary scientific problems of noise and fluctuations with technologycal applications: nanostructures, stochastic resonance, sensors and other relevant applications
Interdisciplinary studies of Sami (Lapp) folklore texts
Interest premium and economic growth: the case of Central and Eastern Europe
Interest representing and protecting organisations in Hungary and in the European Union 1945 – 2004
Interethnic Relations of Gypsy and Non-Gypsy Cultures in the Carpathian Basin
Interface motion in nanostructures
Interfacial topology of anisotropic soft matter
Interference of the Earth rotation vector and geodynamical phenomena
Interfering with depressive symptoms by manipulating a non-serotonergic raphe-hippocampal pathway
Interferon-gamma induced signaling in mononuclear phagocytes from human neonates
Intergroup reconciliation in the context of historical trauma: Social-psychological interventions
International activity and innovation of local based and locally managed organisations in order to increase competitive advantage
International Agricultural Trade Policy at the Millennium. (Possibilities of national agricultural policies)
International agricultural trade: theory and practice
International and internal migration
International Collaborative Photoionization Study of Heats of Formation and Bond Energies of Organometallic Complexes
International conference attendance SIL100
International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth- & Environmental Sciences
International Crimes in the Case Law of International and Domestic Criminal Judicial Bodies
International criminal law and international criminal justice
International foundations and human rights limitations of national criminal law against trafficking in human beings
International Migration from Hungary and its Impacts on Rural Societies
International Number Theory Conference in Honour of Kálmán Győry, János Pintz and András Sárközy
International publication of results on popullation dynamics of apple diseases
International relocations to Hungary - theory, facts, statistical analysis and international comparison
International Renaissance Bibliography
International Research Training Group
International responsability and liability for environmental damages
International Scientific Cooperation for Exploring the Toponymic Systems in the Carpathian Basin
International scientific network position, technical change and economic growth
International Symposium on Metal Complexes_participation_2022
International trade and food safety
International trade theory and the Hungarian agricultural trade
International Trafficking in Human Beings
Interoception in everyday life – harms and benefits
Interplay between dNTP metabolism, uracil DNA-repair and horizontal gene transfer in Staphylococcus aureus
Interplay between lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in common diseases associate with metabolic alterations and enhanced atherogenesis
Interplay of potentially therapeutic biological gases in clinically relevant models of warm and cold ischemia
Interplay of protein phosphatases in cellular regulation: identification of inhibitory/activatory signaling pathways and effector molecules
Interpretation and explotation of GOCE gravity gradients
Interpretation of conventional actions and the mechanisms of human culturural knowledge transfer in 3.5 and 5 years of age.
Interpretation of conventional actions and the mechanisms of human culturural knowledge transfer in 3.5 and 5 years of age.
Interpretation of the tragic and the comic in ancient drama
Interpretation, discourse structure, and intonation
Interrelation of different mobile multiresistance factors: Crosstalk between IncA/C plasmids and SGI1-family genomic islands.
Interrelations between Trust and Governance at the Local Level
Interrelations of social and religious changes in post-communist Eastern and Central Europe, especially in Hungary and among ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries
Interrelationship among metabolism, circadian control and immune functions: Metabolic rhythm as a regulator of the immune system
Interrelationship between family values and demographic behaviour changes
Interrelationship of pedagogical knowledge, beliefs and activity and the process of their construction
Interrogation of immune/inflammatory processes and their therapeutic approaches in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Intersection-consolidation and cultural blocks in the Hungatian society
Intersections of convex sets
Interspeaker and intraspeaker variability of phonetic parameters in Hungarian
Interspecies hybridisation and horizontal gene transfer in Saccharomyces
Interspecific transplantation of freshwater fish spermatogonia
Intervention on SIRT1 activity and energy homeostasis through poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase pharmacological inhibition
Intra- and Interdisciplinary Vulgarisation in Highculture
Intra-generational redistribution by number of children
Intra-household network capital
Intracellular calcium handling of the heart in diabetic cardiomyopathy
Intracellular localization and stability of a mutant representing the apoptotic fragment of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4b and its role in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptosis
Intracellular localization and stability of a mutant representing the apoptotic fragment of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4b and its role in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptosis
Intracellular protective mechanisms in acute pancreatitis: experimental and clinical investigations
Intracellular signal processing: the calpain and protein kinase/phosphatase systems, and their interactions
Intracellular stress responses in plants and their imaging: the role of nitric oxide
Intracrine signaling of membrane receptors: mechanism, biological and clinical significance
Intraindividual variability in language and working memory in post-stroke aphasia
Intraspecific polymorphism and prokaryotic symbionts in clonal amoeboid organisms
Intrinsically disordered proteins: extension of the structure-function paradigm
Introducing the possibilities of the medical applocation of high-tech 3D methods by short films
Introduction of research results at international scientific conference
Introduction to Agroforestry
Introduction to Hegel`s Philosophy
Introduction to History, Methodology of Historical Research and Use of Public Collections
Introduction to pragmatics. A functional cognitive approach
Introduction to the Sources of and Secondary Literature on Hungarian History. Bibliography - Chronological part
Introduction to the Sources of and Secondary Literature on Hungarian History. Bibliography.
Introduction to the sources of Hungarian History
Introgression and molecular cytogenetic identification of wheatgrass (Agropyron) chromosomes in cultivated wheat
Invalidity and ineffectiveness in the light of the New Civil Code
Invasion success of non-native freshwater fishes and their impacts on native fish assemblages and fish species
Invasive species in the drainage system of Lake Balaton
Inveestigation of the modulation of ionotropic receptors located on dorsal root ganglia cells
Invented Instruments of Discoveries
Invented Instruments of Discoveries II.
Inventory of microregions in Hungary
Inventory of microregions in Hungary
Inverse Problems on Differential operators
Investifation of littoral macroinvertebrate biodiversity in the Hungarian section of the River Danube with respect to hydrodinamical changes in the last decades
Investigating and advancing the vapour phase reflow soldering technologies with numerical methods
Investigating and exploiting the sebostatic potential of phytocannabinoids
Investigating extracellular miRNAs in pituitary adenomas and diseases
Investigating internal protein dynamics by modern NMR methods
Investigating KRAS status and the efficacy of anti-VEGF treatment in advanced lung adenocarcinoma
Investigating pension systems by bounded rationality and agent-based models
Investigating reliability problems of high tin content solder alloys
Investigating small-system collectivity with identified particles using the LHC Run 3 data
Investigating the apelin/APJ pathway in chest tumors
Investigating the central role of Trip8b in hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-regulated channel function
Investigating the contribution of tissue resident cells to psoriasis etiology
Investigating the effects of psychological distances of addictions on the intention to quit
Investigating the function of Drosophila Snazarus in endosomal trafficking
Investigating the influence of Vitamin D signaling in Marfan syndrome
Investigating the interactions between neutrophils and synovial fibroblasts in autoimmune joint inflammation
Investigating the intratumoral distribution of antiangiogenic and chemotherapeutic agents in primary tumors and their pulmonary metastases
Investigating the mechanisms of sarcomeric thin filament assembly
Investigating the relationship between some inherited diseases and ABC proteins
Investigating the role of glucocorticoid (GC) signaling in the differentiation and function of regulatory T cells
Investigating the role of HSP27 in neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Investigating the role of mitochondrial CB1 receptors in mice
Investigating the role of small regulatory RNAs in temperature sensing in Arabidopsis
Investigating the role of the skeletal endocannabinoid system in health and disease
Investigating the role of ZAP-70 kinase in the pathogenesis of an autoimmune model of rheumatoid arthritis
Investigating the transcriptional regulation of high molecular weight prolamines of cereals
Investigating topological, correlated electron systems in layered van der Waals materials
Investigation the endocrin disruptor effect of zearalenone in the hypothalamus
Investigation and disruption of bacterial biofilms in the veterinary medicine
Investigation and Modelling of Tribological and Fracture Behavior of Si3N4 based ceramics
Investigation and modification of nanostructures by ion beam
Investigation and optimization of crystalline and glassy systems for data processing
Investigation and systematization of preparation of single enantiomers based on the interaction of mixtures of chiral compounds characterised by non-linear correlations.mixtures.
Investigation for new type of mode-locking, aiming ultrashort laser pulses
Investigation into the dynamics and functional role of histone modifications during transcription in Drosophila melanogaster
Investigation into the structure if algebras
Investigation of a new antiarrhythmic mechanism: combined modulation of IK,ATP and IKr to reduce dispersion of ventricular repolarization
Investigation of a new form of matter produced in heavy ion reactions
Investigation of a virulence regulator mutant strain of Salmonella enterica as a candidate for live oral vaccine providing cross-immunity
Investigation of AcrB homologue membrane transporters
Investigation of active and passive control of fluid flow by means of computational fluid mechanics and experiments
Investigation of additive manufactured 3D reinforcing framework structure as insert in injection molded composite products
Investigation of adipokine profile and lipid metabolism in obesity
Investigation of alterations responsible for maintaining the non-lesional phenotype in the psoriatic non-lesional skin
Investigation of ammonia co-combustion based on a large experimental database
Investigation of anhydro-aldose oximes' chemical properties
Investigation of anti-breast cancer activity of newly synthesized nitrogen-containing steroids in vitro and in vivo
Investigation of anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen sulfide and sulphuric medicinal waters on animal models of dermatitis, pneumonia, asthma, arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases
Investigation of anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of dimethyl trisulfide in mouse disease models
Investigation of apparent injury in the vascular and cardiorespiratory system due to ischemia and reperfusion
Investigation of arteriviruses with special regard to the genomic characteristics of local isolates
Investigation of association processes involving small molecules at interfaces and inside the bulk of fluid phases
Investigation of asymmetrical compoundsand their non-linear interactions in resolution processes.
Investigation of biologically active compounds of Hungarian Centaurea species
Investigation of biomarkers and B-cell gene expression pattern in the development of disease activity and damage in systemic sclerosis
Investigation of biomolecules and reactive species by matrix isolation and laser spectroscopic methods
Investigation of biomolecules, complexes and radicals using matrix isolation spectroscopy
Investigation of biotic stress resistance by gene expression methods in potato.
Investigation of buried soils of the Szigetköz-Moson Plain subregion in Hungary
Investigation of cancer chemoresistance mechanisms in PDTX models
Investigation of carbide precipitation processes in steels; the role of grain boundaries and grain orientation
Investigation of cardiac aspects of athletic performance
Investigation of catalytic transformations in biomass-based solvents
Investigation of cell motility and proliferation on micropatterned structures
Investigation of cellular immun-factors in prediabetic children.
Investigation of certain antimicrobial peptides in novel in vitro chicken and porcine gut-liver axis models
Investigation of cetuximab resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
Investigation of chromium(III) complexes in soil-plant system
Investigation of chymotrypsinogen C (CTRC) promoter mutations in chronic pancreatitis
Investigation of CO2-rich supercritical fluid - rock interaction in the deep lithosphere: complex study of ultramafic xenoliths and their enclosed fluid inclusions
Investigation of collective phenomena and multiple-parton interactions in small systems created at LHC energies using light- and heavy-flavor
Investigation of Combustion Process of Renewable Energy Sources
Investigation of Combustion Properties of High Inert Gases and Biogases
Investigation of complex reaction-diffusion systems and paralellization of their models
Investigation of complex utilisation of agricultural and agro-industrial by-products by biotechnological methods
Investigation of Compounds Migrating from Food Contact Materials
Investigation of conformational fluctuations and eletronic structure variations in proteins
Investigation of control technqiues applied in high speed electric drive systems
Investigation of cortical synchronous population activity in patients with epilepsy or tumour.
Investigation of cost effective, alternatíve cover systems
Investigation of cyclic lipodepsipeptides-membrane interactions
Investigation of deposits and nanostructures prepared by high-precision controlled electroplating
Investigation of detrimental environmental factors and protective bioactive substances in honeybees
Investigation of diabetes-related cardiovascular calcification and preclinical testing of a potential therapy
Investigation of diffusion processes and surface reactions using scanning electrochemical microscopy
Investigation of dynamical and astrophysical phenomena and interactions in the rapidly changing gravitational field of multiple stellar systems
Investigation of dynamical phenomena with space telescopes in pulsating variable stars
Investigation of early phases of face processing in congenital prosopagnosia - neuropsychological and electrophysiological testing
Investigation of effectiveness, heat and moisture transfer characteristic of regenerative energy recovery under low ambient air temperature
Investigation of electrolyte solutions by theoretical and experimental methods
Investigation of electromagnetic field problems on large scale
Investigation of electromagnetic phenomena connecting to seismic events
Investigation of enantioselective synthesis and deracemization reactions by chiral crownethers
Investigation of environment-induced responses in an amphibian metapopulation
Investigation of environmental factors in different perinatal injuries in animal models
Investigation of excimer laser induced plasma and application for deposition of special thin films and microstructures
Investigation of extracellular signals on axongrowth during normal and pathological states in in vivo and in vitro invertebrate models
Investigation of factors determining the nutritive value of Hungarian grassland species and cultivars
Investigation of fast electrons generated in nonlinear laserplasma interactions
Investigation of femto- and attosecond light-solid interactions with controlled-waveform laser pulses
Investigation of filament-like nanostructures by microscopic and diffraction methods
Investigation of fish infecting trematodes and their developmental stages by molecular methods
Investigation of forest management effects on site conditions, regeneration and understory
Investigation of frequency- and density-dependent evolution in sexual and asexual populations
Investigation of functional attributes of the forebrain glucose-monitoring neural network in healthy and pathological organism: complex neurophysiological experiments
Investigation of genetic and clinical mechanisms leading to high platelet reactivity in patients after coronary intervention and development of tailored antiplatelet regimen.
Investigation of genetically undiagnosed mitochondrial diseases associated with the functional impairment of the respiratory chain with use of next generation molecular genetic methods (WES)
Investigation of genomic mutagenesis and chemotherapy treatment resistance
Investigation of groundwater purification processes in municipal environment following the construction of a sewerage network
Investigation of growth and yield foundations of close-to nature silvicultural treatments
Investigation of heat stress linked RNAi and crop quality determining genes by genome editing technology in barley.
Investigation of heat stress tolerance on genetic and yield properties in cereals
Investigation of heterogeneous catalytic oxidations with tools of combinatorial catalysis - new approaches in fundamental research
Investigation of high density nuclear matter at SIS energies
Investigation of host-guest intersction of calixarenes and chiral rhodium compounds by NMR spectroscopy
Investigation of human ABC multidrug transporters in normal pluripotent and cancer stem cells
Investigation of human epididymis protein 4 in cystic fibrosis: from the utility as a new prognostic laboratory biomarker to the pathological role in lung disease
Investigation of immune responses generated by tumor derived extracellular vesicles and their diagnostic potential
Investigation of in-line and reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers for broadband optical access
Investigation of interactions between capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurones and inflammatory cells in normal and transgenic mice
Investigation of interactions between the polyamine catabolism and hypusination processes in tomatoes during salt stress
Investigation of interfacial systems of biological or environmental relevance by computer simulation methods
Investigation of landscape aesthetisc on the Medves region
Investigation of late blight resistance of Solanum demissum origin in potato cv. White Lady with the help of molecular markers and linkage map
Investigation of ligand recognition properties of proteins using spectroscopic methods
Investigation of lipopeptides and call membrane interactions
Investigation of low dimensional quantum field theories
Investigation of luminescence and ionization energy deposition processes in microstructured semiconductors based on neutral and charged particle conversion phenomena
Investigation of micro RNAs controlling fruit and seed development.
Investigation of micro- and macromechanical deformation processes in particulate filled polymers
Investigation of microcirculation in gastrointestinal surgery
Investigation of migraine-related trigeminovascular activation networks with a translational approach
Investigation of miocardial calcium homeostasis in different failing heart models. A quantitative analysis of the Ca2+i transient isolated, perfused mouse heart
Investigation of molecular interactions of interleukin-15 receptor on human cell lines
Investigation of molecular mechanisms in the development, regeneration and plasticity of vestibular system
Investigation of molecular processes at interfaces
Investigation of MR guided percutaneous interventions in experimental model of degenerative intervertebral disk disease.
Investigation of mu-opioid receptor associated mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and network level in acute nociceptive and maintained inflammatory states
Investigation of N-compound exchange between the Lake balaton and the atmosphere
Investigation of natural mutations and transcriptional control of a human stearoyl-CoA desaturase isoenzyme (SCD5) predominant in the central nervous system
Investigation of neuro-, behavioural and immuntoxicological effects caused by single and combined treatment of pesticides of different chemical structure (organophosphate, pyrethroide, carbamate, chlorinated hydrocarbone, tertial-aromatic-triamine) i
Investigation of neuroendocrine and signalling mechanisms involved in the resetting of circadian biological clocks
Investigation of new pathomechanisms and treatment possibilities of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury and chronic allograft nephropathy
Investigation of new synthetic pathways for environmental flame retardants and their mechanism of action
Investigation of non tidal variations of gravity
Investigation of non-linear vibrations of drives of machine tools
Investigation of novel implant materials for high-resolution, multiparametric imaging of cortical activity
Investigation of novel mechanisms and method development in thrombotic diseases; focusing on natural anticoagulants and on diagnostics and therapy personalisation
Investigation of novel pathomechanisms in Chlamydia trachomatis infection of the genital tract
Investigation of optimal parameter estimation methods
Investigation of palladium carbonylation reactions
Investigation of pathophysiological remodeling of atrial and ventricular myocardium in human relevant models: identification of novel therapeutic targets
Investigation of pathways of mitochondrial dynamics based on our own patients
Investigation of petrological and petrophysical changes in building stones of historical monuments exposed to heat effect
Investigation of pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic interactions of mycotoxins and polyphenols
Investigation of physical and chemical basics of focused electron and ion beam nano-machining with special emphasis on possible applications in nanoelectronics
Investigation of plant pathogens causing decline in fruit tree plantations by molecular biology methods
Investigation of plant-biomass-based biorefinery processes
Investigation of plasmonic binary nanoparticle formation in a spark discharge plasma
Investigation of point defects in wide band gap materials by methods beyond the standard density functional theory
Investigation of potential antimetastatic agents on breast cancer cell lines: mechanistic studies with repurposable drugs, biologically active natural products, and their synthetic analogs
Investigation of predictive values of leukocyte and platelet function changes in critically ill patients
Investigation of pressure-related pancreatic damage – a translational study from pathomechanism to clinical application
Investigation of process characteristics of dry machining and quality of the machined surface in hard turning
Investigation of processes occurring in disordered phases and at their interfaces by computer simulation methods
Investigation of production possibilities of terbium radionuclides for cancer dignosis and therapy
Investigation of propagation and excitation of arbitrary shaped e.m. signals measured by space vehicles and on ground stations
Investigation of propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in photonic crystal fibers and fiber amplifiers
Investigation of protective mechanisms controlled by salicylic acid in cereals
Investigation of protein and peptide type inhibitors of the human dUTPase
Investigation of quantity and quality changing of volatile and non-volatile components with modern analytical and sensory methods in case of the species belonging to the genus Origanum and Thymus
Investigation of reaction fronts in non-aqueous media
Investigation of reproduction related genes in the common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
Investigation of RNA regulatory motifs and the mitochondrial metabolism in spermatids
Investigation of rotational and combined process in hard turning
Investigation of salicylic acid-related stress acclimation processes in crop plants
Investigation of semiochemicals influencing the orientation of pest insects in order to develop female-targeted (bisexual) baits
Investigation of signal transduction processes during stress adaptation in cereals
Investigation of simultaneous heat and mass transfer during forced convection for open liquid surfaces
Investigation of small bowel ischemic tolerance during experimental intestinal transplantation
Investigation of small bowel ischemic tolerance during experimental intestinal transplantation
Investigation of soft x-ray laser excitated by discharge
Investigation of soil respiration components in agricultural soils
Investigation of solutions of nonlinear boundary-value problems
Investigation of some exvironmental loading (cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead) in chicken embryo model system with special attention to the peroxidation and the glutathione redox system
Investigation of sources of atmospheric aerosol at urban environment
Investigation of spontaneous and evoked propagating slow waves in the thalamocortical network during sleep and anesthesia
Investigation of Teacher Continuous Professional Development Models at the Level of the Education System, the Organisation and the Individual
Investigation of teachers’ beliefs about students’ learning motivation based on achievement goal theory
Investigation of the activity of cytosolic sensors and their regulation in plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Investigation of the aggregation properties of amphiphilic molecules
Investigation of the applicability of self-replicating RNA vaccines in Hungarian aquaculture
Investigation of the associations between inflammatory and oxidative biomarkers and the high-density lipoprotein functions
Investigation of the autocatalytic enzyme reaction of hydrogenase
Investigation of the cannabinoid signaling in atopic dermatitis
Investigation of the carbon stock of forest soils in Hungary
Investigation of the central regulation of glucose homeostasis
Investigation of the changes of carotenoid content of vegetables and fruits during storage and process, detection of artifacts
Investigation of the charge structure of biological membranes
Investigation of the cognitive and physiological aspects of the anxiety-reducing effects of biofeedback.
Investigation of the combined effect of essential oils and components to reduce antibiotic resistance
Investigation of the connection between LDA and the motilin-motilin receptor pair in bovine
Investigation of the connection between tolerance to low temperature stress and antioxidant activity in cereals
Investigation of the coupled age calculation and two- and three-dimensional heat transfer processes from theoretical groundwater flow models to the Buda Thermal Karst system
Investigation of the criteria of joint formation in the case of laser assisted metal-polymer joining
Investigation of the development and significance of phosphoinositide change patterns evoked by hormonal stimulation in mammalian cells
Investigation of the dynamic energy transport process in the soil tyre interaction
Investigation of the dynamics of Coulomb-breakup of neutron-rich nuckei
Investigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research
Investigation of the effect of biologically active molecules in the cardiovascular system
Investigation of the effect of galvanic current generated by different metal implants for the ossification
Investigation of the effect of temperature on the activity of antiviral RNA interference in woody and model plants
Investigation of the effects of cryopreservation on morphological and functional parameters of human gametes
Investigation of the effects of some fusariotoxins on gene expression, lipid peroxidation processes and glutathione redox system in chicken and common carp
Investigation of the effects of Trichostatin A and PACAP to the embryo development with particular interest to the stress induced by cryopreservation
Investigation of the effects of Trichostatin A and PACAP to the embryo development with particular interest to the stress induced by cryopreservation
Investigation of the electro-chemo-mechanical properties and mechanical changes of amorphous and crystalline thin-film electrodes in mechanically flexible solid-state Li-ion batteries
Investigation of the electrochemical stability of conducting polymer films and thin metal layers in modified electrodes - electrocatalytic activity and degradation
Investigation of the epigenetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening
Investigation of the epigenetic regulation of trichome formation in tomato
Investigation of the factors determining the interpretation of referential attitude expressions in infancy
Investigation of the factors supporting independent life for people with psychosocial disability
Investigation of the function and protein interactions of the ABCA1 membrane protein
Investigation of the function of protein phosphatase Z in the signal transduction of pathogenic fungi
Investigation of the genetic background of the glycoside biosynthesis in roseroot
Investigation of the genetic diversity of the Hungarian PRRSV strains and the effect of RdRp on their evolution
Investigation of the genetic diversity of the Hungarian PRRSV strains and the effect of RdRp on their evolution
Investigation of the geodetic datums and planary coordinate systems in Hungary
Investigation of the geomorphological and ökological effects of the recent fluvial processes on quasi-natural floodplains
Investigation of the high precision GPS applications on the territories of different forest cover
Investigation of the hormonal- and light-dependent regulation of pipecolic acid in the induction of local and systemic defence responses of tomato plants
Investigation of the Hungarian enchytraeid (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) fauna: taxonomical and zoogeographical synthesis IV. Enchytraeids of Őrség, Kőszegi Mountains, Keszthelyi Mountains and remnant hills of Balaton. Synthesis of the Hungarian data and publishing the monograph on “Enchytraeids of Hungary”
Investigation of the Hungarian enchytraeid fauna; taxonomy and zoogeographic synthesis. Enchytraeids of the Transdanubian Mountains (Bakony, Gerecse), Mecsek and Villány-Montains
Investigation of the Identified Hadron Production in the Heavy-ion Collisions at the High-luminosity LHC by the ALICE Experiment
Investigation of the immunbiological effects of ultraviolet light
Investigation of the impairment on corneal innervation in rats and rabbits following surgical intervention similar to those applied in human ophthalmology and different types of human ocular lesions
Investigation of the inflammatory response in the asphyxiated neonate
Investigation of the interactions of mycotoxins with albumin and cyclodextrins
Investigation of the location dependence of gravity tide correction in the Pannonian basin according to the requirements of high precision gravimetric field measurements
Investigation of the main chemical factors influencing the effectiveness of iron uptake in plants – a Mössbauer spectroscopic study
Investigation of the maturation and effector mechanisms of non-canonical microRNAs
Investigation of the mechanical recyclability of packaging plastic waste and microplastics
Investigation of the mechanism of action of the human ABCG2 multidrug transporter
Investigation of the mechanism of action of the human ABCG2 multidrug transporter
Investigation of the mechanism of corrosion processes at high temperature
Investigation of the mechanism of fluvial terrace formation in the Western Tian Shan and the Central Pamir
Investigation of the mechanism of ligand binding in human ileal bile acid binding protein
Investigation of the mechanism of spontaneous automaticity in cardiac nodal tissues: does the potential „pacemaker-reserve” exist?
Investigation of the molecular effects and physiological role of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in mammalian cells
Investigation of the molecular features of a unique inflammatory program in alternatively polarized macrophages
Investigation of the molecular features of a unique inflammatory program in alternatively polarized macrophages
Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of germination in agriculturally important plant species
Investigation of the molecular regulatory mechanisms of TRESK background K+ channel, a major determinant of the resting membrane potential in primary sensory neurons
Investigation of the nanostructural background of functionality in the case of biogenic and biocompatible mineral apatite
Investigation of the nonlinear problems with hp-version finite element method
Investigation of the outer solar system with space probes
Investigation of the oxidation of beta-carotene and the effects of the formed derivatives in isolated hearts
Investigation of the pathomechanism of deep brain stimulation by functional neuroimaging and intraoperative electrophysiological techniques
Investigation of the pathomechanism of ischemic preconditioning prior to small bowel autotransplantation in experimental model
Investigation of the pharmacokinetics and siRNA delivery properties of cyclodextrin derivatives
Investigation of the photosynthetic processes of the coral endosymbiont algae Symbiodinium sp. using antisense oligonucleotide-mediated gene silencing
Investigation of the physical and chemical influences leading to catalyst fouling in the case of iron oxide content heterogeneous catalyts
Investigation of the physiological functions of the PXDNL protein
Investigation of the possibilities of using electroactive polymer films and polymer composites for the electrochemical detection and removal of environmentally significant ions from aqueous solutions
Investigation of the Possibilities to Increase the Load Carrying Capacity of Heavy- Loaded Sliding Pairs
Investigation of the possible allometric properties of fatty acyl chains in mammalian and avian tissue phospholipids
Investigation of the PP2A-controlled crosstalk between circadian rhythm and cell cycle regulation in response to metabolic changes
Investigation of the protective mechanism of heavy metal tolerant and non-tolerant plants and of the plant metal homeostasis.
Investigation of the reduction of perchlorate ions on metals of promising electrocatalytical properties
Investigation of the regulation and activity of RNA interference executor complexes in model and crop plants.
Investigation of the regulation of two-pore-domain background K+ channels
Investigation of the relations between metamorphism and tectonic deformation
Investigation of the relevance of membrane dipole potential in diseases characterized by alterations in lipid compositions of cellular membranes
Investigation of the role of anisotropy on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline metals and on the UP machinablility
Investigation of the role of Caskin protein
Investigation of the role of cytoskeletal septins in skeletal muscle
Investigation of the role of endotoxines, cytokines, free radicals, and pharmacogenetical differences in the activity and follow-up treatment of Crohn's disease
Investigation of the role of epidermal growth factor receptors and integrins in the tumor invasion of intracranial tumors
Investigation of the role of infective, genetic and complement activation factor in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disordes
Investigation of the role of key defence hormones in the red light-induced resistance of tomato plants against microbial pathogens
Investigation of the role of lipid rafts in TRP ion channel activation: analyses of new analgesic mechanisms
Investigation of the role of PARP-2 in acne metabolomics
Investigation of the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 in SIRT1 activation, energy expenditure and the modulation of cellular NAD+ concentrations
Investigation of the role of polysulfides, TRPA1 receptors and somatostatin sst4 receptors in animal models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain, as well as rheumatoid arthritis
Investigation of the role of potassium ion channels of heart muscle cells by means of RNA interference-mediated blocking of gene expression
Investigation of the role of skin barrier alteration as an adjuvant for the initiation of region-specific inflammatory skin diseases
Investigation of the role of the phenylpropanoid pathway and cell wall fortification in the inhibitory effect of plant basal resistance on bacteria
Investigation of the role of the TRPV1 capsaicin receptor and sensory neuropeptide receptors in chronic airway inflammation models
Investigation of the role of transient receptor potential receptor (TRP) channels in vascular biology
Investigation of the state dependent changes of cortical sensory responses.
Investigation of the state dependent changes of cortical sensory responses.
Investigation of the statistical properties of dislocation ensembles
Investigation of the steric structure of peptides, peptidomimetics and other chiral organic compounds by VCD spectroscopy
Investigation of the structural order in minerals with layered structure
Investigation of the Structure and Mode of Action of Antimicrobial Peptides by Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Investigation of the structure of the hydrocarbon/water interface and of the shell of micelles by static small-angle and dynamic scattering
Investigation of the submicroscopic of tribological phenomena
Investigation of the systemic movement of cucumoviruses in order to develop new defence strategies
Investigation of the theoreticaly reachable best control algorithms
Investigation of therapeutic possibilities in acute pancreatitis
Investigation of thermal effects in acusto-optical devices
Investigation of Tks scaffold proteins in EGF signaling
Investigation of Tks scaffold proteins in EGF signaling
Investigation of transition metal complexes by gas phase molecular spectroscopic methods
Investigation of TRP channel- mediated effects of hydrogen sulphide in animal models of acute and chronic arthritis
Investigation of ultra-short soft x-ray pulses
Investigation of ultrafast processes in nanolocalized electromagnetic fields
Investigation of virus reservoir role of weeds growing in agricultural and horticultural crop fields and natural habitats
Investigation of wetting between molten metals and ceramics with special regard to electrocapillary phenomenon, the role of surface concentration and specific surface size
Investigation of widening of the MALDI-TOF MS applications in carbohydrate chemistry
Investigation of zinc containing solutions and surfaces
Investigation of zoonotic and animal pathogenic enteric bacteria and their bacteriophages in line with the ‘one health’ approach
Investigation on circulating follicular T helper cell functions and their potential modulation in systemic autoimmune diseases
Investigation on global regulator mutations as possible tools of attenuation in Escherichia coli
Investigation on new photonic devices for telecommunication functions
Investigation on pharmacological exploitation of HISS mechanism
Investigation on Procedural Aspects of Precision, Taskspecific Pesticide Distribution
Investigation on recent Vertical Crustal Movements (RVCM) using Geodetical Surveying and Geophysical - Geological Data
Investigation on the background of absence epilepsy
Investigation on the background of absence epilepsy
Investigation on the characteristics and functional consequences of TLR activation processes in keratinocytes
Investigation on the pathomechanism of acute hemarthrosis
Investigation on the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and FSH secretion
Investigation on the role of circadian system in pathological skin conditions
Investigation on the role of TRPA1 receptor in psoriasis
Investigation os classification, epidemiology and pathophysiology, as well as that of risk factors and pathomechanism of complications in children with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Investigation Relations of Farm Size Measurement and Comparison on Territorial as well as SGM Basis, in the Region of Western Transdanubia
Investigation the effect of perisomatic innervation in the generation of spontaneous synchronous population activity in the neocortical tissue of epileptic and non-epileptic tumor patients, in vitro.
Investigation the effect of repetitive overloads due to increasing penetration of renewable sources on the degradation of PVC insulation of distribution cables
Investigation the nuclear connections and the role in mRNA export of the actin binding protein, Moesin
Investigation, targeted modification, and application of biological photonic nanoarchitectures as functional biotemplates
Investigations in Game Theory
Investigations in low dimensional quantum field theory
Investigations in the harmonic and classical analysis II.
Investigations into loess sequences in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin (Southern Hungary, Bachka, Croatia) and in the northeast Mediterranean and their relationship with the Emilian (marine) and Penckian (alpine) pleistocene chronology
Investigations into the digestive maturation of the young rabbits by determination of certain anatomical and physiological parameters
Investigations of atomization processes in an electrolyte cathode atmospheric glow discharge (ELCAD)
Investigations of atomization processes in an electrolyte cathode atmospheric glow discharge (ELCAD)
Investigations of equilibrium-, redox- and photoinduced reactions of metal-ligand systems inspired by nature
Investigations of gene expression and metabolic processes associated with osmotic stress adaptation in the genesources of wheat
Investigations of humidity-induced failure mechanisms on nanocomposite and other novel types of lead-free solder alloys
Investigations of liquid and amorphous structures by diffraction and computer modelling methods
Investigations on certan virus infections of wild birds
Investigations on daily and seasonal migration of aquatic beetles and aquatic bugs with special respect on the migration activity under the influence of breeding period
Investigations on gene-environment interactions on the risk of melanoma malignum
Investigations on non-covalent interactions of biological importance: protein binding, nucleic acid binding, self-assembly
Investigations on psoriasis pathogenesis and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell functions using gene array data
Investigations on structure-property relationships in modified carbon nanotube based nanosystems
Investigations on the comunity metabolism in anaerobe dechlorination
Investigations on the cytological and molecular genetic aspects of systemic induced resistance in sunflower against Plasmopara halstedii
Investigations on the immunetolerance in autoimmune diseases
Investigations on the innate immune functions of keratinocytes in psoriasis with special emphasis on the role of PRINS long non-coding RNA
Investigations on the mechanism of effects of humates and organic micro elements (Cr, V, B)
Investigations on the mobile virulence genes of porcine and poultry pathogenic E. coli strains, its application in the protection
Investigations on the relationships between fatty acid composition of diet and effects of feed restriction in poultry
Investigations on the signalling system of the unicellular Tetrahymena
Investigations on the viral infections of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) and on the molecular structure of bee pathogens
Investigations on the virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Investigtion os interactive effects of the cardiogenic agents in the intrapericardial space
Investment strategies beyond the conventional wisdom
Invisible tourism in Hungary: investigation of the social, economic and environmental aspects of unconventional tourism mobility
Involutive Residuated Lattices, Substructural Logics
Involvement of brain stress system in opiate addiction: neuronal substrates, cellular and molecular mechanisms
Inward and outward FDI in Austria and Hungary – an international comparison
Ion beam modifications in near-to-physics nanotechnology
Ion beams in materials modification and micro- and nanofabrication
Ion channels in human skin growth control
Ion guiding phenomena in insulator nano- and microcapillaries
Ionic liquids in colloid dispersions: Effect of interfacial assembly
Ionization and fragmentation processes in free atoms and molecules
IR and XPS studies of heterogen catalytic reactions on gold catalysts
IR spectroscopy of extracellular vesicles: from exploratory study towards IR-based diagnostics
IR, elektron, photon and ion spectroscopic investigations of species adsorbed on nanostructured surfaces
Ironworking of the Avar period in the scope of interdisciplinary research
Írott és olvasott identitás az önéletrajzi mufajokban
Irrationality in financial markets
Ischemia/reperfusion induced cardinac injury: mechanisms and pharmacology
Ischemic and ischemia-reperfusion injury of skeletal muscle and that of small arteries and veins . The role of oxidative stress
Ischemic and ischemia-reperfusion injury of skeletal muscle and that of small arteries and veins . The role of oxidative stress
Islamic Mysticism (Sufism) and Jewish Mysticism: Mutual Influences
ISNA19-Gazdag Tamás
ISNA19-Mayer Péter
Isolation and characterisation of developmentally regulated genes from mycotoxin producing Gibberella fujikuroi isolates
Isolation and characterisation of postnatal stem cells of dental origin
Isolation and characterisation of postnatal stem cells of dental origin
Isolation and Characterization of a G2/M Phase-Specific Plant Promoter: How is the Cdc2MsF kinase regulated?
Isolation and characterization of Erwinia amylovora (Burill) Winslov et al. bacteriophages and evaluation of their potential for biocontrol of fire blight
Isolation and characterization of Erwinia amylovora (Burill) Winslov et al. bacteriophages and evaluation of their potential for biocontrol of fire blight
Isolation and characterization of killer toxin active against pathogen Cryptococcus, localization and cloning of the toxin coding gene(s) in Filobasidium capsulogenum.
Isolation and characterization of the DNA region of Agrobacterium vitis required for agrocin production and its plant pathological evaluation
Isolation and structure determination of biologically active compounds of Hungarian Polygonaceae species
Isolation and structure determination of biologically active metabolites of Hungarian macrofungi
Isolation and structure elucidation of natural and semisynthetic carotenoids
Isolation of antidiabetic constituents from the leaves of Morus alba L.
Isolation of natural terpenoids, alkaloids and phenolic compounds with antitumor activity
Isolation of two Medicago truncatula genes involved in the development of the symbiotic nodule by masp-based cloning.
Isolation os casein-derived antibacterial peptides from rabbit milk
Isolation, structure determination and pharmacological investigation of diterpenes from Euphorbia species
Isolation, synthesis and structure elucidation of natural and synthetic carotenoids
ISRS Educational Course and Congress 2022 Debrecen
ISSP - Social Network and Resources (2017) and Religion (2018)
ISSP National Identity&Citizenship and Digital Societies
ISSP Social Inequality (2019) and Environment (2020)
Issues of regional and settlemend development affecting local governments in social geographical approach
István Széchenyi's Letters - Critical Edition
It happened 65 years ago. The 1956 Revolution from Different Perspectives
Itaconic acid overflow in Aspergillus terreus: HOW fermentation technology reflects metabolic needs
Iter Pannonicum. Researches of ‘connection history’ in the subject area of the history of science
Iterative dynamics of quantum systems: non-classical properties, applications for modelling physical systems and optical realizations
Ivestigation of the Hungarian enchytraeid fauna; taxonomy and zoogeographic synthesis. III. Enchytraeids of typical flatland woods and neighbouring grasslands
János Erdélyi's Plays
János Sylvester's Conception of Language and Literature in European and Hungarian Context
Janus-faced mimics of nonheme iron oxygenases and halogenases
Japán agrárpolitikája (1950-2000)
Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Jászkunság 2007 (MTA Jászkun-Nagykun-Szolnok Magyai Tudományos Egyesület)
Jet Fragmentation and Final State Effects in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC Energies
Jewish and Islamic Rationalist Thought (kalam) in the Middle Ages
Jewish Identities in Hungary from the End of the Eighteenth Century until 1918
Jews and Gypsies during the Holocaust in Hungary
Jókai 200. Bicentenary - Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Mór Jókai
Jókai’s short stories written in the years of 1863 and 1864
Jozsef Mindszenty (1892-1975)
JST V4 Highly Safe GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistor Switch
JST V4: Nanophotonics with metal – group-IV-semiconductor nanocomposites: From single nanoobjects to functional ensembles (NaMSeN)
Judgement under uncertainty in old age
Judicial impartiality from a comparative perspective
Juncaceae family: Promising source of biologically active compounds
Junk and Jumble Pickers in the Periphery of the European Union - the Consumer Society of Poverty
K/Ar and Ar/Ar geochronology: dating and methodical development
Károly Tagányi’s (1856-1924) programme on collecting living legal customs and the importance of his heritage in the history of science
Kazinczy Ferenc and the cause of the national language
KCa1.1 channel expression and function in cancer
Keratinocyte-specific splicing alterations and their function in nucleic-acid-induced inflammatory processes of keratinocytes and in psoriasis
Kerényi and Jung
Kidney exchange programmes: computational, game theoretical, and economic aspects
Kilo-processor array computing architectures in solution of complex computationally intensive problems
Kína a világpolitikában (Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt)
Kinematic and dynamic models of landslides by means of geodetic observations along the high bank of the Danube at Dunaszekcső, Hungary
Kinematic and dynamic models of landslides by means of geodetic observations along the high bank of the Danube at Dunaszekcső, Hungary
Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Versatile Thiourea Dioxide: How the Ageing Process Affects Its Reducing or Oxidizing Capability or Both?
Kinetic study of the reaction of industrially important aliphatic isocyanates with alcohols
Kinetics and dynamics of tetraplex DNA structures under complex environmental conditions determined by spectroscopic methods
Kinetics and mechanism of oscillatory chemical reactions
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reactions of Some Halogen and Sulfur containing Oxyanions.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reactions of Some Halogen and Sulfur containing Oxyanions.
Kinetics and mechanism of the substitution reactions of the rare-earth-polyaza-polycarbxylate complexes. Estimation of the extent of in vivo dissociation of complexes on the basis of kinetic data
Kinetics of encapsulation in biocompatible macrocycles and self-assembly of inclusion complexes
Kinetics of ligand exchange reactions of lanthanide(III) complexes formed with the derivatives of diethylenetriaminepentaacetate. The role of non-kovalent interactions.
Kinetics of radiation induced radical reactions
Knots, links and complex singularities
Knowledge and Society
Knowledge base and theoretical structure analysis of transmembrane proteins
Knowledge base and theoretical structure analysis of transmembrane proteins
Knowledge Based and Artifical Intelligence Methods for Structure Optimisation
Knowledge transfer between universities and the economy in Hungary
Knowledge, Landscape, Nation and Empire: Practices of knowing and transforming landscape in Hungary and the Balkans, 1850-1945
Knowledge-Augmented Deep Learning by means of Variable Projections
Knowledge-based services – growing professionalization of nonprofit organizations.
Kölcsey Ferenc levelezése (1820-1831) (Universitas Könyvkiadó)
Komi-Permyak corpus
Komplex measurements of streams and their watershades in relation of EU Water Framework Directive
Korea V4 Microelectrophoretic tools for bioanalysis
Kormányzás és kodifikáció a polgári kori Európában
Kynurenines and multiple sclerosis: preclinical studies and clinical measurements
Kyrgyz Folksongs
Label-free optical biosensors for living cell research
Labor market outcomes at older ages – the role of firms
Laboratory investigations of processes in large-scale environmental flows and climate dynamics
Labour in crisis
Labour supply of households with a disabled member
Lack of Rights Consciousness in the Legal Cultures of Central-Europe and Balkans. Myth or Reality?
Lactose induction of sterigmatocystin formation in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Lake Balaton in the 21th century - in the track of János Jankó
Lále. Hagyományok a mai török társadalomban. - az emberélet fordulóinak népszokásai.
Land ecosystem changes in the Carpathian Basin during the last 15 millon years, indicated by the vertebrate faunas
Land tenure, farming - including the non agricultural farm activites - in Hungary
Land use bases for soil quality improvement and maintenance
Landscape archaeological and historical ecological researches on burial mounds in the GreatHungarian Plain
Landscape archaeological research on mounds (kurgans) in the Middle Tiszántúl region (Hungary)
Landscape archaeological research on mounds (kurgans) in the Middle Tiszántúl region (Hungary)
Landscape ecological analyses of land use conflicts in test areas in Transdanubia
Landscape ecological assessment of rehabilitation potential in sections of the Hungarian Drava floodplain
Landscape ecological studies on isolated loess vegetation fragments in Mezőföld region
Landscape geographical evaluation of landscape pattern and land use in the floodplains of Transdanubia, Hungary
Landscape protection in Tokaj-Hegyalja from landscape ecological point of view
Landscape- and environmental aesthetics research in selected sample areas
Landuse affected organic carbon saturation of the pedosphere
Langerhans-Cell-Driven In Vitro Disease Modeling
Language of politics and economy in the EU
Language revitalisation, socialisation, and ideologies among youth living in the Csángó Students' Halls
Language Use and Globalisation – A Contrastive Pragmatic Framework
Language, Culture, Interpretation: Interconnections and Diversities between the Humanities and Hermeneutics
Languages under the Influence. Uralic syntax changing in an asymmetrical contact situation
Languages, Inclusion, Culture and Pedagogy: Current Research and Good Practices
Large combinatorial systems: structure and design
Large facility analytical studies of polished and ground stone artefacts for the reconstruction of Prehistoric trans-regional trade routes in the Carpathian Basin and its surroundings
Large Scale Smart Meter Data Assessment for Energy Benchmarking and Occupant Behaviour Profile Development of Building Clusters
Large scale surveying of bacteriophages in the human microbiome with pangenomic and machine learning approaches
Large scale synthesis of purified coiled carbon nanotubes by CCVD method
Large-scale behavior of random spatial processes and interacting particle systems
Larnyngeal patterns in synchrony and diachrony
Laser-Induced nonadiabatic processes in molecular systems: Theory and applications
Lasers in optics, spectroscopy and material sciences
László Kovács: 10–11th century grave findings and stray finds of Taktaköz, and the 11th century cemetery of Tiszalúc-Sarkad
Late cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by bacterial lipopolisaccharides
Late Copper Age Burials in the Carpathian Basin - New Results from Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Analyzes
Late Copper Age Cemetery at Budakalász-Luppa csárda
Late Iron Age elite society in Europe
LAte Jurassic-Early Cretaceous events in the Gerecse and Bükk Mts (N Hungary)
Late Miocene evolution of flora, vegetation and landscape in the Pannonian Basin
Late Renaissance and Baroque sepulchral monuments in Hungary (16th-17th century)
Late Roman villa landscape aroun Sopianae. History, economy, culture and lifestyle behind the frontier.
Late stages of stellar evolution
Late Variscan (Carboniferous to Permian) environments in southern Transdanubia and their regional relationships
Late Variscan (Carboniferous to Permian) environments in southern Transdanubia and their regional relationships
Late-Stage Functionalization of Olefins via Designer Thianthrenium Chemistry
Latent juvenile delinquency (Study on self-reported latent juvenile delinquency: Hungarian case)
Latin sermous of mediavel ages
Lattice cohomology of singularity links
Lattice defects and their influence on functional properties of nanostructured materials
Lattice field theoretic study of strongly interacting extensions of the Standard Model
Lattice quantum chromodynamics with chiral fermions
Lattice quantum shromodynamics with dynamical fermions
Lattice theory
Lattice theory and topics related to lattices
Lattices and other algebras
Law in Action. Legal Documents from Ancient Puteoli
Law of Consumer Protection in the legal system of Hungary and in the European Union
Layers of culture: determinants of institutions, of development, or of both?
Leadership and control in pigeon flocks as bio-inspiration for collective flying robots
Leadership in Przewalski Horses
Leap forward towards understanding the spatio-temporal structure of the solar-cycle: 3D modelling
Learned systemic stress and immune defenses in C. elegans
Learning from persons, learning about persons: two interpretations of persons in infants' cognition
Learning Regions in Hungary: From Therories To Realities
Learning representations of cell morphology and their applications to analysis of perturbations with multi-modal data and cancer personalised medicine
Learning sex roles within the family
Learning structured sound sequences in early infancy
Learning visual categories
Learning-associated forebrain systems in birds
Leaving the state behind - privatization, exit strategies from the state in education and in other childhood provisions
LED lighting - modification of growth and metabolism in crops
Left ventricular remodelling in heart failure: the role of oxidative myofilament protein modifications, stress and female hormones
Legal approaches to operationalize nationality and ethnicity
Legal argumentation in the 21st century
Legal culture and literature in the 18th-19th centuries
Legal Culture in Hungary - Theory and empirical research
Legal dogmatic analysis of collective arragements in labour law
Legal Identity. Law and Life in the Provinces of the Roman Empire
Legal Questions of Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology in Human Cells
Legal Rule and Legal Life. Empirical and Theoretical Studies about the Contract Law of the Imperium Romanum and their Continuance in the European Private Law Systems, especially in the Hungarian Contract Law
Legal rule and legal life: Studies about Contract Law in Imperium Romanum
Legislator activities and electoral performance
Leo of Chalcedon: Life and Works
Let the Rhizobia in: Analyis of the epidermal specific regulation of two genes essential for the bacterial entry
Lethal and sublethal ecotoxicological effects of two pyrethriod insecticides widely used in agriculture and in mosquito control on amphibians
Letters of Ferenc Wesselényi (1605-1667), palatin of Hungary, research and publishing
Letters, Books, Treasures: Memories of Pál Esterházy’s Baroque Court
Levels of personality functioning and its association with symptom behaviors, self-reported personality disorder traits, physiological markers, hot and cold executive functions, social cognition and social decision making measured by computerized behavioral paradigm in borderline and other personality disorders and healthy sample
Leveraging our understanding of the embryonic ENS environment to enhance the success of enteric neuronal stem cell transplantation
Lex Baiuvariorum - Legal Order and Social Structure in Early Middle Ages
Lex Baiuvariorum - Legal Order and Social Structure in Early Middle Ages
Lexicographic processing of the german dialects in Hungary
Lexicon of Hungarian Cultural History X.
Lexicon of Hungarian Cultural History XII.
Lexicon of Hungarian Cultural History XIII.
Lézeres eljárásokkal létrehozott felületi mikrostruktúrák, vékonyrétegek és nanoklaszter-rétegek nagy laterális- és mélységi feloldású jellemzése pásztázó nukleáris mikroszon-dával
Liability Relations and Conflict Management in the Area of Healthcare Services
Liberalization of network industries (International trends and domestic practices)
Library tender to databases: Grove Dictionary of Art, BHA, ABM, DAAI, Marburger Index
Lie groups and non-associative structures
Lie theory geodesic loops
Life and Science - OTKA tender for researchers, series
Life and Science-OTKA tender for researchers: jurying - announcement of results - project follow-up
Life and Science-OTKA tender for researchers: jurying - announcement of results - project follow-up
Life and work of an outstanding Hungarian scholar of 20th century
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of road transport technologies and interventions
Life cycles of economically important powdery mildew fungi
Life feelings and representatiop of society
Life history consequences of nest site selection
Life paths in and out of prison. Opportunities for subjective re-socialization
Life within the +2 Celsius limit: Making sustainable consumption inclusive
Life-history strategies and juvenile environment in birds
Life-style reform movements and the progresive education
Life-style reform movements and the progressive education
Life-time mangement of metall-polymer hybrid pipes
Lifer fibrosis and cancer. Myofibroblaszts are linking them together.
Lifestyle-based consumer segment research
Lifetime prediction of rolling surfaces
Light slowing down by frequency-chirped laser pulses: Applications to quantum information processing and resonant nonlinear optics
Light-activatable peptidomimetic inhibitors for CRAC channel
Light-induced catalytic activity of earth-abundant metal complexes: concepts and reactivity
Limit theorems and their applications
Limit theorems and their applications
Limit theorems with applications
Limiting the ischaemic-reperfusion injury with the induction of endogenous adaptation mechanisms. Experimental and clinikal study.
Limiting the ischaemic-reperfusion injury with the induction of endogenous adaptation mechanisms. Experimental and clinikal study.
Limiting the ischaemic-reperfusion injury with the induction of endogenous adaptation mechanisms. Experimental and clinikal study.
Limits of applications of LiDAR point clouds and photogrammetry in urban and agricultural areas
Linear analysis and its applications
Linear Operators and Linear Systems
Linear Structures and Segre type methods in finite geometry
Linguistic and historical analysis of Greek epigraphical texts
Linguistic anthropological studies on Romani language (Language ideologies of Romani in Central and Eastern Europe)
Linguistic aspects of fair trial. The impact of legal language on the fulfilment of access to justice
Linguistic revitalization as a commodity: Standardization and authenticity of the Hungarian language use in Moldavia
Link between apoptosis and phagocytosis
Linkage between organ development and cell division in roots of Brachypodium dystachion, the new model of cereals
Linkage under constraints: (mis)matching representative roles and expectations
Linking a highly efficient immune response mounted by multinucleated giant hemocytes with a complex genomic analysis of invasive Drosophila species
Linking biodiversity with ecosystems functions and services
Lipedema, phlebolymphedema, chronic venous-origin leg ulcer. Novel insight into the pathomechanism of lymphatic insufficiency-related common disorders
Lipid metabolic reprogramming of tumors at systemic and single cell-type level - from models to human
Lipid polymorphism of thylakoid membranes. Structural entities, membrane dynamics, photosynthetic functions
Lipid-protein interactions, and dynamics in model and biological membranes. The development of a new experimental nano-technologic device to study structure and functioning of membrane-proteins.
Lipidmembrance school at the Biological Research Center
LIPS and bones: application of LASER-based geological techniques to bone content research
Liquid biopsy based identification and monitoring of novel therapeutic targets in B-cell lymphomas
Liquid crystal elastomers
Lisbon Strategy 2005-2008
Literary and political exchanges between the Polish and Hungarian second public sphere 1976–1989
Literary and scientific patronage – Italian influence and Hungarian-Italian cultural relations in Hungary in the environment of the ecclesiastical aristocracy (1750–1800)
Literary communication and system of values. (The formation of Greek values especially in the Hellenistic Age. The Roman mos maiorum from the age of Augustus until the partistic age.)
Literary critisism and theory of the Arabs
Literary critisism and theory of the Arabs
Literary culture in Hungary around 1500
Literature and Democratic Culture in the Old Hungary form the Reformation to the Enlightment
Literature Online (LION) és Periodical Index Online (PIO) databases
Literature Resource Center plus MLA; Philosophers' Index
Lithic resource management dynamics from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Middle Neolithic in northern Hungary
Lithic technology of the Gravettian in Hungary
Lithospheric and upper mantle structure of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian region: receiver function analysis of seismological data and geodynamic interpretation
Living Rhetoric. The Relevance of Rhetoric Concepts in the Interpretation of Literary Texts
Living with an active star - the impace of stellar activity on exoplanetary habitability
Lloviu cuevavirus: a promising model for understanding human pathogenic filoviruses of bat origin
Local and Ecclesiastical Authorities in Hungary 1848-1998
Local and landscape-scale effects of invasion by multiple plant species on community diversity
Local food systems and short food supply chains in the post-COVID society
Local hemostatic disorders in the fibrillating atrium
Local historical building materialsnof residential buildings and ancient ruins at Balaton highland
Local mechanical stability and elasticity in the muscle protein titin
Local pressure in the pathophysiology of endocrine orbitopathy
Local properties and colorings: from graphs to measure spaces
Local religion in Magyarfalu
Local spectroscopy of molecular nanoobjects
Locality and Load-Balancing in Heterogeneous Simulations and Architectures
Localization of the active centers accounting for the biological activity of the PIBF molecule
Location of employment: Migration, Housing, and Industrial concentration
Logarithmic-Brunn-Minkowski conjecture
Logic and mentality of philosophy of our age
Logical foundation of spacetime theories
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and prebiotics as nutritional supplements in paediatric prevention and treatment
Long-run regional economic forecasting: a model-based approach for Hungary
Long-term comparative analysis of Finland and Hungary and their forecasts
Longitudinal assessment of lung function from birth to early childhood
Longitudinal study of infant-directed speech using multimodal methods
Low Dimensional Combinatorics
Low Dimensional Topology
Low-dimensional nanomaterials for the optical sensing of organic molecules on liquid and gas interfaces
Low-input tissue-specific RNA-seq of the model mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea
LTB4 Inflamapping: Deciphering the regulation of LTB4 production and tissue distribution with novel fluorescent biosensors
Ludwig Hatvany's transcultural networks
Ludwig Hatvany's transcultural networks
Lung structure and function in cystic fibrosis: from newborn screening to lung transplantation
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone receptors as potential molecular targets for cancer visualization by positron emission tomography
LymmuMIC: Emerging genetic, immunological and microbial biomarkers in Lynch syndrome
Lympho-myeloid microenvironment
M-era.Net 2 CLEARPV: Transparent Perovskite Solar Cell
M-ERA.NET Graphene-ceramic composites for tribological application in aqueous environments
M-ERA.NET2 nanoPD: Development of a novel organs-on-a-chip platform for nanodrug delivery and functionality testing to treat Parkinson’s disease
M-ERA.NET: Hybrid Materials for Low Cost Volatile Organic Compound Sensor System
M-ERA.NET: Ultrafine eutectics by laser additive manufacturing
M-Eranet2: Energy efficient nano-modified renders with CO2-storage potential
Machine learning algorithms for data-intensive astrophysics in the LSST era
Machine Learning Enhanced Survivable Networks
Macrophage adenosine receptors in sepsis
Macroscopic description of multi-component stochastic system: hydrodynamic limit and fluctuations
Mágia a középkorban (Typotex Kiadó)
Mágneses optikai csapdába zárt hideg atomok vizsgálata lé-zeres lineáris és nemlineáris spektroszkópiával.
Magnetic activity in stars and its effects on their astrospheres
Magnetic an electric field responsive composite polymer gels and elastomers
Magnetic and topological phases of matter induced by strong spin-orbit coupling in correlated electron systems
Magnetic interactions and chemical disorder in complex magnets
Magnetic investigation of degradation processes of power plant steels
Magnetic multilayers modulated by amorphous alloys
Magnetic properties of complex functional materials
Magnetic properties of multilayer structures
Magnetic resonance studies of novel nanostructures
Magnetic, mechanical and thermal properties of alloys and their surfaces
Magnetic, mechanical and thermal properties of alloys and their surfaces
Magnetically active anisotropic composite systems (MACOSYS, M-ERA.NET 2012)
Magnetism, topology, and entanglement in quantum insulators
Magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles for biomedical porposes
Magnetoresponsive iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical use
Magyar Tudomány folyóirat
Magyarország az Európai Parlamentben
Magyarország patakjainak diatoma (Bacillariophyceae) flórája, annak geomorfológiai, vízkémiai és antropogén eredet? meghatározói.
Maintaining reliability in a de-regulated electricity industry
Major transitions in evolution and robust genetic systems
Making subsidiarity work in public finances
Making thinking visible: Using technology-based assessment and the potential for logfile analyses to explore how efficient thinking skills and strategies facilitate students' learning
Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility: a risk factor of pancreatitis?
mall body transport and the initial conditions for planetesimal formation
Mammalian reservoirs of coronaviruses – viral diversity and host spectrum
Management Practices and Wage Inequality
Management readiness level towards Strategic Technology Management Excellence
Manchu-Mongol Diplomatic Correspondence
Manipulation and characterization of interfaces by the combination of optical and electrochemical methods for sensor development
Manipulation of excited-state relaxation pathways in functional transition metal complexes
Manipulation of the enteral microbiome by fecal microbiota transplantation among adult patients with malignant hematological diseases
Manufacturing medium density gypsum bonded moulded composites based on agricultural waste and assessing its bonding mechanism
Many-body systems in and out of equilibrium
Mapping and modeling the crime perception gap
Mapping and monitoring of the nighttime light environment
Mapping Family Transitions: Causes, Consequences, Complexities, and Context
Mapping of multivalent interactions underpinning the activities of genome metabolic protein condensates
Mapping resistance genes against fungi in grapevine
Mapping the genetic background of severe congenital neutropenia in Hungary and unraveling the factors behind the disease
Mapping the parallel routes of face perception
Mapping the regional characteristics of neuroimmune communication in healthy skin and inflammatory skin diseases
Mapping, characterization and specific inhibition of allosteric protein-protein interactions in signalling networks involved in tumorigenesis and inflammation.
Marcellinus comes and the nomads of the Steppe. A military history (375-568 AD)
Marginal and expanding populations of conservation biologically significant species in the Carpathian basin
Marginalisation of people with disabilities: changing and new mechanisms
Marginalised space experience in the context of uneven geographical development
Marginalization and (im)mobility: the dynamic of habitus
Market analysis of functional foods
Market Knowledge Management and Competitiveness
Market Oriented Research on SMEs' Attitude Toward Marketing in Hungary
Markets with sectors: matching problems and assignment games
Markov Decision Processes: Estimation and Approximate Solutions
markovian Image Models: Applications in Unsupervised Image Segmentation
Marosszentanna. Sântana de Mureș. Late imperial cemetery along the Mureş
MARTA: Development and use of a database of hydrophysical properties of Hungarian soils to characterize the soil watwr management under extreme weather conditions
Martingales and Fourier analysis
Martyrs and Saints as Sites of Religious and National Memory in Early Modern Hungary and Europe, cca. 1500-1800
Mass spectrometry based identification of prostate cancer biomarkers from tissue microarrays
Mass spectrometry of non-polar polymers
Massive data structures for describing the physics of millimeter-wave scattering
Maszk, átváltozás, beavatás. Vallásetnológiai fogalmak tudományközi megközelítésben. Tanulmányok a transzcendesről 5. (Balassi Kiadó)
Material culture and ethnic identity among the Transylvanian Gabor Roma
Material Culture of Immigrant Groups in Budapest
Material culture, ethnic identity and the politics of difference among the Gabor Roma of Transylvania
Material transport in cylindrical nanostructures
Materials and systems for high density optical data sstorage
Materials in Extreme Terahertz Fields
Maternal overnutriton results in premature aging of body weight regulation in the offspring
Maternal programming of migratory behavior
Mathematical analysis of biological graphs
Mathematical Analysis of Quantum Communication Problems
Mathematical formalism - arguments and counterarguments
Mathematical investigation of interacting Fermi- and Bose-systems
Mathematical methods of preconditioning in nonlinear physical models
Mathematical modelling in the study of HIV infection and immunology
Mathematical modelling of clinical observations for improved melanoma detection
Mathematical models to the digital photogrammetry
Mathematical problems in quantum information theory
Mathematical statistical analysis of extreme weather events under changing climate
Mathematical theory of biological diversity
Mathematics of Economics models
Mathematics of Electoral Systems: Districting, Apportioning and Voting
Mating strategies in the European ground squirrel
Matrix isolation infrared spectroscopic investigations
Matroidal optimization
Maturation of Cortical Functional Connectivity in Adolescents as a Function of Bone Age
Max Herz Pasha's "Cairo Street" in the Chicago World Fair of 1893
MCMC methods in bioinformatics
Meaning, Communication; Literal, Figurative: Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Language
Means and probability theory in metric and operator spaces
Measurement and analyses of the efficiency of the EU economic policies
Measurement based analysis of operational paths in complex networks
Measurement based temperature dependency analysis of electrochemical energy systems
Measurement in complex problem solving: A comparative analysis of the major methods
Measurement of telecommunications software, postcalculation, produktivity
Measurement, identification and tracking of moving noise sources by means of acoustic beamforming
Measuring and modelling ozone and carbon-dioxide fluxes in continental climate region
Measuring and modelling water and carbon balance of managed agricultural lands
Measuring the readiness of construction organizations for technology adaptation with using artificial intelligence
Measuring the upgrading performance of TNCs’ Hungarian subsidiaries
Measuring the upgrading performance of TNCs’ Hungarian subsidiaries
Measuring von Willebrand factor GPIb-binding activity after activation by high shear forces
Measurment and modeling of wind-blow nutrient transport on chernozem soil
Meatal complexes of nano-size ligands: synthesis, physical-chemisry, applications
Mechanical and geometrical models for shape evolution
Mechanical approach of medical 3D printing
Mechanical behavior of nanoparticle containing hybridcomposites in case of cyclic load
Mechanical equilibrium and abrasion: a geometrical approach
Mechanical models of DNA stretching
Mechanical properties of random fibre networks
Mechanical-mathematical Modelling of the Behaviour of Textile Materials
Mechanics and neural control of aquatic locomotion
Mechanics of Composite Structures
Mechanics of Functional Biomaterials
Mechanics of Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesives
Mechanics of masonry-, no-tension stuctures
Mechanics of Stone Assemblies
Mechanics of viral DNA ejection
Mechanism and evolution of cell separation, a process involved in transitions between invasive and non-invasive forms of dimorphic fungi
Mechanism and pharmacology of nociception and antinociception mediated by TRPV1 capsaicin receptor
Mechanism and regulation of motility in different human tumor types
Mechanism and regulation of motility in different human tumor types
Mechanism and regulation of motility in different human tumor types
Mechanism of action of myosin inhibitors
Mechanism of adaptation to long-term orthostatic and inverse-orthostatic gravitation loading in the extremity veins
Mechanism of cell-specific regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism
Mechanism of disease resistance induced by endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica
Mechanism of enantioselective heterogeneous catalysed hydrogenation.
Mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic enantioselective hydrogenations
Mechanism of nuclear receptor action: from single molecules to the genome
Mechanism of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit and its significance in the regulation of distinct cellular processes
Mechanism of photocatalytic mineralization and hydrogen production on UV-visible excited photocatalysts
Mechanism of reperfusion induced microcilculatory changes: experimental and clinical studies
Mechanism-related teratogenic, hormone modulant and other toxicological effects of veterinary and agricultural surfactants
Mechanism-related teratogenic, hormone modulant and other toxicological effects of veterinary and agricultural surfactants
Mechanisms and (patho)physiological roles of selective ER autophagy in Drosophila
Mechanisms and enhancement of cell therapy for cardiac repair: the role of cell-to-cell interactions, homing and pretreatment
Mechanisms and regulation of reactive oxygen species production in brain mitochondria
Mechanisms and role of acetylcholine signaling upon GnRH neurons of mice: a novel regulatory pathway of reproduction
Mechanisms of circadian trytmic biological processes - studies on avian pineal gland.
Mechanisms of Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Emotion Regulation in Coping with Stressful Life Situations
Mechanisms of critical raw materials bioleaching from bauxite residue
Mechanisms of early social deprivation-induced violent aggression in rats and a comparison between two different models of violent aggression
Mechanisms of glial cytotoxic edema formation: New targets in drug repurposing
Mechanisms of glucagon-like peptide 1 signaling upon GnRH-synthesizing neurons: role in hypothalamic regulation of reproduction
Mechanisms of intraluminal hydrogen peroxide elimination in the endoplasmic reticulum
Mechanisms of molecular oncogenesis in common malignancies
Mechanisms of mutation in Escherichia coli: analysis, engineering and applications
Mechanisms of pathological thalamocortical oscillations
Mechanisms of self-regulation
Mechanistic insight into the action of thymidylate biosynthesis targeting chemotherapeutic drugs using next generation sequencing technologies
Mechanistic investigation of hydrolytic reactions
Mechanistic understanding of the effects of fibre reinforcement and foaming on the flame retardancy of polymers
Mechanistic understanding of transcriptional regulation of heat stress response in Brassicaceae
Mechanobiology of the neurovascular unit in health and disease
Mechanobiophysics of the giant protein nebulin
Mechanotransduction of endothelial BRAF in tumour metastasis formation
Mediaeval Archaeological Relics of the Pilis-Mountains
Mediaeval Archaeological Relics of the Pilis-Mountains
Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Fragments in Hungarian Public Collections
Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Fragments in Hungarian Public Collections
Medieval history of the Steppe - Hungarian early history
Medieval Hungarian Economic History in the Light of Archaeology and Material Culture
Medieval Pontificals in Hungary
Melanin Concentrating Hormone producing neurons in the rodent hypothalamus: anatomical and neurochemical characterization.
Melanoma and stromal cell fusion in the progression of melanoma
Membrane and protein interactions of disordered regions in transmembrane proteins
Membrane mimetics and peptide interactions, effect of the lipid environment
Membrane Nanotube Networks between Immunocytes: regulating factors and functional significance in cell-to-cell communication with special attention to B and T cells
Membranes in Electrochemistry
Memorials of Hungarian Kings
Memory of Religion in Folk Music Archives
Memory retrieval and executive functions in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Menopause and cognitive aging: Effects of sex hormone levels on brain functioning
Mental and somatic health among young people in the context of perseverative cognition
Mental Fictionalism
Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing in Higher Education in Economy - The Path to a Happy and Productive Life
Mental health from pre-adolescence to old age: examining the key dimensions of rumination
Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202-1480) Conference
Mesogens with polar ordering of non-chiral building blocks
Mesopotamian Settlement Pattern and Social Networks
Mesosic alkaline magmatism in Carpathian region: petrogenesis of the Ditró Alkaline Massif
Mesozoic and Tertiary brachiopod studies
Metabolic tissue heterogeneity related alterations in mTOR activity and their role in tumour biology
Metabolic, hormonal and genetic factors of lipid homeostasis in patients with high cardiovascular risk
Metabolically induced retinal degeneration and neuroprotection mediated by endogenous neuropeptides and their analogues
Metabolism and toxicity of dietary trans-fatty acids
Metabolism of natural carotenoids in fowls
Metabolomic insight into antagonistic fungal-bacterial interactions
Metabolomics of cyanobacterial blooms and bloomcontrol
Metacognition-based trainings in the fields of mathematics and reading
Metahistory of economic thought
Metal based neurodegeneration. Transition metal ion complexes of oligopeptides containing histidine
Metal Complexes as Enzyme Models and Biologically Active Materials
Metal complexes as tools for medical diagnostics and therapy: synthesis and chemical characterization
Metal ion guided protein-DNA interactions: metal ion dependent molecules with potential applications
Metal/electrolyte solution interface at high temperatures
Metallic ion-metal nanocluster" active site ensembles: Investigation of their formation, structure and catalytic properties"
Metallicity in carbon based conjugated electron systems (contract terminated)
Metal‐protein attenuating compounds as potential protective agents against the oxidation of biomolecules
Metastable liquids
Method and taxonomy of bioreactors, with special regards to economic issues
Method development for protein glycosylation analysis
Method development for the selective enrichment and mass spectrometric characterization of posttranslational modifications of secreted and membrane proteins
Method development for the structural studies of protein aggregates, intrinsically disordered proteins and nanoparticle-protein interactions
Method development for the study of the structure and interactions of intrinsically unstructured proteins
Method for determination of surface and internal firmness characteristics of horticultural products
Methodical support of sustainable and precision agricultural systems
Methodological aspects of the financing system of businesses woth special regard to the specialities of agricultural production
Methodological development of investment analysis in corn industry
Methodological developments in many-electron theory
Methodological establishment of satellite born phenological observation to detect the response of global change induced reaction of ecological system
Methodological solution of data-based problems by deep learning in the field of multimedia and finance
Methodology development for detection of protein-ligand interactions by using NMR techniques
Methods for Diophantine number theory
Methods of communication in the Carpathian Basin during the Reformation: Early Modern European models and Hungarian characteristic (1550-1700)
Methods of dioda laser spectroscopy
Methods of Qualitative Psychology
Mevhanism of RNS silencing in animal and plant model organism
Mezőgazdasági gépek fogaskerék-hajtóműveinek az optimálása
Michael Polanyi`s scientific and philosophical oeuvre
Micro world - 2012
Micro, Macro-economic and Territorial Differentiating Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Visegrad Countries - Challenges of FDI-driven economic policy models
Micro- and macroplastic debris transport and deposition in the fluvial system of the Tisza River: a geographical perspective
Micro-area spatio-temporal (MAST) epidemiological research and developing MAST models against fruit fungal diseases
Microanalytical investigation of early embyo development in wheat
Microbial biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in subsurface environments: elucidating the genetic background of microaerobic degradation by stable isotope and „omics” approaches
Microbial characterization and monitoring of polluted soils by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis
Microbial community structure, biomass and activity in sandy soils of abandoned fields of the Great Plain
Microchip-based double 1D capillary eletrophoresis
Microcirculatory resuscitation approaches to modulate the inflammatory response
Microcombinatorial synthesis and characterization of multicomponent thin films
Microcrustacean community structure and its palaeoecological reconstruction in shallow waters
Microfluidics and optical micromanipulations studies on communication and community-formation in quorum sensing bacteria
microfluidics environment for the intelligent cell surfaces
Microglia activation and neuroinflammation in chronic stress-induced depression
Micromanipulation experiments with optical tweezers
MicroRNA regulation of TIMP-1 expression in progressive renal fibrosis
Microsatellite marker isolation for genetic research of increasingly important species in aquaculture
Microscale influence on runoff
Microspeciation of bio- and drug molecules
Microstructural changes in high strength steels due to welding
Microstructure and mechanical properties of advanced materials processed by powder metallurgy
Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials
Microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials produced by rapid solidification, mechanical alloying or by severe plastic deformation
Microwave intensified degradation of wastes with high organic matter content
Middle Ages and Ottoman Period in the Southern Transdanubia, Sw Hungary - Environmental History and Natural Scientific Studies
Middle Jurassic benthos foraminifera fauna of the Mecsek Mts, Transdanubian Central Range and Bükk Mts (Hungary)
Middle Triassic hitory of the Transdanubian Range: basin evolution and volcanism
Migrants in elderly care
Migration - aproaching the reality with innovative methodology
Migration and tourism. Effects of migration on social changes of local societies in Hungary nowadays.
Migration in Hungary during Market transition
Migration potential of Roma and importance of personal network in migration of Roma
Migration, local society, identity
Migration, minorities, local communities and solidarity
Migratory syndrome in the seed beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus)
Mihály Károlyi's correspondence 1930-1945, vol. IV.
Mikrobiom bioinformatics: Computational analysis of complex bacterial communities
Mikszáth's Late Prose Writing
Mikszáth's Late Prose Writing
Military and armanents industry co-operation in Warsaw Pact 1955-1991
Millipedes of Taiwan and the surrounding islands: taxonomy, systematics and zoogeography
Milocene volcanism in the Visegrad Mountains, Hungary: an integrated approach to regional volcanic stratigraphy (Geologica Carpathica)
Mindfully advanced intelligence beliefs
Mineralizációs dinamika és humifikáció ökológiai össze-függései természetes és művelt talajokban
Mineralogical and geochemical studies on carbonates, especially on carbonate phases of soils, paleosols and metamorphic rocks
Mineralogical and geochemical study of acid volcanic glasses, and its interpretation from petrological and volcanological point of view
Minimal invasive treatment of benign and malignant oto-rhino-laryngological diseases with nanostructured drug release systems
Minimalization of heat losses of geothermal systems
Mining the microbial dark matter of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated subsurface ecosystems
Minority Hungarian Communities in the Twentieth Century (the publication of historical sources and chronologies)
Minority languages in the process of urbanization: A comparative study of urban multilingualism in Arctic indigenous communities
Minority self-governments after municipal elections in 2006 - Roma, German, Greek and Rusin autonomies amoung the new conditions
Minority self-governments after municipal elections in 2006 - Roma, German, Greek and Rusin autonomies amoung the new conditions
MIO-enzyme-based multistep syntheses in continuous-flow microfluidic reactor systems
Mio/Pliocene phreatomagmatic volcanism in the Oannonian Basin: an integrated volcanosedimentary study
Miocene-Pliocene deformation and sedimentation of the Pannonian Basin: constraints from structural, sedimentological and geochronological studies
Miocene-Pliocene deformation and sedimentation of the Pannonian Basin: constraints from structural, sedimentological and geochronological studies
Miscellanies and periodicals in the 18─19th century literature
Missing (Theatre) Histories I.
Mitochondrial DNA diversity of Fusarium species, investigations of mitochondrial plasmids
Mitochondrial dynamics mediate endocrine disruptors’ impact on nuclear receptors.
Mitochondrial malfunction during experimental status epilepticus
Mitochondrial non-oxidative phosphorylation energy-harnessing pathways during anoxia
Mitochondrial side/effects of gastrointestinal medications
Mixed-mass String Integrability
Mixing and information spread, Markov chains outside the comfort zone
Mixing of Gases at High Temperatures
Mme Schodel and the Beginnings of Progessional Operaplaying in Hungary
Mobile robot, capable of social interaction
Mobility and Population Transformation in the Carpathian Basin of the 5th to 7th Century A.D.: Changing Societies and Identities.
Mobility, social- and economic networks, and inequality in cities during the pandemic
Mocrospeciation and Biomolecules
Modal decomposition of deformation modes of thin-walled structural members by using the finite strip and finite element method
Mode of action of natural regulatory molecules in seed germination
Modeking of many particle systems in plasma physics
Model and analysis of the tribology system of spatial gear drives
Model Based Digital Signal Processing
Model experiments of the human pathological effects of hormonal imprinting
Model life-cycles - The case of Post-transition Hungary
Model or exception? Relations between Hungary and Austria from 1945 to 1990
Model predictive control algorithms for power electronic converters and electrical drives
Model studies on the metal-binding properties of histidine rich proteins with metal complexes of oligopeptide fragments
Model systems for sheet-rich amyloid oligomer assembly
Model systems in PXE and in related calcification disorders
Model-based analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems using first principles
Model-based detection of failure types of inverters used in power grids and dissemination of research results on predictive forecasting of failures
Modeling and Identification of Uncertainty in Complex Intelligent Systems
Modeling and reconfigurable control of LPV systems
Modeling and scrutinizing feasibility of cooperating processors
Modeling and scrutinizing feasibility of cooperating processors
Modeling and tackling complex systems by Computational Intelligence approaches
Modeling condensed phase reactions using system-specific, high-precision, reactive force fields
Modeling crime series of recidivists
Modeling crystal morphology at various length scales: From atomic scale to biological systems
Modeling general topology free-form surfaces in 3D
Modeling large-scale self-organizing multi-structural economic networks
Modeling molecular mechanisms behind complex behavior of nanodevices
Modeling nanodevices from the atomic to the mesoscopic scale
Modeling of combined membrane separation for bio-systems and microwave post treatment of concentrate
Modeling of many-body systems
Modeling of Molecular and Nanoscale Quantum Devices
Modeling of plasmaphysical many-body systems
Modeling of the dynamics of ethnic, religious, linguistic diversification and the potential effects on social cohesion within a new paradigm and conceptual framework of ’diversity studies’
Modeling of the dynamics of ethnic, religious, linguistic diversification and the potential effects on social cohesion within a new paradigm and conceptual framework of ’diversity studies’
Modeling of urban and intra-urban scale thermal effect of climate change in the 21th century for cities in Carpathian basin
Modeling of variations in fruit quality during storage
Modeling of variations in fruit quality during storage
Modeling the yeast cell cycle
Modeling, designing and evaluating the networking aspects of fog computing platforms
modeling-based characterization of the elicitor function of amino acid 461 of Cucumber mosaic virus 1a protein in the hypersensitive response (Virology)
Modellig of envirinmental processes by soft computing methods
Modelling and complex experimental evaluation of texture dependent solid phase reaction in metallic systems
Modelling and control of dymanic process systems
Modelling and dynamical investigation of high precision cutting of hard surfaces
Modelling and enhancement of orchestration methods for virtual research platforms with machine learning
Modelling and Examination of Machine Industrial Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Procedurs
Modelling High Frequency Financial Time Series
Modelling nitrogen and carbon dynamics of vegetable cultures
Modelling of crop produktion processes
Modelling of development and methods of control of heat islands by using computational fluid dynamics
Modelling of microcutting (turning and honing) and related to quality of workpieces
Modelling of non-smooth behaviour in manufacturing related self-excited vibration problems
Modelling of post-discharge plasmas used for sterilisation and surface treatment
Modelling of soil nutrient loss by wind and water erosion in chernozem areas
Modelling of the biological role of imidazole residues in the metal complexes of bis(imidazolyl) compounds and histidine analogues
Modelling Stochastic Effects in Machining of Flexible Parts - Stability and Surface Quality
Modelling the combined effect of urban climate and climate change on extreme weather
Modelling the load on vehicle frame structure for lifetime estimation by using statistical and fuzzy rulebased methods
Modelling the potential vegetation of Hungary
Modelling the potential vegetation of Hungary
Modelling, planning and control of distributed, modular production structures
Models and Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems in Information Technology
Models and instruments of higher education funding at the service of expansion, quality, access and equity goals - international trends and Hungarian experience
Models and Methods for Personalized Intensive Care
Models for coordination and integration by producers` organisations in the agri-food economy
Models in Quantum Chemistry
Models in quantum chemistry
Models of Identities in Hungary and Confessional System of Early Modern Europe
Modern algebraic and geometric techniques in theoretical physics II.
Modern and classical discrete geometry
Modern biliard theory and its applications
Modern chemical and biochemical approaches towards identification of anticancer and drug resistance preventing steroidal agents
Modern engineering experiments performed on elastic composite structural elements
Modern extremal combinatorial problems
Modern mathematical methods in the geodesy
Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems
Modern problems of constructive function theory
Modern robust fuzzy c-means clustering techniques
Modern sociological paradigms
Modern theory of extremal structures
Modern wind turbines and their applicability in Hungary
Modern, sustainable methodologies for the synthesis of carbocyclic β-amino acids, related peptides and natural products
Modernism on the Margin - The Margin on Modernism
Modernity and Politics. Theatre and Fascism. Italy and Europe
Modernization in post-transition Hungary
Modification and functionalization of biopolymers
Modification of cellulosic fibers for extension of their application
Modified peptides - Possibilites for modification of the 3D structure and the biological action.
Módosított mátrixok fejlesztése és alkalmazása kapilláris elektrokromatográf-tömegspektrométer analitikai rendszerben
Modular forms and their applications
Modular Structure of Complex Networks
Modulating immune response against a co-fed marker antigen with plant and microbial cell components used as oral adjuvant
Modulation of astrocyte spatial buffering: the role of cADPR-dependent inhibition of Cx43 phosphorylation
Modulation of dendritic cell-B cell communication by lymphocyte apoptosis in HIV infection and autoimmunity
Modulation of ischemic stroke recovery through the muscle-brain axis
Modulation of lipid metabolism: the role of unsaturated fatty acids and microRNAs
Modulation of nociceptor function by membrane gangliosides: implication for pain mechanisms
Modulation of renal endonuclease activity: a potential therapeutic target in lupus nephritis
Modulation of the photosynthetic activity and carbohydrate metabolism by altering the endogenous concentrations of a signal metabolite fructose2, 6-bisphosphate
Modulation of the SR calcium channels of striated muschle in health and disease
Modulatory role of phospholipid metabolites in the inflammatory response and septic complications
Molacular diagnosis of lymphomas
Molecular actors and mechanisms of inter-kingdom algal-bacterial interactions. Discovering the potential of these interactions as sources of novel antimicrobial agents.
Molecular analysis of caliciciruses detected in gastroenteritis outbreaks in Hungary
Molecular analysis of pathogenic role of human papilloma virus and human herpesviruses
Molecular analysis of phytochrome induced signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana
Molecular analysis of rare inherited bleeding disorders, and their structural-functional consequences
Molecular analysis of unconventional membrane protein recruitment
Molecular and cellular interactions of coagulation factor XIII B-subunit
Molecular and functional characterization of genes controlling resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus and bacterial spot in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
Molecular and genomic investigation of the mutagenic effect of alcohol consuption
Molecular and morpho-taxonomical studies in the Rubiaceae family
Molecular aspects of hormonal factors influencing the energy metabolism in domestic animals
Molecular Aspects of the Actin Cytoskeleton
Molecular background of organ specific metastasis formation of human malignant melanoma
Molecular bases of the light-quality and temperature dependent regulation of freezing tolerance in cereals and in deciduous woody species
Molecular basis for the actin and tropomyosin isoform specific regulation of the actin cytoskeleton
Molecular basis of inositol lipid regulation of receptor endocytosis
Molecular basis of specificity in DNA binding
Molecular biologic and genetic investigation of the pathomechanism of allergy and allergic asthma
Molecular biological analysis of the effect of TaCBF14 and TaCBF15 transcription factors in transgenic barley and wheat lines
Molecular biological studies on fish-parasitic myxosporeans (Myxosporea) with regard to the members of genus Myxobolus and Sphaerospora
Molecular biological study of the inherited and immunodermatological diseases
Molecular biology and psychogenetic aspects of the human dopamine D4 receptor promoter polymorphisms
Molecular biology and psychogenetic aspects of the promoter polymorphisms in the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems
Molecular biology of the regulation of thyroid hormone activation in the central nervous system
Molecular chaperones in the ageing process
Molecular characterisation of genes playing role in aphid transmission of Hungarian PVY isolates
Molecular characterization of a nitrogen fixation defecient Medicago truncatula mutant showing vigorous pathogen response
Molecular characterization of a nitrogen fixation deficient Medicago truncatula mutant showing vigorous pathogen response
Molecular characterization of a receptor protein playing an essential role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation of alfalfa.
Molecular characterization of function, importance in symptom development and evolution of new emerging grapevine viruses by high throughput sequencing and molecular biology based methods
Molecular characterization of immunomodulatory cell-cell interactions by plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Molecular characterization of the circadian clockwork: Regulation of the expression of the oscillator protein on the transcriptional and posttranscriptional level
Molecular characterization of the Drosophila 26S proteasome
Molecular chemosensor development: from synthesis towards applications
Molecular cluster and metal sol derived nanoparticles in mesoporous supports: study of their genesis, structure, stability and catalytic properties
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of diploid donor genomes of cultivated wheat: pachytene- and fibre-FISH
Molecular determinants of NLRP3 inflammasome function in pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory human macrophages.
Molecular diagnosis and phylogenetic analysis on viruses with veterinary- and human health importance
Molecular distinction of apple cultivars and identification of molecular markers linked to resistance genes
Molecular diversity and plasticity of endocannabinoid signaling at cortical synapses
Molecular epidemiology of vaccine preventable viral diseases in poultry
Molecular epidemiology of viruses in childhood gastroenteritis
Molecular evaluation of rare inherited and acquired bleeding diatheses, structural and functional consequences of the disorders
Molecular evolution of bat-borne viruses and their hosts
Molecular fingerprints of distinct functional properties of hippocampal excitatory synapses
Molecular fingerprints of functional properties of synapses
Molecular genetic analysis of idiopathic mental retardation by using subtelomeric FISH
Molecular genetic analysis of the environmental adaptation of bread wheat and its utilisation in breeding
Molecular genetic dissection of the regulation of plant steroid hormone biosynthesis
Molecular genetic investigation of Solanum stoloniferum
Molecular genetic study of the premature ovarian failure (POF/POI)
Molecular genetical and epidemiological investigation of diseases of the ocular fundus
Molecular genetics and ecology of Salmonella Genomic Island 1 (SGI1): secrets of mobility, spread and pathogenetic significance
Molecular identification of Phytophthora species pathogenic on forest trees
Molecular interacting partners, regulation and physiological roles of TRESK and TASK K2P potassium channels
Molecular interactions of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases as potential therapy targets
Molecular ion secretory mechanisms of polarized enamel forming epithelial cells
Molecular ion transport mechanism of dental enamel formation
Molecular mechanics of cytoskeletal muscle proteins using nanobiotechnological methods
Molecular mechanism behind disease symptom development in virus infected plants
Molecular mechanism and physiological function of the human multidrug resistance proteins
Molecular mechanism in the regulation of the phagocytosis in apoptotic cells
Molecular mechanism of coupling of activation and inactivation gates of voltage-gated K+ channels
Molecular mechanism of hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis and humoral immune response interaction and its role in development of autoimmune disease: neuro-immuno-endocrine interactions
Molecular mechanism of T-cell apoptosis induced by human galectin-1
Molecular mechanism of the light-induced degradation of the phytochrome A photoreceptor
Molecular mechanisms in celiac disease inducing and blocking autoimmunity
Molecular mechanisms of disease-associated ion channels
Molecular mechanisms of genome maintenance
Molecular mechanisms of genome maintenance
Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammasome Activation and the role of Il1 beta during Candida parapsilosis Infections
Molecular mechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in diabetic myocardium
Molecular mechanisms of neuroprotection in a translational model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Molecular mechanisms of sulfur-induced resistance in pepper and tobacco plants infected by Tobamoviruses
Molecular mechanisms of sulfur-induced resistance in pepper and tobacco plants infected by Tobamoviruses
Molecular mechanisms of the clearance of retinal dying cells by different phagocytes - implications to age-related macular degeneration
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Function of Myosin 16b
Molecular oncogenesis in human chordoma: targeting early diagnosis and effective therapy
Molecular pathogenesis and microenvironment of primary central nervous system lymphoma
Molecular pathogenesis, prognostic and molecular markers in cholangiocarcinoma
Molecular pathology of hyper-IgM syndrome
Molecular pathology of the human alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
Molecular pathomechanism of hyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome
Molecular pathomechanism of SPINK1 mutations in pancreatitis
Molecular pathways involved in the transformation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Molecular properties and membrane transport
Molecular recognition and self-organization in biomimetic systems: antibiotocs and cell delivery
Molecular recognition via natural and artificially evolved linear peptide motifs: structural, thermodynamic and kinetic principles
Molecular studies on early tuber bulking in potato
Molecular study of the cartenoid biosynthetic pathway using genetically modified zygomyceous fungal strains
Molecular switches - Teaming up for function!
Molecular weight distribution calculation and design
Molecularly imprinted magnetic nanoparticles for selective protein recognition
Molecules in motion
Molecules in strong fields
Molten globule dynamics in titin folding.
Money as a human specific motive
Monitoring and control of modern biopharmaceutical processes with the support of advanced data analysis methods
Monitoring complex systems by goal-oriented clustering algorithms
Monitoring of psychoactive drug contaminations and investigation of the induced biomolecular changes by mass spectrometry techniques
Monitoring of the Digenean flukes in freshwater predatory fishes and assessing their zoonotic risk
Monitoring of the Digenean flukes in freshwater predatory fishes and assessing their zoonotic risk
Monitoring of the efficiency of wastewater treatment and sludge recovery processes based on dielectric behaviour
Monitoring of virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance genes during the anaerobic treatment of urban sewage by genome-centric metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
Monitoring oxidative and microbiological changes of foods by instrumental rapid methods for fundation of prediction of shelf-life and microbiological safety
Monitoring the quality at different places of the chain by rapid physical methods
Monitoring the sterigmatocystin contamination of hungarian feeds and exploring the biodetoxification opportunities
Monitoring Value and Attitude Change in Europe. Comparative Study in 24 European Societies. The Second Round of the European Social Survey Serie in Hungary
Monographic elaboration of the town-research results of the market-town Decs-Ete
Monographic elaboration of the town-research results of the market-town Decs-Ete
Monography on archeological remnants of bishof fortresses - Pécs, Szászvár - in the diocese of Pécs
Monotonicity, Proportionality and Stability in Fair Division Problems
Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi - The Responsory
Monuments of medieval liturgical poetry in Hungary. Alleluias. Critical edition of melodies and monograph
Moral psychology and ethics in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages
Moralities of dependent relations in the era of financialization: Rethinking dependence and livelihood among the marginalized in Hungary
Morphogenesis and migratory features of the serosal lymphoid tissues in the distribution B cells and peritoneal spreading of high-grade B-cell lymphoma in mouse models
Morphological analyses of the glutamatergic innervation of cholinergic and GABAergic neuronal populations located in the rat basal forebrain cholinergic system
Morphological basis of interactions between the GABAergic and peptidergic systems in the lateral septal area of the rat brain
Morphological evolution in Western Palaearctic Temnothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ant lineages in association with phylogenomic distance and emerging reproductive barriers
Morphological evolution in Western Palaearctic Temnothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ant lineages in association with phylogenomic distance and emerging reproductive barriers
Morphological, ecological and genetic investigation of Sphagnum recurvum group
Morphological, physilogical investigations and computer simulation of spinal neuronal network involved in locomotion.
Morphologically analysed corpus of Old and Middle Hungarian texts, representative of informal language use
Morphology and labour hygiene of technological dust of sclerophyous wood species
Morphometric analysis of life forms of some orthopteran species (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acridoidea)
Morphosyntactic Changes in the Iberoromanic Languages of the XV th and XVI th Centuries.
Mortgage, rationality and visions of the future
Mosques in Ottoman Hungary
Mosquitoes in double role: pollinators and virus vectors
Mössbauer and Magnetic Study of Intermetallic Compounds
Mössbauer spectroscopic, magnetic and x-ray diffraction studies of some perovskite and spinel materials possessing magnetoresistivity
Mother knows best: Maternal programming of migratory behavior
Motor control at the level of single neurons and in a central pattern generator
Motor enzymology of DNA helicases
Mouse cloning from somatic- and embryonic stem-cells: The effect of the nuclear donor cell origin and treatments on the genetic reprogramming process
Movement, retention and uptake of Fe-chelates and complexes in the rizosphere investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy
Moving atoms and molecules in strongly-couped radiation fields, in cavities
MSG-induced retinal degeneration and the neuroprotective effect of PACAP
Multi-aspect (total and ROS specific) analysis of flavonoid antioxidant capacities for the exploitation of UV light as post-harvest manipulation of table grape biofortification
Multi-Objective Optimisation of Axial Flow Turbomachinery of High Specific Performance
Multi-parameter analyses for investigating the excited states of ions, atoms and molecules using electronspectroscopy
Multi-partite entanglement in quantum optical systems
Multi-sensors based intelligent tool condition monitoring in mechanical micro-machining
Multichannel Intelligent Electrical Energy Conversion Systems
Multicomponent coordination compounds: synthesis and studies of structure and properties by using spectroscopic, diffraction and theoretical methods
Multicomponent functional nanostructures
Multicomponent model catalysts for renewable energy generation: understanding the synergistic effect of metal and metal-oxide nanostructures on transformations of alcohols
Multicomponent synthesis of biologically active isatin and xanthene derivatives, their cyclodextrin complexes and cyclodextrin conjugates
Multiculturalism in the middle-european literatures
Multiculturalism, identity and integration in the hungarian and rumanian history from reformation to the liberalism
Multidimensional geographical assessment of urban green spaces in the context of sustainable urban planning
Multidimensional Geolinguistical Representation of Computer Based Corpus
Multidirectional propagation of SPW-R complexes in the rat hippocampus, in vitro
Multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical analysis of milk and dairy products' marketing channel, with special respect to co-ordination mechanism
Multifrequency electron spin resonance in strongly correlated metals and superconductors
Multifrequency Elektron spin resonance studies of Collective phenomena in solids
Multifunctional Bio-based Hybrid Thermosets: Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Use in Composites
Multifunctional biomineralized calcium phosphate-loaded biopolymer composites as biodegradable coatings on implants, bone regenerative scaffolds, and drug-loaded hydrogels
Multilingual practicies in Finno-Ugric communities
Multilingualism in Hungary – Comparative Research on Six Nationalities
Multimodal feature fusion for establishing novel 3D saliency models
Multimodal interactions in orthographic learning
Multipartite nonlocality
Multiplatform analysis of herpesvirus gene expression
Multiple Discrimination: Personal and Institutional Perceptions, Impacts, and Actions
Multiple Labeling of DNA and RNA with NIR fluorophores by means of (bio)orthogonal approaches
Multiple role of peroxidase enzymes in plant acclimation to UV
Multiplex immunophenotyping of patients with antiphospholipid syndrome with special focus on the anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunity
Multiproxy studies of Mesozoic global change events: timing, causes and consequences of rapid warming, anoxic events, ocean acidification and biotic extinction
Multiscale charged particle dynamics in electrical gas discharegs
Multiscale investigations of magnetic heterostructures based on first principles
Multiscale modelling of the interplay between defects and superlattice effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Multisensory information processing in the basal ganglia
Music and Music Life in the Horthy Era. Preparation of the 20th-Century Volume of the Music History of Hungary series
Music Culture in Medieval Hungary
Music experiences as an altered state of consciousness, it`s comparison with other trance states
Music History of Hungary 5. Preparation of the 20th-Century Volume of the Handbook Series
Music Life in Hungary in the 20th Century
Musica Rediviva - Reseurch in church music repertory
Mycobacterium tuberculosis dUTPase as a tool in disease control: functional ablation, enzymatic mechanism and selective perturbation
Mycobacterium tuberculosis dUTPase as a tool in disease control: functional ablation, enzymatic mechanism and selective perturbation
Mycrobiota studies os trees with special attention to the parasitic, necrotropic species involved in decline processes.
Myocardial rmodeling in post-infarction heart failure aggravated by metabolic syndrome: the role of gelatinases and the molecular network of non-coding RNAs
Myosin motor proteins: structur-function relationship and functional studies in neurons
Myosin motor proteins: structure, function, regulation, binding partners
Mysterious stellar explosions: homogeneity and diversity of supernovae
Mystical and magical manuscripts in the Kaufmann Collection
Myths and Realities of Local Food Systems – discourses, producers, customers and socio-economic effects in the ’Hungarian Provence’
NaMANET - Investigation of Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Name change, society, history - publication of a book
Nano-Compartmentalized Polymeric Ionic Liquids as a New Material Platform for Tailoring Responsive Macromolecular Systems
Nano-medical approach for effective targeting of nimodipine in the ischeamic brain
Nano-scale dynamics of cellular interactions
Nanobiophysical exploration of transthyretin amyloid fibrils
Nanochemistry for directed assembly - from basics towards applications
Nanochemistry for directed assembly - from basics towards applications
Nanocircuits beyond the resolution of electron beam lithography
Nanocomposites and chiral nanocomposites: preparation, characterization, selective, stereoselective transformations and mechanisms
Nanocomposites based on conducting polymers, preparation, characterization and application
Nanomechanics of amyloid ß-fibrils
Nanoparticles and nanolayers in semiconductor structures - electrical and photoelectrical properties
Nanoparticles with surface patchiness - preparation and self-assembly
Nanoplastics in aqueous environments: structure, migration, transport and remediation
Nanoradiator-Equipped Adsorbents for Safe and Energy Saving Methane Storage
Nanoscale changes, nanosized vesicles, and nanotechnological approaches in the regeneration, adaptation, and metabolism of skeletal muscle from stem cells to therapeutic application
Nanoscale investigation of molecular scaffolding
Nanoscale molecular diversity and neuropsychiatric significance of canonical and non-canonical forms of cannabinoid signaling
Nanostructured Amphiphilic Conetworks and Gels
Nanostructured amphiphilic conetworks and gels
Nanostructured Amphiphilic Conetworks and Gels as Nanoreactors for the Synthesis of Novel Nanohybrids
Nanostructured catalyst systems for sustainable biotransformations
Nanostructured photocatalysts
Nanostructured wide bandgap semiconductors for novel devices
Nanostructured wide bandgap semiconductors for novel devices
Nanostructures of gold and TiO2, CeO2 and CuO supported on inert surface: controlled formation of the active interface and its catalytic properties
Narrative and Rhetoric
Narrative construction as an indicator of ablility based Emotional Intelligence
Narrative discource II. (theory, history, genre)
Narrative discource II. (theory, history, genre)
Narrative models and strategies, language reflexion and interculturality in the German speaking and Hungarian Literature in the age of 'Classical Modernism'
Narrative Organization of Temporal Representation: Patterns of Psychological Time Experience in Spontaneous and Induced Autobiographical Episodes
Narrative sources in medieval German language: Hungary in the Chronicle of Ottokar aus der Gaal, the Ungarnchronik of Henry of Mügeln and tJakob Unrest
Narrative structure as an indicator of the quality of an actual emotional state
Narratives of Conceptualization of the Rule of Law in the European Union
Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy (1792-1947)
Nation, patria, religion, and liberty - old and new political discourses in the textual tradition of the Bocskai rebellion and the 17th century Hungarian political thought
National and international comperativ of history science and technology of dentistry
National development, wolr-economic and regional competitiveness int the era of acceleration of globalization.
National Transfer Accounts and intergenerational redistribution in European institutional settings
National Transfer Accounts and intergenerational redistribution in European institutional settings
Nationalism, nation, (nation) state in the Maghreb: Algeria
Natural and anthropogenic effects on mineral precipitation and deposition in Lake Balaton
Natural and modified carotenoids and their conjugates
Natural hazards and the protection
Natural killer (NK) T lymphocytes in airway inflammation
Natural philosophy in the history of science
Natural products as potential agents against microbial infections and antimicrobial resistance
Naturalistic approach of normal and disordered memory functions
Nature and Culture in 20th-21st century Hungarian Poetry
Nature and roles of chloroplast thylakoid-membrane reorganizations associated with key regulatory mechanisms of photosynthesis in vivo - as revealed by kinetic small-angle neutron scattering
Nature at home: Supporting native plant species in urban gardens
Nature of Virtue. Altruism, cooperation, generosity
Nature's carbohydrate chemists: enzymatic glycosylation
Nature-motivated computational models in the theory of formal languages and automata
Nature-motivated computational models in the theory of formal languages and automata
Natus est infra Pannoniam: A Latin Legend of St Demetrius from medieval Hungary
Negation and interrogative constructions in Hungarian, Dutch and Flemish Sign Languages
Negotiating post-imperial transitions, 1918-1925. A comparative study of local and regional transitions from Austria-Hungary to the successor states
Nem-lineáris dinamikai rendszerek numerikus és kísérleti vizsgálata
Nematological and analytical studies on microelement forms, doses and distribution
Neolithic communities in the contact zone between the Balkans and Central Europe in the second half of the 6th millennium BC
Neolithic life histories. Bioarchaeological investigations on burials of the Polgár micro region
Neolithic tells and their landscape along the Lower Tisza River between 5000 and 4500 BC
Neotectonic and climate control on Late Pleistocene-Holocene drainage pattern development of the Körös basin
Nero and his age
Nest sanitation: determinants and fitness consequences
Nestor Chronicle. Povest’ vremennych lĕt. The Russian Primary Chronicle.
Network level traffic analysis of infocommunication systems
Network oscillations in Alzheimer’s Disease models
Network oscillations in Alzheimer’s Disease models
Network pollution free solution with pulsewidth-modulated rectifiers.
Network processes, partial differential equations and applications
Networked locality: A multimethod approach to investigate the role of social media in local politics
Networks and externalities in the lab
Neural basis of stress induced sleep disturbances
Neural circuit basis of computation and behaviour – Advanced Neuroscience Training
Neural control of maternal behaviour
Neural correlates of emotion processing in dogs and humans: a comparative approach
Neuroanatomical and neurochemical studies on viscero- and somatosensory neuronal pathways
Neurobiological Basis of Adult Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a functional MRI and High-density Event Related Brain Potential (ERP) Investigation
Neurochemical studies on neurotransmitters in pain regulation: identification of novel peptide binding sites and investigation of homologous and heterologous receptor interactions
Neurochemistry and plasticity of ’pulse generator’ kisspeptin neurons in the human
Neurocognition of consolidation: from memory formation to established skills
Neurocognitive integration processes, language development and language disorders
Neurocognitive predictors of early language development
Neurocognitive study of normal and impaired function and development of human numerical representations
Neuroendocrine regulation of nutrition and energy homeostasis
Neuroethological background of the rapid host plant shift in European corn borer
Neurogenomic basis of parental behaviour: gene expressional differences in brain on phylogenetic and individual levels
Neurohormonal aspects of social sensitivity in dogs and humans: the role of oxytocin.
Neuronal and glial reorganization in focal cortical dysplasia-associated epilepsyilepsy in
Neuronal autophagy in human ageing
Neuronal migration, polarization and differentiation in the superficial spinal dorsal horn during embryogenesis
Neuronal plasticity and neuronal protection - research with triptophan-metabolites and conjugates
Neuronal stem cell transplantation in brain trauma
Neuronal substrate(s) of cyanotoxin effects produced by freshwater algae - in vivo and in vitro studies on model freshwater invertebrate organisms
Neuropathology of dementia in Parkinson's syndromes
Neuropeptidergic control of stress-related behavior including anxiety-related behavior by arginine vasopressin and oxytocin: studies employing the model organism Brattleboro rat
Neuropeptides as modulators and homones in terrestrial snails: their occurence, distribution and physiological significance (Trans World Research Network)
Neurophysiological indicators of emotional and cognitive maturation of the human brain in the mirror of emerging and developing dreams in children
Neurophysiopathological basis of dry eye: ion channels involved in altered nerve activity and abnormal ocular sensations
Neuroprotective effects of gonadal hormons and neurosteroids: in vivo and in virto studies
Neuroprotective interventions on models of the global ischemia: a new approach for prevention and therapy of stroke
Neuroprotective mechanisms of non-classical estrogen-like signaling activators in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons: testing of novel compounds
Neuropsychological aspects of prospective memory
Neuroregeneration and its modulation in invertebrate and mammalian nervous systems
Neurosteroids and synaptic remodeling: a new approach to cognitive ageing
Neurovascular pathomechanisms of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in a translational animal model
Neutron diffraction study of atomic and magnetic structures
New Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian
New analysis methods and tests of quantum chromodynamics at the LHC
New and newly emerging fungal diseases of plants in the globalizated world
New and newly emerging fungal diseases of plants in the globalizated world
New applications of local and global sensitivity analysis in chemical kinetics
New applications of the Betti reaction
New applications of the Betti reaction
New approach of nanocomposite based bone substitution
New approaches for oligonucleotide-targeted enzymatic DNA methylation
New approaches in the description of the grammar of Hungarian pronominals
New approaches to biological control of aphids in apple orchards
New approaches to decrease ischemia/reperfusion injury during kidney transplantation
New approaches to investigate transporter mediated drug-drug interactions and chemotherapy response
New Approaches to the Self-Interpretation of Hermeneutics. Forms of Knowledge, Understanding, Humanity, Dialog - Researches and Perspectives
New aspects of psoriasis pathogenesis: investigations on epigenetic changes and on the role of fibroblasts and melanocytes
New avenues of production of bulk and composite nanostructured metals; experiments,characterization, modelling
New bases of numerical understanding
New chemical transformations of sugar imine and glycal derivatives
New chiroptical method development for (bio)medicinal molecules
New connections between lipid metabolism and DNA repair – how to integrate stress into metabolism
New data library for prompt gamma activation analysis with cold neutrons
New data on the history of the Central Tisza Region during the Migration Period on the basis of the burials
New design verification and examination principles and methods for high reliability integrated micro-nano-systems with special attention to the challenges of ambient intelligence
New developments in the theoretical-dogmatic system of sanctions in the administrative law
New diagnostic and surgical therapeutic possiblities for prevention of metabolic distrurbances and early detection of malignancy following bladder augmentation and substitution in children
New diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in refractive surgery
New directions in discrete tomography and its application in neutron radiography
New directions in explaining intra- and inter-specific cooperation
New directions in understanding planet formation: vortex-aided planet formation
New driving forces of spatial restructuring and regional development paths in Eastern Europe at the beginning of 21st century
New Drugs – New Trends – New Challenges: European School Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug Use in the Last 30 Years - ESPAD 8th Data Collection
New Etymological Dictionary. Second Phase
New European industrial strategy and the Central and Eastern European growth model
New extragalactic distance measurement method with type Iax supernovae
New findings on the growth mechanism of thin films and some tribological characteristics
New fluorination strategies via transition-metal-catalyzed selective transformations
New forms of multi-level governance in the European Union and Hungary
New forward and inverse methods for the synthetic modelling of the gravity field
New frontiers in chiral analysis
New fused N-heterocycles. Synthesis and rectivity
New inflammatory mechanism in the development of heart failure
New insights in the development of drug delivery systems: introduction of modern NMR methods for structural characterization and in vitro internalization studies
New Material Futures
New mathematical models and methods for integrated production planning and scheduling
New mechanisms in the pathogenesis of dental inflammations. One possible pathogenetic role of diabetes as an aggravating risc factor
New mechanisms related to electricity trade
New method for the determination of morphology of the geological structures using integrated intervallum inversion of well log data
New methods for investigating LED ageing
New methods for solving the phase problem
New methods for solving the phase problem II.
New methods for solving the phase problem II.
New methods for the analysis of multivariate data in ecology
New methods in data compression
New methods in geophysical inversion based on series expansion discretization
New methods of constructive approximation by multivariate and weighted polynomials
New non invasive markers for diagnosing and predicting relapse in inflammatory bowel diseases
New opportunities for pest management in organic apple orchards and the ecological background
New optical phenomena in multiferroics and magnetic metamaterials
New perspectives in the design and study of nonlinear chemical phenomena
New perspectives in the investigation of the physiological importance of nesfatin-1/NUCB2
New perspectives in the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system
New perspectives on the study of global lightning activity as an essential climate variable
New Political Communication: Social networking sites and political communication
New poly(ethylene oxide) based branched polymer structures
New preparation of mesoporous hybrid materials
New Priorities of Industrial Policy in an Enlarged Europe
New procedures for the preparation of halogenides from the appropriate sulfonic acids by the replacement of the sulfonic group by halide atom
New project dcheduling approaches for production planning
New quantum mechanical descriptors of Coulomb systems
New reconfigurable physical layers and their protocols for resource limited, low-rate WLAN and wearable BAN applications
New Research to Early Medieval Archaeology in Hungary
New Research to Early Medieval Archaeology in Hungary
New Researches on the Constitutional, Administrative and Jurisdictional History of Hungary – with a European Outlook (1848–1918)
New results of mediaeval and postmediaeval archaeology in Hungary
New route for hydrogen production in the conversion of C1-C2-compounds
New social identities and lifestyle in Hungary 1945-1989
New sources of legal history research: Digital Database of Folk Law (DDFL)
New sources of naturally occuring cytotoxic diarylheptanoids: Phytochemical characterization and evaluation of bioactivity
New spatial disparities after the global crisis
New strategies in the research for drug-like natural products
New tendencies in East European Historiography after the Systhemic Change. New aspects regarding a few issues of East European History (18th-20th Centuries)
New tendencies in magnetotellurics
New tendencies in the development of business incubation institutions in Central and Eastern Europe
New tendencies of regulating the Single Market and their effects on the organization and functioning of public administration
New theoretical and numerical methods of topology optimization of structures in case of deterministic and stochastic problems
New therapeutic opportunities in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis
New therapeutical approach in acute pancreatitis
New transformations of monosaccharide derivatives at and around the anomeric centre
New Treds in the development of the hungarian science of education in the second half of the 20th century
New trends in research of interior-point algorithms
New Trends in Suburban Development
New trends in the spatial pattern of Hungarian industry in connection with fourth industrial revolution
New types and new biological applications of C-glycopyranosyl heterocycles
New types of polymers with branched topology
New, shape-related nuclear phenomena
New, sustainable fire retarded biopolymer systems – research for controlled preparation and mechanistic understanding
New-generation beta-amino acid derivatives; selective synthetic strategies and applications
New-generation beta-amino acid derivatives; selective synthetic strategies and applications
Next Generation Photoremovable Protecting Groups as Transformative Tools for Chemical Biology and Drug Delivery
Nim-mediated metronidazole resistance in Bacteroides fragilis
Nitrate tolerance in the myocardium
Nitric oxide regulates T lymphocyte differentiation and activation in rheumatoid arthritis
NKT cell subsets and activation in patients with multiple sclerosis
Noble metal nanostructures with tunable catalytic and optical properties
Noble-metal/TiO2-based ternary photocatalysts: from optimization to environmental and energetic applications
Nominal Structures in Uralic Languages
Nominalization in the Mansi language
Non Kohn-Sham formalism density functional algorithm (using power series) for calculating chemical potential energy surfaces.
Non-canonical microRNAs: investigation of the biogenesis and function of artificial and tailed mirtrons
Non-classical interrelations in social phenomena
Non-classical interrelations in social phenomena
Non-coding RNAs in the modulation of ER stress response, transmission of ER stress endurance between cells in the tumor microenvironment
Non-commutative Galois theory
Non-conventional geolectrical arrays
Non-conventional regulatory function of the E2FB transcription factor by directly controlling auxin transport through binding to auxin efflux PIN proteins
Non-declarative and declarative memory systems behind language
Non-destructive analysis of foods by photothermal methods
Non-destructive, spatially-resolved element analysis of structured samples
Non-employment, Health Status and Subjective Well-being
Non-equilibrium charged particle kinetics in ionized gases
Non-equilibrium dynamics of Dirac electrons
Non-equilibrium dynamics of spin chains
Non-equilibrium dynamics of tunable correlated systems
Non-European Collections of the Museum of Ethnography in a European Context
Non-European emerging-market multinational enterprises in East Central Europe
Non-hermitian dynamics and exceptional points
Non-invasive diagnostic method to monitor gastrointestinal microcirculatory disturbances
Non-invasive estimation of souslik populations by automated counting of burrow openings and describing its structure using proximal sensing and machine-learning methods
Non-linear relationships in selective interactions between chiral compounds.
Non-pathogenic root colonizing fungi of woody plants of (semi)arid areas - diversity and specificity
Non-perikarial elements in the central nervous system ischaemia
Non-specific health problems: studying model-systems
Non-suicidal self-injury and its associations with self-regulation in a bio-psycho-social framework
Non-suicidal self-injury in the light of personality traits, self-regulation, and social influences
Nondestructive monitoring of root dielectric response in fine timescale
Nonequilibrium aspects of polyelectrolyte based nanoassemblies
Nonequilibrium hierarchical chemical structure formation
Nonheme Iron-containing Enzyme Models and Their Possible Applications
Nonhost resistance to plant viruses – role of temperature, reactive oxygen species and salicylic acid
Noninvasive surgery using MR-guided focused ultrasound: animal models and clinical experience
Nonlinear and femtosecond optics
Nonlinear and linear models in chemical kinetics
Nonlinear anticipative dynamical systems in mechanics
Nonlinear dynamical phenomena in chemical systems
Nonlinear dynamical systems in the mathematical models of cell biology processes
Nonlinear dynamics of reaction and reaction + diffusion + ionic migration systems
Nonlinear dynamics of reaction and reaction-diffusion systems
Nonlinear dynamics of reaction and reaction-diffuson systems
Nonlinear interactions of waves and particles in field theories with applications in astrophysics and cosmology
Nonlinear models of population dynamics and chemical kinetics
Nonlinear optical spectroscopic investigations of interfaces of biological importance
Nonlinear optics and spectroscopy on the THz (far-infrared) range
Nonlinear phenomena in Cepheid variable stars
Nonlinear plasmonic phenomena and devices
Nonlinguistic Abilities in Specific Language Impairment
Nonparametric estimation
Nonperturbative investigation in the field theory
Nonperturbative investigations of 2 dimensional quantum field theories
Nonsmooth analysis and its applications
Nonsmooth extremum problems with constraints
Nonsynaptic transmission: a new pathway to understand major brain functions
Normative Actorness of the European Union
Normative arguments in everyday use
Norms, Common Knowledge, Cooperation
Notes on tje ancient Slavonian Hungarian folk costumes - results from a fieldwork in 1967-68
Novel Anti-Cholesterol Monocional IgG Antibodies as Probes and Potential Modulators of Membrane Raft-Dependent Immune Functions (Journal of Lipid Research, Dartmouth Journal Services)
Novel approaches to investigate nuclear reactions for the astrophysical g-process
Novel approaches to lasting problems: spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of transition metal-based strongly correlated systems
Novel approaches to restore vision and to retard the loss of vision
Novel aspects of cannabinoid signaling in health and disease of human skin
Novel aspects of heart and lung ischaemia-reperfusion injury and ischaemic postconditioning
Novel aspects of the ecosystem engineering effects of woody plants
Novel biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of adrenal tumors
Novel biophysical methods for surface-coupled antigen detection by leukocytes
Novel butyrylcholinesterase reactivators for pseudo-catalytic scavenging of organophosphates (BChER)Blood-brain penetration of novel butyrylcholinesterase reactivators
Novel carbohydrate derivatives against the Trypanosoma parasite causing Chagas disease. Chemical and parasitological investigations.
Novel carbohydrates with potential biological activity: synthetic and NMR investigations
Novel Chemometric Methods for Quantitative Structure-activity Relationships
Novel concept to develop keratinocyte derived cytokine targeted therapies in atopic dermatitis
Novel coordination compounds of selected non-transition metal heavy elements: preparation and chemical characterisation
Novel detection and identification methods for the surveillance of emerging and endemic arboviruses in the Pannonian Basin
Novel development of functionally graded bioceramics by spark plasma sintering
Novel diagnostic and molecular genetic aspects of severe inherited thrombophilia (antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficiencies)
Novel electrothermal-radiometric multi domain measurement techniques and models for solar cell characterization
Novel function of complement lectin pathway: mapping the reaction of MASP-1 with endothelial cells
Novel fusion strategies for similarity and dissimilarity indices
Novel Gas Separation membran systems, development, integration.
Novel hallmarks of acute leukemias: altered microRNA and metabolomic profile in association with clinical data, focusing on translational applications
Novel layered composites for catalytic organic reactions
Novel links between oxidative DNA damage and inflammation
Novel mechanisms for autosomal recessive disorders
Novel mechanisms in the development of allergic inflammation
Novel mechanisms in the regulation of the physiological actions of angiotensin II
Novel mechanisms of peptidergic signaling in reproductive regulation
Novel metal complexes of some main group and transition elements: preparation and study of structure, physical and chemical properties
Novel method in methane activation: noble metal modified Ga-HZSM-5 in the presence of N2O
Novel methods for elucidating structural features of highly mobile biomolecules
Novel methods for the improvement of medical diagnostics
Novel Methods in Highly Selective Analytical Separations for Profiling of Bioactive Ionizable Compounds
Novel microbial hydrolases for the exploitation of plant-derived residues: production, biochemical and functional characterization
Novel microbioreactors for expanding the chemical space of flexible chiral amines
Novel molecular mechanisms of flowering time determination by phytochrome photoreceptors
Novel molecular risk groups in acute lymphoblastic leukemia defined by methods of multiparameter flow cytometry, molecular genetics, genomics and transcriptomics
Novel non-enveloped viruses with positive, single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) genome and its host species
Novel non-invasive optical imaging techniques in rare dermatological disorders
Novel nucleic acid derivatives: their synthesis, properties and applications
Novel paracrine communication mechanisms in the tumor promoting activation of stromal fibroblasts in human colorectal cancer
Novel peptiderg mechanisms in central maternal adaptations
Novel pharmacotherapeutic strategies of ishaemic heart disease associatied with hypercholesterolaemia and insulin resistance. Pharmacological exploitation of endogenous cardioproctective mechanisms
Novel phenomena in artificial crystals built from 2D materials
Novel principles and control strategies for the utilisation of renewable energy sources
Novel prognostic and diagnostic markers in primary and metastatic liver tumors
Novel regulators in root system modification: the roles and interactions of nitric oxide and phytohormone-dependent signals
Novel regulatory functions of myosin phosphatase in non-muscle cells
Novel regulatory points for autophagy activation in Drosophila neurodegenerative and ageing models
Novel role of potassium channel regulator (KCNRG) in the pulmonary circulation
Novel semibach separation processes
Novel signaling mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptors
Novel solutions for thermal issues in chiplet-based System-on-Package devices
Novel stereoselective biocatalytical processes and biocatalysts
Novel strategies for Mycoplasma control
Novel strategies for Mycoplasma control
Novel structural-functional aspects and genotype-phenotype correlations of the natural anticoagulants in thrombosis; focusing on antithrombin, protein C and protein S
Novel synthetic biology methods for symbiotic bacteria to identify and characterize genes required for the infection and invasion of the nitrogen-fixing nodule
Novel targets and new drug candidates to combat epilepsy: Design of subtype-selective spirocyclic inhibitors to distinguish among gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter protein subtypes.
Novel technique to treat circumscribed joint surface lesions and proliferative synovitis with Mosaicplasty and radiosynoviectomy in the horse.
Novel therapeutic options in alcohol induced pancreatic and liver diseases
Novel therapeutic possibilites in an animal model of Huntington's disease.
Novel thermoplastic dynamic vulcanizates (TDV) with enhanced wear resistance based on in situ produced polyurethane matrix
Novel treatment stategy for focal cerebral ischemia: Tissue pH-dependent drug delivery relying on the use of nanoparticles
Novelties of Criminal Law in Legal Consciousness
Növényvédőszerek fotokatalizált degradációjának vizsgálata
Nuclear and particle physics research in PHENIX at RHIC and in TOTEM at LHC
Nuclear Astrophysics with indirect methods
Nuclear matter in extreme condition at the FAIR (GSI Darmstadt) accelerator
Nuclear matter properties from heavy ion collisions to compact stars
Nuclear phenomena related to explosive nucleosynthesis
Nuclear quantum effects in chemical processes
Nuclear reactions of neutron rich, light halo nuclei
Nuclear transport defects in frontotemporal dementia
Nucleation and growth in nanomaterials
Nucleation and growth of magnetic minerals in bacteria
Nucleoprotein filament formation of human Rad51 in homologous recombination. Mechanism and regulation.
Nucleoside-modified mRNA mediated modulation of organ-specific lymphatic growth and function
Nucleosome stability - DNA topology relationships and their significance in gene regulation
Nucleus specific GABAergic control of thalamocortical activity
Number Theory and its Interactions with Combinatorics
Number theory and physics
Numerical analysis of changing in income disparities amongst hungarian micro regions, 1988-2002
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Hemodynamic and Hydrodynamic Systems
Numerical investigation of differential equations in nonlinear environmental and engineering processes
Numerical modeling and spatial mapping of natural radioactivity for environmental risk assessment based on the geochemical and physical properties of the potential source rocks and soils
Numerical modeling of the interaction of subduction, mountain building and back-arc basin extension: A case study from the Pannonian Basin and surrounding arc-back-arc systems
Numerical modeling of the interaction of subduction, mountain building and back-arc basin extension: A case study from the Pannonian Basin and surrounding arc-back-arc systems
Numerical Modelling and Simulation in material Sciences and Materials Processing Technologies
Numerical modelling of microstructural formation of nano-composite solder joints during vapour phase soldering
Numerical modelling of the dynamics of mantle convection and its surface manifestations
Numerical optimization of tensor decomposition methods
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of viscoelastic and wear behavior of poilymer and polymer-composite materials
Numerical simulation of cloud physics in mesoscale processes
Numerical simulation of flow noise
Numerical Simulation of Weird Stellar Explosions
Numerical solution and qualitative investigation of partial differential equations
Numerical solution of nonlinear time-dependent problems and its qualitative analysis
Nutrient sensing regulation of energy metabolism in the Japanese quail
Nutritional factors as regulatory molecules of hormonal signaling, metabolic health and inflammatory pathways in chicken
Nutritional factors as regulatory molecules of hormonal signaling, metabolic health and inflammatory pathways in chicken
Nutritional status-Life conditions. Auxological standards
Oakeshott and the antirationalism in the 20th century
Ob-Ugric languages
Ob-Ugric morphological analyzers and corpora
Objectification of symptoms in low back disorders by biomechanical methods
Objective assessment of movement disorders
Objective behavioural assessment and cortical network correlates of human mental imagery
Objective measurement of the output of the cochleo-vestibular system
Observation of physiological and biochemical basis of frost tolerance and winter hardiness of peach genotipes
Observing, understanding, and exploiting collision energy dependence of the fragmentation of N-glycopeptides: Large-scale studies
Occupation an creativity
Occupation – Transformation - Communication. Interactions between the geographical environment and its transformation, territorial administration and transportation in North Transdanubia from the Late Iron Age to the end of the Roman Empire.
Occurence of platinum group elements in the magmatic rocks of Mesozoic and Palaeogene age in the Darnó belt and its surroundings
Occurrence - medium - publicness
Occurrence and evolution of malignant tumors in historic populations of Hungary
Öcsöd-Kováshalom. Quantitative analysis of the archaeological finds from a Late Neolithic tell-like settlement
Oculomotor modulation and visual performance in adult ophthalmic patients
Offences Against Life And Corporal Integrity During The First Half Of The 19th Century
Official Record of Circular Sessions of Hungarian Diet in 1843-1844
Old habits - new risks (European School Suvey - ESPAD 2019)
Old Hungarian Dramas 17-18th century vol 7. (annotated edition)
Old Testament apocryphal and pseudepigraphic literature in Hungarian
Olefin Metathesis Assisted Synthesis of Biodegradable Polymers Using Algae Phospholipid Renewable Resources
Oligomer antibiotic derivatives
Oligoszacharid-fehérje konjugátumok előállítása
Oligoszacharidok és glikopeptidek konformációs terének fel-térképezése ab intio és QM/MM módszerek segítségével.
On line access to the journals published by the American Chemical Association
On some problems of the modern probability theory
On the biological role of poly(ADP-riboze)polymerase. The effect of protein-protein interactions and the PARP binding to DNA in the regulation of enzimyc activity and biological function of the enzyme
On the Border of Christianity and Judaism: Transylvanian Sabbatarianism in European Context
On the Frontier of Two Worlds: Strategies of Integration among Roma Women in Csobánka 1960-2014
On the nature of gods
On the network of concept algebras
On the role of central and peripheral receptors in the antinociceptive action and side effects of opioids.The influence of early (perinatal and in adolescent age) drug exposition on antinociception
On-line database of Sarmatian graves, seriation of the finds
On-line model learning supported by episodic memory
On-site separation and atomspectrometric determination of antimony species
Oncogenomic studies in melanoma through gene expression and non-coding microRNA profiling
One gene multiple disorders: the role of ABCC6 in calcification
One receptor set, two biological functions: efferocytosis, myoblast fusion
One step towards the sustainable infrastructure - combined solar energy and natural gas systems at domestic customers
Online access of Nature
Online publication of Roman and Hun Period burials from the Barbaricum of the Carpathian Basin
Online reosurce allocation problems
Onomastic research in Uralic Languages
Onomastic Research of the Old Hungarian Period
Onomatosystematical procession of the Carpathian basin’s modern toponymicon
Ontogenesis of ion channels of human cardiac muscle
Ontogenetic diet shifts and their effects on growth and food resource partioning in fish in Lake Balaton.
Ontogenetical and pathological changes in the spatial pattern of GABA, glutamate and nitrogen oxide-containing myenteric neurons
Open access book series on the syntax of Hungarian
Open Qestions in Pension Economics
Open quantum system dynamics in the ultrastrong coupling regime
Open quantum systems: environment induced decoherence and entanglement degradation
Open-field experiments supporting ecologically sustainable forest management
Operation Research Methoda for the Analysis and Verification of Information Technology Systems
Operator splitting and variational data assimilation in air pollution and dynamic models
Operators and semigroups of operators
Operators on Hilbert spaces
Operators, matrices and their structures
Operetta in Hungary, 1860-1958
Operetta in Hungary, 1860-1958
Opportunities and challenges of agrobusiness in the network-economy
Opportunities for the development of resource efficient and liveable cities in Hungary
Opportunities of the multifunctional agriculture in LEADER micro-regions of Northern Great Plain and Northern Hungary
Opportunities provided by several tools of marketing in protection of the domestic wine market after the EU-access. Market orientation of the Hungarian producers and ways of its strengthening. Concerns of marketing communication through spreading of
Optical investigation of distributed combustion
Optical micromanipulation in biophysics
Optical model development for ellipsometric study of many-compound materials
Optical model development for ellipsometric study of many-compound materials
Optical resonances in functionalized protein assemblies for label-free sensing
Optical spectroscopy of molecular carbon structures
Optical study of new materials for information technology
Optimal annual routines: a path from physiology to populations?
Optimal collective mechanisms in high-dimensional complex systems
Optimal design of environmentally benign batch rectification systems
Optimal design, identification and energy-efficient operation of large-scale hydraulic systems
Optimal Mapping of Communication Services onto Cloud Computing Architectures Based on Discrete Mathematical Methods
Optimal Modifications of Hypoid and Spiral Bevel Gears Based on the Possibilities of New CNC Machine Tools
Optimal moult strtegies
Optimal production and distribution of hot water from renewable heat resources
Optimalization of data-driven latent feature extraction algorithms from radiological images
Optimalization of welded structures from polymer elements
Optimisation for Sustainable Supply Chains
Optimisation of buildings and building elements from life cycle and building physics perspective based on complex numeric modelling
Optimisation of fruit tree shaking parameters by the vibration-analysis of the limb and root system
Optimization Methods for Cloud Computing and Communications
Optimization of composite thin films to improve surface antimicrobial properties
Optimization of hobbed spiral bevel and hypoid gears, manufactured on CNC machine tools
Optimization of hydrodynamic conditions with 3D printed elements integrated into wastewater membrane filtration module
Optimization of logistic processes with computational intelligece
Optimization of objects and systems
Optimization of prestressed cable-net and membrane structures
Optimization of the large-scale mapping of salt-affected soils under different land uses
Optimization with evolutionary algorithms
Optimization, characterization and pharmacophore modeling of SSTR4 or capsaicin receptor mediated neurogenic inflammation inhibiting drug candidates
Optimized nanoplasmonics
Optimizing activities and suggesting sustainable transport modes considering user preferences
Optimizing computational chains for heterogeneous architectures
Optimizing Her2 targeting reprogrammed (CAR) T-cell based tumor therapy
Orbital Connective Tissue Related Factors in the Pathogenesis of Graves' Orbitopathy
Ordering and dynamics in many body systems
Orders in the mühimme-defteris concerning Hungary
Ordinary differential equations from the Mathematical Institute of the BUTE
Organ-specific re-wiring of the E2F-RBR transcriptional control of cell proliferation to improve plant productivity
Organic geochemical characterisation of Hungarian thermal waters and study on interplay between thermal water and kerogen/bitumen in roks
Organic matter in soil and recent sediments
Organisítion of VIII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection
Organization and plasticity of neural microcircuits in the superficial spinal dorsal horn in chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain
Organization of actin-regulatory proteins in hippocampal neurons and their relation to synaptic plasticity
organization of dye-coupled cerebellar granule cells labeled from afferent vestibular and dorsal root fibers in the frog. Rana esculenta (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Journal of Comporative Neurology)
Organization of International Neuroscience Meeting Budapest 2022 IBRO Workshop
Organization of the 9th International Conference on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology
Organization of the Avalanche 2022 international conference in Hungary
Organization of the international conference Debrecen Colloquium on Carbohydrates
Organization principles of the transcriptome: an integrated study using virus models
Organization, pre- and postnatal development of spinal neural circuits, and their plasticity in neuropathic and inflammatory pain states
Organo-photoredox catalysis in total synthesis of terpenoids
Organocatalysis in the Synthesis of Indole Alkaloids
Organoid-derived Human Glial Progenitor Cell Lines as Novel Tools for Neurodegenerative Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery
Oriental Connections of the Hungarian Folk Music – The music of the Karachays and Bektashis in Turkey
Orientált ionvezető és félvezető vékonyrétegek kialakítása nem orientált hordozókon
Origin and evolution of the Miocene silicic magmatism in the Pannonian basin primarily based on textural and compositional characteristics of zircon from the Bükkalja ignimbrites
Origin of mitochondria
Origin of water and carbon dioxide of the thermal karst waters around Budapest
Origin, life cycle and other aspects of some economically important powdery mildew fungi
Origin, life cycle and other aspects of some economically important powdery mildew fungi
Origins of the History of Hungarian Stage Dance Art
Orthogonal transformations with applications
Orthography of ukrainian church manuscripts in the 16th century
Oscillating hydrogenase reaction
Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems
Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems Conference Participation
Osmotic regulation of intestinal inflammation
Összehasonlító taxonómiai vizsgálatok kárpát-medencei Festuca ovina csoporthoz tartozó fajokon
Osteopontin: Role in cellular signalling and melanoma progression
Ostpolitik of the Vatican and Hungary: Central European Strategies of the Holy See Between 1944–1964
OTKA - Élet és Tudomány tender for researchers
OTKA corner on Hungarian basic research
OTKA Library Databeses Tender
OTKA series about the hungarian research
OTKA series in Természet Világa
OTKA series in Természet Világa
OTKA series in Természet Világa periodical and on its website
OTKA series in World of Nature
OTKA series on Hungarian basic research
OTKA-Élet és Tudomány publication
OTKA-Élet és Tudomány tender for researchers
OTKA-series in World of Nature and on its website
OTKA-series of articles in the journal World of Nature
Ottoman metalart. Catalogue of the Hungarian National Museum
Ottoman-Hungarian relationship during the Ottoman Rule
Our Life - Chemistry?!
Out-of-equilibrium spin transport and correlations in nanoscale structures
Outcome prediction in traumatic brain injury: The role of high resolution intensive care unit monitoring, biomarkers and navigated transcortical magnetic stimulation
Outside and inside. Border, Locality, and Ethnicity on the Margins
Outward foreign direct investments from Hungary
Overcoming haploinsufficiency: an experimental platform to test the evolution of dominance
Overcoming multi-drug resistance in bacteria: the role of antimicrobial peptides
owards a better understanding of how, where exactly and in which order the transcription factors bind to DNA
Own body perception in computer generated virtual space: The perceptual background and foreground fluctuation when a person immerses in a virtual environment
Oxidation of hemoglobin in the development of vascular diseases
Oxidation reactions cstalyzed by iron complexes
Oxidative catalysis using metalloenzyme models
Oxidative modification of lipoproteins by heme proteins: Promotion of oxidation and induction of cytoprotectants in vascular endothelial cells
Oxidative Stress-Susceptibility in a Pre-Clinical Cancer Model
P-adic arithmetic
P-glycoprotein membrane microoenviroment and inhibition of pumpung by the combined application of modulators and specific antibody
Packing and covering
Packing and extremal problems
Paediatric importance of perinatal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supply
Palaeogene vegetation of the Pannonian domain
Palaeogeographic connections of the Mecsek and Villány-Bihar Zones based on multilateral analyses and studies of the Upper Triassic - Middle Cretaceous formations
Paleoclimatology of Hungarian Holocene dripstones based on U-series dating and stable isotope analyses
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on particle size and shape of aeolian dust deposits
Paleosol carbonate-based clumped isotope temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the Paleocene-Eocene global warming period in northern Spain
Paleotectonic reconstraction based on the correlation of granitoids occurring in Central and Eastern Europe
Palladium-catalysed aminocarbonylation: a highly effective tool for the selective synthesis of amides of biological importance
Pan-genome of Lethrus apterus, a biparental beetle species
Papal delegates in Hungary in the XIth-XIIIth Centuries - online database
Papal Delegates in Hungary in the XIVth Century (1294–1378) – Online Database
Paper presentation at the 10th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies
Pár- és családi kapcsolatok vizsgálata (Animula Kiadó)
Paracrine Control of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus: Functional and Morohological Correlations in Health and Disease
Paradigm of the social marketing - theoretical-methodological research
Paradigms of Criticism from the 18th Century on
Paralell processing of sensory information in the mammalian brain
Parallel and incompatible ruralities. Rural realities in four Transylvanian (Romania) micro-regions
Parallel implementation of on-chip wavefront sensing and processing
Parameter Estimation and Modelling, Based on Signal Processing
Parasitoid assemblages of chestnut gallwasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) in Europe
Parasitoid assemblages of chestnut gallwasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) in Europe
Parasitoid assemblages of leaf miners in mixed broadleaved forests
Parasitoid assemblages of leaf miners in mixed broadleaved forests
Parasitological investigations on fishes of Lake Balaton and its tributaries
Parasitological monitoring of fish species and intermediate hosts organisms in Lake Balaton
Parasitological monitoring of fish species and intermediate hosts organisms in Lake Balaton
Parental hormone concentration and parental investment, life-span reproductive perfomance and offspring quality in nocturnal raptors.
Parenting after divorce
Parents and Children. The Origins of Diversity in Human Capital, Performance and Labor Market Behavior
Paria Anthropological Research Project
Paricipation and presentation on internatinoal conferences
Parliamentarism in the era of Dualism from a regional perspective
Parodontitis accompanied by bone loss: the role of macrophages and prospects of gene therapy
PARP-1 induced cytoplasmic signaling pathways
Partial differential equations with delay
Partial differential equations, complex networks and applications
Particiapting in the scientific discussion of the stability of fluid flows
Participate on IAH Managed Artificial Recharge conference and IWRA expo
Participating in IAC2022 conference
Participating in the ASME 2022 IDETC/CIE conference
Participation and delegate duties at the 75th IIW Annuals Assembly and International Conference
participation and presentation at an international scientific conference
Participation and presentation in the 2022 AERA educational science conference in America
Participation at AWAKE Collaboration Meetings
Participation at GRC Calcium Signaling Conference
Participation at international academic and innovative events and conferences abroad
Participation at OARSI 2022 and GRC Calcium Signaling conferences
Participation at the "13th International Conference on Cognitive InfoCommunications" and "14th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies" conferences
Participation at the "Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility - ICCHP-AAATE 2022" és a "14th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies" Conferences
Participation at the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science
Participation at the 7th International Food Digestion Conference
Participation at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles to enhance collaborations
Participation at the EMLG/JMLG 2022 conference (Boda)
Participation at the EMLG/JMLG 2022 conference (Sarkadi)
Participation at the international conference in bioinorganic chemistry
Participation at the International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2022)
Participation at the international workshop "The Epimodern Condition", Gut Siggen, Heringsdorf, Germany
Participation at the international workshop of GWZO Institute
Participation in 2006 and 2007 ISSP comparative research
Participation in a conference on foreign logistics, vehicle engineering and mechatronics
Participation in a conference outside Europe
Participation in a foreign professional conference
Participation in a foreign scientific and professional conference
participation in an international conference
Participation in an international conference
Participation in an international conference abroad (Ethylene 2022, Toulouse France)
Participation in an international scientific conference, 6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology
Participation in an international scientific training and a conference in the field of process mining research
Participation in discrete mathematics conference
Participation in forensic sciences conference
Participation in International Conference
Participation in international conferences and lectures
Participation in international conferences concerning digital humanities and 18th-century studies
Participation in international conferences for the development of hungarian resistance breeding, using modern techniques
Participation in international conferences on criminal procedure law and forensics
Participation in international conferences on process network synthesis
Participation in international proteomics conference
Participation in international scientific and innovation events and conferences held abroad
Participation in international scientific and innovation events and conferences held abroad
Participation in international scientific conference -MEC_R_21
Participation in international scientific conferences
Participation in internationally important specialized conferences in 2022
Participation in the 31. World Buiatrics Congress
Participation in the 31st Fungal Genetics Conference
Participation in the American Society for Neurochemistry Annual Meeting (ASN 2022)
Participation in the ASME IDETC/CIE 2022 conference
Participation in the Editing of the Lexicon of Mediaeval Latin of Hungary
Participation in the IAC2022 Conference
Participation in the IASP 2022 World Congress on Pain
Participation in the international “Ethylene 2022” Conference
Participation in the LoessFest-2022 international conference in China
Participation in UNILOG2022
Participation in, aspirations for and the benefit of adult education among disadvantaged youth
Participation of adult stem cells in the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinogenesis
Participation on 16th International European Forum of the European Association of Agriculture Economists
Participation on international conferences
Participation on international scientific conference
Participation on RAD10 international conference
Participation on the 16th MPU conference
Participation on the 2022 AAG congress
Participation on the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science
Participation on the 75th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference
Participation on the CME22 conference
Participation on the Conference of the American Chemical Society and on the Sanibel Symposium
Participation on the conference Protostars and Planets 7 (Kyoto, japan)
Participation on the International Aerosol Conference IAC2022
Participation on the international conferences
Participation on the MARC international conference
Participation on the MPU 2022 16th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union conference
Participation on the RAP2022 international conference
Participation with a lecture at the „International Conference on Animal Life Histories” (Basel, 17-19 March 2022)
Participation, Representation, Partisanship. Hungarian Election Study 2018
Participatory Valuation of Agro-ecosystems Services
Particle physics applications at lattice field theory
Particular questions of institutionalization of agglomerations among and beyond public administration structures
Particular questions of institutionalization of agglomerations among and beyond public administration structures
Party evolution in Hungary in a historical context
PARylation as a regulator of macrophage differentiation, activation and death
PARylation in Macrophage - Cancer Cell Interactions
PASCAL: Patient-Specific Cervical Alignment restoration using in silico biomechanical methods
Past in the ice: studying continental ice with isotopes and environmental tracers
Past, present, perspectives and fails of Visegrad Cooperation
Past, present, perspectives and fails of Visegrad Cooperation
Pathogen driven evolution of key molecules in the human adaptive immune system
Pathogenesis of extrahep and hepatic complications in chronic liver diseases
Pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: the role of the genetic and immunological factors, the oxidative stress and the viral features, - in the HCV-related diseases and in the symptomfree cirus carriers
Pathogenesis of systemic and likalized amyloidoses
Pathogenesis of the impaired cellular immunity in chronic HCV hepatitis
Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Pathogenetic factors and clinical activity of systemic lupus erythematosus
Pathogenetical aspects in the association of Sjögren’s syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus
Pathogenicity and genetic variability of fish-parasitic water mould species (Oomycota: Saprolegniales), and the possibilities of biological control
Pathogenicity and genetic variability of fish-parasitic water mould species (Oomycota: Saprolegniales), and the possibilities of biological control
Pathogenomic approach to explore the use of bacterial interference as alternative treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections
Pathologic effects of heme on components of vessel wall via direct and indirect mechanisms
Pathologic role of follicular T-helper cells in immune dysregulation in different phenotypes of Sjögren's syndrome
Pathological aspects of astrocyte overactivation in the mesencephalic locomotor system
Pathological significance of posttranslational modification of the viral proteins in the case of Cucumber mosaic virus infection
Pathomechanism and therapeutic possibilities of microcirculatory and mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis
Pathomechanism and therapy of acute pancreatitis
Pathomechanism of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
Pathomechanism of chronic inflammatory airway diseases
Pathomechanism of neurological symptoms in long COVID-19
Pathomechanism of SPINK1 promoter variants in chronic pancreatitis
Pathophysiogical role of P2X7 receptors in the nervous system - revised version
Pathophysiological mechanisms in airway hyperresponsiveness
Pathophysiological significance of gene polymorphisms affecting glucocorticoid action and metabolism
Pathophysiology and pharmacology of ryanopathies
Pathophysiology and pharmacology of ryanopathies
Patient-specific, model-based simulation of central arterial hemodynamics
Patients' paths in the Hungarian health care
Patrimonial tendencies and social closure: how mobility-blocking sticky floors and sticky ceilings operate and change over time?
Patristic Theology and Philosophical Acience-Methodology
Pattern formation and self-organization in precipitation systems, design and control of patterns in the micro and nanoscales
Pattern formation in far-from equilibrium systems
Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems
Patterns and principles of metabolome diversity in yeasts
Patterns of autonomy and control in public education: quantitative and qualitative research of the school system in two towns
Patterns of competitiveness in developmental and socio-cultural perspective: the interplay between the individual and the society
Patterns of language regard in the city of Szeged, Hungary and vicinity: a study in perceptual dialectology
Patterns of plural habitus among ethnic Hungarians in Romania and Slovakia
Pb-free perovskite solar cells with long-term stability - V4-Korea project
Peasant culture int the national self-identification. Public opinion and professional research
Peasants and Citizens. Studies in Hungarian Historical Sociology and Demography
Pécs in the trap of multilevel governance
Pedagogically aware use and adaptation of artificial intelligence in the teaching and learning practices of higher education institutions
Peptide effectors in plant-bacterium communication
Peptide markers to predict food allergy
Peptide Nucleic Acids - Theoretical Approach
Peptide-based antigen-carrier systems in the development of vaccine candidates
Perceptions of 'Europe' and 'Europeanness' among Young Hungarians
Perceptions of the EU’s policy impact: Europeanization of public attitudes in Hungary
Perceptual learning and neural plasticity in the auditory system
Performance analysis and optimisation of grid applications
Performance management systems in international comparison
Performance outcomes of social and collaboration networks
Peri-infarct depolarization (PID) in acute focal cerebral ischemia
Perian Art of the Qajar Period
Peripheral Geopolitics
Peripheral markers in the diagnosis end the therapy of Alzheimer`s disease
Permafrost related rapid environment changes in the temperate Andes
Permic linguistic databases
Permo-Carboniferous to Triassic evolution of the Tisza Mega-unit: correlation studies between the eastern Pannonian Basin (SE Hungary) and the Apuseni Mts (Romania)
Peroxidase function of peroxiredoxins in relation with cancer
Perpendicular anisotropy multicomponent films and ion beam tayloring of their magnetic structure
Persistent unemployment in Hungary. The role of spatial mismatch and social isolation
Personal Network of Italian Military Writers and Diplomats between Vienna and Istanbul in the 17th Century
Personal Reality
Personal rights in the information society
Personal stories of emigration and adaptation: Hungarians in Canada (Linda Dégh's interview collection)
Personality, Unity of the Country, and Collective Identity /Ferenc II. Rákóczi`s Confessio peccatoris and his World 1676-1735/
Perspective and cognition in early modern philosophy
Perspectives in Environmental Aesthetics
Perspectives in History and Philosophy of Science
Perspectives in lichenological research - biodiversity, lichen chemistry
Perspectives in lichenological research - biodiversity, lichen chemistry
Perspectives: new vistas in the research of theory of mind
Perspektives of performance management models in public and nonprofit sectors - Trends for the next decades in the Hungarian economy
Perturbation methods - development and application in material science
Pest control potential of spiders (Araneae) in apple orchards systems and possibilities for their use in conservation biological control
Pest control potential of spiders (Araneae) in apple orchards systems and possibilities for their use in conservation biological control
PET investigation of the binding kinetics of PET isotope-labelled ligands and adenosine receptors involved in the regulation of myocardial and CNS function
Péter Pázmány (1570-1637)
Péter Pázmány Critical Edition
Péter Pázmány Critical Edition
Péter Pázmány critical edition
Petrological and geochemical examination of the Óbánya Aleorolite Formation
Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and its relationship to inflmmatory processes
Pharmacodynamic and molecular genetic investigation of the treatment and biological backround of psychiatric disorders
Pharmacogenetic study of anthracycline therapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Pharmacological and functional mapping central nervous system cannabinoid receptorscannabinoid receptors
Pharmacological and molecular evalution of the mechanisms involved in the early and delayed antiarrhythmic effects of ischaemic preconditioning
Pharmacological inhibition of sensory neuropeptide release as a novel mechanism of action in the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive airway disease
Pharmacological modulation of the HISS mechanism
Pharmacological suppression of arrhythmogenic ventricular alternans: a new way to reduce ventricular fibrillation induced sudden cardiac death?
Pharmalogical modulation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by agents acting on primary sensory neurones
Phase diagram of correlated electron systems: spectroscopic and transport study
Phase equilibria in single- and multi-component systems
Phase separation of LEA proteins throws new light on plant stress response
Phase transformations during the welding of duplex stainless steels
Phase transition and collective dynamics of two-dimensional many-particle systems
Phase transition and collective dynamics of two-dimensional many-particle systems
Phase transitions in correlated electron systems: Theory and NMR experiments
Pheno- and genotypic studies on Phytophthora spp. occurring and causing plant diseases in Hungary
Phenomenological modelling of the flotation regarding waste metal recycling
Phenomenology of LHC events
Philology, Intertextuality, Interpretation (A Critical Edition and Rereading of Péter Esterházy’s A Novel of Production)
Philosophical Principles in the Early Cristian Exegesis
Philosophical Questions in Physics
Philosophy of Middle Way in Indian and Tibetan dGe-lugs-pa Tradition
Philosophy, Theology and Science in Late Antiquity
Phisical mechanisms underlying atmospheric and oceanic currents, on local and global scales
Phosphonic and phosphinic acid analogues of natural amino acids
Photo- and neutronrefractive materials and effects
Photoactive flavoproteins engineered for optogenetics
Photocatalysis: challenges for computational chemistry
Photocatalytic application of water-soluble metalloporphyrins: an experimental and theoretical study
Photographs of the Hungarian Exile in Italy
Photoinduced processes in self-assembled systems
Photoinduced transformation of carbon-dioxide on anion doped and newly developed metal promoted catalysts
Photometric redshifts and the SDSS Science Archive
Photonic applications of biomaterials
Photooxidation processes for water treatment
Photophisical and photochemical properties of supramolecular systems
Photoprotective effect of a novel CPD photolyase mRNA-based transfection
Photoprotective thermal dissipation and macroorganization changes in the photosynthetic light-harvesting antennae
Photosensitive molecules and photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina and pineal gland
Photosynthesis, proline and ascorbate in stress responses.
Photosynthetic reaction center/carbon nanotube biohybride systems
Photosynthetic responses and photoprotective mechanisms of tree species under stress conditions
Phylogenetic and evolutionary ecological studies on characteristic fish species of the Carpathian Basin by combining the power of traditional and advanced methods
Phylogenetic and evolutionary ecological studies on characteristic fish species of the Carpathian Basin by combining the power of traditional and advanced methods
Phylogenetic and phylogenomic analysis of Aspergillus species
Phylogenetical, biogeochemical and paleoecological investigations on the endemic gastropod fauna of Lake Petea near Oradea
Phylogenomic insight into the radiation of oak-associated gall wasps
Phylogeny, ecology and pathogenic behavior of novel Phytophthora taxa
Phylogeographical investigations on Ophrys fuciflora species complex
Phylogeography and conservation of protected Hungarian amphibian species
Phylogeography of Synergus umbraculus (Hymenoptera: Cynipiade: Synergini) in the Western Palearctic region
Physical and chemical modification of synthetic and biopolymers
Physical geography of the Carpathian Mountains
Physical mechanical and anatomical properties of improved black locust species
Physical mechanisms of global environmental processes
Physical properties and joiningin the technological process of the agricultural granula materials (grain and fertilizers)
Physical Realizability Criteria for Nanoelectronic Devices and System
Physically inspired control and diagnosis of nonlinear dynamic systems
Physico-chemical study of dendrimer pseudo phases: functionalization, solution structure, dynamics and equilibria
Physico-chemical study of dendrimer pseudo phases: functionalization, solution structure, dynamics and equilibria
Physics of particles with high transverse momentum at the RHIC and LHC accelerators
Physics of pre-protostellar cloud cores
Physics Simulation and Inverse Problem Solution on Massively Parallel Systems
Physics-informed data-driven modelling of stochastic non-smooth dynamical systems
Physiologcial role and regulation of GTPase activating proteins (GAPs)
Physiological and molecular hallmarks of a novel, basal defense-like disease resistance
Physiological and pathological interactions of the disordered TPPP/p25: mapping of binding motifs
Physiological and pathological signaling complexes in the plasma membrane and the nucleus studied with single molecule sensitivity
Physiological and pathophysiological functions of lysophosphatidic acid receptors in the cardiovascular system.
Physiological and pathophysiological role of transient receptor potential ion channels in the dental pulp
Physiological characterisation of developing neural stem/progenitor cells
Physiological role and regulation of Rac GTPase activating proteins in neutrophilic granulocytes
Physiological role of mitochondrial and nuclear dUTPase isoforms in mammalian models
Physiological role of subcellular vesicles generated from neutrophilic granulocytes
Physiological, ionomic and metabolomic profiling of Szarvasi-1 energy grass under limiting and stimulating conditions
Physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological study of the cardiac repolarization
Phytochemical investigation of Hungarian Amaryllidaceae and Ranunculaceae species: isolation, structure determination and pharmacological investigation of biologically active alkaloids
Phytochrome A controlled signalling networks in Arabidopsis thaliana
Phytophthora diseases of Forest Trees
Phytosociological survey of weed communities on extensive fields in North-western Hungary
Piecewise smooth mathematical models in mechanical engineering practice
Pietro Ranzano, an Italian Humanist at the Court of King Matthias Corvinus: Hungarian History from the perspective of the Epithoma and the Annales
Pilismarót-Basaharc, a Late Copper Age cemetery
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in prenatal and early postnatal pathologies
Plague Epidemics in the Late Middle Ages: Religious and Medical Responses
Planation surfaces analysis by geomorphologic and geologic methods and DTM-analysis in the Transdanubian Range
Planation surfaces analysis by geomorphologic and geologic methods and DTM-analysis in the Transdanubian Range
Planet formation caught in the act
Planning and investigation of dosage form controlled drug release
Plant diversity in fragmented rural landscapes – Linear elements and human-mediated dispersal
Plant ferric chelate reductases: Key components of the reduction-based iron uptake
Plant mesofossil-based environmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous land of dinosaurs in the Bakony Mts.
Plant mesofossil-based environmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous land of dinosaurs in the Bakony Mts.
Plant mesofossil-based environmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous land of dinosaurs in the Bakony Mts.
Plant mesofossil-based environmental reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous land of dinosaurs in the Bakony Mts.
Plant protection problems of public areas: new bacterial diseases of ornamental trees
Plants under the microscope: digitization of plant microscopic sections of Department of Plant Biology SZTE
Plasma physics research by ECR ion source
Plasmon dynamics of nanosystems on femtosecond timescales
Plastic deformation of micro-continuum models
Plasticity of nociceptive sensory neurons associated with physiological, inflammatory and degenerative/neuropathic changes affecting the somatosensory system
Plasticity of oligopeptidases – conformational selection mechanism in substrate binding
Plasticity of tissue stem cells
Plasticity of visual attentional selection
Plastid differentation: connection between structure and function
Platelet and leukocyte activation in antiphospholipid syndrome
Platonic Theories of the Soul in Late Antiquity and Their Influence on the Early Modern Age
Plausible reasoning in linguistics
Pliny the Elder: Natural History, Book 7-8.
Plumage colour signals: dynamic and static mechanisms
Poetics and Representation of Space in Hungarian Literature of the Second Half of the 19th Century
Polarized World
Policing and Rule of Law
Polimer film alapú (belső elvezetésű), planáris ionszelek-tív elektródok vizsgálata
Political communication in Hungary, 1990 to 2015
Political communication in the age of expressivity. What are the discursive mechanisms of expressive, emotional and uncivil political rhetoric in Hungary?
Political cultures and types of crisis management during the period of the post-Stalin era (1953-1968). An East-Central European comparative study
Political cultures and types of crisis management during the period of the post-Stalin era (1953-1968). An East-Central European comparative study
Political Europe in the making
Political normativity
Political Science Research in Public Law
Political socialisation in the family
Political Transitions and Transformations – The Social Historical Study of County Officials in Northern Hungary (1944-1950)
Political Transitions and Transformations – The Social Historical Study of County Officials in Northern Hungary (1944-1950)
Politicians and public offiers in public policy decision making
Pollution-related deterioration of limestone monuments
Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and diabetic complications
Poly(aspartic acid) and polyaspartamide polymers for ophthalmic drug delivery
Polyamine metabolism and signalling in relation with other plant hormones under stress conditions in crop plants
Polymer nanocomposites for potential biomedical applications
Polymerization in carbon nanostructures
Polymerization in carbon nanostructures
Polymorphism studies of genes potentially involved in the development of periodontitis
Polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in biotechnologically important Mortierella species
Popular textilusage in light of economic and cultural changes (1850-1950)
Popularize recent research result about the dynamic of fluid flows
Population aging and the pension system
Population balance modelling of interactive fluid-solid disperse systems
Population development in less developed subregions in Hungary with special attention to some ethnic differences
Population dynamics and ageing societies
Population genetic and physiological investigation on native poplars for development of silvicultural application
Population of the Pest Plain in the Roman Age
Populism in policy and law-making
Populist Leaders in the Eyes of their Followers. Follower-Centric Explanation and Examination of Contemporary Populist Politics
Positive definite functions, extremal problems and applications
Positive effect of methoxyflavones on pig intestinal inflammation diseases caused by bacteria and oxidative stress. An in vitro study.
Positive effect of methoxyflavones on pig intestinal inflammation diseases caused by bacteria and oxidative stress. An in vitro study.
Positive operators and positive linear systems
Possibilities and constrains of conspecific and heterospecific acquisition of social information in dogs
Possibilities of employment (policy) int he age of globnalization: international trends, Hungarian perspectives
Possibilities of the integrated weed management and soil conservation tillage in the environmentally soumd crop production
Possible connections between analytic philosophy and phenomenology within the philosophy of mind
Possible connections between analytic philosophy and phenomenology within the philosophy of mind
Possible Contexts of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Its Educational Applications
Possible ecological control of flood hazard in the hill regions of Hungary and Slovenia
Possible genetic backgrounds of tuberous sclerosis complex investigated by new generation techniques: biochemistry of genotype-phenotype association
Possible modelling for instability investigatios of inelastic solid continua
Possible role of duration of PKC-induced ERK activation in the effects of agonists and phorbol esters on DNA synthesis in Panc-1 cells (John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Possible solution of global environmental problems: adaptive landscape management
Post-harvest quality of vegetables stored in chilled ultra-low-oxygen atmosphere with regard to the specific produck characteristics
Post-magmatic hydrothermal originated rare earth mineralization in the Ditrau Alkaline Massif: reconstruction of formation conditions of rare earth mineral rich veins as potential rare earth element resources.
Post-Oligocen tectonic deformations of the Carpathian-Pannonian region from magnetic anisotropy measurements
Post-Trianon Hungary on the border of Tradition and Modernity – History Handbook of the Horthy Era
Postnatal development plasticity of the cerebellum
Postranslational regulation of an alfalfa CDK inhibitor protein
Posttranslational regulation of γ-tubulin complex in plant microtubule nucleation and cell cycle control
Posttranslational titin isoform modifications in perinatal diastolic dysfunction
Potential effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and the secondary metabolite production of marigold, marjoram and lemon balm
Potential impacts of micropollutants on the morphological features of certain aquatic organisms in a tourist-highlighted region of Hungary
Potential risks and opportunities in the regulation and application of Artificial Intelligence
Potentially active DNA transposons in the human genome: genomic parasites or domesticated residents?
Pottery deposits in the Roman villa at San Potito (Italy, AQ)
Powdery mildew induced gene expression in grapevine
Power and Culture in the Carpathian Basin of the Early Middle Ages
Power relations, state reactions to economic crises, investment overheating, and their cycles in party-states: The case of China
Practical rheology
Practical, Bilingual & notated edition of the medieval liturgical Psalter of Hungary
Practice of conservative dentistry
Pre-clinical study of the molecular mechanisms and novel treatment options of transplantation-associated hypoxic injury
Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns of the Paria Basin and its Inka Provincial Centre: Paria la Viexa
Precise determination of neutrino flux for study of neutrino oscillations
Precision Monte Carlo tools for collider experiments
Precision study of exotic nuclear decays
Predictable alteration of algal phenotypes using synthetic phycospheres
Predicting mental fatigue via machine learning: electrophysiological studies and methodological developments
Prediction and design of the failure of composites
Prediction of perinatal complications in preterm infants: lymphocyte activation and biomarkers
Prediction of protein binding regions in disorderd proteins
Prediction of urban air quality
Preference modelling and ranking based on pairwise comparisons
Preference structures in decision models
Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen (PROX reaction)
Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen (PROX reaction)
Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen (PROX)
Preformulation study of polymer films contain solid particles
Prehistoric and Medieval Earthworks and Castles of Pest County
Prehistoric and medieval earthworks in Pest county
Prehistoric fortified settlements in Central Hungary (Pest county)
Prejudice, Social Norms, and Resilience: a new pathway to successful intervention
Preparation and cell membrane delivery of cholesteryl lipoproteins
Preparation and characterization of large networks of one dimensional nanostructures with controlled morphology
Preparation and characterization of novel layer-structured metal catalysts, applications in heterogeneous catalitic reactions
Preparation and characterization of responsive nanogel particles with controlled internal structure
Preparation and characterization of special-use carbon materials from biomass
Preparation and characterization of supported zeolite membranes
Preparation and characterization of tunable carbon nanoparticles
Preparation and chemical characterisation of metal complexes for theragnostic applications
Preparation and complex characterisation of carbon based nano-composites
Preparation and investigation of Al and Ti based amorphous and nanocrystalline bulk comopsites
Preparation and investigation of Al and Ti based amorphous and nanocrystalline bulk comopsites
Preparation and investigation of new isocyano-aminoarene-type fluorophores and their polymers in chemical and biological systems
Preparation and physical chemistry of doped carbon nano particles
Preparation and publication of the 11th volume of „Linguistic Atlas of the Hungarian Dialects of Rumania”
Preparation and publication of the bibliography handbook Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok [Early Hungarian Prints] 5. (1671–1685)
Preparation and structure property correlations in polymer blends containing lignin
Preparation and study of polymers combined with nanoparticles or fillers of controlled particle size: adhesion, modification, deformation mechanisms
Preparation of beta-polypropylene based blends and determination of their structure-properties relationships
Preparation of biomimetic reference nanoparticles for the characterization of extracellular vesicles
Preparation of composit nanofilms using layer-by-layer self-assembly
Preparation of electronically conducting polymer based composite materials and their characterization by in situ combined electrochemical techniques
Preparation of functionalized nanostructured thin layers by wet colloid chemical methods
Preparation of heterogeneus photo-catalysts excitable by visible light and development of water treatment processes using these catalysts
Preparation of O,N-heterocycles as potential glycosidase enzyme inhibitors from carbohydrate precursors
Preparation of self-assembled hybrid films from nanostructured materials
Preparation of supported zeolite bodies of low macroporous diffusional resistance in natural macroavities
Preparation of the critical edition of the works of Szabó Lőrinc. Digitalisation of all of the variations of the poems.
Preparation of ZnO and Ga2O3 nanostructures by atomic layer deposition
Preparation, characterization and pharmatech application of drug loaded nanofibers
Preparation, structural studies and optimisation of borosilicate glasses for HLW storage applications
Preparation, structure, and properties of nanotubes
Preparationand stereochemical studies of pharmacologically active natural and synthetic derivatives
Preparations for a new critical edition of Laonikos Chalkokondyles' Histories
Preparing up-to-date, environment friendly subsztrates for the best known cultivated mushroom species
Present-day kinematics of the main structural units of the Pannonian basin and its surroundings
Presentation and publication at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2022
Presentation at an international scientific conference
presentation at The Biochemistry Global Summit international conference
Presentation at two international conferences in the topic of artificial intelligence-based scheduling using historical data
Presentation in the 24th international congress of Byzantine studies
Presentation of horticultural lighting research results at IHC2022
Presentation of novel sensor fusion and control algorithms in robotics
Presentation of our latest results on extracellular vesicles at the ISEV 2022 Annual Meeting
Presentation of research results in evolution of fungal complexity on the 31st Fungal Genetics Conference organized in the US
Presentation of research results in inertial sensor-based intelligent systems
Presentation of the Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions at the XVI International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Presentation of the latest teaching and learning research results through light-sounding short films that also use animation
Presentation of the scientific work "Effect of calcineurin inhibitors on human podocyte viability" at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
Presentation of the scientific work "Osmoregulatory role of TRPV4 in human podocytes" at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
Presentation on the sharing of the archive material of Bihar County (1928-1950)
Presentations at two Translation Studies Conferences in Europe
Presenting at the Turbo Expo 2022 conference
Presenting results on the psychological aspects of climate change at international conferences
Presenting the first results of the "Pilis Gap Experiment" at international conferences
Preserver problems, matrix means, generalized convexity
Preservers on structures of operators and measures
Press and pedagogy in Hungary during the Reformed Age
Prestige and Trust. Culture and Society in two Siberian Village Communities
Prevalence of activated T lymphocytes and dendritic cells as well as immune regulatory mechanisms in sentinel lymph nodes of melanoma and head and neck cancer patients - clinical impact and immunotherapeutic approaches
Prevalence of illegal online pharmacies targeting European Union member states and the risks associated with illicit marketing of medicines.
Prevention of oxidative stress-induced changes of xenobiotic metabolism investigated in a co-culture model of pig intestinal and hepatic cells
Preventive medicine and public health textbook
Previously unknown charters from Croatia and Dalmatia related to the history of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary during the Árpádian and the Angevin era: registering the charters and preparing them for edition
Price Setting and Market Structure in the Hungarian Gasoline Market
Price transmission on Hungarian agri-food markets – a complex view
Pricing and regulation in the digital economy
Primer headache disorders: Structural and functional biomarkers
Principles in crystal engineering: supramolecular interactions, polymorphy, temperature and pressure
Principles of protein structure formation in the current post genome era
Printing types and ornaments of early Hungarian books, 17th ct./vol.2: Upper-Hungarian and Transsylvanian presses
Private and Collective Autonomy in the Labour Law
Pro- and antioxidant effects in endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis
Proactive neuromodulation - Preventing symptomatic development of disorders by prediction based closed-loop brain stimulation
Probabilistic sequence learning in decision making: ERP and fMRI studies
Problematic internet use and its consequences
Problems and consequences of consumer price measures
Problems in approximation theory. Classical and weighted cases.
Problems in Discrete and Convex Geometry
Problems motivated by lattice theory and geometry and, in addition, special lattices
Problems of inverse scattering theory
Procedural constitutionality, with special regard to the protection of fundamental rights'procedures
Procedural learning in typical and atypical brain development
Process mining and deep learning in the natural sciences and process development
Process Network and Scheduling
Processes of canon formation from a comparatistic point of view: Central European and Central-East European canons in the contexts of modernity
Processes of Urban Sprawl in and around Budapest
Processing and interpretation of the magnetic measurements of the Oersted satellite
Processing and online publishing of the documents of the National Archives of Hungary from 1526–1570
Processing and publishing of the Hungarian dialects in Rumania (10th phase)
Processing of seismic reflection measurements with increased spatial sampling
Processing of stem diseases and leaf rust species on poplar in Hungary and their identification with classical and molecular genetical methods.
Processing stabilization of polyethylene with antioxidant-rich natural extracts
Production and investigation of single photon source nanocrystals doped with rare earth metals
Production and study of inulinase from fungi
Production of breeding stocks of maize with high antioxidant capacity and inproves stress and pathogene resistance by in vitro selection.
Production of cold atomic beam from magneto-optical trap and investigation of its properties
Production of plants with increased antioxidant capacity for use in phytoremediation and resistance-breeding
Production of prebiotic and antimicrobial agents by microbial enzymes
Production of reactive oxygen species by key enzymes in mitochondrial metabolism under normal and pathological conditions
Production of turquoise hydrogen and carbon nanomaterials by catalytic methane pyrolysis - link to hydrogen economy
Production structures as Complex Adaptive Systems
Production, modification and characterization by physical, chemical and compputer simulation of carbon nanotube type nanostructures
Productivity and sectoral reallocation in the short- and long-run
Productivity Spillover Through Trading Products
Products and Productivity of Firms
Products, processes and timing of the Miocene explosive volcanism in North Hungary: stratigraphy of the silicic pyroclastic rocks
Productvity, Economic crises and Convergence in EU agriculture
Produktivity and diversity of phytoplankton in picoplankton dominated water bodies
Prognostic and Biologic Significance of Gene Amplifications in Human Melanomas
Prognostic and pathogenic role of extracellular vesicles in rheumatoid arthritis
Program analysis with Large Language Models
Programmable opto-electric array processors (POAC) and their applications
Progressive urban geography - Determining factors of urban competitiveness in Hungary
Project proposal for additional financial support for OTKA project of Simulation and experimental test of viscoelastic and wear behaviour of polymer and polymer composite materials
Prokineticin 2-mediated regulation of hypothalamic neuron assemblies controlling reproduction in female mice
Proof of Concept of the digital palatal morphology in human identification
Prooxidant and antioxidant plant genes in non-host resistance - functional identification by gene silencing
Properties of hydrogen bonds in condensed phases
Properties of the decay process of sunspot groups
Properties of the decay process of sunspot groups
Property Tailored Thermoplastic Nanocomposites via Suspension-Assisted Melt Compounding
Prosa Turn as epochal figure and analytical aspect"
Prosodic structure and sentence types in large speech databases supported by deep learning techniques
Prospection and topographical analyses of cemeteries based on Iron Age examples of Transdanubia and Transylvania
Prospective randomised comparison of aboral pouch with conventional oral pouch after total gastrectomy.
Prospects of in vitro culture and preservation of preantral follicles, particularly the interspecies differences and application in assisted reproduction
Protected Areas along the Slovenian-Hungarian Border: Challenges of Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Protection of cardiac myocytes against simulated ischemia/reoxygenation injury in vitro.
Protection of employees' personality rights; critical regulations of the new Labour Code in international context
Protection of functional and structural changes of ischemia-reperfusion injuries on different experimental surgical models (liver, smal bowel, free flap, limb)
Protective effects of hydrogen sulphide in TNBS-induced colitis in rats
Protein and nanocrystalline semiconductor layers for sensors and photovoltaics
Protein and nanocrystalline semiconductor layers for sensors and photovoltaics
Protein biomarkers in experimental models and in the clinical care for severe traumatic brain injury
Protein conformational dynamics as a key determinant in biomolecular recognition and signal transmission
Protein conformational dynamics as a key determinant in biomolecular recognition and signal transmission
Protein controlled proton transfer.
Protein structure modelling based on experimental, chiroptical spectroscopic data
Proteoglycans in vestibular lesion
Proteolysis in central nervous system: investigationa of the structure and function of human brain trypsin
Proteolytic destruction of the thrombus matrix: characterization of new targets and tools for thrombolysis
Proteomic alterations related to impaired wound healing leading to glaucoma surgery complications
Proteomic analysis of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury: determining new therapeutic target molecules
Proteomics and immunomics analysis of Triticum monococcum from the aspact of different wheat related disorders
Proton beam Micromachinig
Protonation and complex formation processes of peptides containing functional groups in their side chainc. The determination of macroscopic and microscopic equilibria
Provenance study of lithic raw materials of stone tools found in the Carpathian Basin
Providing long environmental and genetic records of glacial and interglacial climatic oscillations and human impact in the Carpathian Basin (PROLONG)
Proving the role of Cbf genes in wheat frost tolerance by transformation
Proximity effects in hybrid nanodevices
Pruriceptive role of neural and non-neural TRP ion channels in the skin
Pseudorandomness, elliptic curves and sequences of integers
Psicho-social and demographic determinants of social and regional disparities in quality of life of the Hungarian population and the possibilities for interventions. Quality of life and empowerment
Psy-knowledges as social discourses – human sciences in the context of power relations
Psychiatric and molecular biological aspects of the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene polymorphisms
Psychological aspects of international mobility in higher education: Adaptation and acculturation of students studying abroad
Psychological aspects of proprioception
Psychological aspects of proprioception
PSYCHOLOGICAL RESOURCES AND HEALING (The effect of adjuvant hypnotherapy on survival, immune functions and quality of life of intermediate and high risk breast cancer patients)
Psychological wellbeing at work
Psychophysiology of cognitive processes: brain eletric activity
Psychosocial change and the rhetoric of transformation in Twelve Steps movements
Psychosocial risk and protective factors of quality of life and health status of the Hungarian population in different age groups
Public Administration in the EU Member States
Public food provisioning policies in Budapest III. Efforts to strengthen the municipal market system, stabilise and improve the supply of olitory and growers produce for residents of the capital between 1880 and 1945
Public Interest and Public Administration
Public Procurement, Political Corruption and Firm Performance in Hungary 2005-2014
Public Sector Employment and Wages in Hungary. Evidence from Micro Data
Publication and Open Acces to the Scientific Results in Medieval and Early Modern History
Publication fee: 'Atypical transcriptional regulation and role of a new toxin-antitoxin-like module and its effect on the lipid composition of Bradyrhizobium japonicum”
Publication grant (Endocrinology)
Publication grant (Endocrinology)
Publication of a university textbook on prosthodontics
Publication of collection of essays in the field of social psychology
Publication of our research results on conferences
Publication of research results on environmentally friendly processing animal origin by-products
Publication of Sarreti Tajszotar
Publication of the book "By the Olympus: Magical Traditions in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures" Vols. 1-2.
Publication of the book "Theory and Practice of User eXperience (UX) Research"
Publication of the book 'Hungarian vascular plants protected by law'
Publication of the book ”Ez világ, mint egy kert…”
Publication of the excavations in the castellum and in the vicus of Intercisa, 1967-1983, II.
Publication of the Historic Town Atlas of Kőszeg
Publication of the Historic Town Atlas of Pécs
Publication of the IV. Vol. (1656-1670) of Early Hungarian Printings with CD-ROM
Publication of the journal Physical Education, Sport, Science (PSS)
Publication of the LT-cemetery at Sajópetri - Homoki-szőlőskertek
Publication of the monograph "Folk Art in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County"
Publication of the monograph ''Rhetoric theory and practice in Hungary, late 16th-early 17th century''
Publication of the monograph Hungarian Sketches. Chapters from the history of Hungarian music life and composition 1940–1955
Publication of the Public Education Atlas of Minority Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin
Publication of the Reports of the Habsburg Envoys in Constantinople
Publication of the Sermones de sanctis of Osvaldus Laskai
Publication of the Sermones de sanctis of Osvaldus Laskai
Publication of the work The new style of the Hungarian folk song
Publishers' and Printers' Devices - Theory and Practice
Publishing a book entitled Magical and Sacred Medical World
Publishing a book on the ecological knowledge of forest pig keepers in Serbia
Publishing a geological-palaeontological monograph on the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the Bakony Mountains (Hungary)
Publishing Early (16-18th century) Hungarian Texts
Publishing of a scientific book in the field of proteomics
Publishing of diaries and correspondence of Géza Csáth, monographic processing of his life work
Publishing of handbook on "Comparative veterinary pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism"
Publishing of the archival material of the Hungarian diplomatic missions (Hungarian embassy in Bucharest, Hungarian consulates in Kolozsvár, Brassó and Arad) in Rumania 1921-1944
Publishing of the book "The typology and chronology of Early Modern Pottery in Buda"
Publishing of the book entitled "Magyarország orchideáinak atlasza / Atlas of Hungarian Orchids"
Publishing of the book entitled of The Forest Communities of Hungary
Publishing of the manuscript titled Avars, Bulgars and Magyars on the Middle and Lower Danube
Publishing of the manuscript titled Türk Attila–Lőrinczy Gábor: Archaeological and Archaeometrical Data to the 10th Century History of the West Bank of the Flow of the Maros River
Publishing Old Hungarian Manuscripts
Publishing old Hungarian manuscripts
Publishing the book: Changing Surface of the Carpathian Basin
Publishing the Encyclopedia of 18th-Century Hungary. Critical Edition of Mátyás Bél's Notitia Hungariae novae (volumes 3-5.)
Publishing the Encyclopedia of 18th-Century Hungary. Critical Edition of Mátyás Bél's Notitia Hungariae novae (volumes 6-7.)
Publishing the Encyclopedia of 18th-Century Hungary. Critical Edition of Mátyás Bél's Notitia Hungariae novae (volumes 8–9.)
Publishing the monography: "The Iron Age settlement of Sajópetri - Hosszú-dűlő"
Publishing the monography: Relatives in body and soul. The social structure of Synya Khanty.
Publishing the results of studies in the field of second language motivation
Pulmonary biomarkers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Purification, structural elucidation and toxicological investigations of novel potentially hazardous fumonisin mycotoxins.
Purinergic calcium signaling in the supporting cells of the organ of Corti, its role in hearing and noise-induced hearing loss
Pushing the limits of rovibrational molecular spectroscopy computations
Pyridine nucleotide redox abnormalities in the endoplasmic reticulum: role in the pathomechanism of obesity, diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome
Q2 - Quantum effects in a solid quantum host
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of surface alterations of stone tools : creation of digital and physical reference collection for the caracterization of manufacture and use traces on stone raw materials from Hungary
Qualitative and quantitative theory of differential and difference equations with applications
Qualitative Properties of Delay Differential and Difference Equations
Qualitative Properties of Differential and Difference Equations
Qualitative properties of partial differential equations and functional differential equations
Qualitative Properties of the Solutions of Differential and Difference Equations
Qualitative properties of the solutions of differential equations
Qualitative theory of differential equations with applications
Quality and life. Subjective quality of life and the effect of social network
Quality assessment of fruits and vegetables by dielectrical method
Quality assurance in language assessment: A constructive investigation of the justifiability of the advanced level EFL school-leaving examination
Quality coccepts in the hungarian secondary education in Romania.
Quality of life assessment in elderly women and men in Southern Hungary
Quality of life of young men - epidemiology and personality characteristics of muscle dysmorphia
Quality reproduction of personal signifikants in the hungarian economy
Quant-ERA: Scalable Electrically Read Diamond Spin Qubit Technology for Single Molecule Imagers
Quant-ERA: Spin-based nanolytics – Turning today’s quantum technology research frontier into tomorrow’s diagnostic devices
Quant-ERA: Topologically protected states in double nanowire superconductor hybrids
Quantification of soil factors affecting germination and emergence
Quantifying forest health related ecosystem services in Hungarian oak forests
Quantitative analysis and identifiability of dynamic system models with network structure.
Quantitative Analysis Methods - Application of SPSS in research practice
quantitative analysis of land mosaics
Quantitative and qualitative alterations of heparan sulfate in fibrogenic liver diseases and hepatocellular cancer
Quantitative characterization of ErbB receptor signaling platforms and their role in cancer
Quantitative description if the association of erbB proteins
Quantitative Genetic Studies on the Pannon White rabbit population
Quantitative Makyoh topography
Quantitative reconstruction of dNTP homeostatic networks: application development for anticancer and antimicrobial discovery
Quantitative transmission electron microscopy
Quantum and classical dynamics investigations of simple models of electron transfer processes
Quantum and classical physics of molecule size and two dimensional systems
Quantum and dynamical effects in elementary chemical reactions, studied by theoretical methods
Quantum chemical analysis and computation of local properties
Quantum chemical and QM/MM study of DNA-modifying metabolites of cytochrome P450 enzymes: from bioactivation till reacting with the DNA
Quantum Chemical Studies of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Quantum electronics in coupled superconductor-2DEG hybrides
Quantum information processing methods tailored to near-term quantum computers
Quantum Molecular Dynamics Modelling: Theory and Applications to Electron-Transfer Processes
Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Simple Models for Electron Transfer Processes: Water and Methanol Cluster Anions, and Negatively Charged Water/Air Interfaces
Quantum nuclear motion theory: developments and spectroscopic applications
Quantum optical and quantum information processing networks and their nonclassical properties
Quantum optical and quantum information processing networks and their nonclassical properties
Quantum optical systems and their applications in quantum information science
Quantum phase transitions in low-dimensional magnetic and fermionic systems
Quantum phase transitions in low-dimensional magnetic and fermionic systems
Quantum properties of heterostructures of atomically thin materials
Quantum renormalization group
Quantum-coherent materials
Quantumchemical calculations for studying stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms
Quantuminformation, quantumcorrelations, quantum irreversibility - theoretical investigations
Quantung gates and antagled atomic states manipulted by light
Quasi-hereditary and stratified algebras
Quasi-local observables and the canonical structure of General Relativity
Quasi-local observables and the radiative modes of general relativity
Quasi-static deformation of granular media
Quest for Mesozoic vertebrates in Hungary
Quest for the Vitis sylvestris (GMEL.) Populations of the Szigetköz and Fertő-Hanság National Park, Ex Situ Conservation, Propagation and Comparative Analysis by Molecular Markers
Quest for the Vitis sylvestris (GMEL.) Populations of the Szigetköz and Fertő-Hanság National Park, Ex Situ Conservation, Propagation and Comparative Analysis by Molecular Markers
Questions in Geometric Measure Theory, Dynamics and Ergodic Theory
Questions of the Constitutional law in the labour law
Queueing Theory in Computer Sciences, Telecommunications, and Reliability Theory
Qunatitative infrared spectrometry and isotope geochemistry of "water" incorporated in mineral structures
RAD-seq phylogeography of the genus Epipactis Zinn. – understanding speciation in a model orchid genus
Radiation modified surfaces for biomedical applications
Radiative phenomena of solitons and quasi-solitons
Radicalism, Post-materialism, Apathy - New trends of Hungarian university students’ political thoughts and social participation
Radicals in Group 15: quantum chemical studies
Radio interferometric studies of compact extragalactic objects
Radio Kempelen
Radio-Active - scientific research at speed of sound
Radioactive labelling of neuropeptides
Raman Spectral Signatures of Serum-Derived Extracellular Vesicle-Enriched Isolates May Support the Diagnosis of CNS Tumors
Random graphs and correlated percolation models
Random graphs and interacting particle systems
Random Walks and Harmonic Functions in Random Environments and on Groups
Randomized Local Algorithms on Sparse Random Graphs
Randomness in Space and Time
Rapid cellular changes induced by sex steroids in a defined simpler nervous system
Rarity, life-history traits and climatic responsiveness of endangered Hungarian vascular plants
Rashi 1920, The changed self-image of Budapest Jewish groups in the interwar years as a function of the changed borders in the Carpathian Basin
Rational and integral points on algebraic curves
Rational Choice Theory in Political Theory and Political Science
Rational design of new ligands for biomedical applications
Rdical parties in Europe
Re-evaluation of fingerprints (drug design, chromatographic, foodomics, forensic): model building, method development and validation of predictive models
Reaction kinetic analysis of biological networks
Reaction kinetics of nitrogen compounds in combustion systems
Reaction mechanisms from ab initio MD methods
Reactions of organophosphorus substrates on the solid bases
Reactive gas discharges excited by tailored voltage waveforms
Reactive oxygen species in the development of organ fibrosis
Reactive Sulfur Species (RSS) in fungus and virus-infected plants - new perspectives for the use of sulfur to control plants diseases
Reactivity of cooperative acid-base pairs: Theoretical studies
Reading comprehension, genre and the constuction of meaning
Reading Romanticism - Romanticism Reading. Medial Transfer and Canonization in the Reception of (Hungarian) Romanticism
Real Analysis
Real Analysis
Real analysis
Realising and probing quantum fields with ultra-cold atoms
Realism and Naturalism in Hungary and Europe
Realistic simulations of catalytic chemical reactions in aquatic environment
Realization of quasigroups in projective planes
Realms of national and religious memory in early modern and modern Hungary
Reasearch on economical and cultural elites 2007
Rebuilding of operetta. Performance history between the '49 nationalization and the '56 revolution
Recent interdisciplinary approaches of researches on science subject pedagogy
Recent trends in the social conditions of Roma in Hungary: fertility, health at birth, education, employment and residential segregation
Reception and Interpretation in the Neoplatonic Tradition
Reception of modern art during the first quarter of the 20th Century. Acquisition of moderm prints for the department of prints and drawings of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts. Activity of Simon Meller between 1906 and 1923.
Receptor expression of primary sensory nerves around the inner ear and vertebrobasilar arteries
Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases phosphorylating Rho GTPases: a new signal transduction link in plants
Receptors and signaling pathways involved in the generation and effector functions of neutrophil-derived extracellular vesicles
Recognition of the flagellar export signal by the FliI ATPase
Reconstructing of magmatic processes at Kerimasi and Oldoinyo Lengai: 3D melt inclusion research
Reconstructing Realist Theatre. Performance History 1945-1989
Reconstruction of 4D spatio-temporal phenomena
Reconstruction of Early Modern enciphered sources and the social history of cryptography in Central Europe
Reconstruction of paleotemperature based on stable- and clumped isotope geochemistry of freshwater carbonates
Reconstruction of the phylogeny of the filamentous fungal order Mortierellales (Zygomycetes): a comprehensive taxonomical revision
Reconstructions of climate and environmental changes in Hungary and Croatia during the Holocene by complex investigations of speleothems
Reconstructions of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
Records of Early Hungarian Drama (18th century) 7/1.
Recruitment of pulmonary airways: structural, mechanical and acoustic correlates
Recrystallisation of layered silicates into zeolites and preparation of micro- and mesoporosous silicates from layered zeolite precursors
Recurrence time analysis and decay of colliding and escaping planetary systems
Recursive sequences and Diophantine problems
Red blood cells derived extracellular vesicles - diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
Redaction of Works by Mór Jókai to the Critical Edition
Redox homeostasis under hormonal- and stress treatments
Redox homeostasis under salt and osmotic stress
Redox processes in extracellular vesicles in an inflammatory context
Reducation and acceleration in the Criminal Procedure Law
Reducing anti-Roma discrimination
Reducing the environmental impact and carbon footprint of concrete structures
Reducing uncertainty associated with climate change projections from regional to local scale
Reduction and analysis of large-scale variable star data sets
Reduction of the pesticide use by applicationstechnology methods
Refinement and correlation of the Paleogene shallow benthic zonation of the Western Tethys based on larger Foraminifera
Refinement of the Middle Norian (Upper Triassic) conodont zonation based on faunas from Tethyan successions
Reform of the Environmental Policy and the Institutions in Karpathian basin
Reform Pedagogy and Life Reform - Trends of Reception and Processes of Institutionalisation
Reformed Education Policy in the Horthy Era
Refunding the publication cost of a paper published in Genetics (181: 367-377, 2009)
Regenerating damaged knee ligaments with injectable orthobiologics
Régészeti geológia - ember és környezet hosszú távú kapcso-latának rekonstrukciója a Kárpát-medencében
Régi igazságok és új elméletek a közgazdaságtanban (Magyar Közgazdasági Klasszikusok sorozat) (Aula kiadó)
Regio- and stereoselective reactions of polar organometallics
Region specific differences in keratinocytes' functions and their role in skin diseases
Region-dependent histological and molecular damage in the gut wall affecting the intestinal neuro-immune interactions in the streptozotocin diabetic rats
Region-specific molecular changes in the gut wall and in the intestinal microbiome in the streptozotocin diabetic rats
Regional analysis of the development differences of settlements
Regional and sectoral features of the labour market integration of vocational training, with special regard to peripheries and early school leaving
Regional characteristic features of Hungarian nonprofit sectro
Regional development ompact of high education organisations
Regional differences in the demographic processes and demographic behaviour in 18-20th century Hungary
Regional differences of individual agricultural farming.
Regional differences of the late medieval Kingdom of Hungary
Regional differentiation according to economic parameters
Regional economic growth in a dual economy: evolutionary and complexity perspectives
Regional factors of the evolution and development of the information technologies and society (with special regard to a relatively underdeveloped region - Hungarian Great Plain)
Regional food supply systems: romantic vision or feasible reality?
Regional gravity field research by using new kinds of terrestrial and satellite measurements
Regional Security in the South Caucasus - Comparative Analysis of the National Security Strategies
Regional Security in the South Caucasus - Comparative Analysis of the National Security Strategies
Regional servant dictionary
Regionality in health inequalities in Hungary
Regionality, Moderity and Complexity: A Systems Prspective of Hungary's Accession to the European Union
Registration and research of the Church Art treasure in the Carpatian Basin
Registration of the Church Art Treasure in the Carpathian Basin
Registration of the Church Art Treasure in the Carpathian Basin
Registration of the Church Art treasure in the Carpatian Basin
Registration of the slovekian hungarian protestant relics.
Registration of the slovekian hungarian protestant relics.
Registry and processing of the manuscript bequest of Miklós Mészöly
Reguatory mechanism in basic veterinary science: from molecules to organ systems
Regulation and mechanism of replication of damaged DNA: implications for mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
Regulation and physiological role of NADPH oxidase
Regulation and the physiological role of the 2P type TASK, TRESK and the voltage sensitive Kv8.2 potassium channels
Regulation of ABC transporter protein expression in human pluripotent stem cells and during differentiation
Regulation of adaptive immune responses by complement and Toll-like receptors in health and disease
Regulation of adaptive immune responses under normal and pathological conditions; role of dendritic cells, mastocytes and the complement system
Regulation of autophagosome maturation
Regulation of autophagy by microRNAs in Drosophila
Regulation of cardiovascular responses by nitrosative stress
Regulation of cell polarity during morpho- and pathogenesis in plants: the role of kinases
Regulation of cerebral blood supply following experimentaly-induced hypoxia in the newborn
Regulation of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in tumor cells
Regulation of dentritic cells differentiation by nuclear hormone receptors
Regulation of germ cell development and function
Regulation of growth and development by light quantity- and quality-dependent redox changes at optimal and low temperature in wheat
Regulation of H+ and HCO3-Transporters in Human Pancreatic Duct Cells
Regulation of intracellular calcium concentration in skeletal muscle cells
Regulation of intracellular trafficking of the AT1 receptor
Regulation of lysosome function
Regulation of mitochondrial fission/fusion by PARP and its possible role in the development of diseases
Regulation of muscle plasticity by the smoothelin-like protein 1
Regulation of neuronal energy levels in the hypothalamus: NTPDases as possible energy regulators of the positive gonadotrophin feedback.
Regulation of Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay system, an essential quality control mechanism of plants
Regulation of nuclear-mitochondrial crosstalk by poly-ADP-ribosylation in oxidative stress
Regulation of osmotic stress responses in higher plants
Regulation of protein phosphatases by protein-protein interactions
Regulation of Stress Adaptation in Cultured Microalgae
Regulation of stress responses in plants
Regulation of the activity of a lipid-activated transcription factor, PPAR-gamma in macrophages
Regulation of the constitutive heme-oxigenase enzime (HO-2) expression by estrogenes, and its role in cardiovascular defense: in vivo actions of 17beta-estradiol and raloxifene
Regulation of the function of dendritic cells by complement proteins and receptors; the role of exosomes in the development of T-cell response
Regulation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system in chronic stress disease models
Regulation of the T-cell mediated immune response: investigation of membrane microdomain-dependent immunomodulation and estrogen-mediated nongenomial hormonal effects
Regulation of thrombospondin-1 cellular fate by a novel phosphorylation in endothelial cells
Regulation of translation termination in plants
Regulation of translation termination in plants
Regulation, function and membrane association of molecular chaperones: from basics to threapeutic prospects.
Regulation, Function and Structure of Virulence Factors of Candida parapsilosis
Regulatory and catalytic mechanisms of oligopeptidases
Regulatory function of dermal TRPV4 in human cutaneous regeneration
Regulatory RNA and gene expression profiling in demyelination and remyelination of the central nervous system: implications to multiple sclerosis
Regulatory role of endogenous vasoactive substances in cardiac surgical deseases and in animal models: molecular biological and biochemical background
Regulatory role of endogenous vasoactive substances in cardiac surgical deseases and in animal models: molecular biological and biochemical background
Regulatory role of lipids during autophagy
Regulatory role of miRNA network in acute renal failure
Regulatory role of TIMAP-PP1 complex at the crossroad of PKC and endothelin signaling
Regulyversum - publishing the bequest of Antal Reguly
Regulyversum - publishing the bequest of Antal Reguly
Relations between GFR and Hungary (1949-1990)
Relations between the chemical compositions of humic acids and the biological activity of soil
Relationschip between the effect of antitumor compounds and the nitric oxide production, as a possible antitumor defense mechanism of mammalian organisms
Relationship beetween state and society in the 19th century Hungarian political culture
Relationship between depressed heart rate variability and cardiovascular risk profile in diabetes mellitus and in other medical disorders
Relationship between food web and trophic conditions in a shallow freshwater ecosystem
Relationship between glutathione transferases and the abiotic stress tolerance of tomato
Relationship between GSH-related antioxidants and redox processes, their regulation in roots
Relationship between interfaces and binding strength of disordered proteins
Relationship between K+ channels and T cell receptor signaling
Relationship between life form and production of active materials in case of some cultivated medicinal plants
Relationship between linguistic and cognitive changes in Multiple Sclerosis
Relationship between microstructure and macroscopic properties of ultra-fine grained materials made by severe plastic deformation
Relationship between morphometric parameters, discharge and rate of channel migration: case study on the rivers of the Great Hungarian Plain
Relationship between spatial orientation and anxiety: A psychological approach.
Relationship between stability, conformational flexibility and function of proteins
Relationship between stress control and depression from the prespective of the median raphe, gender differences in the role of the brain stem corticotropin-releasing hormone
Relationship between the morbidity and mortality of the middle-age people with some gene variants and haplotypes in the central region of MHC
Relationship between the seasonally changing andrological parameters and the freeze-ability and in vitro fertilizing capability of semen obtained from black Racka rams
Relationship between Triassic platform and basin facies of the Pilis Range
Relationship of genetic variant-combinations of the innate immune system with disease susceptibility and therapeutic outcome in haematological malignancies
Relationships and roles of visual representations and textual sources in the formation of legends and in the visual perception
Relationships between cation exchange capacity, detritus input and organic carbon content of forest soils along a climate gradient
Relationships between negative orientation and avoidance in connection with social problems – longitudinal study at the ages of 10–18
Relationships between people and animals in South Transdanubia during the Early Bronze Age
Relationships between the CO2 gas exchange components and reflectance properties of a grassland vegetation
Relativistic particle systems
Reliable localization of mobile robots based on intelligent sensor fusion methods
Reliable Operation of Networks with Malfunctioning Nodes
Relics og the Beyond the frontier Reformed Congregations
Relics Zemplén Protestant Dioceses
Religion as society?
Religion is cool: religious and cultural interferences in the global age
Religion, Church and Society in Székelyföld in the 17–20th Century
Religion, Church and Society in Székelyföld in the 17–20th Century
Religiosity and personality
Religious Change in Hungary
Religious Emotions in the 17th-18th-Century Jesuit Popular Missions in Italy and Hungary
Religious Landscape of the Khangai Mountain Range in Mongolia
Religious movements and heresies in Central European in Late Middle Ages
Religious orders in 18th-century Hungary
Religiousness, lifestyle, taste
Religon, Individual, Society
Remodeling and reverse remodeling in experimental models and human studies of heart failure
Remote sensing based detection of the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on vegetation activity in the Carpathian-Basin
Remote-sensing-based areal evaporation algorithm from the coupled 2-D turbulent heat and vapor transport equations
Removal of trace pharmacuticals form clarified wastewaters by Advanced Oxidation Processes
Renewal of human bending tendon implanting active silicone elastomer
Renewal of the subscription of the mathematical electronic database "MathSciNet"
Renewing the virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics
Renewing the virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics
Renormalization group method in quantum theories
Repertory of Ancient Hungarian Poetry 16th Century vol. 13
Repertory of XVIIth century hungarian verse
Representation and Material Culture in the 17th century Court of Transylvanian Princes
Representation of elementary rules in vision: Psychophysiological investigations
Representation of elementary rules in vision: Psychophysiological investigations
Representations and deformation theory of Lie algebras
Reproduction of low education in Hungary
Reproduction strategies of Gibberella fujikuroi
Reproductive biology of onion thrips
Reproductive biology of onion thrips
Reproductive phenology and transgenerational plasticity of grassland species in response to rainfall manipulations
Reprogramming T cells for targeted therapy of systemic sclerosis
Reptilian and avian reoviruses: diversity, evolution and classification
REQUIREMENT: Assessment of Reference EQUatIons for REspiratory MEchaNics in raTs: advancing basic research to clinical standards
Research and application of matrices
Research and care of Greek-Catholic cultural heritage of Carpathian Euroregion: research of formation and development of Byzantine rite Catholic community of historical bishopric of Munkacs (1646-1818) and mapping their material relics in Hungary
Research and care of Greek-Catholic cultural heritage of Carpathian Euroregion: research of formation and development of Byzantine rite Catholic community of historical bishopric of Munkacs (1646-1818) and mapping their material relics in Hungary
Research and development activity of the foreign companies in Hungary
Research and development activity of the foreign companies in Hungary
Research and development of novel technologies for particle accelerators
Research concerning the ouvre of Albert Szenci Molnar - bibliogrphy his own works and works on him, editions of his works
Research for new algorithms in system level synthesis by extending the principles and methodology of software development
Research for new flame retardancy methods and mechanisms for the development of lightweight polymer composites
Research for the technical resources of the Hungarian agriculture
Research in Differential Geometry
Research in dyadic harmonic analysis
Research in social choice theory, in majority voting and implementation theory
Research in the advanced control theory and navigation of autonomous robots and the inctease of the intelligence
Research into Mongolian written sources
Research into the history os the Academy of Sciences
Research of application of coverage path planning methods for vehicles
Research of Celtic cemeteries of the 3rd century B.C. in Hungarian-French cooperation
Research of Combustion Process of Biogas - Natural Gas Fuel Mixture with Special Regard to Air Polluting Gases
Research of driver assistant and self-driving functions of vehicles
Research of Figures
Research of integrated environmental benign processes with theoretical and experimental methodes
Research of Janus kinase inhibitors
Research of key epidemiological and complex control models on Blumeriella jaapii and Monilinia fungi infecting stone fruits in environmentally-freindly fruit production
Research of microwave dielctric properties of foods, their use in technological development and in the quality assurance
Research of mobility supporting technologies in mobil communication and computing
Research of new type intelligent actuators
Research of new, bioactive anellated nitrogen heterocycles
Research of preneogene subcontinental lithosphere of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region with petrologic and geochemical analysis on Late-Cretaceous-Paleogene alkali basic magmatics and mantle xenoliths
Research of Relationschip between Noise and Technological-technical Charakteristics of the Equipment for Process Engineering
Research of renewable materials and liquids diffusion processes
Research of SiC and other wide band gap semiconductor materials
Research of some significant interaction of physical parameters of a heated plastic greenhouse using multitechnology
Research of steroids
Research of synthesis algorithms for special-purpose multiprocessing systems with task-dependant architecture
Research of the acoustic structure of Hungarian consonant clusters in speech
Research of the architectural vawes of the Great Hungarian Plain atbthe turn of the 20th century focused to Szeged, Szabadka and Temesvár
Research of the endangered arhitectural heritage in the Karpathian-basin
Research of the Hungarian popular poetry in 18-19th centuries
Research of the Legacy of Lawrence Orczy
Research of the medieval market town of Ete (Decs)
Research of the Natural Resourees of North-East Hungary, with especial Attention given to the Renewable Energy in the light of Hungary`s Accession to th EU
Research of the principles of canonical process and currently questions of matrimonial nullity causes
Research of Theban necropoleis
Research on 4-th Generation Mobile Systems
Research on Ancient Magic II: Magical Gems
Research on attic orators and papyrus-fragments
Research on cellulosic substrates for establishing environmentally-friendly and energy-saving technologies
Research on emblems of the Transylvanian Dukes' Grants of Arms
Research on material- depending parameters of the dewatering process in order to intensify the drying of some food/feedstuffs
Research on neuroprotective agent for radiation injury caused by stereotactic radiosurgery
Research on novel muographic imaging
Research on plant invasion in freshwater ecosystems
Research on Territorial and Structural Changes of Central-, Eastern Europe and the Balkans between 1000-1450
Research on the construction of continuons speech recognizer for a Hungarian middle sized vocabulary
Research on the dietary utilization of functional DH spelt wheat lines: the effect of inheritance, environmental and processing technologies on the fermentable carbohydrate conent.
Research on the history of government in medieval and early modern Hungary
Research on the occurrence, development, specificity and pathogenic effect of fish parasitic coccidians
Research on the rate and intensity of recent fluvial processes on the South Great Plain
Research on the social behaviour of service and care robots by implementing emotional and attachment models
Research on the Surname in Hungary 1867-1896
Research on values and attitudes: ISSP 2013-2015
Research supporting the application and operation of multicircuit compact lines and gas insulated switchgear
Research towards in vitro gonads in freshwater fish
Research with Chaos Theory in Nonlinear, Dynamic, Feedback Controlled Systems Containing Finite Number of Power Switches
Research, dissemination of knowledge
Researchers about their researches
Researches in Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory
Researches in the field of history of vaterinary medicine in Hungary
Researches in the history of science regarding history of medical education
Researches of legends in the Carpathian Basin
Researches on constitution and law history (1790-1949)
Researches on Hungarian Gipsy, 1890-2007
Researches on planets beyond the Solar System
Researches on the Cultural History of the Ottoman Hungary
Researches on the History of Art and Architecture of Hungary's Lutheran Churches - Central Region
Researches on the History of Art and Architecture of Hungary's Lutheran Churches - Eastern Hungary
Researches on the unpublished sources of the Rákóczi-War of Indipendence
Researching beyond the standard model physics
Researching childhood in an interdisciplinary context
Researching school attitudes: theoretical constructs, perspectives and measurement
Researching the public spaces in non-organic cities
Residences and collections of the Károlyi family in the eighteenth century
Resilient Systems Against Climate Change
Resonant optical processes in solids
Resonant optical processes in solids
Resonant Raman spectroscopy in novel two-dimensional materials
Resource allocation in general purpose computing architectures
Resource use dynamics in an avian brood parasite: the effects of social structure, population fluctuation and climate change
Response for forest trees to changing environmental conditions
Responsible tourism - opportunities and challenges in the post-Covid era
Responsiveness to social addressing signals in dogs and humans: a comparative approach
Responsories I--II.
Resting state white matter fMRI alterations in multiple sclerosis
Restorative justice for tracking crime
Restricting the legal capacity of adults in Hungary
Results of new est research from roman settlement in Páty
Resveratrol mediated protection in a rat inflammatory bowel disease model
Retention in ultra-performance liquid chromatography and in supercritical fluid chromatography
Retention theory of ion chromatography and its applications in analytical chemistry
Rethinking Nineteenth-century Nation-building in Hungary: New Perceptions, New Sources
Rethinking the foundations of probability, causality, and contextuality: applications in physics and beyond
Retrieval-based learning as skill-based declarative process: automatization and the testing-effect
Return migration - selectivity, causes and effects
Return of the Jurassic fauna after the Toarcian anoxic shock, studied in the sections of Hungary
Return of the Weberian leaders: plebiscitary leader democracy as a means of cognition for contemporary political trends
Reveal and economical analysis of risk factors in the pig sector
Revealing hidden common causes: development of new data analysis methods for neuroscience
Revealing novel host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions affecting the development of grapevine trunk diseases
Revealing odour communications of some native and invasive non-sucking insects, adapted to ornamental plants in urban green areas
Revealing odour communications of some native and invasive non-sucking insects, adapted to ornamental plants in urban green areas
Revealing photosynthetic mechanisms supporting high electric current production in green microalgae
Revealing the bottlenecks of anaerobiosis-induced H2 production by green algae
Revealing the characteristics and developing CasX, a new type of effector nuclease of the CRISPR system, for efficient gene editing
Revealing the first eukaryotic nicotinic acid utilization system in the model organism Aspergillus nidulans
Revealing the pathomechanism of chronic inflammation at single-cell molecular level caused by alpha galactosidase and beta glucocerebrosidase lysosomal enzyme dysfunctions
Revealing the substrate specificity of chloroplastic PHT4 transporters: phosphate or ascorbate?
Revealing threats through the full annual cycle in a long distance migratory bird species
Reversible and irreversible structural relaxation and the glass transition in high glass forming metallic systems
Review of designing parameters of rotary drum dryers used in the research
Revision of the Cretaceous cephalopods of the Coquand Collection
Revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta)
Revolutions in the time-domain surveying of our Solar System
RF-amide peptide-signaling in the hypothalamic integration of reproduction and metabolism
Rheological and surface properties of Agricultural materials
Rhetoric and stylistics in Greece and Rome
Rhizoecinae of the World (MTA növényvédelmi Kutatóintézet)
Ribonucleoprotein-masked nicks in eukaryotic genomic DNA: molecules involved and their relationships.
Richard Wagner's reception in Budapest, 1862-1918
Rigorous computations for state-dependent delay equations
Rigorous theory of hyperbolic systems with singularities (with an emphasis of questions of physics).
Ring theory and related areas
Ring-chain tautomerism of saturated 1,3-heterocycles - substituent effects, synthetic applications
Rings and related structures
Rings, semigroups, categories
RISC bound small RNAs: The small RNAs that matter during virus infection
Risk allocation in illiquid markets and in case of systemic risk
Risk factors of the end stage renal disease in children
Risk of sewage sludge applyed Hungarian soils with standard European methods
Risks of the natural gas supply in liberalised gas markers
Risks, efficiency and development in global and national production networks
Ritualia Hungarica - Edition of text of medieval Latin liturgical sources from Hungary
River discontinuum: how Eurasian beaver dams affect functional biodiversity through the alteration of planktonic and benthic assemblages
River, Landscape and Settlement in the Middle Ages: Studies on Landscape Archaeology, Environment History, and Site Dynamics in the Körös Region
RNA degradation systems in plants.:the molecular biology of nonsense-mediated decay system
RNA interfearance (RNAi) to limit kidney ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Road to Hell? Barriers and opportunities of decoupling natural resource use from economic growth – a material stock focus
Robot localiyation using visual infromation
Robot-enhanced skill improvement and assessment in minimally invasive surgery
Robust Control Design for Automated Vehicles with Guaranteed Performances
Robust Design Methods for 3D Printed Electrical Machines in the case of E-mobility Applications
Robust identification and control
Robust solution for impedancia spectrum measurement
Robust stability of dynamical systems
Robustness assessment against large perturbations in real-life engineering systems
Rock mechanics investigation of monument stones
Role and regulation of the endocannabinoid system in the human sebaceous gland
Role and significance of adrenergic mechanisms in the control of aligned function of pregnant rat cervix and corpus
Role and significance of individual radiosensitivity in radiation oncology
Role epigenetic regulation in the development of thyroid hormone negative feedback
Role of the charged residues on the substrate specificity of retroviral proteinases
Role of "ruptures", "mismatches" and microdyssynchronies and their resolutions in the reintegration of chemical dependents and in reintegration ceremonies
Role of access to health care in health inequalities in Hungary
Role of adenosine in regulating alternative macrophage activation
Role of antioxidants and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in senescence of cereals induced by abiotic stresses
Role of ARHGAP25 in patomechanism of inflammatory diseases
Role of bile acids in cancer patology
Role of bone marrow adipocytes in creating the multiple myeloma niche
Role of BRAF and RAF1 in endothelial cell mechanics
Role of brain endothelial cells and pericytes in the inflammatory responses of the neurovascular unit.
Role of brain pericytes in the formation of central nervous system metastases
Role of calcium-linked excitatory processes in the frequency adaptation of cardiomyocytes
Role of capsaicin-sensitive neurogenic mechanisms in meningeal nociception and in the modulation of vascular reactions of the dura mater
Role of certain microRNA species in retinal development and disease models
Role of chemosensory systems in adaptive behaviors of invertebrates
Role of circumstances in the preparation and stability of solid dosage forms
Role of cleavages, values and identity in the development of Hungarian party system, 2000-2014
Role of cortical feedback in thalamocortical activity
Role of cutaneous cell-dependent microenvironment on skin resident antigenpresenting cells
Role of cutaneous cell-dependent microenvironment on skin resident dendritic cells
Role of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in lacrimal gland secretion
Role of cytokines of IL19 subfamily in the pathomechanism of chronic renal disease
Role of cytokinins in shoot regeneration of apple in vitro
Role of dNTP homeostasis in stress adaptation and cell wall biosynthesis of Mycobacteria
Role of domain closure in formation of the active site geometry by site-directed mutagenesis of 3-phosphogycerate kinase
Role of Embryonic GAD Forms in the Developing Olfactory System
Role of endogenous glutamate in the regulation of neurosecretory systems
Role of endothelial precursor cells in the regeneration of brain microvessels
Role of ErbB receptors in epithelial tumors: receptor tyrosine kinases as targets for anticancer therapy.
Role of erbB receptors in the therapy and prognosis of breast tumors
Role of exosomes and microvesicles in cardiac stress adaptation
Role of fatty acid desaturating enzymes in the pathomechanism of diabetes mellitus
Role of firm heterogeneity in performance and trade
Role of formin proteins in the coordination of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton
Role of free fatty acids in endogenous ACE-inhibition
Role of functional plant traits in grassland dynamics and restoration
Role of gangliosides in spinal pain mechanisms
Role of gaseous mediators in the development of adverse pregnancy outcomes
Role of genetic factors in the pathophysiology of the bone metabolic diseases in newborns, infants and children
Role of genetic, immunologic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis and the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV ) infection
Role of glutathione in salicylic acid-mediated plant disease resistance to viral and fungal infections.
Role of glycosyl azides in the formation of N-bound functional groups at the anomeric centre
Role of GPXL3 in ER-related stress responses
Role of grass strips in soil erosion control
Role of heat shock transcription factors and MAP kinases in regulation of plant stress responses.
Role of heme oxygenase and nitric oxide synthase pathways and their interactions in the regulation of the cerebral circulation.
Role of human papillomaviral expression in the neoplastic process of squqmous epithelial cells
Role of hypoxia in tumor progression.
Role of interhabitat relations in the organisation of orchard arthropod assemblages
Role of intracellular signal transduction in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation
Role of intraluminal calcium in regulation of endoplasmic reticulum redox balance
Role of keratinocyte stress response and splicing regulation in psoriasis pathogenesis
Role of light in the development of stress tolerance in cereals
Role of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the pathophysiology and treatment of paediatric diseases
Role of malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome in pathophisiology after kidney transplantation
Role of material science and mechanics in lifetime extension of materials and components
Role of membrane remodeling in single cell stress response
Role of mitochondrial UCP2 as a neuromodulant and neuroprotectant in the prevention and treatment of Parkinson disease
Role of Modular Organization in Formation of the Protein Structure and in Realization of the Enzime Function
Role of neuroimmune communication in cutaneous immunological (patho)physiology
Role of nitric oxide, neuropeptides and other non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic mediators in visceral functions; their modulation by drugs under normal and inflammatory conditions
Role of Nkx2-3 transcription factor in the regulation of innate lymphocyte distribution in visceral lymphoid organs and the onset of inflammatory bowel diseases
Role of nonsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and NMDA receptors in physiological and pathophysiological conditions
Role of novel lipid-sensitive receptors in the regulation of cortical networks
Role of pericytes in the regulation of the neurovascular unit in age-related pathologies
Role of phase transitions of fusion proteins in cancer
Role of phosphatidylglycerol in cyanobacterial cell fission
Role of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase PI4K230 in the CNS: significance of its subcellular localization and SH groups under physiological conditions
Role of phosphorylation in the nanomechanics of titin
Role of plasma membrane nanostructures during heat sensing
Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation of immune cells in inflammatory bowel disease
Role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
Role of polyamines in connection with their relation with plant hormones
Role of positional genes in the determination of the neuronal phenotype
Role of pro- and antioxidant effects in the endoplasmic retikulum stress and apoptosis
Role of prolactin-releasing peptide in the central nervous system
Role of protein degradation systems in basal resistance mechanism of plants developed against bacteria
Role of protein degradation systems in basal resistance mechanism of plants developed against bacteria
Role of protein kinase C in the control of cell scattering
Role of protein phosphatase 2A in the regulation of human endothel barrier function
Role of reactive oxygen species in limiting viral and fungal pathogens in resistant plants
Role of reactive oxygen species in limiting viral and fungal pathogens in resistant plants
Role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis and carbonyl stress in the development of the metabolic syndrome and in its nephropathy
Role of retinoids and Nur77 in the regulation of efferocytosis
Role of retinoids in the maintenance and function of the brain barriers
Role of serine proteases and serpins in the formation of breast cancer brain metastases
Role of short chain fatty acids and arachidonate metabolites in the regulation of proliferation and induction of apoptosis of gastrointestinal cells
Role of singlet oxygen in intracellular signaling and extracellular interactions of cyanobacteria and microalga
Role of some neurones of the cochlear nucleus in the primary processing of the auditory information and in determining the parallel ascending pathways serving the hearing function
Role of spontaneous succession in recovery of grasslands: testing the validity of successional theories
Role of structural dynamics in interactions of peptides and proteins
Role of sumoylation in germ cell development of Drosophila
Role of supercritical carbon dioxide in the production of enantiomers and diastereomers
Role of surface atomic interactions in the preparation of thin filn multicomponent nanomorphologies
Role of tanycytes in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and the energy homeostasis
Role of tethering factors in the fusion of early endosomes
Role of the abiotic factors in the influence of available trace element content (regarding riparian ecotops)
Role of the apelin/angiotensin receptor-like 1 receptor system in human endothelial progenitor cells
Role of the cistromic interactions of the PPARγ, RXR and STAT6 transcription factors for the development and function of the M2 cellular phenotype.
Role of the extracellular matrix in the plasticity of the vestibular system
Role of the factor H protein family in the complement system
Role of the Galectin-9/TIM-3 pathway in the maintenance of immune-tolerance during pregnancy
Role of the glucocorticoid receptor isoforms in the pathogenesis of adrenocortical tumors
Role of the human factor H-related serum proteins CFHR1 and CFHR3 in physiology and pathophysiology
Role of the inhibitory neurons in the pontine reticular formation in switching behavior
Role of the intrusive processes whithin the evolution of the Neogene-Quaternary calc-alkaline volcanism of the Carpathians
Role of the morphology of supported nanoparticles in selective hydrogenation reactions
Role of the neural environment in the transmigration of melanoma cells through the blood-brain barrier
Role of the protein matrix in the function of redox proteins
Role of the PUMA-G receptor in the cerebral circulation.
Role of the TTRAP adaptor molecule in the signaling mechanisms of TGF-beta family ligands
Role of therapy resistent proteins, free radicals and antioxidants in the prognosis of canine lymphomas
Role of transglutaminase 4 and transglutaminase 2 modifications in the development of diabetes mellitus and celiac autoimmunity
Role of TRPM4 ion channel in temporal lobe epilepsy
Role of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in influencing the effectiveness of anticancer treatment in patients with melanoma, head and neck, or rectal cancer
Role of ultraviolet radiation in the transformation and degradation of dissolved organic substances in lakes
Role of vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) in regulation of biological processes of skin under physiological and pathological conditions
Role of vitamin D deficiency in vascular aging
Role of zinc in regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ and cAMP levels in airway and intestinal epithelial cells
Roles and instruments of local governments in the realization of ecological sustainability
Roles and potential of a multitarget protein interaction motif in controlling bacterial growth and drug resistance
Roles of carotenoids in supramolecular organization of phosynthetic complexes
Roles of ion channels, modulatory mechanisms and synaptic connections in the signal processing of the rat cochlear nucleus
Roma media representation 1988-2015: Stability and variability of discoursive strategies
Roman coins and coin hoards from counties Vas, Veszprém and Tolna (FMRU)
Roman figural bronzes from Hungary
Roman Philosophy and the Literary Self
Roman Philosophy and the Literary Self
Roman religious communication in the Danubian provinces during the Principate
Root colonizing dark septate endophytes - diversity and function
Root colonizing dark septate endophytic fungi of grasslands — diversity, taxonomy and secondary metabolites
Rotavirus interferon antagonism
Rotor-stator phases of the fullerene-cubane system and related supramolecular materials
Rotor-stator phases of the fullerene-cubane system and related supramolecular materials
Routing in large scale networks
Rovibrational control of polyatomic molecules using laser fields
Rövid és tartós nehézfémkitettség hatása a talaj Trichoder-ma-populációjának diverzitására és funkciójára
Royal and aristocratic neo-Latin epithalamia production in early modern Hungary
RSA Annual Meeting participation
Rubber/crystallizable thermoplastic oligomers compounds with improved processability and properties
Rubiaceae of Mexico
Rules of dynamical behaviour of foams, simmetry properties
Runx3 instructed dendritic cell development
Ruptures in Hungarian social structure: impacts of consumption, institutions and territorial differences
Rural architecture, interior and way of life in the 20th century
Rural development and agriculture in the underdeveloped regions
Rural hungarian society and culture during the Kadar-era (1960-1990)
Rural resilience and local identity: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relationship between rural image, local identity, and living strategies in the Hungarian countryside
Rural societies in Hungary 1930-1960
Russia as political and economic centre in the Eurasian space at the beginning of the 21. century - sphere of influence, competitors and consequences for Europe and Hungary
Russia in the global system and in Europe. Changes of the main factors determining the relationship between Russia and the EU and their effects on the Hungarian-Russian relations
Russo-Tatarica. Chapters from the history of Russo-Tatar relations
S100 proteins and cell signaling: structure-function studies
SAcale Formation Mechanism in Bulk Phase and Porous Media and Its Effect on Formation Damage
Sacral remnants and traditions in Komárom-Esztergom county
Safe Water Distribution Systems
Safety critical diagnostic systems
Salicylic acid-induced improvement of salt stress resistance of tomato: acclimation or programmed cell death
Sampling based inference and predictions in the hippocampus
Sampling degree sequence realizations (DegreeSampling)
Sampling-based inference and predictions in the hippocampus
Sándor Márai's publicism between 1919 and 1928
Satellite-based detection of ecosystem responses to global change (Sat-DeER)
Scaling limits of interacting particle systems: fluctuations, limit distributions, hydrodynamic limits
Scaling limits of stochastic systems with long memory
Scattering and excitation phenomena in an interacting electron system
Scene analysis and reconstruction from incomplete spatial data
Scheduling problems with various types of resources
School well-being and resilience in primary schools with low socio-economic status
School-based answers to the educational needs of romany children with learning disabilities
Science in nanolaboratories
Science Patronage Programme MEC_21
Scientific progress through participation in conferences
Scientific Reserch in the Field of Croatian Dialects in Hungary
SciFinder Scholar Chemical Database
Screening for and comparative molecular characterization of adenoviruses in South American and European wildlife to reveal geographic and evolutionary differences
Sculpting the teenage brain: Adolescence as a critical period in brain development
Search for druggable pathomechanisms in adrenocortical, adrenomedullary and other endocrine tumors
Search for new and recognised risk genes of Alzheimer’s disease in roma and other populations in Hungary
Search for novel adenovirus proteins responsible for pathogenicity and the manipulation of animal cells
Search for novel adenovirus proteins responsible for pathogenicity and the manipulation of animal cells
Search for the critical point and for a new domain of QCD in PHENIX at RHIC and in TOTEM at LHC
Search for treatment predictive molecular biomarkers in endocrine tumors by the help of artificial intelligence
Searching for multiple planetary systems by automated telescopes
Searching for peculiar eclipsing variables in the all-sky photometric survey of the TESS space telescope
Searching for the biological function of human brain trypsin: new strategy
Seasonal and age-related determinants of multiple ornamentation systems
Seasonality and host specificity of bat related ectoparasites and pathogens
Sec14 homology domain targets p50RhoGAP to endosomes and provides a link between Rab and Rho GTPases (ASBMB - Journal of BiologicalChemistry)
Secler society and local government in the early modern ages in Transsylvania (1530-1630)
Second Symposium on Super-resolution and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and István Ábrahám Memorial Workshop
Secondary messenger system in plant-pathogen interactions
Secondary metabolites of plants and their endophytic fungi – metabolic diversity and novel compounds
Secondary school teachers. Hungary, 1900-1945
Secondary structure determination and protein fold prediction by CD spectroscopy: method development and its application on aberrant protein aggregates and amyloid fibrils
Secreted proteins as signalling molecules in Streptomyces development
Secretory function of salivary glands in normal and pathological conditions with especial regard to the hyposalivation
Sectoral Systems of Innovation and Production in an Open Transition Economy: The case of the Hungarian automotive, electronics and telecom equipment industries
Secular archontology of Hungary 1458-1526
Secure optical communication networks
Security and Privacy Issues in Pervasive Computing
Sedes Musarum: Neolatin Literature, History of Science and Literary Theory in Hungary (16th-18th century)
Sedimentological and stratigraphical interpretation of ultrahigh-resolution (single-channel) seismic profiles acquired on the Lake Balaton and their correlation with outcrop data
Seed banks and community assembly in grassland dynamics
Seed banks and community assembly in grassland dynamics
Seed-based restoration to prevent the establishment and spread of invasive species
Seeking ways in Hungarian Composition (1953-1967)
Seers, fairies, táltos. Supernatural communication in Central Eastern Europe
Seismic hazard and microzonation of Budapest
Seismic performance of structures with rocking mechanisms
Seizures, cytikines and trans-endothelial T-lymphocyte migration in the forebrain of the rat
Selected physical, mechanical and anatomical properties of juvenile wood of hardwoods from Hungarian sites regarding the forest management
Selected problems in structural topology optimization: from basic theories to engineering applications
Selected topics on the history of astronomy in Hungary
Selection of DNA repair mechanisms at the stalled replication fork
Selection of U and M genome specific goatgrass (Aegilops) microsatellite markers using wheat-Aegilops biuncialis and wheat-Aegilops geniculata addition lines
Selective catalytic oxidation of olefins over Pd/vanadia catalysts
Selective control of sensory transmission in higher order thalamic relays
Selective metalloenzyme-inspired oxidations
Selective syntheses and transformations of cyclic beta amino acids
Selective syntheses and transformations of cyclic ß-amino acid
Selective synthesis of heterocyclic compounds by the reactions of unsaturated ketones
Selective synthesis of multifunctionalized novel cyclic β-amino acids and their transformation into other bioactive products
Selective transformations on heterogenized organometallic complexes
Selectivity in ultra-performance liquid chromatography and in supercritical fluid chromatography
Selectivity of metathesis reactions: from rationalization to catalyst design
Self-assembly and self-organization in chemical systems
Self-checking and run-time verification in computer programs
Self-Interpretation, Emotions, and Narrativity
Self-organization of surfactants on metal particles and supports
Self-organization of the embryonic vascular network
Self-organization using various mass transport phenomena from micro- to macroscales
Self-organizing amyloid array for nanoelectronic applications
Self-organizing peptidic systems-catalyzed reactions in continuous flow reactor and structure characterization thereof
Semantic intuitions as linguistic facts
Semi online 25 international conference
Senescence, autophagy and iron release from plastids: the driving force of iron remodelling in plants
Sensing-understanding topographic computers - bioinspired architectures and electronic amplementations
Sensitivity of bimodal cognitive interactions to mental fatigue
Sensitivity of jets and shear layers
Sensory-motor reflections of intentional action
Sentence type as a complex linguistic sign. German-Hungarian contrastive researches with a typological perspective
Sentence types and modality from a typological perspective
Separation of enantiomers and diastereomers in supercritical fluids
Separation of enantiomers in supercritical fluid
Separation of the optical isomers of phosphorus compounds
Sequence-specificity of DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases
Sequencing-based risk stratification and prediction of refractory disease in hematological disorders of childhood
Serch for supersymmetric particles in high energy proton-proton collisions
Serine proteases of the immune system: structure, function,, physiological significance
Sermones compilati
Seroprevalence of human hantavirus infection among forestry and agriculture workers in Hungary
Service of Judicial Documents in the European Judicial Area
Set Systems, Hypergraphs, Combinatorial Search
Set Theory
Set Theory
Set Theory; Partition Calculus , Theory of Infinite Graphs
Set-theoretic methods in topology and analysis
Set-theoretic topology
Set-theoretic topology
Set-theory and set-theoretical topology
Setoid type theory
Sets, spaces, and functions
Settlement, economy and society in the Late Bronze Age of Eastern Hungary
Several questions of the history of marriage law in the 19-20th centuries
Sex differences in heat shock protein 72 expression and localization in rats following renal ischaemia-reperfusion (American Physiological Society, American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiologa)
Sex pheromone production and perception in grapevine moths, Lobesia botrana and Eupoecilia ambiguella
Sex ratio adjustment in birds
Sex ratio adjustment in birds
Sex role evolution: testing the impacts of ecology, demography and genes
Sexual cycle of riverine Cyprinids especially the barbel (barbus barbus) and the nase (chondrostoma nasus)
Sexual dimorphism of brain astrocyte fibrillary material
Sexual selection in the common toad (Bufo bufo). - Evolutionary causes and consequences of mate choice.
Sexual selection, sex-ratio and sexual dimorphism in host-parasite systems
Shadow banking challenges in Central and Eastern-Europe
Shakespeare Behind the Iron Curtain - Shakespeare on the Stages of the Hungarian Kádár-regime
Sham hypnosis: The validation of a minimally effective or sham hypnosis induction technique as a control condition for hypnosis research
Shaping the Self through Beauty: Techniques of Personality Development in the Early Christian Era
Shared Spaces, Conflicting Memories? Interreligious lieux de mémoire
Shift in the world economy: from exportorientation towards domestic demand led growth?
Shiga toxigenic and commensal Escherichia coli and bacteriophages in cattle
Shiga toxigenic and commensal Escherichia coli and bacteriophages in cattle
Shizophrenic narratives
Shoot-root signalling in plants under stress conditions
Short and long term regulation of ABC transporters by metabolic sresses
Short- and long-term effects of digital device use in preschool children
Short-chain poly(ethylene oxides) free and bound to micelles: study of conformation and transport properties
Short-term and long-term responses of growth, carbon allocation and water balance of canopy tree species to fluctuation and extremes of climate conditions in mixed deciduous forest stands
Shrine and pilgrimage at Csíksomlyó - publication of a synthetic monography
Shrubby Fluorous Chemistry
Sigismund Period Sculpture Finds from Buda Castle
Sigma-1 receptor mediated anti-inflammatory effect in TNBS-induced rat colitis
Signal transduction and hormonal effects in plant cells stimulated by low-dose stressors
Signal transduction of heavy metal-induced root morphological responses in Brassicaceae: from model to crop
Signal transduction pathways from exogenous to endogenous salicyílic acid in wheat and model plants under stress conditions
Signal transduction therapy in cancer and inflammation
Signaling and gene expression in developing peripheral B cells, implications for autoimmunity
Signaling compartments and proteolysis in regulation of immune responses and the communikation between the immune- and nervous systems
Signaling pathways of thromboxane receptors in the vascular smooth muscle.
Signalling games: honesty and reputation
Significance and novel roles of the multifunctional transglutaminase 2 protein in the biology and pathobiochemistry of human cells
Significance of carotenoids and carotenoid-isomers in plant biochemistry
Significance of exocrine-endocrine pancreatic interactions in health and disease
Significance of silicate melts in upper mantle xenoliths from the Pannonian Basin
Significance of study on primary fluid and melt inclusions in understanding petrogenesis of alkaline and carbonatite rocks
Significance of sulfide blebs in the upper mantle
Significance of the entero-insular axis (dipeptidyl peptidase-4–incretin system) in diabetes and in various conditions with impaired glucose tolerance
Significance og galanin in the regulation of the water metabolism; the neurohiphophyseal hormone synthesys and secretion in rat (in vivo and in vitro study)
Significant relative lake-level fluctuations in the area of NW sediment input of the Hungarian Plain
Signpots in the labirynth of plastic recycling
Silencing related RNAs, effectors and their mechanims in virus-host interplay
Silent Speech Interface based on articulatory movements
Silicic volcanism in the Pannonian Basin from source to surface: geochronological, volcanological and petrogenetic characteristics
Silver economy in the making – Local and transnational actors in Hungary
Silyl amides, silyl esters and related compounds. Synthesis, reactions and investigation of molecular structure by spectroscopyc, X-ray diffraction and quantum chemical methods.
Simplicius on Epictetus' Handbook
Simulating strongly correlated systems with fermionic alkaline earth atom isotops in optical lattices and related quantum chemistry of transition metal complexes
Simulation and Emulation Framework for Vibration Attenuation of Milling Machines Based on Optimized Edge Geometry and Mechanical Contacts
Simulation Investigation on Energy Consumption of Air-Conditioning Systems
Simulation model for the decision support of dairy cattle farms
Simulation of granular materials by molecular dynamics
Simulation of strongly coupled many-body systems
Simulation of turbulent flows
Simulation of Ultrafast Dynamics in Photofunctional Transition Metal Complexes
Simulation studies on prebiotic evolution: Infrabiological differentiation in the Metabolic Replicator System
Simulation study of ionic and polar molecular systems in the presence of dielectric boundaries applying Dirichlet boundary condition
Simulation-Rendering in Virtual Reality Systems
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in hypodontia
Sissipation in type-II superconductors
Skill learning in ADHD and Tourette syndrome
Skills, matching and competition in thick labour markets: Understanding the mechanisms behind urban skill premia
Skin barrier alterations in the development of immun-mediated skin diseases
Sleep disorders, mood disorders and quality of life in patients suffering from chronic disorders
Sleep oscillations in the human cortex and thalamus
Slovakian-hungarian relation in diplomatic documents between 1939-44
Slugs of Hungary
Small RNA regulation of plant NB-LRR defense gene family
Small strained ring containing reagents, for medicinal chemistry application
Smart Portable System for VOCs detection
Smart random walks and smart new links
Smart tripodal metallopeptides
Smooth four-manifolds and their applications
So Close and yet so Far Away. Political-Diplomatic Relations Between the Hungarian Kingdom and the Holy Roman Empire at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century
Social and environmental crises during the Early Iron Age (10th - 7th century BC) in the Carpathian Basin: Causes, Events and Consequences
Social and environmental determinants of successful parents
Social and ethnic boundaries in local society
Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education
Social and Legal Aspects of Roman Land Surveying
Social and political changes in Hajdú-Bihar county in the 90's
Social capital and urban development
Social cognitive mechanisms of understanding intentional agents in typical and atypical development (autistic spectrum disorder)
Social Consequences of Urban Renewal
Social context of the healthy personality development and psychological immunity: a longitudinal approach
Social context, social inequalities, and subjective well-being
Social Control, Collective Action and Stability of Social Networks
Social demands for the higher eduction of adults
Social deprivation and abnormal aggression
Social dissemination of the scientific and innovation results of Eötvös Loránd University in order to strengthen community science
Social embeddedness of corruption
Social failures - social solutions. The evolution and maintenance of norms of cooperation, and the handling of conflicts deriving from contraventions of norms
Social geographical study of the population if the Ukranian and Hungarian borderland areas and study of crossborder cooperation
Social history analysis of the press between 1945 and 1989 with the methods of natural language processing (NLP)
Social History of Homosexuality in 20th Century Hungary before 1990
Social History of Violence in 20th-Century Hungary: Practice, Dynamics and Memory in Comparative Perspective
Social inequalities and prejudices in the light of the psy-sciences in Hungary
Social inqualities in mortality
Social Integration in Visegrad Countries
Social learning of sex roles in variable breeding systems
Social mobility and ethnicity: Trajectories, outcomes and hidden costs of mobility
Social network and informal structures within the estates in 19th century
Social polarization in the Hungarian and Eastern-Central European 'New Town' Regions. Impacts of Transition and Globalization.
Social policy in Hungary after 1968: stakeholders, institutions and functions
Social Policy in Hungary between 1945 and 1968: Sources and Interpretations
Social Psychology Interventions in Education which Aims to Change Achievement-related Beliefs and Helping Behavior
Social services today and tomorrow for access, on an equal basis with others and for resilient operation
Social strategies in a stagnating provincial capital. The social history of Pozsony, 1784-1848
Social view of young generation
Socialgeography of Cyberspace
Socialism Goes Global: Eastern Europe and the Third World
Socialization and social integration units in the Copper Age
Society and economy in Transylvania and the Partium in the 17-19th centuries
Society in the duty of defence. Muraköz as a peculiar border region in the early modern times
Socio-spatial inequalities of energy transition
Socioeconomic status, digital media use and early childhood development
Sociology of AI expectations: visions about the roles of AI in society and in the labour market
Sociology of research methods
Sociomicrobiology of biofilm forming, hydrocarbon degrading and ureolitic bacteria for bioremediation purposes
Soda pans of the Carpathian Basin - model systems of global environmental changes
Soft computing implementation by numerical algorithms
Soil genetical and paleoecological reconstruction of soils biried by jurgans
Sokizületű végtagok mozgásának szabályozása: elektro-mecha-nikus modell
Solar and astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics
Solar and astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics
Solar and astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics
Solar and stellar activity from the photosphere to the corona
Solar flare effects on the lower ionosphere as seen by ionosonde data
Solar flare effects on the lower ionosphere as seen by ionosonde data
Solar panels and bats: sensory, behavioural and ecological investigations for a wildlife-friendly renewable energy solution
Solid state reactions and diffusion on nanoscale in multilayers
Solid state supramolecular reactions
Solidarities Reconfigured: Central-Eastern European Migrants Working in Refugee Services in Austria
Solidarity and social economy of post-socialist peripheries
Solidarity in late modernity
Solidarity in times of crisis
Solution and applications of nonconvex and discrete stochastic programming problems
Solution and Solid-State Chemistry of Layered Double Hydroxides
Solution chemistry of half-sandwich rhodium and rutenium complexes with anticancer aspects
Solution chemistry study of the solvation and complexation of calcium ion
Solution conformation and protein-binding interactions of novel bioactive carbohydrate- and peptide derivatives studied by NMR and other biophysical methods
Solution equilibrium study of the transition metal complexes of Tau protein related to Alzheimer's disease
Solving Global Optimization Problems with Validated Accuracy in Engineering Applications
Somatostatin 4 receptor, as a potential drug target in treament of neuropathic pain and neurogenic inflammation
Somatostatin receptor Acts as a Potential Differential Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Factor in Patients Treated with Medulloblastoma
Some applications of functional analysis
Some particular problems of topology optimization of elasto-plastic structures
Some problems of modern probability theory
Some selected problems in the numerical mechanics
Sopron and its surrounding area in the first millenium BC - Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement and cemetery at Sopron-Krautacker
SOUR CHERRY ANTHRACNOSE: identification, characterisation and genetic diversity, biology of the pathogen and impact on plant protection
Source edition of Johann Wohlmuth's works
Source research on dance folklore in the second part of the 19th century
Sources and writing up history of Hungary (1944-1989)
Sources for the History of Hungary’s Material Culture (16–19th century)
Sources for the research of the History of Broadcasting in Hungary
Sources of doing research into the history of the Ukrainian language
Sources of funds in the Hungarian venture capital and private equity industry in international perspective
Sources of philosophical literature in Hungarian language with an interactive database on internet
Sources of the Hungarian Theatre Dance History 2.
SourceSink Hungary - Quantification of mass transfer from mountain ranges to active sedimentary basins of Hungary: integrated source-to-sink studies
Space of the aesthetic judgments
Space photometric applications in the K2 mission
Space-ing Otherness. Cultural Images of Space, Contact Zones in Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Film and Literature
Space-time dynamic simulation of nano-electronic devices considering the effect of the environment
Spaces of identity. Cultural Topographies in the German speaking Culture of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Spatial and temporal organization of inter- and intracellular signaling pathways in the nervous system of invertebrates
Spatial diffusion of innovation
Spatial Disparities of the Stimulus Package regarding its impact on mgration and the dynamics of transformation
Spatial distribution of water isotopes in precipitation in Europe – with special focus on the transect from the Adriatic Coast to the Pannonian Plain
Spatial genetic structure and potential adaptive traits of native Pinus sylvestris L. populations from extreme habitat sites in East-Central Europe: vegetation and landscape historical consequences along climatic constraints
Spatial genetic structure and potential adaptive traits of native Pinus sylvestris L. populations from extreme habitat sites in East-Central Europe: vegetation and landscape historical consequences along climatic constraints
Spatial pattern of post-socialist urbanisation in Hungary
Spatial rebound effects and sustainable welfare
Spatial structural impacts of industrial investments and their transport connections
Spatial structural impacts of industrial investments and their transport connections
Spatial structural connections of the modern Hungarian industry
Spatial variability of eroded and deposited soil organic carbon
Spatial-gradient-driven Self-organization and Self-assembly of Chemical Systems
Spatial-temporal change analyzis of groundwater quality on Bíhar-plane
Spatially and temporally synchronized atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for imaging and manipulating cells and biomolecules (Biophysical Journal)
Spatially explicit models for the evolution of prebiotic and microbial cooperation
Spatiotemporal analysis of climate adaptation and urban sustainability
Spatiotemporal scrutiny of clonal evolution for treatment personalization in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Special Effects in the Structure of Metal Halides
Species recognition and sexual selection during acoustic communication in phaneropterid bush-crickets (Orthoptera)
Specific covalent modifications in proteins
Specific features of kairomonal channels to flea beetles attacking brassicas and their possible utilization in agricultural practices
Specific histone modifications in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease
Specificity of the Sep10/MED31 Mediator subunit in the regulation of transcription
Spectral measurement of phototactic responses and electroretinograms of arthropods, with special regard to the conservation of night-swarming mayflies and pest management.
Spectro- and photoelectrochemistry of 2D metal-halide perovskites
Spectroelectrochemical study of conducting polymer-based composites
Spectroscopic analysis of carbon plasmas in a laser oven with special emphasis on the emission spectroscopic characterization of the C3 radical
Spectroscopic studies of photon-induced electron transport for data handling and medical applications
Spectroscopic study of chemically modified low-dimensional materials
Spectroscopic study of low-dimensional materials
Speech and language therapy: a new synthesis
Sphingosine-1-phosphate: Identification its intracellular targets and plasma membrane transport
Spice it up! Let's bring a little science into the life of 10 herbs
Spin and charge dynamics in solids and nanostructures
Spin and charge dynamics phenomena in novel materials
Spin dynamics in nanomechanical systems
Spin polarization in nanostructures
SPINK1 exonic variants in chronic pancreatitis
Spintronics and Graphene nanostructures
Spiritualism in literature in early modern Transylvania
Spiroid driving with new geometry and the production geometry
Spoken Language Research
Spreading depolarization in the ischemic rat brain: Age-dependence, and mechanisms behind the associated hemodynamic responses
Stability analysis of mechanical systems with contact and friction
Stability and non-linear vibrations of dynamical systems containing time delay
Stability and nonlinear vibrations of couped discrete and continuous dynamical systems
Stability and Performance of Interconnected Systems: From Networked Control Systems to Fluid Dynamics
Stability and regeneration of vegetation on dolomite hills
Stability and threshold dynamics in non-autonomous dynamical systems with applications in mathematical biology
Stability in Evolutionary Ecology
Stability of attachment relationships in childhood
Stability problems in finite geometries and their applications
STABILITY: in silico 3D simulation studies toward the patient-specific intervention for specific forms of spinal instability
Stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter pools in calcareous and acid soils
Stabilization of tetrahidrobiopterin concentration and optimization of nitric oxide synthesis by ascorbate and thiol compounds in placentae of normal and preeclamtic pregnancies
Stabilization of unstable dynamical systems by delayed feedback controllers
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of earthworm biospheroids, as promising paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic proxies – case studies from loess-paleosol sequences
Stable isotope studies on ocean crust remnants
Stable matchings and its generalizations
Stable matchings in Combinatorial Optimization
Start-up subsidies to the unemployed – Effectiveness, Heterogeneity and Deadweight Loss
State and church policy between 1945 and 1956
State dependent perceptual processes and their disturbances as revealed by stochastic and deterministic electrophysiological features analyzed in humans and in animal experiments
State of the Republic's legal system (1989-2004) Complex research in the field of jurisprudence and legal sociology
State power and political press in Hungary (1861-1875)
State qualification of waste sites and their surroundings and geopysical methods development for this purpose
Static and dynamical structure of granular materials
Static equilibria of rigid bodies: morphology, topology and evolution.
Stationary processes in financial mathematics
Statistical analysis of circular data and its application in meteorology
Statistical and dynamical investigation of mesoscopic and quantum chaotic systems
Statistical and hydrological modeling of soil and subsoil salt accumulation caused by tree plantations above shallow saline groundwater
Statistical and hydrological modeling of soil and subsoil salt accumulation caused by tree plantations above shallow saline groundwater
Statistical evaluation of the micro-topography of connecting surfaces and investigation of their influence during different wear processes
Statistical inference on large random graphs
Statistical investigation of Gamma ray Bursts
Statistical investigation of stochastic models
Statistical modelling and testing the structure and strength of fibrous structures and fibre reinforced composites using complex methods
Statistical models for post-processing ensemble forecasts of weather variables with direct economic impact
Statistical physical analysis of nanoscale biological phenomena
Statistical physical modeling of the dynamics of subcellular structures
Statistical physics of disordered systems
Statistical physics of evolutionary games
Statistical physics of fracture and fragmentation
Statistical physics of the collective behaviour of organisms
Statistical post-processing of ensemble forecasts for various weather quantities
Stellar and explosive nucleosynthesis
Stellar cycles observable on human time scale
Stellar oscillation studies with the Kepler space telescope: the micromagnitude revolution
Stellar spot temperatures across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Stereochemistry and stereoselective synthesis of bioactive heterocycles
Stereocontrolled and selective methods for the synthesis of densely functionalized alicyclic and heterocyclic scaffolds with multiple chiral centers
Stereoselective functionalization of alicyclic β-amino acids
Stereoselective synthesis of amino phosphonic and phosphinic acids
Stimuli used in communication of beetles of hidden development – pests of forestry and agriculture
Stimulus-driven and attentive integration processes in perception
Stochastic and Analytic Geometry
Stochastic Cooperation
Stochastic models for next generation accurate model-based glycemic control in intensive care: from all new models and methods to clinical validation
Stochastic models in bioinformatics and multivariate ecologycal analysis
Stochastic models in machine learning systems
Stochastic models of recent and paleo- hydrogeological processes, their evalution and geological interpretation
Stochastic processes on graphs and groups
Stochastic properties of dynamical systems and their parameter sensitivity
Stochastic properties of hyperbolic dynamical systems
Stochastic properties of micron-scale plasticity
Stochastic Systems and Modelling of Financial Markets
Storage of fluctuating renewable energies with flexible methods: energy and raw materials
Stories from the Media History of Literature
Strain-engineering the atomic and electronic structure of graphene at the nanometer scale
Strain-engineering the atomic and electronic structure of graphene at the nanometer scale
Strategies of social mobility and economic cycles-strategies of social mobility in the disafvantaged Roma population
Strategies of the Hungarian Agro-biotechnology Sector Trergeted to Social Legitimacy
Stratigraphy of the Pannonian Stage in southern Transdanubia
Strength and reliability analysis of microelectromechanical systems
Stress adaptation of the myocardium: role of peroxynitrite, matrix metalloproteinases, and hyperlipidemia
Stress response: from membrane to membrane
Stress-based higher-order finite element models in computational solid mechanism
Stress-strain analysis of allo-and autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Strong code obfuscation algorithms and their applications
Strong correlations and entanglement in nuclei, through molecules to ultra cold atom and condensed matter systems
Strong correlations and entanglement in nuclei, through molecules to ultra cold atom and condensed matter systems II
Strong-field dynamics and conical intersections
Strongly correlated phases of matter realized with ultracold atoms
Structural Adjustment of the Economy, an Economic Analysis
Structural and crystallochemical study of nanominerals using electroncrystallograpy
Structural and functional aspects of fibrin and NET interactions
Structural and functional characterisation of the protein-RNA complexes in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Structural and functional characterisation of the securin-separase system
Structural and functional characterization of the postsynaptic Shank protein
Structural and functional correlates of experimental emphysema
Structural and functional organization of thalamic regions involved in motor and executive functions.
Structural and functional plasticity of thylakoid membranes
Structural and functional studies of the Ca2+-binding S100A4 protein involved in metastasis and chronic inflammation
Structural and functional studies on the neuronal connections of the reproductive organs
Structural and functional study of the Argonaute binding silencing suppressor SPMMV P1
Structural and optical properties of amorphous- and polycrystalline-like photonic nanoarchitectures of biologic origin
Structural and pharmacological studies of the voltage-gated Hv1 proton channel
Structural and Reactivity Studies on Model Compounds of Metalloenzymes
Structural and spectroscopic properties of type II photochemical reaction centers in different molecular environment.
Structural basis and subcortical modulation of theta activity in the hippocampus
Structural basis and thermodynamics of protein aggregation and amyloid formation; in vivo effect of aggregates of different morphologies
Structural basis of specificity and inhibition in some important proteins of the immune system
Structural biology
Structural biology of modular serine proteases
Structural changes from monomers to biopolymers
Structural characterization of the disordered regions and complexes of the GKAP protein
Structural effects in cross-classified data
Structural evolution if the Vértes Hills including their forelands and the relationship with Cenozoic sedimentation and paleogeography
Structural evolution, diagenesis and paleo-fluid flow interaction in the pre-rift and syn-rift porous deposits of the Pannonian basin
Structural factors of R&D, innovation and their impact on firm-level efficiency and growth
Structural geological reserach of the Rudabánya and Aggtelek Mts.
Structural information in the space of sensor networks
Structural investigations of liguiids and amorphous solids by diffraction and computer modelling
Structural Model Based Direct Computer Mapping of Conservational and Informational Processes
Structural studies of complex liquids
Structural studies of complex liquids
Structural Studies of High-Temperature Inorganic Molecules
Structural study of hydroxy-containing compounds in aqueous solutions
Structural Study of Short lived Organophosphorus and Organosilicon Compounds
Structural study of the sacro/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 3 proteins and the modulation of the machinery of Ca2+-transport proteins during the differentation of non-muscle cells
Structural study of the sacro/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 3 proteins and the modulation of the machinery of Ca2+-transport proteins during the differentation of non-muscle cells
Structural topology
Structural topology of finite systems
Structural, crystalchemical and mineralogical characterization of metal ion adsorbed swelling clay minerals and soil clays in wetting-and-drying cycles
Structural, evolutionary, and systems-level analysis of the proteome of transposable elements.
Structure analysis of peptides and modular proteins by NMR-spectroscopy and theoretical methods
Structure and mechanism of novel MIO-containing biocatalysts
Structure and dynamics of coenzymes studied by femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
Structure and dynamics of complex networks
Structure and dynamics of the filter feeding functional group of benthic macroinvertebrates: insights from trait measurements and laboratory experiments
Structure and function of a new brain-specific protein, p25
Structure and function of calpains, physiological and pathological roles
Structure and function of hyperthermophilic serine oligopeptidases
Structure and function of the multidrug transporter fehérje szerkezetének és működésének vizsgálata
Structure and function of the multidrug transporter fehérje szerkezetének és működésének vizsgálata
Structure and geodynamics of the Eastern Alps – Pannonian Basin transition using AlpArray Seismic Network data
Structure and geodynamics of the Eastern Alps – Pannonian Basin transition using AlpArray Seismic Network data
Structure and interaction of biomolecules studied by a combined application of mass spectrometry and informatics
Structure and robustness of regional supplier networks
Structure and secretory activity of floral nectary, specific metabolites of the nectar in some medicinal plants
Structure and thermodynamics of hydrogen-bonded liquids: from pure water to alcohol-water mixtures
Structure determination of bioligands and their functional metal complexes in solid and solution phases
Structure determination of biological particles with X-ray free-electron laser
Structure elucidation of natural compounds and their synthetic derivates
Structure evolution and biological properties of biogenic nanosized hydroxyapatite-based composites
Structure evolution and biological properties of biogenic nanosized hydroxyapatite-based composites
Structure of cave carbonates - Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of carbonate polymorph formation processes in speleothems
Structure of cave carbonates - Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of carbonate polymorph formation processes in speleothems
Structure of Space and Society in Divided Towns
Structure, dynamics, mechanics and interactions of cytoskeletal proteins: from single molecules to supramolecular systems
Structure, dynamics, mechanics and interactions of cytoskeletal proteins: from single molecules to supramolecular systems
Structure, transport mechanism, physiological role and subcellular localization of five lipid transporters (ABCC6, ABCG5, ABCG8, ABCG1 és ABCG4).
Structure-antioxidant relationships of leaf carotenoids and secondary metabolites
Structure-based identification and characterization of new receptor ligands
Structure-Based Superresolution Ultrasound Imaging
Structure-function analysis of mitochondrial alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex mutations causing nervous system impairment
Structure-function relationship of endotoxins
Structure-function studies of the TrpM2 cation channel involved in ischaemic brain damage.
Structure-logic-function relationships in gene regulatory networks
Structured Nonlinear Programming Problems: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Structures and applications of micro- and mesoporous solids
Strucural grammar of Hungarian. 4. The structure of the lexicon
Stucture, chaos and simplification
Student mobility
Student's conceptual development and conceptual change in chemical education
Studies for the development of state-independent classical model of the water molecule
Studies for the origin and significance of hepatic ductular reactions
Studies into the ecological characters of agrobiont invertebrates in their agricultural and natural habitats
Studies of adsorption and catalysis using the DRIFT spectroscopic method
Studies of biological processes of the cell using the methods of statistical physics
Studies of catalytic carbonylation
Studies of celestial radio sources at the highest angular resolution
Studies of complex networks
Studies of non-specific health problems
Studies of the interactions of carbon sequestration and the nitrogen cycle of forest ecosystems
Studies of various fatty acids with different metabolic roles in domestic animals
Studies on anti-apoptosis mechanisms in models of brain ischaemia/hypoxia
Studies on biochemical engineering up stream and down stream processes.
Studies on circulating microRNA and extracellular vesicles for the diagnosis of adrenal tumours
studies on complete systems and structural proterties of automata
Studies on endogenous peptidergic regulation of myocardial contractility
Studies on extracellular vesicle heterogeneity
Studies on factors influencing the antioxidant system in mammalian animal species
Studies on genome evolution and stability by engineering a reduced Escherichia coli genome
Studies on Khanty Syntax
Studies on mechanisms in the pulmonary remote effect of mesenteric ischaemia-reperfusion
Studies on metal binding ability of new siderophore models: Factors affecting the interaction between hydroxamic acids and metal ions
Studies on metal homeostasis in plants
Studies on N-turnover of field site in "soil + crop" system for development of N-fertilisation
Studies on natural and semisynthetic carotenoids
Studies on neuro- and cytoprotective machanisms.
Studies on non-coding RNA in endocrine tumors
Studies on photodegradation mechanisms of pesticides, as well as modelling their environmental and biological impacts
Studies on psoriasis susceptibility regulatory networks
Studies on Quaternary surface evolution in the Mid-Transdanubian region bz Surface Processes Modelling (SPM), remotely sensed data and field observations
Studies on Settlement Archaeology and Environmental History in Southern Transdanubia (14th-17th centuries)
Studies on Settlement Archaeology and Environmental History in Southern Transdanubia (14th-17th centuries)
Studies on sources of Ottoman language and history. Bibilographic works.
Studies on the ability of human immunodeficiency virus activate latent human herpesvirus-6 and to infect NK cells
Studies on the bovine FcRn mediated IgG catabolism and epithelial transport at molecular levelA szarvasmarha neonatalis Fc receptor (bFcRn) által mediált IgG katabolizmus és epithelialis transzport molekuláris szintű elemzése
Studies on the cell division cycle of yeasts
Studies on the conformational transition of the prion protein to protease-resistant forms.
Studies on the development, pathogenicity and host specifiticy of fisch myxosporeans by experimental and molecular biological methods
Studies on the effects of signaling-specific agonists
Studies on the etiopathigensis of thrombotic microangiopathies
Studies on the fertilizing ability of Mangalica boars with special emphasis on the testicular endocrine and exocrine function
Studies on the function of human complement factor H family proteins
Studies on the immunological role of postsynthetic protein- and lipid modifications
Studies on the modified abiotic stress tolerance of transplastomic tobacco plants: the role of chloroplast antioxidants
Studies on the modified abiotic stress tolerance of transplastomic tobacco plants: the role of chloroplast antioxidants
Studies on the ontogenesis of the antioxidatn system in mammalian animal species
Studies on the pathomechanism of benign and malign hiperproliferative as well as inflammatory skin diseases by means of functional genomics
Studies on the potential biomedical applications of extracellular vesicles
Studies on the potential therapeutic target genes of fish pathogen myxozoan parasites
Studies on the potential therapeutic target genes of fish pathogen myxozoan parasites
Studies on the redoxi properties of copper(II)-oligopeptides and peptide-derivatives systems
Studies on the relationship between parkinsonism-associated mood disorders and the centrally projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Studies on the retroviral protease in the early phase of life-cycle
Studies on the role of complement in antibody mediated rejection of kidney transplants
Studies on written sources of Ottoman Turkish literature. Bibliographical works.
Study and edition of mediaeval manuscripts and manuscript fragments in Hungarian collections
Study and edition of mediaeval manuscripts and manuscripts fragments in Hungarian public sollections
Study and preparation of the documents and other contemporary sources of the Hungarian electrical engineering industry
Study of 17th and 18th century sources of the history of aristocratic art collections in Hungary
Study of actinide compounds by quantum chemical calculations
Study of activity patterns on Orthoptera insects in the habitat grassland in Mezőföld
Study of amorphisation of crystalline drug substances
Study of anaerobic effluent demethanization by membrane contactors in a novel, integrated bioprocess
Study of application possibilities of infrared and Raman spectroscopy and microscopy in characterisation of phisiological condition of the human body
Study of Bose-Einstein Condensates by Means of Inverse and Algebraic Scattering Theory
Study of chromatin structural changes during Double Strand Break repair
Study of conformational equilibrium and coordinational modes of alicyclic beta-aminoacid derivatives- copper(II) complexes by two-dimensional ESR method
Study of Cosmological Large Scale Structure with Observations and Simulations
Study of cytoskeletal abnormalities in neuropsychiatric disorders
Study of early evolutionary stages of Solar type stars
Study of ecophysiological background processes at two ILTER Sites in Bükk Mountains
Study of Electrochemical Effects on Bioproduct Separation by Electrodialysis
Study of elektrosorption: a bridge between the investigations in elektrochemistry, elektrocatalysis, corrosion and colloid chemistry.
Study of endophyte-plant interactions with metabolomic techniques in horseradish
Study of enzymatic esterification reactions in ionic liquid media in integrated system
Study of exceptional nuclear effects in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
Study of extreme resistance genes in wild Solanum species to the tuber necrotic ringspot strain of potato virus Y by traditional and molecular methods
Study of factors modifying allelopathy on weeds and crops
Study of fundamental chemical processes of biomass utilization
Study of fundamental interactions and exotic nuclear states with lasers and particle beams
Study of fundamental symmetries using antiprotons
Study of geoeffective solar and interplanetary phenomena
Study of gravitational wave production in general relativity
Study of high transfer momentum phenomena
Study of horizontal migration tendencies of fertilizer and toxic elements in soils of a catchment area
Study of human genotoxicity: An Update and practical considerations
Study of hypnosis from the perspective of evolutionary psychology
Study of inhibitor sensitivity of Acetolactate Synthase(ALS) enzyme in Sonchus arvensis populations
Study of interaction between Epstein-Barr virus and INK4a/ARF tumor suppressor genes in etiopathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma and B-cell limphomas
Study of interfacial energies and phenomena in systems containing liquid metals
Study of intermolecular interactions in controlled drug release systems
Study of iodine accumulation and translocation processes of plants cultivated in hydroponic system
Study of ion channels in various regions of the venticular wall in mammalian and human myocardium
Study of laser-induced ultrafast processes on metal surfaces.
Study of macrophyte-algal interaction
Study of macrophyte-algal interaction
Study of mitochondrial genoms of hybrid alder Phytophtoras
Study of molecular interactions in liquid chromatography
Study of molecularly imprinted polymers
Study of mycorrhizae on the Great Hungarian Plain
Study of natural disturance patterns in submontane deciduous woods using remote sensing techniques
Study of new paramagnetic nitroxides and their precursors: Dual bioactive compounds
Study of new Phytophthora disease in common alder stands
Study of nonlinear and pulsation magnetohydrodynamical processes in the near-Earth region by the aid of geomagnetic and in-situ satellite magnetic records
Study of nuclear reactions on rare noble gas isotopes relevant to nuclear astrophysics
Study of pathogenic role of new human polyomaviruses
Study of phosphate species in soils by radioistopic labeling
Study of photocatalytic systems based on immobilized excitable species
Study of photospheric horizontal flows
Study of polarization of dielectrics modeled on the molecular level in bulk phase and in inhomogenious enviroment
Study of properties and effects of airborne particles based on ion beam analytical methods
Study of protein-carbohydrate interactions with in vivo experiments
Study of proteins that determine the texture of wheat grain in in vitro systems
Study of QCD effects in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Study of regulation and expression of extracellular matrix proteins encoding genes
Study of relativistic effects on the magnetic properties of bulk materials and nanostructures
Study of retrovial proteinases to understand development of resistance and their use in regulation of biological processes
Study of rhizosphere processes during phytoremediation
Study of root to shoot carbon transport in Arabidopsis and barley as a means to improve drought tolerance and photosynthetic performance
Study of singularities and holomorphic geometry
Study of strong interaction dynamics at energies of colliders in the XXI. century
Study of sturgeon herpesvirus and its comparison with other herpesviruses causing veterinary problems
Study of the adaptation process of waterfowl originated influenza A viruses to new host and role of the NEG8 protein in the viral life cycle
Study of the archaeological material from the Eastern cemetery of the Civil Town of Aquincum
Study of the biological function of telomerase enzyme with a new, chemically modified oligonucleotide telomerase inhibitor in tumor cells
Study of the Chemistry of Natural Products and Related Compounds of Potential Biological Activity
Study of the diversity of adenoviruses and some other viruses in vertebrate animals
Study of the dust and gas components of young debris disks using infrared and millimeter techniques
Study of the dynamics and structure of sophisticated stochastic systems
Study of the effect of chelating ligands on the photoactivaton of half-sandwich type Ru(II) complexes
Study of the effect of infochemical stimuli in neuropteran insects
Study of the efficiency and mechanism of stabilizers in polyolefins under various conditions
Study of the factors determining the excent and mechanism of polymer degradation, as well as certain aspects of its stabilization
Study of the formation mechanism of in-situ compound phases produced by laser alloying and subsequent heat treatment
Study of the formation mechanism of in-situ compound phases produced by laser alloying and subsequent heat treatment
Study of the Hungarian Late Cretaceous Archosauria fauna
Study of the indicatory role of the nitrogen metabolism enzyme glutamine synthetase in wheat exposed to abiotic stress
Study of the interaction between the mechanisms controling the neurotransmitter levels of the sympathetic nervous system and the production of inflammatory mediators
Study of the interactions between colonic epithelial barrier and mucus in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome
Study of the mass-transfer and adsorption processes for high-performance separation of biomolecules
Study of the mechanical properties of the cells and biocomposites
Study of the mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias and repolarization, antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic drug action
Study of the mechanism of deNOx reactions on supported noble metal catalysts
Study of the Middle Miovene of the Várpalota Neogene basin
Study of the molecular bases of the overexpression of wheat 1Bx7 HMW glutenin subunit
Study of the molecular mechanisms of antiviral RNA silencing in Solanaceous plants
Study of the neurochemical background of depression
Study of the physical and chemical factors affecting the formation probability and rectivity of the positronium atom in solutions
Study of the possible interaction between selected respiratory pathogens and fumonisin B1 toxin in pigs using modern imaging techniques
Study of the possible interaction between selected respiratory pathogens and fumonisin B1 toxin in pigs using modern imaging techniques
Study of the relationships between the fragmented environmental factors along the climatic gradient of the Danube River and the composition and productivity of sandy grasslands and selected physical, chemical and biological soil properties
Study of the role of cell-autonomous and non cell-autonomous processes in the degeneration of motor neurons
Study of the role of deiminated protein antigens in the pathomechanism and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
Study of the structure of nuclei close to the driplines using radioactive ion beams
Study of the structure-retention relationships in chiral separations applying potential pharmacons as model compounds
Study of the subunit structure of Arabidopsis SCF-SnRK ubiquitin ligase complexes and functional analysis of the subunits
Study of the thermally induced group-migration reaction of the triorganotin(IV)-complexes in the solid-state and melt and the classification of these reactions based on the X-ray structural data
Study of the thermodynamical, structural, optical and rheological properties of polydisperse ferrofluids and electrorheological fluids
Study of the virus infection of the Hungarian vineyards
Study on Early Planktonic Foraminifers, Taxonomy, Origin, Evolutionary History and their Connection with the Global Changing
Study on membrane-microbial interactions to understand the biologically-induced fouling of ionic liquid-containing membrane separators used in microbial fuel cells
Study on periods of Holocene sand movement, and on wind erosional hazard and the possible ways of protection determined by laboratory and field measurements
Study on planning, conducting, and reporting of clinical trials
Study on secondary organic aerosol formation
Study on solid sampling spectrochemical methods for the analysis of optical crystals
Study on the attachment of labelled lipoproteins to the atheromas and tumor-cells
Study on the complement activating ability of human and bacterial heat-shock proteins
Study on the long-term effect of soil management and nutrient supply on the weeds
Study on the mitochondrial genome organisation of some microscopic fungi
Study on the phenomenon of using the "i" sound in the Sárrét dialect
Study on the role of barley annexins in plant abiotic stress response
Study on the selective effects of intensive culture environment on different pikeperch stocks
Study os space structure and stability of unnatural beta-amino acid containing foldamers
Studying ageing related phenomena in bacteria using holographic optical tweezers
Studying antioxidants in small fruits in relation to cultivars, locations and nitrogen status
Studying Electrochemical Processes Having a Key Role in Energy Conversion and Storage
Studying electrodynamical coupling between the troposphere and ionosphere by ELF radiation of lightning
Studying electrodynamical coupling between the troposphere and ionosphere by ELF radiation of lightning
Studying functional properties of wheat storage proteins in a model system
Studying gene products that regulate de- and remyelination.
Studying novel forms of interleukin receptor signaling: from single molecule resolution to the genomic level
Studying of Fusarium blight resistance and quality of the old Hungarian wheat varieties
Studying of the acidity of important hungarian woods
Studying of the effect of innate immunity in immunopathogenetic intestinal diseases
Studying oncogenes and functional proteins with up-to-date methods in trophoblastic diseases
Studying oncogenes and functional proteins with up-to-date methods in trophoblastic diseases
Studying our global, regional, and local electromagnetic environment with ELF transients
Studying our global, regional, and local electromagnetic environment with ELF transients
Studying regulatory genes induced at low temperature in wheat
Studying the effect of heterogeneous chemical environments on bacteria using microfluidic devices
Studying the effect of the therapy of polymyositis/dermatomyositis on the pathological immunological responses
Studying the immune tolerance in pregnancy
Studying the inheritance of scale pattern and other linked traits of fishes
Studying the intra- and extracellular presence and the potential tumor biology (associated) role of gamma-aminobutyric acid in human breast cancers
Studying the nutrient supply of soil and compatibility of symbiotic partners in mycorrhiza dependency at several agricultural crops
Studying the peripartal period and physiological responses to heat stress in cattle and small ruminants
Studying the physiological concerns of obstetrical assistance in dairy cattle for the improvement of vitality of newborn calves underwent dystocic births and for the reduction of postpartum pain in the dams and their calves
Studying the physiological concerns of obstetrical assistance in dairy cattle for the improvement of vitality of newborn calves underwent dystocic births and for the reduction of postpartum pain in the dams and their calves
Studying the polarotaxis of aquatic arthropods and complex optical ecological traps in the aspect of conservation biology
Studying the possibility of selection and heritabilty of some behaviour forms on geese
Studying the protein-protein interactions and functional properties of the wheat storage proteins in a gluten free model system
Studying the role of selective autophagy in Drosophila health and neurodegeneration
Studying the role of Src-like adaptor protein in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
Studying the roles of tissue transglutaminase in inflammation and differentiation
Studying the various pathogenic factors in the develoment of acne vulgaris
Sub-national diplomacy in the international arena
Subcellular studies of protein phosphatase-oxidative stress relationships in model plants
Subcortical control of fear memory
Subjective Quality of Life and the Effect of Social Network
Submicron scale metamorphic processes in Óbrennberg Micaschist from the Sopron area
Submicron scale metamorphic processes in Óbrennberg Micaschist from the Sopron area
Subpallial systems in avian learning
Subsistence strategies in the Hun and Gepidic period Carpathian Basin
Subsitence strategies of poor households. Regional and ethnic differences
Substatiation of adaptation of composites in agriculture
Substitution of polyolefins with microbial polyesters
Substrate specificity and physiological relevance of MBL-associated serine proteases
Subtype-specific tumoral plasticity and heterogeneity in small cell lung cancer
Success and failure - the causes of success and failure in economic transformation in Visegrad countries
Sufism, magic and Islamic arts
Sufism, Magic and Islamic Arts
Summation and Gábor analysis
Summer School of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology (V4SDB)
Summing up our 27 years long Turkic folk music research (study, archives, Internet)
Supercapacitors and catalyst layers based on conducting polymers
Superferromagnetism in nanostructures
Supernatural Beings in Folk Epics of the Volga Turks
Supernatural Communication in Central and Eastern Europe
Supernovae & their environments
Supplier networks in Hungary
Supply chain and network performance and relationships in the agribusiness sector
Support for attending the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference
support for participation in the annual conference of the International Association for Assyriology
Support for the participation at the conference D&A 2022
Support for the participation at the conferences D&A 2022 and PSE2021+
Support for the Rule of Law. The Ccultural Preconditions of a Strong and Stable Rule of Law
Support of participation on an international sleep research conference
Support of publication activity related to the OTKA-funded proposal "Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of germination in agriculturally important plant species"
Support of Review of Sociology
Support of the periodical ''Közgazdasági Szemle''
Supporting of the Group Technolgy Based Design, Planning and Scheduling by Means of Discrete Mathematical Models and Methods
Suppression of self-excited vibration in manufacturing processes
Supramolecular chemistry in solid state
Supramolecular interactions and polymorphy, effect of temperature and pressure
Surface activity of heteroatom doped graphene derivatives
Surface energy and electrode processes at solid electrodes
Surface mechanical treatment and amorphization by severe plastic deformation
Surface properties of monumental stone and restoration mortar: monitoring the changes
Surface singularities and contact topology
Surfaceome analysis during in vitro chondrogenesis
Surgical reconstruction of localized alveolar ridge defects – comparative clinical, surface scanning, radiographic, wound healing, circulatory and histological evaluation of two different flap designs /A prospective randomized controlled trial/
Surrogate modeling for the solution of electromagnetic inverse problems
Surrogate production of genome edited fish
Survey of the Competitiveness Factors of Spas and Health Resorts in Hungary and Central European Regions
Survey of the urban surface geometry (buildings and trees) aiming urban climate investigations
Survey on the regional use of language in Veszprém country
Survival in Diaries and Personal Documents: Everyday Life of Hungarian Jewish Deportees in Concentration and Forced Labor Camps (1944–1945)
Sustainability and Law
Sustainability aspects in supply chain management
Sustainability Challenges of Innovative Business Models - the Case of Prosumption
Sustainable and responsible business under a Degrowth scenario
Sustainable consumption patterns,behavioral strategies and knowledge use in the Hungarian society. A social scientific analysis of sustainable food and energy consumption
Sustainable consumption? Trends and potentials in Hungary.
Sustainable development and consumption with clean technologies and renewable raw materials and energies
Sustainable development of agriculture: relationship between climate change and socio-economic factors pf land use%
Sustainable fluorous chemistry
Sustainable happiness through happy sustainability
Sustainable liquid biofuels (bioethanol, biodisel) production and their multifunctional impact
Sustainable nutrient supply of crops of Hungary, construction of a simulation method
Sustainable public procurement
Sustainable school catering - Reduction of school food waste and modelling the reuse of unserved food
Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainable synthesis of functional bioactive heterocycles
Svejkian ferry countries? Geopolitical identities in East Central Europe
Switchable activation of electron rich polyphosphorus-framework structures
Switchable-polarity solvents/solutes for closed-loop osmotic energy generation and catalytic reactions
Symbolic landscapes and ethnic relations in Russia
Symbols that Bind and Break Communities: Saints’ Cults as Stimuli and Expressions of Local, Regional, National and Universalist Identities
Symmetries in atomic nuclei: from phenomenology to microscopy
Symmetries in quantum mechanical many-body problems: general aspects and nuclear physical applications
Symmetry and bifurcations of optima
Symmetry and Group Actions in Algebraic Topology
Syn- and epigenetic hydrothermal processes in Jurassic submarine magmatic rocks of Neotethyan origin (NE-Hungary, N-Italy)
Synaptic and dendritic mechanisms underlying information coding by hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons
Synaptic connectivity changes in Alzheimer’s disease
Synaptic modulation and the effect of gamma-hydroxybutiric acid in the nucleus accumbens and in the vantral tegmental area
Synaptic relations of propriospinal and supraspinally projecting neurons in laminae I-IV. of the spinal dorsal horn
Synapto-dendritic processing involved in hippocampal memory coding
Synchronized Motion Learning in Preschool Children
Synergetic Chemomechanical Patterns in Deformable Chemically Active Media
Synergetic effect of carotenoids , polyunsaturated lipids and PSI monomerization in temperature and light stress responses
Synergism in the redox reactions of osmium tetroxide and periodate ion
Synergistic interactions between nicotinic and NMDA receptor agents in preclinical animal models of neurocognitive disorders: neuroimaging, electrophysiology and behavior
Synergy of Wide-Field Surveys - Space and Ground
Synods and Assemblies of the Catholic Church in Hungary (1790–2010)
Synods and Assemblies of the Catholic Church in Hungary (1790–2010)
Syntactic optionality in Hungarian
Syntax and textual semantics of the verbal voice from Latin to Modern French
Syntheses of bioorthogonally applicable fluorescent reagents
Syntheses of bioorthogonally applicable fluorescent reagents
Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of semisynthetic glycopeptides and multivalent carbohydrates
Synthesis and application of carbohydrate-based crown ethers
Synthesis and application of chiral fluorous phase soluble ligands for catalysts
Synthesis and application of conditionally activatable photolabile linkers for light controlled targeted delivery of bioactive molecules
Synthesis and application of crown ether-based sensor and selector molecules
Synthesis and application of new diamagnetic and paramagnetic fluorophores
Synthesis and application of new thiourea, amide and sulfonamide type organocatalysts containing heterocycle subunits
Synthesis and application of new, therapeutically relevant bispecific antibody-drug conjugates
Synthesis and application of the radiolabelled peptide hormon receptor radiopharmaceuticals as a new tumor diagnostic tools in PET
Synthesis and Application of Visible Light-Responsive Π-Conjugated Polymer–Semiconducting Oxide Nanoassemblies for Photocatalytic Detoxification of Wastewaters
Synthesis and biological effect investigations of antiandrogen cardenolide analogues
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ferrocenyl-substituted- and ferroceno-condensed heterocycles
Synthesis and biological investigation of carbohydrate containing C- and CH2- sulfonic and that of the sugar sulfopeptides
Synthesis and biological studies of sulfonic acid derivatives of carbohydrates
Synthesis and biological study of heparin-analogue oligosaccharides with potential cell growth inhibitory activity
Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic polymers and Block Copolymers
Synthesis and characterization of electronically conducting polymers with new properties
Synthesis and characterization of light emitting and high-spin polymers
Synthesis and characterization of micro-/mesoporous composite zeolite analogue ferrisilicates
Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticle/polymer coatings with long-lasting antimicrobial and antiviral properties
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Ruthenium-Hydroxamate Complexes
Synthesis and characterization of novel, mutitargeted metal complexes with likely anticancer activity
Synthesis and characterization of polynuclear ruthenium(II) complexes of solvent tunable phosphorescence
Synthesis and characterization of smart fluorescent polymers
Synthesis and functional characterization of new peptide/protein bioconjugates
Synthesis and healing of the osteoporotic bone.
Synthesis and investigation of beta-amyloid peptide antagonists against Alzheimer`s disease
Synthesis and investigation of medical application of functional biocompatible and biodegradable gels
Synthesis and investigations of bioactive octa- and hexadeca-meric compounds
Synthesis and solution equilibrium studies of new, functionalised derivatives of peptides
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on turn structured models
Synthesis and spirocyclization of bis-C,C-glycopyranosyl compounds
Synthesis and structural characterization of bioploymer-metal ion complexes in solutions and in the solid state; the effect of coordination chemical parameters on the nanometric morphology of the complexes formed
Synthesis and structural characterization of self-assembled organometallic compounds
Synthesis and structural study of heterocycles of potential pharmacological activities
Synthesis and studies of sensor molecules containing heterocyclic units
Synthesis and Study of Chiroptical and Pharmacological Properties of Naturally Occurring O- and N-heterocycles and Related Compounds
Synthesis and surface characterization of oxide-based coatings and layer-structured matarials“.
Synthesis and sustainable applications of metal-free asymmetric catalysts
Synthesis and utilization of aminophosphonate and aminophosphine oxide derivatives
Synthesis and utilization of nitroxide free radicals and their precursors as sensors and possible biologically active molecules
Synthesis of 1,3 - dipoles and their cycloaddition reactions in the 13a-estrone series
Synthesis of 1,4-benzodioxane-type compounds with antyhyperglycemic activity
Synthesis of 11C-labeled precursors and radiopharmaceuticals in high specific activity for Positron Emission Tomography.
Synthesis of 6-deoxy-L-talopyranoside-containing Idraparinux derivatives with potential anticoagulant activity
Synthesis of alkaloid derivatives
Synthesis of antiviral and antibacterial agents against dangerous viruses and resistant bacteria
Synthesis of biochemical pathways and solution of analogous problems
Synthesis of C-glycosyl heterocycles for glycogen phosphorylase inhibition
Synthesis of calixarene based receptors
Synthesis of cell adhesion peptide derivatives as potential cytostatic agents
Synthesis of Chiral Compounds via Regio- and Stereoselective Reactions of Polar Organometallics
Synthesis of diazine derivatives; studies of structure-reactivity and structure-biological activity relationships
Synthesis of effective antitumoricidal compounds with the combination of target and drug molecules
Synthesis of enantiomerically pure 2-iso-oxa- and 2-isocephems
Synthesis of galanthamine and its derivatives
Synthesis of glyco and phosphopeptides
Synthesis of glycoenzyme inhibitors
Synthesis of glycomimetics from anhydro-aldimines
Synthesis of heterocyclic aminophosphonate and aminophosphine oxide derivatives via multicomponent reactions
Synthesis of heterocyclic molecules in photocatalytic transformations
Synthesis of highly-disperse ceramic powders and fullerene derivatives in thermal plasmas
Synthesis of indole terpenoids using cascade reactions
Synthesis of macrocyclic receptors capable of biomolecular recognition
Synthesis of mannose containing bacterial and glycoprotein oligosaccharides
Synthesis of monomer indole alkaloids and related compounds
Synthesis of monoterpene-based beta-amino acid derivatives from natural sources: versatile building blocks and catalysts
Synthesis of morphinandienes and their transformation into biologically active compounds
Synthesis of natural organic compounds
Synthesis of new antibiotic derivatives
Synthesis of new flame retardant polymers via olefin metathesis
Synthesis of new generations of ligands. Development of highly selective and active catalytic systems.
Synthesis of new spirocyclic glycomimetics
Synthesis of nitrogen-containing exo-heterocyclic steroids
Synthesis of novel antioxidants and investigation of mechanism of action
Synthesis of novel heterocycles in the androstane and estrane series
Synthesis of novel natural compound – steroid hybrid molecules as potencial antitumor derivatives
Synthesis of O-heterocycles of potential biological activity and study of their chiroptical properties
Synthesis of sex-hormone-derived ring-condensed heterocyclic steroids possessing antiproliferative activity
Synthesis of small molecules for studying macromolecules and supramolecular systems
Synthesis of spacer-armed oligosaccharide series of poly-β-(1→6)-N-acetyl glucosamine and their protein conjugates
Synthesis of special separation methods, chemical networks and processes
Synthesis of stable nitroxide free radicals for studies of biological systems
Synthesis of Steroid Compounds
Synthesis of sulfonic acid analogues of bioactive carbohydrates-sulfate esters, carbohydrate-C-sulfonates and carbohydrate-methylene-sulfonates
Synthesis of sulfonic acid analogues of sialic acids and investigation of their neuraminidase inhibitory effect
Synthesis stuctural and thermodynamic characterization of nanohybrid systems at solid-liquid interfaces
Synthesis, molecular recognition and application of crown ethers containing nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus atoms
Synthesis, molecular recognition studies and application of crown ethers containing heterocyclic units
Synthesis, molecular recognition studies and applications of crown ether derivatives
Synthesis, spectroscopy, and structure of furoxanes and their transition metal complexes
Synthesis, structure and reactivity of manganese complexes with polyamine oxime ligands
Synthesis, structure determination and biological evaluation of potential anticancer ferrocene-cinchona hybrids modified with structural elements of approved therapeutic agents
Synthesis, structure determination and complex instrumental (NMR, IR, UP, Mössbauer spectroscopic and x-ray diffraction) study on organometallic compounds - ferrocenyl-substituted heterocycles - end their peptide derivatives with expected biological
Synthesis, structure determination and complex spectroscopic study of ferrocene-substituted heterocycles and their derivatives
Synthesis, structure investigation and biological role of peptides, proteins and peptide nucleic acids
Synthesis, structure, molecular dynamic, stereochemical and systematic spectroscopic study of ferrocenyl derivatives, heterocycles and their poly- and macrocyclic derivatives and glycosides.
Synthesis, studies and applications of enantioselective catalysts, sensor and selector molecules
Synthetic and NMR studies of peptides and carbohydrates
Synthetic Biology of Bacterial Genome Architecture
Synthetic chromo/fluorogenic receptors for recognition of biomolecules and ions
Synthetic chromo/fluorogenic receptors for recognition of biomolecules and ions
Synthetic modification and biological investigation of glycopeptide and cyclitol antibiotics
Synthsesis of new C-glycosylated O-heterocycles with linkers of various lengths
System modelling from measurement data: hibrid-neural approach
System theory aproach of the information of the biological signals for diagnostics
Systematic analysis of the Hsp90 interactome in C. elegans
Systematic biochemical study of DNA transactions performed by members of the SWI/SNF2 family of proteins
Systematic characterization of bacterial resistance evolution against peptidomimetics, a promising class of novel antibiotics
Systematic design and analysis of reaction-diffusion and chemomechanical patterns
Systematic design of chemical oscillators using complexation and precipitation equilibria
Systematic discovery of modules integrating virus- and host-induced responses in dendritic cells
Systematic Quantum Chemical Calculations for Studying Structure and Energetics of Biomolecules
Systematics and paleobiogeographical-paleoecological evaluation of Tertiary cephalopods from Hungary
Systematics and phylogeny of SE Asian bats and their viruses
Systematization of the 'New Style' of Hungarian Folk Music and making it Available for International Research
Systems biology analysis of transcriptome noise as an alternative mutator phenotype in cancer, utilizing large-scale sequencing data
Systems level profiling of cell growth and death promoting MAP kinase networks
Systems-level investigation of yeast communities
Szent Demeter - Magyarország elfeledett védőszentje (Kairosz - Paulus Hungarus)
Szociális viselkedés epigenezisének vizsgálata nyulakon
Szoros kettőscsillagok vizsgálata
Sztereoselective synthesis and stereochemical analysis of bioactive condensed heterocycles and axially chiral biaryls
T cell activating Natural Killer cells (TaNK) as “off-the-shelf” biotherapeutic for HER2-positive solid tumors
Taking care of Mikola-inheritage
Talk at the conference Elemementary and Analytic Number Theory
Taphonomy of fossil bones and teeth based on rare earth element geochemistry: a tool for determining palaeoecological, biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significances of mixed vertebrate assemblages
Taqxonomical studies of some plant species with vegetation historical interest of the Hungarian flora
Target assisted evolution of foldameric ligands against the p300/HIF-1alpha interaction
Target identification of the NADPH oxidase DUOX1
Targeted DNA methylation: new approaches to increase the number of targetable sites and targeting specificity
Targeted drug delivery across the blood-brain-barrier by nanoparticles
Targeted isolation of secondary plant metabolites to discover new pharmacologically active natural compounds
Targeted multiarmed polypeptide nanocarriers for drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier
Targeted Photoablation of Malignant Melanoma by Tethered Hsp90 Inhibitors
Targeted tumor therapy with GnRH-II analogues
Targeting K-Ras expressing cancer cells by drug carrier cyclodextrins via macropinocytosis
Targeting of epitope or antimicrobial peptides and derivatives to macrophages
Targeting of plasma membrane Ca2+ATPases and their role in shaping the Ca2+ signal.
Targeting of plasma membrane Ca2+ATPases and their role in shaping the Ca2+ signal.
Targeting the sites of infection: peptide derivatives and peptide-decorated nanoparticles for host cell targeted delivery of antimicrobial agents
Targets and specificity determinants of SAGA and ATAC histone acetyltransferase complexes
Taste of young and education of taste
Tata-Porhanyó Middle Palaeolithic Site
Taxonimical studies on some important groups of palearctic and tropical oribatids with identification keys
Taxonómiai, filogenetikai és kospeciációs vizsgálatok rág-csálókban (Rodentia) élősködő galandférgeken (Eucestoda: Cyclophyllidea, Anoplocephalidae, Anoplocephalinae)
Taxonomic and ecological aspects of genetic variability in moss populations
Taxonomic and faunistic studies of Afrotropical big-headed flies (Diptera, Pipunculidae)
Taxonomic research on Oriental Diptera
Taxonomic revision of the southern birch mice, superspecies Sicista subtilis
Taxonomic vs. trait based approaches for characterizing aquatic communities – consistency, disharmony or complementarity?
Taxonomic, trait and phylogenetic diversity of grassland plant communities in fragmented landscapes
Taxonomical investigation and monographic treatment of the insect family Coniopterygidae (Neuroptera)
Taxonomical study of Afrotropical Diptera
Taxonomical, mycopathological and epidemiological investigation of Trichoderma strains causing "green mold" disease, a serious problem in mushroom cultivation
Taxonomical, taphonomical, paleoecological and stratigraphical investigations of the most important Midddle Pleistocene terrestrial site (Somssich-hegy 2, Villány) in Hungary
Taxonomy and biochronology of Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians from Hungary: relations with global paleoceanographic events
Taxonomy and diversity of important ectomycorrhizal fungal genera in Hungary
Taxonomy, host range and phenology of Thysanoptera larvae
Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Subtribe Poliina (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Teacher Quality, Career Progression and Student-Teacher Matching - a Value-Added based Analysis
Teachers' intercultural beliefes and their impact on the classroom practice
Teaching methods facilitating meaningful learning
Teaming spectroscopy and quantum theory of Photosystem II
Technical Modernisation in the 21th Century and the Law in an Interdisciplinar Approach, particularly for the Criminal Law
Technical, technological and quality connections of drying cereals and oleaginous seeds
Technological Advance and Institutional Change: A Co-evolution and Developmental Paths
Technological and structural change
Technology transfer in the knowledge-based economy: organizational changes
Tectonic history of the Transdanubian Range and related areas between 150 and 50 Ma: integrated paleomagnetic, microtectonic sedimetological and paleogeographic study
TECTOP-Hungary. Ongoing deformation pattern and tectonic topography in Hungary: Active structures, seismotectonic habitat, river network development and dynamics of basin inversion
Telechelic and block copolymers
Telemanipulation in Intelligent Space
Téli sózásnak kitett, gőzölt vesbeton szerkezet tartósságá-nak elvi kérdései
Temperature-Composation Chemical Oscillators
Temporal and spatial comparison of the paleofluid evolution in the Szeghalom dome and in the neighbrouring metamorphic highs
Temporal and spatial evolution of ultrashort light pulses
Temporal dynamics of the social structures of science
Temporally varying fine-structure constant in astrophysics
temportal changes in work attitudes and international comparison
Ten years after: Hungarian grand entrepreneurs in the European Union
Tendencies of European Integration with Special Regard to Integration Models and to the Development of the Law of International Economic Relations
Tender for participation on an international conference regarding DNA repair
Terahertz driven particle acceleration
Terminal differentiation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in symbiosis
Termo-optically induced structural changes in photosynthetic systems
Terrestrial environment reconstruction, ecosystem dynamics and palaeoclimate during the Oligocene at the Inner Carpathian Region.
Test of the Standard Model in electron-positron and proton-proton collisions
Testing astrophysical models and cosmic distance scale determination based on stellar pulsation
Testing environmental and landscape factors as drivers of diversity in dry grassland fragments
Testing metacommunity paradigms in ecosystem restoration
Testing the trypanocidal, amoebicidal activity of novel S-containing sugar derivatives: structure – activity investigations.
Testosteron induced heme oxygenase regulation in rat model
Text analytics and Social Media research
Text and Picture in the "Album Amicorum" : Corresponding Media in Hungarian 'Germanica' of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Text Linguistics and Narratology
Textual and philological research on baroque poetry of the 17th and 18th centuries
Textual Criticism in the Interpretation of Social Context: Byzantium and Beyond
Textual Research in Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist Monasteries
Textual-development of the Medieval Canonical Collections
Thalamic pathways of grand mal epilepsy
The Late Antique Jug with hunting scenes from Budakalász
THE "GREAT GENERATION" OF HUNGARIAN GRAPHICS AND THE ARTIST’S COLONY OF SZOLNOK A comparative research of the works of Margit Ágotha, Mihály Gácsi and Csaba Rékassy
The "ontological insecurity" of psychoanalysis and psychiatry in the cultural frame of Post-modern medicine
The accomodation of parties in Western Europe and Hungary. Adaptability and fonction change in the 90s and today
The Achilles heel of the libraries
The activation of carbon monoxide: transition metal complexes and their application in homogeneous catalytic carbonylation reactions
The administrative and legal sources of the Transylvanian Principality
The age of symbolism and avant-garde in russian art (a bilingual textbook)
The Ages of Political Communication
The Aging Human Hippocampal Network: Loss of Specificity
The agricultural and technical challenge for tillage mechinery in the Computer Aided Agriculture (CAF)
The analysis of sarcomere structure and assembly mechanisms at the nanoscale level
The Analysis of Space-time Events with Deep Learning Methods
The Analysis of the Avar Period Cemetery from Budakalász
The analysis of the phonetic structures of spontaneous speech
The analytic theory of automorphic forms
The animal health and food-safety significance of hepatitis E virus in swine and rabbit
The animal health and food-safety significance of hepatitis E virus in swine and rabbit
The annual workshop and conference of Epimodern Research Allience in 2023
The Anthropology of Value and Tradition: Changing Identities in a Nomadic Society in South-Ethiopia
The anti-inflammatory effects of Harkány medicinal water
The antigen presenting cell - T cell contact; costimulation and the immunological synapse
The Antique Literary Sources of the Poetics of Turgenev`s Fiction
The Anxiety Paradox in Conspiracy Beliefs in a societal context: Under what Circumstances Anxiety Reduces vs. Increases conspiracy theorizing?
The application and development of green chemical tools - the accomplishment of organophosphorus reactions under green chemical conditions
The application of agrin immunohistochemistry in the differential diagnosis of benign versus malignant hepatocellular lesions
The application of environmentally friendly (“green”) principles and up-to-date methods in the synthesis of organophosphorus compounds
The application of few-body methods to the study of atomic and exotic systems
The application of filter-based assembly models in the restoration of sand grasslands
The archives resource of Police Department in control of prostitution in Budapest 1873-1883
The art of the Renaissance in Hungary
The association of cytokine genetic polymorphisms with perinatal complications of premature infants
The assyrian army
The Austro-Hungarian East Asia Expedition and the Collection of János Xántus
The Avant-Garde Magazines of Lajos Kassák from an Interdisciplinary Perspective (1915–1928)
The avian visual system
The background of the rule-based decision-making in the adjudication
The Bad Coctor - Kosztolanyi critical edition
The Balaton Line: geophysical surveys of a young strike-slip fault zone and their geodynamic interpretation
The Balkans between past and present - from Hungarian perspective
The basic and applied clinical research of proteins expressed in human tumors
The Basic Law of Hungary is Ten Years Old: Constitution-making in the System of Multilevel Constitutionalism
The Basic Research on the Historiosraph of Russistics
The beginning of the Roman occupation of Aquincum and development of the settlement of the Viziváros in the Roman age
The beginnings and early stages of food production in Southern Transdanubia, between Lake Balaton and the Danube valley
The beginnings of Hungarian secular poetry
The beginnings of the formation of the Pannonian Basin: early syn-rift structural evolution of southern Transdanubia (SW Hungary)
The beginnings of the formation of the Pannonian Basin: early syn-rift structural evolution of southern Transdanubia (SW Hungary)
The Beginnings of the Institutionalization of Psychiatry in Hungary between 1830 and 1868: Spaces, Practices, and Actors
The Bell Curve Debate
The biological basis of black lacust growing focused on dry site conditions
The birth of stars and planets: new directions in understanding the physics of circumstellar disks
The Black Sea Trade in the Early Middle Ages – Investigation of a Byzantine Harbour – Sinope/Sinop
The blue-cone driven visual pathway in non-primate mammals
The borderlands of Latin and Orthodox Christianity - East Central Europe between the Balkans and the Baltic in the Middle Ages
The borders of a potential European 'Grand Strategy' - illegal migration as an indicator
The Born and Unborn Children of the 1989 Transition: the Effects of the Socio-cultural Circumstances of Giving Birth on Demographic Processes
The Born and Unborn Children of the 1989 Transition: the Effects of the Socio-cultural Circumstances of Giving Birth on Demographic Processes
The bottom-up organisation of culture in bird song: individual characteristics, dyadic interactions and communication networks
The bottom-up organisation of culture in bird song: individual characteristics, dyadic interactions and communication networks
The boundaries of science
The boundaries of the political community: republican perspectives
The building blocks of the digital economy
The burials with weapon depositions in the Carpathian Basin during the 5th and 6th century. Typology, combinations, chronology and the reconstruction of the ‘male-society’.
The cadaster of hungarian sites of the Baden Cultur
The Cartesian Mind between Cognition and Extension
The cause of language in the first two decades of 19th century (Ferenc Kazinczy)
The causes and the modulators of short term variability in ventricular repolarization
The causes of low level employment in Hungary
The cell mediated immunity of Drosophila melanogaster
The cell-mediated immunity of Drosophila
The cellular electrophysiological mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythmias
The cellular immunity of Drosophila melanogaster
The cemetery of the Baden Cultur at Budakalász
The central role of Rad5 in the coordination of DNA damage tolerance pathways
The chances and barriers of the formation and realisation of differentiating strategy in the Hungarian food chain
The chances and opportunities for the development of smart destinations and smart tourism in Hungary with special regard to the challenges of the post-pandemic period
The chances of national cultures in the era of globalization
The change of the agricultural strategies on Sauth-Hungarian Plain in the 20-th centary
The changes in 20th century rural architecture, interior furnishings and way of life
The changes of certain metabolic and endocrine characteristics postpartum and its effect to the day of first ovulation and the efficiency of assisted reproductive technologies in ewes
The Changes of the Notion of Science and Learned Magic in Medieval Western and Cental Europe: Preparation of the text of my doctoral dissertation entitled Learned Magic and its Readers in Central Europe for publication at Pennsylvania State Universit
The Changing Face of the Theban Necropolis: archaeological and epigraphic research in the Theban West Bank
The changing horizons of material culture: a study of the locations of everyday and symbolic activities through a multi-level analysis of objects from Late Copper Age settlements
The changing role of karst national parks in human-environment relations: a regional comparison
The changing role of vineyards communities in Transdanubia in the 17-19. century II.
The changing significance of class in comparative perspective
The changing structure of industrial labor: The social and political stratification of the industrial workers in the united Germany and postsocialist Hungary
The changing structure of industrial labor: The social and political stratification of the industrial workers in the united Germany and postsocialist Hungary
The changing world order and its implications for the "wider Europe"
The Characteristics of Language Use in Szeged at the Millenium
The characteristics of the retailing consolidation process and the effects on the small size producing and retailing enterprises
The Charters of King St. Stephen and Their Analysis from the Perspective of Historical Linguistics
The child's best interest in the context of parental responsibility and contact issues
The child`s theory of mind and her pragmatic competence
The Christian Denominations and the Public in Hungary, 1890-1949
The chronicle of hungarian perdition
The clerical pursue for holiness and its garantees in the Canon Law
The clinical importance of the cognitive deficits in schizophrenic patients.
The cognitive basics of ’naive sociology’
The cognitive basis of high functioning autism: the relations of naive theory of mind, language, executive functions, working memory
The Collapse and Birth of Linguistic Politeness Systems - Research of Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Chinese Politeness
The colonization problems at between the Danube and Tisza in the Avar Age
The Commentary on Persius of Bartholomaeus Fontius
The Comparative Analysation and Translation of the 13 Manuscripts of the Zipser Willkür
THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JUDICIAL ARGUMENTATION: The Connection between Legal Cultures and the Legal Mind
The Complete Work of Kálmán Mikszáth, vol.42
The complete works of Bessenyei György
The Complete Works of Bessenyei György, 11. vol.
The Complete Works of Ferenc Kölcsey (critical edition)
The complex - clinical and health psychological - approach of personality characteristics in the cases of systematic autoimmun diseases
The complex role of interferons in coordinating anti-viral responses
The concept of political leadership in democratic and political theory
The concept of political leadership in democratic and political theory
The Concept of politics and "the political" in Modern Hungarian Political Thought, from the 16th to the 20th Century
The concepts and traditions of mysticism in European thought
The concepts of reciprocity and the signs for deservingness
The Conceptual Structure of EU Competition Law: Restrictive Agreements
The Constitutions of the Council of Várad 1524.
The construction of database of the Jewis population of Pest, Buda and Óbuda between 1787-1867 and the historico-statistical analysis of the database
The consumption demand of the population and its effect on welfare analyses - a household level estimation between 1993 and 2001 for Hungary
The contemporary Hungarian rural social structure and power changes
The Continuity and Changes in the Liturgy of Zagreb Cathedral from the 14th to the 18th Century - with a special focus on the mass repertory
The Continuity and Changes in the Liturgy of Zagreb Cathedral from the 14th to the 18th Century - with a special focus on the mass repertory
The contribution of abnormal extracellular matrix expression in non-lesional psoriatic skin to the pathomechanism of psoriasis
The contribution of inherent abnormalities of non-lesional skin to disease phenotype in psoriasis
The control of mitochondrial biogenesis and energy homeostasis through modulating NAD+ metabolism in beige (brite) adipocytes
The Cooing Plain
The Copper Age Cemetery of Pilismarót-Basaharc
The Correspondence of George Lukács between 1945 and 1971
The correspondence of Kelemen Lajos. First volume (1894-1920)
The Correspondence of Mihály Károlyi, 1930-1944
The Correspondence of Nicasius Ellebodius. Critical Edition and Network Studies
The costs and benefits of local foods
The costs of translation and (copy)editing of the manuscript entitled „Materialising Difference: Politics and Prestige Consumption among Romanian Roma”. It will be published by Manchester University Press.
The council of Constance
The Court Account Book of Sigismund Jagiellon (1504-1507)
The court representation of Transylvanian princes
The creation of a quartermalacological database in Hungary
The creative learning
The crimes against medical intervention, order of medical research, and medical autonomy
The Criminal Procedure Systems
The criterion referenced development of knowledge acquisition based on curricular contents
The critical (annotated) edition of József Katona’s early dramas (i.e. prior to Bánk bán) II.
The Critical Edition and the Thematic Catalogue of the Works of Dezső Kosztolányi and the Catalogue of the Holograph and Printed Sources
The Critical Edition of István Petelei's Complete Short Stories
The Critical Edition of István Petelei's Complete Short Stories
The critical edition of Laonikos Chalkokondyles’ Histories
The critical edition of the correspondence
The Critical Edition of the Hungarian Translation of Milton's Paradise Lost
The critical edition of the works of Janus Pannonius
The Crowd. Attributions of Meaning in Culture, 1920/2020
The Database of Hungarian-language Radio Drama
The Dead, the Living, and their Debts. The Role of the Dead in a Village Community
The debate between Austrian and Hungarian historical writing about Western-Hungary/Burgenland (1918-1945)
The demand for community relationships - the chance of renewing democracy
The depiction of national minorities and of enemies in satirical magazines between the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919 and 1947
The determinants, sources and goals of Hungarian firms' growth in the period after transition to market economy
The determination of the join to Europen Union in the question of the social connections and the life strategies
The development of Hungarian private law in the 19th century
The development of increased energy absorption foam structures
The development of mathematical and experimental methods in non-equilibrium thermodynamics
The development of measures for combating terrorism with special respect to the fight against financing terrorism
The development of Persian Scholarship in the Classical Period (Pratice and Theory)
The development of social and emotional competence in preeschool children
The development of social rights in Hungary in the first half of the 20th century: legislation and implementation
The Development of the Hungarian Higher Education; Ecperiences and Conclusions
The development of the market-towns in the medieval North-east Hungary
The development processes of Central and Southeast European cities
The developmental mechanisms of actin filament formation in Drosophila muscles
The diagnostic and predictive role of serum biomarkers in heart failure - subgroup analysis of the BUDAPEST CRT Upgrade study
The diaries of soliders about weekdays on the front. The Hungarian Royal Army on the Soviet front
The diffusion of robotics in Hungary: A firm-level view
The discursive construction of nation and everyday nationalism in Hungary
The Dissolution and Rebirth of the Credit Systems in the Society of Orders
The Distribution of the Hungarian Dialects by Syntax
The Dithyramb as the Protean genre of Greek festivals and song culture in the light of textual, epigraphic and iconographic evidence
The dog as a model for hemispatial neglect. Behavioural and psychophysiological parallels
The dog as a model for studying attentional bias in humans
The dog as an innovative and ecologically valid animal model of ADHD; Comparative behavioral and neural approaches
The dogmatic foundations of private law on consumer protection and an analysis of its legal institutions
The domestication and pathogenicity of Saccharomyces yeasts in the light of their evolutionary history
The Domino Effect: Tracking changes in climate, environment and subsistence economy at the collapse of Neolithic lifestyle in Eastern-Central and South-East Europe (DOMINO-CLIMATE)
The dynamics of public policy in Hungary
The dynamism and manipulation of soil and rhizobiological parameters at stress situations
The Earliest Charters of Medieval Hungary 2
The Early Avar Cemetery of Szegvár-Oromdűlő and a Specific Burial Custom: the Catacomb Grave at East of the Tisza
The Early Avar Cemetery of Szegvár-Oromdűlő and a Specific Burial Custom: the Catacomb Grave at East of the Tisza
The Early Copper Age in the Körös Region
The eastern connections of the archaeological remains of the Conquest Period in the light of the prehistory of the Hungarians: archaeological database and archaeometric research
The eastern connections of the archaeological remains of the Conquest Period in the light of the prehistory of the Hungarians: archaeological database and archaeometric research
The ecological background of suuccessful establishment
The economic integration of the domestic higher education
The Economic Law of the European Union in a global context
The economics of farmers' markets - economic, environmental and social sustainability
The Editing of the Protokol of the Common Council of Ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
The Edition of the Correspondence of József Eötvös
The Edition of the Correspondence of József Eötvös, no. 2.
The educational outcomes of pupil’s self-confidence
The effect of diabetes on the function and pharmacological reactivity of the pregnant rat uterus
The Effect of International Diversification of Investments on the Economic Development of the Eastern and Cental European Region
The effect of adipocitokines on HDL level and function in atherosclerotic patients
The effect of agricultural and rural development policy on local small-scale agrifood production
The effect of alcohol and cigatette smoking on the iontransport processes of esophageal epithelial cells
The effect of bisphosphonate treatment on the fibrous dysplasia
The effect of chemical structure and the matrix in degradation of pharmaceuticals in aqueous solutions by high-energy ionizing radiation
The effect of cigarette smoking on the progression of diabetes mellitus: the role of nitric oxide production and that of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
The effect of circulating beta-amyloid peptide on cerebral blood flow, and blood-brain barrier permeability against immune cells
The effect of climate change on the health condition and distribution of zonal tree species
The effect of combined light and moderate water stress on the sustenance of carbon and nitrogen metabolism during cold-acclimation in crop plants
The effect of comfort on productivity and energy consumption
The effect of contingencies on the relation of best practices and performance
The effect of cumulative burden of rare damaging genetic variants on antitumor immunity
The effect of DGAT1 and TG gene on the intramuscular and milk fat content in different beef cattle breeds in Hungary
The effect of different agrotechnical methods on the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil
The effect of disturbed regulation of innate immunity on the outcome of pregnancy
The effect of emotional valence on prospective memory
The effect of farnesol and tyrosol on Candida auris biofilms
The effect of formin fragments on the conformation of actin filaments
The effect of free zinc on CaMPK-II modulated neuronal processes
The effect of intracranial pressure on cerebral blood flow and metabolism in traumatic brain injury
The effect of lipid environment on the activation of dermal macrophages in different skin lesions
The effect of low molecular weigh polypeptides on the polimerization degree distribution of polymeric glutenin
The effect of metal ions on tau protein related tauopathy diseases: coordination- and electrco-chemical studies
The effect of microbiome on skin immune system
The effect of microwave on different biological (agricultural) materials
The effect of mutations and posttranslational modifications on the structure and dynamics of proteins
The effect of parental hyperlipidemia-induced epigenetic alterations on cardiac conditioning and function in the offspring
The effect of physical and chemical pretreatments on the composition and thermal behavior of lignocelluloses
The effect of relaxin on progressiv renal fibrosis in Alb/relaxin transgenic mice
The effect of shopping centre on social and economical structure of Estern-Central Europe cities
The effect of stand structure on the composition and diversity of different organism groups in the forests of Őrség region
The effect of stand structure on the composition and diversity of different organism groups in the forests of Őrség region
The effect of stand structure on the composition and diversity of different organism groups in the forests of Őrség region
The effect of stereoisomerism on the spatial structure and bioactivity of peptides
The effect of temperature on RNA interference in higher plants
The effect of tetracycline regulated overexpession of Dnmt3b methyltransferase in transgenic mice
The effect of the conventional and ecological farming systems in the biological activity of soil
The effect of the manufacturing technology on the flammability of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy resin composites with flame retardant gelcoats
The effect of the quality of knee ligaments on the outcome of knee arthroplasty
The effect of the wind on the late Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation and morphological evolution of the Hungarian Central Range and of its foreland
The effect of upstream open reading frames to the stability of plant mRNAs
The effectiveness of psychological support by positive suggestions in the intensive care of ventillated patients
The effects of ageing on the regulation of neurovascular coupling in rats
The effects of bile acids and trypsin on pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion.
The effects of biochar application on nitrogen cycling under different land use and soil management systems
The effects of biochar surface chemistry and physical properties on soil biota in different biochar-soil systems
The effects of border area location on the develpoment of urban space
The effects of chronic calcium channel blocker treatment on heart
The effects of extreme drought and rain manipulation in grasslands
The effects of H2A.Z on nucleosome stability and nuclear architecture
The effects of institutional changes on students’ performance – an international comparison
The Effects of International Legal Norms on Hungarian Legal Practice
The effects of IT and network vulnerablities on economy and society
The effects of maternal illnesses during pregnancy on the development of birth defects in the fetus
The effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the biota of current and potential future microrefugia
The effects of PACAP in different retinal degenerations
The effects of probiotics and antioxidants on damage to porcine epithelial cells caused by veterinary pharmaceutical, toxic and infectious agents in vitro
The effects of quantitative and qualitative changes of soil organic matter on degrading soil biology processes and nutrient turnover
The effects of reduced height (Rht) genes to the heat-stress sensitivity of hexaploid wheat: meiotic stability and fertility
The effects of regular exercise on DNA methyalation in different organs
The effects of regular exercise on oxidative protein and DNA damage repair. Secret prevention?
The effects of relatedness on the social behaviour of house sparrows
The effects of steroids on the neural activity, plasticity and cortical reorganization of the CNS
The effects of suburbanization, urban sprawl on the environmental change of suburbs in Central European middle-sized urban regions
The effects of the demographical factors on the health status and body development of Hungarian young male adults
The effects of the introduction of NAEP application procedure on the land use and protected nature values of the delimited pilot areas
The effects of the plant metabolome on the assembly of the endophytic community from synthetic and natural fungal communities in radish
The effects of thrombin and ischemia on the cells of the blood-brain-barrier
The effects of traits and daily events on the natural variability of the sleep EEG
The effects of turbulence on the structure and function of the zooplankton in Lake Balaton
The elaboration of written musical sources of the 18–19th c. and their folk music connections based on Kodály’s folk music collection of the HAS
The elucidation of the proarrhythmic role of cardiac repolarization reserve in chronic disease models
The Emergence and Diffusion of Local Innovations and their Systemic Impact in the Education Sector
The emergence of a European hydrogen market
The emergence of preverb constructions in Hungarian: a corpus-driven approach
The employment impact of trade in services: the case of Hungary in international comparison
The End of Authoritarian Stability in the Middle East? Political Reforms in the Middle East: Retrospect and Prospects
The end-Triassic mass extinction, coeval enviromental change, and their driving forces
The endemic molluscs of Lake Pannon: taxonomy, paleoecology, biochronology, evolution
The enigma behind the systemic effects of regular exercise: Is it related to VO2max or molecular adaptive pathways?
The environmental and biological implications of polarized light
The epistemic status of philosophical beliefs
The essential role of phosphatidylglycerol in the formation of photosynthetic membrane structure
The Estimation of the atmospheric water vapour using GNSS observations
The ethnographic character of Transsylvania in the 19th-20th centuries
The ethnography of the present -- a museological approach
The Ethnography of the River Tisza
The euro adoption in CEE: Prospects and challenges in the wake of the financial crisis
The euro adoption in CEE: Prospects and challenges in the wake of the financial crisis
The European Natural Gas Market under Stress
The European Union and its direct neighbourhood beyond enlargement
The evaluation of anthropogenic changes in karsts, based on changes in the state of forests and karstic lakes
The evaluation of human and rabbit diseases in the model transgenic rabbits expressing Venus reporter protein
The Evidence of Jan Długosz’ Annals concerning Hungarian history
The evolution of Dysderoidea (Araneae: Haplogyne: Dysderoidea): biogeographic and molecular phylogenetic study of the superfamily.
The evolution of management and its international and domestic social and economic background in the 20th-century Hungary
The evolution of prose genres in the age of the Enlightenment
The Evolution, Maintenance and Endogenous Breakdown of Discriminative Practices
The evolutionary limits of genomic transposon expansion in Escherichia coli, and its biotechnological implications
The evolutionary trade-off between senescence and cancer
The examination of autoantibodies against acetylcholine-receptors and the determination of their pathogenic role in Sjögren`s syndrome
The Exempla of Old Hungarian Codices
The Exploration of the Hungarian Bankruptcy Law's Historical Traditions on the Basis of the Archive Sources
The factors of GMO-policy in comparative perspective
The family network of the Hungarian aristocraty in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The Feminization of Poverty in Europe
The figures of the ''You'', ''Dialogicity'' and poetics of the pray in the litterature of modernity and late-modernity - in consideration of János Pilinszky's poetry
The Financial Administration of the Transylvanian Towns in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age. The case of Beszterce (Bistriţa/Nösen) and Brassó (Braşov/Kronstadt)
The finite element method in engineering simulations
The First Century of Hungarian Aesthetics: A Critical Edition of Source Texts 1750-1850
The first decade of the National Theatre: institutional professionalisation in the light of unknown manuscipt sources (Minor monography and source edition)
The first Easter Folksong in Hungarian language
The first steps of the compartmentalization of prebiotic replicators
The fitness consequences of sex ratio adjustment
The Folk Music of a North-Caucasian People, the Karachay
The Folk Music of a North-Caucasian People, the Karachay
The Folk Music of the Karachays from the Caucasus Mountains
The Folkart of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County in the XIX-XX. century
The foreign language learning motivation, beliefs and strategies of Deaf and hard-of-hearing learners
The Foreign Relations of the Árpádians: diplomacy, diplomats and cultural contacts in the Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1301)
The Formation of Latin Literacy in Medieval Hungary
The forms of aristocratic court culture in Hungary in 17th century, count Ferenc Nádasdy as a Patron. (Primary texts and studies)
The Foundation of Local Economic Development on the Basis of the Capability Approach
The fourth age of quantum chemistry
The freemen in the free royal towns in Hungary between mid-18 and mid-19 centuries (A prosopographical database)
The frontiers of ancient lyric poetry
The function of junctional molecules in cerebral endothelial cells
The function of the metastasis inhibitor Nm23 homolog NDK-1 in apoptosis, the role of extracellular Nm23
The function of Tks4/HOFI in the regulation of the tumor microenvironment
The Function of Transforming Growth Factor beta Proteins in the Central Nervous System
The function, evolution and supposed role in speciation of fast evolving telomere proteins
The functional analysis of the indispensable of Medicago truncatula nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptide family required for rhizobium terminal bacteroid differentiation.
The functional analysis of the plant genes involved in the regulation of rhizobium terminal bacteroid differentiation.
The functional characterization of DAAM subfamily formins involved in axonal growth regulation
The functional diversity – ecosystem functioning relationship in natural phytoplankton communities
The functional landscape of proteins
The functional role of fibroblast heterogeneity and driver mutations in establishing the aggressive subtype of colorectal cancer
The functioning of local social policy
The fundamental processes of ion implantation, thermal effects, crystallization
The fundamental rights concept of legal capacity
The Gamhud coffins and mummy-trappings of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
The gamma-core motif determines the antifungal mode of action of small, cysteine-rich, cationic proteins from Ascomycetes
The gamma-core motif determines the antifungal mode of action of small, cysteine-rich, cationic proteins from Ascomycetes
The General Staff of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
The genetic background of neurocognitive dysfunction in psychiatric disorders
The genetic background of the changes of iron metabolism in different chonic hepatic disorders
The genetic background of the interactions between atherosclerosis and Chamydia pneumoniae infections
The genetics and developmental roles of programmed and stress-induced autophagy in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans: cell death and survival
The geographical bases and opportunities of tourism in South East Pest county
The geometric theory of network routing
The geometry of equilibrium and the evolution of shape
The geometry of maps, singular spaces and manifolds
The Glory and Fall of Aristocracy
The glyoxalase system in chronic renal insufficiency
The Good Mobile: Facilitating Human Relations Using an Ethologically Grounded Attachment Model
The grammar and pragmatics of interrogatives and their (special) uses
The grammar of quantification and linguistic relativity
The Greek and Islamic Roots of the Arabic Scientific Literature in Prose
The Greek and Islamic Roots of the Arabic Scientific Literature in Prose
The greek and Latin "Prince and Civilian Mirrors" (The Admonitions of Saint Stephen and its prototypes)
The greening of global value chains – implications for Hungarian manufacturing companies
The growing role of the churches in public education and policy-making
The guarantees of governmental decentralization in Hungary
The harmonized assessment of underground natural resources in promoting the transition of land use planning into spatial planning
The healthy prion
The Hellenistic Philosophers
The hidden power of volunteers’ social networks. A comparative dynamic social network research among festival volunteers
The historic role of agriculture in the national economy of the newly accessed East-Central European and accession Balkan countries
The Historic-Geographical Study of the Hungarian Little Plain's structures
The Historical Constitution of Hungary then and now
The historical database of iron metallurgy in the Borsod Industrial Region between the 18th and the 20th century
The Historical Dictionary of Hungarian
The historiography of the hungarian educational history ont he basis of the manulas and textbooks ont he history of education
The history and current practices of Hungarian participatory film culture, with an emphasis on the self-representation of vulnerable minority groups
The History of Early Modern Unitarian Sermon Literature in Transylvania and Hungary
The History of Finance and Money (from the early centuries to contemporary thought)
The History of Hungarian Science of Education in the Light of Professional Journals (1945–1989) - scientific communication, professional discourse
The history of hungarian wordclasses and its general questions
The History of International Relations
The history of invisible hand
The History of Literary Criticism on English Renaissance Drama
The history of pentecost pilgrimage to Csíksomlyó from the beginning to 1949
The History of Professionalization in Hungary in the 19th and 20th Century, in European Context
The History of the "Schmerling-Provisorium"
The History of the Art Collections and the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts Budapest.
The History of the Catholic Press in Hungary
The History of the Early Bronze Age in South-Transdanubia
The History of the Erdődy Family and Change of the Ban's Authority in the 16th-17th Centuries
The History of Theatcher Education (for Upper Secondary Education)
The History of Vision, Colour, & Light Theories Inductions, Text, Problems (University of Bern)
The human as a limited resource - a new paradigm to understand social behavior in dogs
The human aspect of a technology projects
The human freedom in historical and systematic approach
The Hungaian Conquest and the Early Arpadian Age in the Heves Comitat
The Hungarian cantus planus in the context of the European music history. Aims, methods and perspectives at the beginning of the 21th century
The Hungarian Churces and national minorities in Hungary 1920-1950.
The Hungarian Commentary to the "Divine Comedy" of Dante Alighieri. The Hungarian reception of Dante's work
The Hungarian Culture in Context of Central and Eastern European Region
The Hungarian Electoral System
The Hungarian Generals of the Imperial-Royal Army 1787-1815
The Hungarian Governmental Model
The Hungarian Military in Medieval Europe (1301-1437)
The Hungarian Nobility at the Habsburg Court in Vienna and Prague in the 16th Century
The Hungarian personality taxonomy based on both lexical and questionnaire data
The Hungarian Political Elite 2009
The Hungarian Royal Court in the Reign of King Matthias and the Jagiellonian Kings (1458–1526). A Biographical Encyclopedia
The Hungarian, German and Austrian Late Medieval and Renaissance Collection of the Christian Museum Esztergom. A Summary Catalogue.
The Hungarian-Polish relations (1945-1990). Politics - Economy - Culture
The Hungarian-Soviet relationships from 1944 to 1956
The Hungarian-Ukrainan border as the external border of the EU (The status and potentials of cross-border connections along the Hungarian-Ukrainan border after Schengen)
The identification of pro-aging molecular mechanisms in the thymus
The IgG transporter neonatal Fc receptor structure-function relationship
The images of the Society in the Hungarian movie after the System change with he special emphasis on the awarded and the most popular art and documentary films.
The immune defense of the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
The immunological acpect of diabetes mellitus: the interactions between heat-shock proteins, endogeneous substances and drugs in cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus
The impact of a restrictive abortion policy on infants’ health and on the socioeconomic outcomes of children and parents
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the dynamics of tourism spatial use
The impact of climate change on atmospheric dispersion processes - a dynamical systems approach
The impact of crisis management solutions on SME development on the example of the ten Central Eastern European countries
The impact of crisis management solutions on SME development on the example of the ten Central Eastern European countries
The impact of digital transformation on the dynamics of the skills ecosystem in the education sector
The impact of European labour law on recent Hungarian labor law developments
The impact of greenhouse warming on the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO): a new method for ENSO teleconnection analysis
The Impact of International Law on the Formation and Application of the Law of the Peoples' Tribunals
The impact of labor mobility networks on Labor Market outcomes and Company Performance
The impact of manipulation of intraspecific communication on trophic relations of pest insects
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Agricultural Prices. An International Comparison
The impact of plant roles on knowledge sharing in manufacturing and supply networks
The impact of sanctions on Hungarian and Polish business in Russia
The impact of tax rates and corruption on the visible and hidden segments of the labor market and the tax revenues (Cross section and time series analyses on sample of 28 OECD and 24 transition countries)
The impact of the Balkan-Anatolia connections in shaping the region's soil fauna
The Impact of the Integrated Model of Consumer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Value on the Economic Outcome
The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on Hungarian legal order
The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on Hungarian legal order
The impact of the university-based entrepreneurial ecosystems on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activity
The implementation of EU equal treatment law in Hungary – legislation and jurisprudence
The importance of asymptomatic carriage of major Gram-positive pathogens: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus
The importance of criteria for choosing food retail units (Characterisation of purchase segments on the basis criteria for choosing food retail units)
The importance of genetic background in radiation therapy: analysis of the radiosensitivity of malignant and normal tissues
The importance of genetic diversity in the human liver during regeneration and chronic liver diseases
The importance of intrauterine pressure measurement in the physiological processes of the early postpartum period in cattle
The importance of proarrhythmia in athlete's heart
The importance of the Buffer-zone in case of geological values. The Southern Foothill of the Bükk Mts. (Bükkalja) as a study area
The importance of the investigations on the protein kinase C isoenzymes in the monocytes and lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
The Incentive Effects of Sickness Absence Compensation - Analysis of a "Natural Experiment" in Eastern Europe
The individual, situational and sociocultural determinants of psychologically and somatically healthy competition
The influence of alternative land using in modelling the externalities in connection with the globalization.
The influence of migration-related expectations and life-course events on migration intentions and the realization of this intentions
The influence of myocardial pacemaker elektrodes to the heart mosculatre
The influence of oxygen stoichiometry on the structure and physical properties of ABO3 type (A: Ba, Sr, Ca, lanthanoids, B: Fe, Co) perovskites and related oxides.
The influence of pressure and temperature on the structure of alcohol-water mixtures
The influence of STH genotype (AluI polymorphism) on certain metabolic and endocrine characteristics, and the day of first ovulation in postpartum Holstein Friesin cows
The influence of the dipole-dipole interaction to the structure of liquids by the help of experimental and computer simulation study of ferrocolloids and electro-rheological fluids
The Influence of the Media on the Interpretation of Risks
The influential factors of start-up and growth of the domestic businesses
The initial part of the Mesozoic Marine Revolution and the Middle Triassic radiative evolution
The inland and international possibilites of hungarian organic milk production
The ins and outs of mixed extended projections
The Institutional System of Hungarian Literature 1760-1830
The Institutionalization of Ethnic Economy among Hungarians in Romania and Slovakia
The Integrate Ortega
The Integrated Theoretical Modell of Business Relationships' Value
The Integration of Data Types in the Analysis of Discourse Markers
The Interaction of Actin with Actin-Binding Proteins and Peptides as Revealed by Spectroscopic Methods
The Interdisciplinary Theory of Dialogical Interpretation and the Figures of Cultural Text (Verbality, Visuality, and Multimedia)
The Internal Dynamics of Non-Territorial Autonomy Regimes in Central and Southeastern Europe: a Five-Country Comparison
The interplay of alternative splicing and the assembly of membraneless organelles
The interplay of dendritic cell subtypes in health and disease
The interrelations of phonetic properties in speech units
The investigation of disease outcome in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases on biological therapy with measurement of anti-TNF and anti-TNF-antibodies serum levels: a multicenter, prospective clinical study
The investigation of genetic background of human infertility
The investigation of Hungarian Dinophyta species
The investigation of limestone substrate of the karst forms
The investigation of novel iodine-containing amiodarone like antiarrhythmic drugs
The investigation of p-Laplacian in mechanics
The investigation of sodium accumulation by mineralogical experiments for the study of salinization and alkalinization in soils
The investigation of the fine structure of the gravity field
The investigation of the toxin content of cyanobacterial mass production in Hungarian water bodies. Physiological and bioanalytical measurement of the effect of environmental factors on toxin production in isolated cyanobacterial strains.
The involment of mitochondrial-derived nitrogen radicalis and mitoK-ATP channels in the regulation of organelle function
The involvement of disturbed efferocytosis in the development of obesity-related inflammation
The involvement of hypothalamic vasopressin release in depression-like symptoms
The Issue of Meaning and Understanding in Analytic Philosophy, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
The Journey of Creating 'ECHO'
The judicial enforcement of contracts and the development of entrepreneurial economy
The Kádár Era and the Transition. Elites, Values and Conflicts
The Kelemen Mikes Dictionary
The Kelemen Mikes Dictionary
The kinetics of OH-radical and H-atom reactions of importance in combustion
The knowledge society and rural development in Hungary
The largest volcanic eruptions of the Pannonian Basin: timescale, origin of magmas and correlation on borehole and outcrop samples
The last analog for modern warming - Pliocene environmental and climate reconstructions by complex paleontological and geological analysis of paleokarst infills
The last volcanic eruptions in the Carpathian-Pannonian region: The Quaternary magmatism in the Southeast Carpathians
The Late Neolithic Tell Settlement at Polgár-Csőszhalom. The 1957 excavation. (British Archaelogical Report - Archeeolingua Central European Series 4)
The Late Roman fortress at Ságvár – Archaeological research 1971–1979
The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, 4
The layers of political public sphere in Hungary (2001-2020) - a sociological analysis of the official, media-based and lay online public sphere using automated text analytics and critical discourse analysis
The Legal and Administrative Aspects of the Cross-Border Cooperation in Hungary
The Legal Relevance of the Vetus et Novum Testamentum. Parallels between the Jewish-Christian and Roman Law Roots of our Legal Culture
The legal system of the successor states between the two world wars
The Letters and Charters of the Szapolyais 1458-1526
The level of education in the regions of midwar Hungary
The life and thought of Bela Menczer
The life cycle of an online social network: Big Data analysis
The life of a frontier region in the time of the establishment of the Hungarian kingdom. Early Árpádian Age Settlements of the Moson Plain, way of life in the light of environmental conditions
The life of Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky in a regional context and the resistance(s) in Budapest 1944/1945
The life of the Greek Catholic Church in the 18th in the light of Barkoczy's instruction
The life-long development and pathology of implicit skill learning
The life-long development and pathology of implicit skill learning
The linguistic image of the worldin the light of cognitive linguistic paradigm
The link between magma degassing and the dynamics of explosive eruptions of compositionally monotonous andesite-dacite volcanoes (Ciomadul, Eastern Carpathians)
The link between magma degassing and the dynamics of explosive eruptions of compositionally monotonous andesite-dacite volcanoes (Ciomadul, Eastern Carpathians)
The literary public in antiquity
The liturgy and the law of the sacraments
The Local and Regional Activity of the German Organizations in Hungary between 1924 and 1945
The long-run effects of tracking on disadvantaged students’ labour market outcomes – two natural experiments from Poland and Hungary
The main features and the typology of ethnoregionalist parties in Central and Eastern Europe
The management of treasury and mining in Transylvania and Upper Hungary (1613-1657)
The manganese (II) dependent transcriptome of the citric acid overproducer fungus Aspergillus niger
The manipulation of the properties of polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures with environmentally friendly additives
The Market for Managers
The Meaning and the Problems of the Concept of Criticism
The mechanical consequence of contractile protein oxidation in the human myocardium
The mechanism and regulation of aging
The mechanism of activity-dependent sodium channel inhibition by the antidepressants fluoxetine and desipramine (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics)
The mechanism of change in the psychotherapy process: intimate relationships and self-agency
The mechanism of dUTPase action in mycobacterial homologous recombination
The mechanism of neuroprotection afforded by activation of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channels in the newborn – a novel neuroprotective experimental approach.
The mechanism of neuroprotection of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in in vivo and in vitro systems and the examination of endogenous PACAP
The mechanism of plant RNA quality control systems and their potential role in pathogen response
The mechanism of TGFß effect, the background of TGFß resistance in tumor growth and in therapeutic response
The mechanisms of immunological tolerance during pregnancy: impaired maternal tolerance during pre-eclampsia and habitual abortion
The Medieval Canon Law Collections and the European ius commune
The Medieval Székelys (Hungarian minority group in Eastern Transylvania, Romania)
The membrane microenvironment of ABC transporters involved in multidrug resistance
The mental representation of language
The metabolic background of arsenic toxicity
The Metaphysical Source of Moral Responsibility
The microclimatic buffering capacity of managed forests under different management regimes
The middle Bronze Age in central Transdanubia
The middle Bronze Age in central Transdanubia
The minority question in the Hungarian-Romanian diplomatic relations during the premiership of István Bethlen
The missing 10 hours: Assessing the effectiveness of a virtual reality intervention in reducing bystander indifference in a date rape drug abuse situation
The mobile friend: Improving children’s socio-cognitive skills by persuasive mobile apps developed within an evolutionary framework
The mode of action of acrolein and other abiotic stressors and their role in environmental, agricultural and food safety
The modelling of connections and cultural interactions in the beginning of the Urnfield period in the Carpathian Basin
The modern cult of Székely script in Hungary, its practices and their perceptions in present day Hungary
The molecular architecture of psychosis and its relationship with neurocognition and psychosocial stress
The molecular architecture of psychosis and its relationship with neurocognition and psychosocial stress
The molecular basis of the encapsulation reaction in Drosophila melanogaster
The molecular biology of calcium ion mediated signal transduction in diabetes mellitus
The molecular mechanism of entrainment of the plant circadian clock
The molecular mechanism of phosphorylation dependent regulation of CFTR
The molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer therapeutic PARP inhibitor sensitivity of POLE3 and POLE4 deficient cells
The Mongol Invasion of Hungary in its Eurasian Context
The Mongolian Sitātapatrādhāraṇīs: a philological and religio-cultural study
The Mongols in Central Europe: The Profile and Impact of their Thirteenth-Century Invasions
The Moral and Social Dimensions of Science
The morphological investigation of neurons produced by postnatal neurogenesis in the forebrain of domestic chicks
The most recent trends of the Hungarian emigration
The music of Franz Liszt
The Musical Analising of some Special Processional Chants and researching of local processional traditions
The Musical life of a Tansdanubian Village
The narrative discourse (theory, history, genre)
The National Discourse of the first Hungarian History Textbooks, 1777–1848
The National Protestant experience in the East-European education. The case of Debrecen and the Partium Region
The Natural Limits of Economic Equilibrium
The Natural Limits of Economic Equilibrium
The nature and determinants of specific cognitive abilities
The nature and physiological significance of the structural changes of Photosystem II reaction center
The Neo-Assyrian Army: II. The Assyrian Army on Campaign as Reconstructed from the Assyrian Palace Reliefs and the Cuneiform Sources.
The network of interregional relations between Hungary and the Balkan region
The neural basis of visual attentional inhibition
The neuroprotective effect of ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers in piglets
The neuroprotective effects of PACAP in rat models of Parkinson's disease and neonatal neuronal damage
The new arena of politics: the region
The new challenge of Hungarian Civil Procedure Law considering the Community Law and the Case-law of European Court of Justice
The new challengers of retail trade's: shopping centers
The new dimension of polity, the region (Regional cohesion in Southern Transdanubia)
The New Hyperides
The New Naetebus. Repertory of the Medieval French Non-lyrical Strophic Verse.
The new perspectives of comparative constitutional law Constitutional case law related to the Covid-19 pandemic in the different countries of the world
The non-serotonergic median raphe control of fear memory consolidation and retrieval
The Normative Content of the Principle of Democracy – In Practice and Theory from a Constitutional Law and European Union Law Perspective
The Notch and the mTOR pathway in the context of the signalling network regulating survival in Hodgkin lymphoma and acute lymphoid leukemia cells
The numerical investigation of groundwater motion and contaminant transport in the vadose zone
The objective markers of optimal experience and the personality factors which promote flow
The occurence and molecular biological characterization of a new cytotoxin -cytolethal dystending toxin (CDT)- in Hungary
The on-line conpling of flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with separation techniques (HPLC, GC, LE) for environmental and speciatism analytical determinations
The oncogenic potential of SPOCK1/Testican-1 in the liver. The significance of tumor-stroma interaction.
The Online Database of Hungarian Cultural History (from the beginnings to the 18th century)
The Ontological Roots of Phenomenology
The Opening Country: Cultural transfers and East–West Cultural Exchange and Hungary in the Cold War (1953–1975)
The organic anion transporting polipeptide (OATP) superfamily: structure-function studies and pharmacological interactions
The Orientation Frame of Politics: The Role of Semantics in the Formation of Political Institutions
The Origin of Experience: A History of Sensationist Constructivism
The origin of poikilitic upper mantle peridote xenoliths
The origin of the elements heavier than iron
The Origins of Phenomenology
The Origins of Protein Structures
The ornamental vocabulary of the 10th century in the Carpathian Basin.
The Ottoman-Turkish architecture in Hungary according to the latest results of the research. /Synthetic monograph/
The paleoecological and faciological investigations of the Egerian marine macro and microfauna based on the bathymetry and sequence stratigraphy in Hungarian basins
The paleoepidemiology of tuberculosis
The Paradigms of Political Theory
The paradox of realism
The parliamentary representation of minorities in international comparison: descriptive or substantive representation?
The participation of hepatic stem cells in liver regeneration
The Participation of Mad Persons in the 21st century's Hungarian Society
The past and present of the Hungarian educational science – development of a discipline, scientific communication (1970–2017)
The pathogenic role of extracellular vesicles mediated communication paths in the development of preeclampsia
The pathophysiological role of the extrahepatic manifestations of glucose-6-phosphatase system
The pathophysiology of pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion.
The pattern recognition Nod-like receptors as new, potential regulators in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration
The Patterns of the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge in Hungary, 1770-1830
The personal and sociable (gregorious) forms of mental (intellectual) creation in the life sciences, in marketing and in the postgradual lecturing of the genearal research methodology.
The personality, age, situational and cultural determinants of fair and unfair competition
The personality, age, situational and cultural determinants of fair and unfair competition
The perspectives of contemporary legal positivism
The phase diagram of strongly interacting matter from first principles
The phenomenon of "hybridization" in the application of international criminal law norms
The philosophical basic of literature - the literary roots of philosophy
The philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer
The philosophical reconstruction and the translation of Pascal's Pensées
The phosphaethynolate (OCP-) ion as a building block - Computational studies
The phylogeography of Synergus umbraculus (Hymenoptera: Synergini) in Western-Palearctic
The physiological role of electron transfer systems
the physiological role of individual leukocyte integrins studies using genetificient (knockout) mice
The picture of multicultural ethnographie in Sub-Carpathia
The Pillars of the democratic political culture (Hungary in international comparation)
The Pillars of the democratic political culture (Hungary in international comparation)
The Place and the Role of the Region Banat in the Geographical Division of Labour in the Carpathian-Basin
The Plainchant in Hungary after 1526
The Plainchant in Hungary after 1526
The platelet as an inflammatory cell
The Polish aspects of the public health history in Hungary and the Hungarian aspects of the public health history in Poland before 1945. From the past of the Hungaian-Polish medical relations.
The political and social role of the Mongolian chief lamas and their church from the beginnings until the present days
The Political Culture of the Hungarian Estates (1526-1848)
The Political Culture of the Hungarian Estates (1526-1848) II.
The political economy of energy transitions in Eastern Europe
The Political, Military and Religious Role of Szigetvár and Turbék in the Rivalry of the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires, and the Turkish Regime in Hungary - facts and memory
The polynomial mapping method and its applications analysis
The polynomial method and its applications
The population of Hungary at the end of 18th century. (The first census of Hungary - a critical edition.) Part 2. Transdanubia and the Great Hungarian Plain.
The position and function of sacral communication in the context of religion, church and society. Expanding the communication participatory approach
The position of the Hungarian jurisprudence and the chance of the synoptic theory of state
The Positive Side of Things: Efficient Catalysts for Anodic Water Splitting
The possibilites and necesstiy of development of the hungarian civil procedure law with special regards to the international changes
The possibilites of intensifying competitiveness in the Northern-Hungarian region
The possibility of the cost reduction in the hugarian milk production
The possible role of dopamine and serotonin in the regulation of feeding behavior in gastropods
The possible role of Factor XIII in monocytes/macrophages
The Post-1956 Refugee Crisis and Hungarian Émigré Communities During the Cold War
The potential of organosulfur molecules and hydroxocobalamin in the treatment of experimental acute pancreatitis
The potential role of ferroptosis in citotoxicity induced by high dose ascorbate and acetaminophen treatment
The potential role of free radical reactions, inflammation and coagulation alterations in the precipitation of diastolic dysfunction, diastolic heart failure and atrial fibrillation
The Power Elites in the Countries and Provinces under the Lordship of the Angevin Dynasty (13th to 15th Centuries). Prosopographical Database, Comparative Analysis of Social and Political History
The practice of hegemony - The changing role of the United States in the international system
The practice research of the tax compliance
The Pray manuscript: an online and printed critical edition
The prehistoric settlement parts of Balatonőszöd-Temetői dűlő
The preparation and utilization of optically active phosphine oxides
The Presence and Influence of Byzantium in Central and Eastern Europe (Studies on Archaeology and History of Art)
The Presence and Influence of Byzantium in Central and Eastern Europe (Studies on Archaeology and History of Art)
The presence of Human papillomavirus - 16 in neural structures and vascular endothelial cells (VIROLOGY)
The present and future of Pannonian sandy wooded steppes: tree demography with a special focus on recruitment
The problem of inconsistency in theoretical linguistics
The problems of the establishment of catholic autonomy in Hungary from the second half of the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century
The process of consumerization in Hungary
The processing and publication of the ecclesiastical and art history sources of the Greek Catholic Church, the publication of data repositories (historical name catalogue and schematism) and the compilation of digitised databases (18th-20th centuries)
The production of the excluded isotopes in core-collapse supernovae: the mystery of the γ-process
The prognostic value of ESLA-7 gene expression signature in stage I lung adenocarcinoma
The promotion of linguistic citizenship through participatory research
The Promotion of the Kodály-method and Hungarian Cultural Diplomacy during the Kádár era
The Prosopographia of Knowledge Elites of the Pre-War Hungary
The prosopographical datebase of the university professors of Hungary between 1848-1945 (recruitment, capitals, networks, biographies)
The Proteomic Map of Mitosis in Human Tumor Tissue
The Psalms and Folk Songs of a Mystic Turkish Order
The psychological antecedents of intergroup solidarity
The publication of Szabó T. Attila's Transylvaian historical placenames
The Publishing of the Gepidic Cemeteries. The Gepidic Corpus
The Quality of Government and Public Policy: A Big Data Approach
The quantitative paleoecological analysis of Badenian foraminifera and its stable isotope composition (d18O, d13C): peleooceanology of the Paratethys, paleoclimate
The Quaternary neotectonics of the Somogy-Hills
The question and the role of German minerity in the international relations of Hungary in the interwar period
The Rad6 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme dependent error-free and error-prone translesion DNA synthesis of UV-damaged DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The radiocarbon studies of soil carbon turnover in different forest soil layers at Max Planck Institute
The rationale, goals, desired impacts and actual consequences of the centralisation of public education in Hungary
The Reception of Greek Culture in Italy and Hungary in the 15th and 16th Centuries
The reception of Hungarian literature in the supplements of Pressburg And Pest-Buda german language newspapers between 1810 and 1848
The reception of Petrarch in the 15th–16th century Central Europe
The reception of the Battle of Mohács in 1526 in fine arts in the 16-19th centuries
The Reception of the Byzantine Romances in the 12th-century French Literature
The reconstruction paleogene structural evolution of the Carpathian basin using parallel evaluation of sedimentary and volcanic processes
The red-white-green unfolding from texts. Corpus research and cultural history
The red-white-green unfolding from texts. Corpus research and cultural history
The redox reactions of strong inorganic oxidants: kinetics and mechanism
The regulation of ascorbate concentration and redox state in plant cells via its biosyntesis and intracellular transport
The regulation of axonal growth in Drosophila central nervous system
The regulatory framework for the European data economy and data assets
The regulatory role of brassinosteroids in the morphogenic determination of plant organs
The regulatory role of nitric oxide on mechanisms involved in arrhythmias induced by acute ischaemia and reperfusion
The regulatory role of serine phosphorylation in the immunoreceptor tyrosine based activation motif-mediated signal transduction of B cells
The regulatory role of small GTPases, and their interactors in lysosomal degradation
The relation of ancient Chinese pkilosophy, religion and science as reflected in the recently discovered written sources
The relations of film and literature in Hungarian film art after 1945
The relationship between fertility and social status in Hungary after the change in the political, socio-economic regime with special reference to income, educational attainment, residence and its level of infrastructure development
The relationship between regional development and cross-border co-operation in the area of the Danube-Drava-Sava Euroregion
The relationship between sleep, dreaming and memory functions: A psychophysiological investigation
The relevance of Sándor Ferenczi's life work today: its historical, theoretical and clinical aspects
The Research for the Publication of Mihály Károlyi's Correspondents
The respiratory complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease and it`s up to date surgical management
The responsibility of international organisations and their member states: attribution, effective control and justiciability
The right of minorities to political participation in Europe - new trends and practices
The Risk-Participation Paradox: Micro Mechanisms Linking Perceived Risks to Protest Participation
The role of maternal immun system during implantation
The role and appreciation of competition in Hungary
The role and cellular mechanism of action of P2X7 receptors in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders
The role and dynamics of histone acetylation and ubiquitylation in Drosophila neurons
The role and prospects of cryptobiotic crust cover of Hungarian terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycling
The role and significance of Rho GTPase phosphorylation during pathogenesis and normal plant growth
The role and the mechanism of RNA silencing in the plant virus interplay
The role of beta estrogen receptor in the regulation of LHRH cells
The role of higher and adult education in the regional change
The role of ABC proteins in different mature stem cell populations: study of naive and primed human pluripotency and hippocampal neuronal progenitor cells
The role of aberrant protein-protein interactions in neurodegeneration
The role of activin signaling in small cell lung cancer
The role of ADA2-containing histone acetyltransferase complexes in gene
The role of adenosine in septic T lymphocyte dysfunction
The Role of ADP-Ribosylation in the Regulation of EGFR Signaling in Cancer Cells
The role of adrenomedullin in bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
The role of aging in the development of cancer
The role of airborne and ground-bound dispersal in the epidemiology of tick-borne pathogens
The role of airborne and ground-bound dispersal in the epidemiology of tick-borne pathogens
The role of airway pH in asthma pharmacotherapy
The role of alpha2-plasmin inhibitor natural heterogeneity in thrombotic diseases
The role of apical anion transporters/channels in secretion by pancreatic duct cells
The role of apoptosis and aurophagy in the ischemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial dammage: mechanisms and therapies.
The role of aquaporins in acute pancreatitis
The role of aquaporins in the regulation of uterine contraction and the prevention of preterm birth
The role of Aspergilli and Penicillia in mycotoxin contamination of cereals in Hungary
The role of astrocytes in epilepsy: identification of new drug targets
The role of ATP-sensitive K+-channels in ischemic adaptation in hyperlipidemia
The role of attachment style in spontaneous and controlled theory of mind processes
The role of attentional control in the aetiology and maintenance of phobias
The role of autophagy and redox proteins in the myocardium
The role of bacterial genes in the invasion of the symbiotic nodule
The role of basal forebrain cell types in sustained attention
The role of basal forebrain cholinergic and GABAergic neurons in healthy and pathological aging
The role of biomarkers in the assessment of injury-severity, outcome and therapeutic efficacy in traumatic brain injury
The role of black Aspergilli in food safety and human health (as mycotoxin producers, allergens and human pathogens) in Hungary
The role of bone quality in the metabolic bone diseases
The role of borders and cross-border co-operations in the eastern peripheries of the European Union
The role of boron in geochemical processes affecting subduction-related magmatic rocks: a case study using prompt-gamma activation analysis
The role of Ca2+ signaling in physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreatic ductal epithelial cells
The role of calcium transport in signal transduction of striated muscle
The role of Calmodulin Kinase in heart rate adaptation and arrhythmias
The role of cannabinoids in the development of trauma-induced behavioral deficits
The role of capsaicin-sensitive nerve endings in nociception and inflammation
The role of caspase-9 in cross-regulation of tolerogenic and immunogenic cell death pathways
The role of Caterpiller molecules in the innate immunity of the cornea
The role of cell adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of tumors, with emphasis on liver cancers
The role of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in the pathomechanism of progressive renal fibrosis
The role of chaotic advection in geoengineering problems
The role of chlamydia pneumoniae infection in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration in patients with proven coronary artery disease
The role of clock-genes and environmental lighting conditions in the regulation of N-acetyltransferase gene expression in the chicken retina
The role of cognitive abilities in the development of pragmatic competence
The role of collective victimhood in the construction of national identity
The role of complex regulatory networks in the unicellular-multicellular transition
The role of correction of the most frequent CFTR mutation and of stimulation of alternative Cl-channels in bicarbonate transport of CFTR-deficient epithelial cells.
The role of cortical networks in seizure semiology of childhood and adulthood temporal lobe epilepsy
The role of corticostrital neurons in schizoprenia modell
The role of corticotropin releasing factor in the development of anxiety disorders and stress vulnerability
The role of cultural economy in the structural revival of Hungarian cities
The role of culture and values in economic competitiveness
The role of cytokine gene polymorphism in diseases with microbial or complex aetiology
The role of decreased h-current in epileptic interneurons in generation and propagation of pathological high-frequency oscillations.
The role of Dectin-2 in immune complex-mediated inflammation
The role of dehydration reactions in triggering intermediate-depth seismicity: development and application of cutting edge numerical models
The role of dendritic cells in the formation of immunological synapses and in the regulation of T lympocyte homeostatis and activation
The role of deoxynucleoside kinases in DNA repair and apoptosis
The role of detoxifying, immunological abd non-immunological factors in the pathomechanism of pulmonary diseases inducing by environmental physical and chemical agents
The role of distinct types of GABAergic interneurons in hippocampal network oscillations at gamma frequency
The role of diverse photoreceptors in the regulation of physiological and biochemical plant responses during acclimation to ultraviolet radiation
The role of DNA methyl transferases in liver maturation and homeostasis
The role of dust storms and aeolian dust deposition in the formation of Central European red clays and red paleosoils in loess sequences
The role of dyskerin mediated pseudouridylation in development and disease
The role of emotional arousal in media induced stress recovery
The role of endocannabinoid signaling in the modulation of challenge responding and trauma resilience
The role of endocannabinoid-mediated signaling in normal and pathological operations os hippocampal circuits
The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress, calcium mobilization and loss of Keap1/Nrf2-dependent cytoprotection in vascular calcification
The role of endothelium dysfunction and oxidative stress in juvenile essential hypertony and obesity.
The role of environmental heterogeneity in the ecology and evolution of co-operation
The Role of Environmental Inspectorates as Street-level Bureaucrats in the Implementation of Environmental Policy
The role of epigenetic components in the differentiation of embrionic stem cells
The role of ethnicity in residential mobility and preferences in multi-ethnic regions
The role of exercise, caloric restriction on protein stability and epigenetics: role of sirtuins
The role of extensive livestock husbandry in sustainable turf management in the context of the fight against impacts of the climate change
The role of extracellular matrix proteome alterations in the pathomechanism of multifactorial inflammatory diseases
The role of factor XIII and other regulators of fibrinolysis in the outcome of thrombolytic therapy in ischemic stroke patients
The role of focus in sentence interpretation: An experimental investigation of focus identification and focus interpretation in Hungarian
The role of forensic economics in industrial organization and law enforcement
The role of fracture cementation and reactivation in the fluid transport of a low porosity and permeability claystone body
The role of genetic instability caused by aberrant hypermutation in the development and transfornation of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas
The role of gentrification in rural development
The role of GHRH in sjeep regulation
The role of glial autophagy in the phagocytosis of axon debris and amyloid beta in Drosophila
The role of goals and goal-objects in the development of event memory and concept formation
The role of gully erosion in the present-day relief development of Hungary
The role of gully erosion in the present-day relief development of Hungary
The role of habitat and landscape factors in grassland community assembly
The role of habitat and landscape factors in grassland community assembly
The role of heat shock proteins and genetic factors in the pathomechanism of ischemia induced acute renal failure
The role of heme in atherosclerotic lesion formation
The role of hepcidin, a liver-produced hormon int he regulation of iron metabolism
The role of heterochromatin formation in piRNA-Piwi transposon silencing; molecular characterisation of a new player, the Drosophila small ovary protein
The role of heuristics and decision biases in entrepreneurial behavior and innovation
The role of higher excitations in the quantum chemical description of molecules and radicals: method development and applications
The role of histone acetylation in the regulation of latent Epstein-Barr virus promoters
The role of historical trajectory in consraction of national identity
The role of historical trajectory in consraction of national identity
The role of HOFI/SH3PXD2B in endothelial functions and in neovascularization of tumors
The role of Hsp27 in neurodegenerative diseases from the aspects of membranes and lipids
The role of human in seed dispersal
The role of hypothalamic integrating centers of energy homeoctasis in cental regulation of reproduction
The role of hypoxia in the regulation of tumor cell migration and invasion.
The role of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1) activation and glycolytic switch in vascular calcification
The role of immune checkpoint molecules in the maintenance of feto-maternal tolerance during pregnancy and in pathologic pregnancies
The role of immune factors, parvalbumin and activation of PARP, neurodegenerative diseases
The role of individual differences and situative factors in skill learning
The role of individual differences and situative factors in skill learning
The Role of Individual Rights and Informal Institutions in Economic Development
The Role of Information in Civil Procedure
The role of insulin signalling and oxidative stress in the evolution of life histories
The role of interactions and kinetics in the mucoadhesion of polymers with controlled structure
The role of intracellular calcium stores in the regulation of calcium homeostasis in muscle cells under physiological and pathological conditions
The role of intracellular calcium stores in the regulation of calcium homeostasis in muscle cells under physiological and pathological conditions
The role of ion channels in differentation and proliferation of immune cells.
The role of ions of basic electrolyte in the ELectrolyte Cathode Atmospheric pressure glow Discharge (ELCAD)
The role of Kupffer cell blockade in health and disease
The role of lipoxygenase isoenzymes and oxylipins in disease resistance of bean and tobacco
The role of long non-coding RNAs during heat-stress response in plants
The role of lymph vessels in malignant pleural mesothelioma
The role of MacroD2 in DNA repair
The role of macrophage PPARg in muscle regeneration
The role of mannose binding lectin (MBL) and Clq on various functions of dendritic cells and macrophages and on immunoregulation
The role of MASP-3 serine protease in embyogenesis
The role of medium-sized enterprises in regional industrial competitiveness
The role of membrane microdomains in angiotensin receptor function
The role of metabolic characteristics in tumour progression, metastasis and development of related experimental tests for personalized drug selection
The role of metabolic reprogramming and mitochondria in the antiviral functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells
The role of metals in protein structure and function
The role of micro RNA-21 and cathepsins in delayed preconditioning to acute kidney injury
The role of microglia in central and systemic inflammation after cerebral ischemia
The role of microRNAs in the diagnosis and pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis
The role of midline thalamic circuitries in the learnt and innate behaviours
The role of mitochondria in the regulation of ascorbate concentration and redox state in plant cells.
The role of mitochondrial carbohydrate and ascorbic acid transport and metabolism in the osmotic and oxidative stress adaptation.
The role of mitochondrial non-oxidative phosphorylation energy-harnessing pathways in cancer metabolism
The role of mitochondrial ROS generation and elimination systems in bacterial elicitor induced plant stress response
The role of molting defective gene in the ecdysone production of Drosophila larvae
The role of multifunctional noble metal/zeolite catalysts in upgrading of motor fuels
The role of N-cadherin in early mammalian neural development and differentiation of hippocampal GABAergic cells
The role of Ncb5or flavoheme reductase in fatty acid desaturation and in development of the metabolic syndrome
The role of nectar-proteins in the self-defence mechanism of Maloideae against fire blight
The role of neotectonics in the young morphostructural evolution of the Hungarian Mid-Mountains
The role of networks in innovation activities
The role of neuroendocrine regulation in brain aging and neurodegeneration
The role of neurohormones and neuropeptides in the regulation of the adaptive function of the neural and andocrine system
The role of neutrophil granulocytes in the patomechanism of hereditary angioedema
The role of nitic oxide in root development
The role of nitric oxide in acut renal failure and in chronic allograft nephropathy: Genetic and gender differences
The role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
The role of nitric oxide-peroxynitrite-PARP pathway in the pathomechanism of chronic wounds
The role of NMDA receptor subunits in the development of cerebellar granule cells: investigations on transgenic mice
The role of NMNAT-1 in cancer cell chemosensitivity
The role of non-cognitive skills in school success
The role of novel inhibitor molecules and protein–protein interactions in the regulation of protein phosphatase-1
The role of novel thalamo-limbic projections in controlling social behaviours
The role of oxidized hemoglobin forms in the activation of inflammasome
The role of P2Y12 receptors in control of pain and neuroinflammation
The role of pancreatic ductal secretion in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis
The role of paradigm structure in Hungarian morphology and phonology with typological comparisons
The role of parental care in sex allocation of Penduline Tits
The Role of Parenting and Networks in Human Capital Formation
The role of perceived-lived space of movement, of peers and of the personal factors in formation of the professional- and life-trajectories of Hungarian professionals
The role of peroxisome proliferator avtivated receptor (PPAR), a nuclear receptor, in the patomechanism of psoriasis and UV induced non-melanoma skin cancers
The role of photoreceptor phosphorylation in plant development
The role of PIBF receptors in pregnancy and tumor development.
The role of Piezo 1 in skeletal muscle
The role of Piezo1 in skeletal muscle
The role of plant gene induction in resistance forms that result in necrosis inhibition
The role of plant hormones in resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens
The role of plant hormones in resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens
The role of polarization in the formation of undesirable social outcomes
The role of prealbumin as a hapten-carrier protein in lymphocyte transformation test for the establishment of drug allergy
The role of protein degradation during sugar/stress signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
The Role of Protein Kinase C and Calcineurin Signalling Pathways in Chondrogenesis
The Role of Proteoglycans in Ankylosing Spondylarthropathy
The role of PTCH gene polymorphisis in the pathogenesis of basal cell cancer of the skin
The role of quality control systems in plant stress responses
The role of reactive carbonyl species in the abiotic stress response of crop plants
The role of reactive intermediates in the reactions of simple inorganic compounds and ions
The Role of Religions and Churches in the European Union
The role of rerritin in enhancing the stress tolerance of grapevine
The role of retinal direction selectivity in cortical computation and perception of visual motion
The role of Rho GTPases in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton
The role of RhoA/ROCk and H2S in the regulation of pregnant rat uterine contractility and in development of new tocolytic agents
The role of roadsides in the preservation of the native flora
The role of root development in drought adaptation of monocots
The role of seed banks in vegetation dynamics of calkifuge sandy grasslands
The role of self-conscious emotions in perceptual decision making – analysis of athletes and non-athletes
The role of semiochemicals and visual stimuli in the orientation of pestiferous hemipterans and aphidophagous insects
The role of Septin7 in the regeneration of skeletal muscle
The role of septins in skeletal muscle
The role of serotonin 1A, 2A, 2B and 2C receptors in the regulation of sleep-wake cycle and the pathophysiology of depression
The role of SHP1 in Fas mediated signaling
The role of sirtuins in the aging of skeletal muscle and brain with the molecular adaptation to exercise
The role of SLAM and SLAM-related receptors in dendritic cell functions
The role of small habitat patches and secondary habitats in conserving diversity
The role of small habitat patches and secondary habitats in conserving diversity
The role of smoothelin-like protein 1 in signaling pathways associated with insulin resistance
The role of social economy in the promotion of social integration in Hungarian rural areas
The Role of Social Learning Processses in case of RES in two hungarian counties
The role of social, cognitive and genetic factors in language development
The role of soil in different weather situations
The role of soil in different weather situations
The role of soil organic matter stability in the adsorption and desorption of pharmaceutically active compounds – with a focus on environmental differences
The role of soil properties in changes of quality and quantity of water-extracted organic matter (WEOM)
The role of solar-like magnetic activity in the evolution of single stars, binaries and star-planet systems
The role of somatostatin interneurons in stress coping
The role of spatial constraints in the organization and biodiversity conservation
The role of species pool, seed banks and plant traits in grassland dynamics
The role of stem cells in injury induced responses of liver tissue
The role of stem cells in liver regeneration and carcinogenesis
The role of stomatal regulation in the plant immune response
The role of store operated calcium entry in healthy and diseased mouse skeletal muscle cells
The role of stress-activated MAP kinase networks in environmental adaptation of growth in model and crop plants
The role of Substance-P and Neurokinin-1 receptor in the formation of abnormal aggression
The Role of SUCLA2 Mutations in the Disorders of the Mitochondrial Phosphorylation System
The role of supramolecular interactions in the architecture of solid phase containing one or more components
The role of surface membrane and sarcoplasmic reticular proteins in acquired and hereditory muscle disorders
The role of tankyrases in adipogenic differentiation and function
The role of territorial capital and innovative milieu in the development of Central and Eastern European regional centers
The role of the agricultural insurance in agricultural production
The role of the Balkan peninsula in the genesis of the soil fauna of the Carpathian Basin
The role of the barn owl (Tyto alba) in secondary seed dispersal in open landscapes
The role of the biosphere in the carbon dioxide budget of the atmosphere
The role of the calcium channel splice variant Cav1.1dE29 in the skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling
The Role of the Elite in Early Modern Urban Leadership and the Social Network of Its Members, 15-17. Century
The role of the endocannabinoid system in the development of preeclampsia
The role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the survival of new firms and in shaping the entrepreneurial activity
The role of the extracellular matrix and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of colitis associated neuroinflammation and dysmotility
The role of the genera Bipolaris and Curvularia in mycotoxin contamination of agricultural products
The role of the gut microbiome and microbiota-derived urine metabolites in the activation of macrophages and T-cells in the context of anti-tumor immunity
The Role of the Hungarian Connections and Examples in the Development Process of the Croatian Illyrian Movement
The role of the hydrogen atom and electron transfer reactions in the photoreactions of n,π* carbonyls.
The role of the hydrogenase enzymes in the methane production of hydrogenotrophic methanogens
The role of the interaction between foreign exchange and fixed income markets in understanding exchange rate behavior
The role of the interaction between metastatic cells and brain endothelium in the development of brain metastases
The role of the molecular interactions of SARS Cov-2 E protein and human SERCA pump in Ca2+ signaling
The Role of the Oath in the Administration of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
The role of the p53 transciption factor family in the molecular mechanism of cytopatic effect elicited by teratogenic viruses
The role of the plasma membrane Ca2+ATPase in cell motility
The role of the PLCγ2 pathway in osteoclast fusion
The role of the prefrontal cortex in aggression: emotional/cognitive processing and the activation of subcortical executive functions
The role of the renin-angiotensin system in the regulation of bone-remodelling
The role of the toll-like receptor homologue CD180 molecule in the activation of B cell subsets and in natural and pathological autoantibody production in systemic sclerosis
The role of the transcription factor BACH1 in macrophage function and tissue homeostasis
The role of the unintentional transport of seeds by horticultural trade in human-mediated long-distance dispersal
The role of the ventral pallidum in Pavlovian conditioning
The role of Thelper and Tcytotoxic lymphocytes in allergic and autoimmune skin diseases
The role of tissue renin-angiotensin system in the derangement of intracellular calcium handling in diabetic cardiomyopathy
The role of transcriptional and epigenetic regulation in cervical carcinogenesis
The role of transient outward current in the ventricular repolarization in mammalian heart.
The role of transient receptor potential channels in fever and hypothermia associated with systemic inflammation
The role of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases in transcription
The role of tumor-stroma interactions in the initiation and progression of gastric cancer. Clinical and experimental studies.
The role of type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in the photosynthetic cyclic electron transport of microalgae
The role of ubiquitin in the secretory granule crinophagic degradation in Drosophila
The role of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the regulation of body weight and temperature with special regard to the glycogen repletion after cold exposure
The role of viral antigens, growth factors and adhesion molecules in the progression of chronic hepatitis
The role of viruses and molecular genetic alterations in conjunctival, colorectal and anogenital carcinogenesis
The roles and treatment of accelerated atherosclerosis in end stage renal disease: hyperhomocysteinaemia and n-e fatty acids
The Roles of Actin and Actin-Binding Proteins in the Biological Function of the Nucleoskeleton
The roles of Cys persulfidation in antioxidant protection and regulation of protein functions
The roles of two bZIP transcription factors in governing oxidative stress responses in Aspergillus nidulans
The Roman auxiliary fort at Baracs
The Roman legal bases of given contracts of the new Hungarian Civil Code
The Roman legal bases of given contracts of the new Hungarian Civil Code
The Romantic Subjectivity and it's Reception in the Post-Idealistic Philosophy
The roots of the Hungarian knowledge elite between the two world wars and the hierarchy of middle-class groups in Hungary in the second part of the 19th century (status patterns, classes, structure of professions, socio- and ethnocultural patterns, denominational-cultural clusters)
The rotary mechanism of a molecular engine, the vacuolar proton-ATPase, working in a biomembrane
The ruling dynasties of the Kingdom of Hungary (1000-1526)
The Rumanian political settelmant and the catholic autonomy in Transylvania 1921-1932
The sandpile group and related problems
The school is not an island. Educational and community resilience in a multiethnic environment
The School of ABC-proteins: From Gene Regulation to Transport Mechanism
The Scythic finds in Hungarian Plain
The seer in Greek cultural memory
The Shoah in a Bottom Up Perspective – Narratives of Jews and Gentiles Living Together in the 20th Century, with a Special Regard to the Period of the Persecution of Jews
The short-term effect of biological therapy on hemostatic profile in inflammatory bowel disease: A translational research project
The significance of blue stain fungi in the Hungarian coniferous forest
The significance of body temperature alterations in acute pancreatitis
The significance of microbleeds in traumatic brain injury: translational MRI investigations
The simulation of acquistion processing of agricultural products in especially consideration of sugar beet
The simultaneous modeling of the tax and pension systems
The situation of the vulnerable party in the working relationships – An European and Hungarian point of view
The small extracellular vesicle mediated horizontal gene transfer of mutant K-ras, and its therapeutic importance in colorectal cancer
The social composition of students of secondary education in the firts half of the 19-th. century
The Social Embeddedness of the Public Catering of Children. Issues and Opportunities
The social hierarchy of the late neolithic tribes in South-Transdanubia
The Social History of Hungarian Film
The social history of the Austro-Hungarian censuses
The social history of the labour in Hungary from the middle of the 19th century to the socialization in Middle-European comparison
The social history, genre system, functions and data base of religious disputes in the 16-18th century in Hungary
The social memory of socialism in Hungary
The Social Recruitment of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party. Database and Historical-Sociological Analysis.
The society of the historical Abaúj, Torna, Zemplén counties in the second half 19th century
The Sociological-psychological-existential trap of extreme deprivation: present orientation and psychoactive substance use
The sociology of housing cooperatives in Hungary from a longue durée perspective
The sociology of urban planning - urban planning and society
The sociology oh the Hungarian medical profession at the end of the Old Regime (1920-1944)
The solvency analysis of small and medium size enterprises using the analytic model based simulation of the influence of economical measures on the financial balance.
The sources and history of the 1515 Habsburg-Jagiello royal summit in Vienna
The Southern Cemeteries of Keszthely-Fenékpuszta
The Soviet Bloc and China, 1949-1989
The Spatial Structure of the World Economy: Connections between the Global and the Local Spatial Processes
The Specific Features and Performance of the “Health Industry” in Hungary and in International Perspective
The spread of the products and technology of metallurgy in the Carpathian Basin between 5000 and 3000 BC
The State of Emergency in the Era of Global Ecological and Pandemic Crisis
The stock of knowledge of national identity in an international comparison and in time comparison (ISSP module 2003)
The strategy of increase of competitiveness of fruit production after step in the EU
The Strong, the Weak and the Cunning: Power and Strategy in Voting Games
The structural adaptation of thymosin beta-4 to its interacting partners
The structural and functional role of the macro and meiobenthos in the detritus food web of the Danube
The structural basis and biological role of protein-protein interactions: a multidisciplinary approach
The structural dynamics of Hungarian central government agencies
The structure and conformation dependent activity of VWF and its implications on vascular haematology
The structure of metal ions in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions
The study and the extension of the tert-amino effect: Synthesis of new types of polycyclic compounds with biological activities
The Study of Antiquity in Hungary in the 16–18th Centuries
The study of ion-bombardment induced effects in metal alloys using molecular dynamics simulation
The study of nonradial pulsations in eclipsing binary systems
The study of spoken language in Budapest
The study of the connection between the structure and function of membrane proteins
The study of the role of actin cytoskeleton in the development of human diseases by biophysical methods
The study of the roles of genetic and vasoactive mechanisms and the obesity on adolescent patiens with essential hypertension
The Stylistic Possibilites of Microstructure of Text
The survey of local ecological knowledge of Hungarian recreational anglers
The survey of the logistical situation of food industry, possibilities of outsourcing
The Swabian Mirror
The switching cost of aging – Electrophysiological correlates of task switching paradigm in the trained aging brain
The syntax and syntax-semantics interface of adverbial modification
The Syntax of Hybrid Categories
The Syntax of Medieval Italian
The synthesis and testing of peptides and peptide analogue compounds which serve as substrates or inihibitors of blood coagulation Factor XIII
The synthesis and use of phosporus heterocycles
The synthesis and utilization of P-heterocycles
The system of concepts related to morals, duty and vices from Cicero to Saint Stephan
The System of Relations of the Byzantine Empire with the Carpathian Basin based on Numismatic Material
The Szekler Land in the Middle Ages (monograph)
The Szolnok Flysch: stratigraphy, bio- and lithofacies and its paleographical constraints
The tabloidisation of the media and the characteristics of the new cultural public sphere in Hungary
The tabloidization of politics
The Technology, Use and Manipulation of Weapons from the Late Bronze Age Transdanubia
The temperature sensitivity of the decomposition of physical fractions of organic matter of soils with different vegetation coverage
The territorial aspects of the Hungarian - Italian relationships
The Text World of the Hungarian Folklore I. Texts of Folk Belief (ed. Éva Pócs)
The textual transmission and the manuscripts of the poems of C. Valerius Catullus
The third synapsis. Molecular interactions between dying cells and macrophages or dendritic cells.
The tomb of Amenhotep, Chief Physician in the Domain of Amun. Theban Tomb -61-
The topos of 'national philosophy' in history of Hungarian philosophy
The tradition of “sensus communis” in the Hungarian thought: Philosophy and the public realm; public philosophy, national philosophy, national characterology
The transformation of political hierarchy in the Politburo of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party: An analysis of interaction
The transformation of the cities of the Great Plain and system of tanyas at the new economic conditions (1990-2003)
The Transformation of Transport Structure in Eastern Europe after the Change of the Economic and Political System with Special Regard to its Future Impact on Spatial Structure
The translation and commentary of Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics
The tropology of the interpretation
The two face of nanoparticles: metal-oxide nanoparticle-induced nitro-oxidative stress in crop seedlings and its possible alleviation by nano-silicon seed priming
The Two Ratios in Central-Europeans Context. The Birth of the Educational Politics in Some of The Central-European Countries
The Unitary Soul in Ancient Philosophy
The unorthodox regulatory function of macrophage-polarizing cytokines-activated signal-dependent transcription factors contributes to the late phase of macrophage polarization and the unique responsiveness to the inflammatory microenvironment
The urban culture and the festivals - transformation of urban space
The use of biological photonic nanostructures for selective gas and vapour sensing
The use of biological photonic nanostructures for selective gas and vapour sensing
The use of chloroplast mutants in GM plants enviromental risk assesment
The use of ionic liquid catalysis in the synthesis of steroid derivatives
The use of randomized control trials in educational sociology
The utilization of microwaves in organophosphorus chemistry
The utilization of the rheological and structural characteristics of polymer solutions and melts for their efficient processing
The variations of theBalassi-imitation in the second half of 17th century
The vegetative incompatibility system of Giberella fujikuroi, plant pathological and toxicological aspects
The Villa Area of Andrássy Avenue - Contiuation and possible completion of the research for a monography
The Virtual Globe as a New Medium of Thematic Cartography
The voice of the 20th century - a pilot project
The vokalization of dogs as a means of communication formed by domestication - an athological and acustic approach
The Volta Conference on Prose Theatre in 1934 - An Emblematic Moment of Theatre: the Relationship between Intellectuals and Political Power
The volumes of the Series Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani Aquincum Research and Preparing
The way from caning to fine words
The way from caning to fine words
The Web of Hungarian and European Theatre History. Net-philology
The Welfare Effects of the EU Membership on the Hungarian Food Consumers and Producers
The Western narrative sources of Angevin Hungary. Narratie sources and foreign policy
The work of Giambattista Vico in the context of 18th Century's Italian literature
The X-files: deep-phenotyping of X-linked retinopathies, establishment of a national patient registry and tissue biobank as the fundamental scientific infrastructure for personalized medicine
The yearly time-scale variability of the solar and stellar dynamos
The “Hungarian Ovid”, János Filiczki’s poetic oeuvre and intellectual network
The “missing heritability”: identifying novel elements of the polygenic breast cancer susceptibility
Theatre, Culture, and Identity: The idea of the national theatre and the European Union
Theatrical Languages and Interpretation. The Analysis of Contemporary (Music) Theatre
Theban Necropoleis
Thematic issues of the Hungarian Philosophical Review: 2022-2023
Theological Anthropology in the Patristic Era
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches Concerning the Better Understanding of Corporate Crime
Theoretical and empirical questions of text types
Theoretical and experimental approaches to dialectal variation and contact-induced change: a case study of Tundra Nenets
Theoretical and experimental investigation and optimization of membrane processes
Theoretical and experimental investigation of certain sensory tasks in the submicron measuring technique
Theoretical and experimental investigation of high-feed face milling carried out by a special tool
Theoretical and experimental investigation on dispersion of pollutants emitted by ground vehicles in urban and natural environment
Theoretical and experimental investigations of membrane separation process in the food industry and environmental protection
Theoretical and experimental study of high energy particle production at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
Theoretical and experimental study of the newest nonlinear processes of ''attophysics'' generated by superintense laser fields within the light wavelength and oscillation period scale.
Theoretical and experimental study on performance analysis of solar photovoltaic system
Theoretical and methodological issues in affective neuroscience
Theoretical and methodological issues of nonlinear equilibrium systems
Theoretical and numerical investigation of fitine elasto-plastic deformation
Theoretical and numerical investigation of low Reynolds number flow around an accelerating cylinder placed in a uniform stream
Theoretical and numerical investigation of three-dimensional flows around bluff bodies
Theoretical and practical basis of spatial analysis
Theoretical and practical fundation of the solution of farm machinery problems in the small and medium size enterprises
Theoretical and simulation study of complex fluids
Theoretical and Spectroscopical Study of Short lived Organometallic Compounds
Theoretical establishment of integrated logistic system of production-assembly processes by typical mechatronical products
Theoretical foundation and elaboration of intelligent environment adaptive objects in highly integrated product models
Theoretical interpretation of the experimental data and experimental investigation of the theoretical predictions in hihg energy heavy ion physics
Theoretical investigation of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
Theoretical investigation of inter-molecular interactions in nanostructures
Theoretical Investigation of Novel Carbon Nanostructures
Theoretical Investigation of Novel Carbon Nanosystems
Theoretical investigation of point defects, their agglomerates and their effects on optical properties in irradiated silicon carbide by means of quantum mechanical calculations
Theoretical investigations of asymptotic properties of graviatational fields
Theoretical investigations of the strongly interacting matter produced at FAIR (CBM,PANDA) and NICA(Dubna)
Theoretical investigations of thermo-hygro-mechanics (THM) and application to fiber reinforced thermo-hygroscopic composites; application in automotive industry
Theoretical methods for describing the rotational-vibrational motions of moecules
Theoretical modelling for engineering geophysical sounding
Theoretical Problems of Variable Structure Nonlinear Feeback Systems in Power Electronics
Theoretical problems of variable structure nonlinear feedback systems in power electronics
Theoretical Researches in Cosmology
Theoretical studies of chemical reactions of ground- and excited-state reactants
Theoretical studies of novel material surfaces
Theoretical studies of organocatalytic cycles
Theoretical studies of reactions with frustrated Lewis pairs
Theoretical studies of the dynamics and kinetics of elementary reactions
Theoretical studies on magnetic nanostructures
Theoretical study and development of new well treatment methods based on application of metastable microemulsions
Theoretical study of complex magnetic states in thin films
Theoretical study of strongly correlated low-dimensional systems
Theoretical study of the catalytic activation of carbon dioxide
Theoretical tools for colliders of today and tomorrow
Theorial and practical research into information retrieval models, Web metasearch (fusion), Hungarian test collection, cross-language retrieval
Theories of Performativity and Martial Arts Studies
Theory and applications in mathematical analysis
Theory and Practice of Genetic Criticism
Theory and practice of sports talent management
Theory of Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) and its practical applications
Theory of differential and difference equations with applications
Theory of generation and maintenance of biological diversity
Theory of quantum effects in nano-systems
Theory of Real Functions and General Topology
Theory of series and inequalities concerning infinite series
Therapeutic targets in acute pancreatitis: Experimental and clinical studies
Therapeutic utilization of decorin as a receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor in primary and metastatic liver cancers
Therapy response in association with biomarker and intermedier phenotype profile in major depression disorders
Therapy response in association with biomarker and intermedier phenotype profile in major depression disorders
Thermal and photo-catalytic studies on supported and promoted Au catalysts
Thermal decomposition of fire retardant containing plastics
Thermal modification of Hungarian hardwood material to improve the durability and the dimensional stability
Thermal properties of double grade heat storage material in PCM - water heat exchanger
Thermalization in non-equilibrium quantum systems
Thermoanalitical and structural chemical investigations of chiral recognition
Thermocemical and theoretical combustion examination of biomass in different conditions
Thermochemistry of Organometallic Compounds Using Photoionization Techniques
Thermodynamics of the metal coordination of bioligands studied by ESR spectroscopy
Thermoelectric and electromechanical effects in ferroelectric nematic fluids
Thermomechanically induced thermoelastic and nontermoelastic martensitic transformations
Thermophilic flora elements in the Cenozoic floras of the Pannonian Basin and the Northern Hemisphere.
Theta-burst rTMS in schizophrenia to enhance emotion recognition and ameliorate negative symptoms
Thin film integrity check by capillary bridge test
Thio-click approach for the synthesis of peptide-oligonucleosides , oligomannoside mimetics and chiral crown ethers
Thr Multinationals and their social, economic and political effects in Hungary
Threat detection in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis: dissection of specific neuronal populations mediating innate and learned fear
Three levels of biodiversity insurance: Species dispersal, -establishment and -assembly
Three year-long survey study of a tick-borne encephalitis focus, role of goats and rodents in virus spread.
Three year-long survey study of a tick-borne encephalitis focus, role of goats and rodents in virus spread.
Three-dimensional study of the plasma environment of the Earth
Thrombogenicity of the vascular wall and its impact on thrombolysis
Thrombolysis: modulation of fibrinolysis by cellular ana molecular components of thrombi
Thrombosis and bleeding: ancient sydromes in 21st century presentation
Thucydides' Influence on Byzantium: Procopius
Thymosin beta-4, a Conductor to Identify Novel Therapeutic MicroRNA Targets in Cardiac Hypoxia
Thyroid hormone dependent regulation of adult hypothalamic neurogenesis mediated metabolic control
Tibetan After-Death Rites in Mongolian Buddhist Practice: Ceremonial System, Text Typology and Analysis
Tibor Déry's Correspondance 1951-1955
Tibor Déry: Collected Letters
Tibor Déry: Collected Letters 1945-1950
Time relations of large scale displacements and internal deformations of tectonic units as manifested in paleomagnetic rotations, brittle structures and magnetic fabric
Time relations of large scale displacements and internal deformations of tectonic units as manifested in paleomagnetic rotations, brittle structures and magnetic fabric
Time resolved and nonlinear femtosecond optics
Time series analysis and fractal models with applications
Time series analysis of land-cover dynamics using medium and high-resolution satellite images
Time-resolved investigation of functional molecules and nanosystems
Time-resolved molecular dynamics using XUV ionization of aligned molecules
Time-varying coefficient methods for supporting economic policy analysis
Tissue organization by cell collectives
Tissue specific assessment of medical therapy evoked alterations of thyroid hormone economy in rodents and humans
TMS in depression from a novel immune-inflammatory perspective: The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on the peripheral immune and neural markers in healthy subjects and patients with depression
Tne years after: HUngaian entrepreneurs int EU
To help or to be helped? Professional working conditions, mental health and mobility in the social sector
To Laugh or to Report? - Assessing Factors Influencing Cyber Bystander Behaviour and Cyberbullying Prevention
To purchase or to produce? Households' food demand in Hungary after 1990
To study the role of tumor necrosis factor in post-traumatic septic complications
To the origin of the skull cult in the Neolithic of Middle- and South-East-Europe
Többmezős variációs elvek és végeselem-modellek a nemline-áris rugalmasságtanban
Tolerance against herbicides and heavy metals, and resistance to biotic stresses of plants modified by molecular genetic and tissue culture methods
Toll-like receptors and tumor antigens in rheumatoid arthritis
Topics in algebra and computer algebra
Topics in discrete and combinatorial geometry
Topics in Real Analysis
Topochemical reactions in crystalline fullerens and related materials
Topographic survey of the gothic and early baroque transilvanian altars (15th-17th century)
Topographical and topological constraints in evolutionary and ecological systems
Topographical Inventory of the Built Heritage, Kőszeg II.
Topography and neurochemical characterization of hypothalamic and central autonomic pathways
Topological nanomagnets beyond equilibrium
Topological properties of algebraic singularities
Topological properties of interacting systems
Topological properties of smooth manifolds
Topology optimisation of water distribution networks
Topology optimization of structures -new theories and methods for overcoming computational difficulties
Total Synthesis of Next-Generation Analgesic Terpenoids
Total synthesis of proteins for structural and functional studies
Tóth, Anikó: 10-11th century cemeteries of nyíri Mezőség
Tougher than the rest: comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of acid and sugar tolerance of Aspergillus niger during high-yield citric acid fermentations
Tourism legislation and institutions
Towards 100% selectivity – development of highly selective catalytic systems
Towards a better understanding of habit-like behaviors: How automatisms emerge and how can we change them?
Towards a better understanding of human memory and learning
Towards a new phenomenology of language
Towards a scientific understanding of consciousness
Towards a unified framework of implicit sequence learning
Towards Analyzing Complex Petascale Datasets
Towards atomic-scale memories
Towards culturally responsive teaching - socialization patterns and cognitive development in Roma families
Towards direct imaging of forming planetary systems with the angular resolution of a 200m telescope
Towards resolving the conflict between positive diversity-functioning and positive dominance-functioning relationships in natural (lake and river) phytoplankton communities
Towards the high resolution 3D geothermal model of Hungary: renewal of the geothermal database and its applications
Towards the sustainable production of valuable chemicals from microalgae based on the sequestration of refused-CO2 in a novel, circular-loop gas separation membrane bioreactor system
Towards understanding how more environmentally realistic exposure modulates the toxicity of graphene oxide in the aquatic ecosystem
Toxic Industrial Chemical Monitoring via Drone Integrated Whole Cell Biosensor Arrays
Toxic invaders: Adaptation in the poison and venom production of introduced animals
TPPP/p25 promotes tubulin acetylation by inhibiting histone deacetylase 6
TPPP/p25 promotes tubulin acetylation by inhibiting histone deacetylase 6
Tracing peculiar diamond nanostructures
Tracing subduction in the Pannonian Basin: research of water content in the upper mantle based on the micrsotructural analysis of peridotite xenoliths
Tracing the Holocene distribution of beech and oak forests in the Carpathian Basin using standscale paleoecology
Tracking of respiratory mechanics during respiratory support
Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in the Food Industry: The Case of Hungary
Trade-off relations and divergences in quantum information theory
Tradition and Flexibility in Russia's Security and Defense Policy
Traditional and non-traditional methods in extremal combinatorics
Traditional Dance as Knowledge, Social Practice and Cultural Heritage in East-Central European Local Communities
Traditional Dance as Knowledge, Social Practice and Cultural Heritage in East-Central European Local Communities
Traditional mills in Transilvania
Traditions of Hungarian political science between two world wars in 20th century
Trait divergence and convergence in aquatic plant communities
Trait-based effects of invasive plant species on native plant and pollinator communities and their usage by beekeepers at different spatial and temporal scales
Trait-based study of community assembly: does including traits related to resource capture and resuorce use efficiency gives better insight?
Traits for understanding plant community assembly: a new theoretical framework and testing with field data
Traits for understanding plant community assembly: a new theoretical framework and testing with field data
Tranforming growth factor beta proteins in the central nervous system
Trans-boundary PTE contamination modelling and risk assessment for sustainable soil management, food safety and natural riverine habitat protection in the Drava River floodplain
Transactional environmental psychological empirical study of person-environment fit and place-identity in primary and secondary micro- and macro- territories
Transcellular bicarbonate seceretion and intracellular pH regulation on polarized epithelial cells
Transcellular bicarbonate seceretion and intracellular pH regulation on polarized epithelial cells
Transcription regulation and stress tolerance in plants: analysis of novel Arabidopsis transcription factors controlling salt and drought tolerance.
Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation during heat stress in Brassicaceae
Transcriptional control of autophagy in C. elegans
Transcriptional regualtion of seed storage proteins in the model plant for cereals, Brachypodium distachyon
Transcriptional regulation of the human ABCC6 gene, a cardiovascular risk factor
Transcriptional regulation of the pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) causing ABCC6/MRP6 gene
Transcriptional silencing during DNA damage
Transcriptome analisis of transmembrane proteins
Transcriptome-based Monitoring and Eradication of Chronic Chlamydial Infection - ChlamyTrans -
Transcriptome-based Monitoring and Eradication of Chronic Chlamydial Infection - ChlamyTrans -
Transcultural Scaling of the Idea of ’Medial Agency’
Transfer Processes of Social Norms and Life Strategies in the Multiethnic Settlements of Kárpátalja
Transformation of greenhouse gases to synthesis gas: understanding the catalytic reforming of methane with carbon dioxide using bimetallic nanoparticles
Transformation of peasant communities. Altered sets of values of village communities in the 2nd half of the 20th century
Transformation of the functions and catchment areas of the border region cities after the change in the role of borders and the EU enlargement in the Carpatian basin
Transformations of algebraic structures of linear operators
Transformations of mono- and bis(acyl)hydrazones: Synthesis of cyclic N,O,S-acetals/ketals.
Transformations on spaces of operators and functions
Transforming Arabidopsis research into targeted rapeseed breeding for improved growth and yield
Transforming local housing markets in non-metropolitan towns
Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond
Transgene-free gene specific editing of maize genome with synthetic oligonucleotides and their combination with CRISPR/Cas9 system
Transient deformation, thermal and tribological processes at fine machining of metal surfaces of high hardness
Transients processes in disks setting the initial conditions of terrestrial planet formation
Transition metal catalysed synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
Transition metal catalysis in the complete chemical degradation of chlorophenols
Transition metal complexes as possible safe alternatives to Gd(III)-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents: design synthesis and chemical characterization
Transition metal complexes of peptides. Models of the metal ion protein interactions.
Transition processes in Croatia and Slovenia
Transition processes in Croatia and Slovenia
Transitional Local Government Finance
Transitions of hippocampal network activity states in vitro: How are periodic network activities generated by the interaction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in healthy and epileptic conditions?
Translating in the 18th Century Hungarian Literature. A Philological Research on Fiction and Non-fiction
Translational investigation of electrophysiological signatures and neuromodulation of vigilance and temporal attention in rats and non-human primates
Translational investigation of right ventricular function: from myocardial mechanics to machine learning-based clinical decision making
Translational MRI research of mild traumatic brain injury
Transmembrane electron transfer as background for the biological activity of cytochrome b561 proteins
Transmembrane ionic currents in atrial myocytes in sinus rhythm and chronic atrial fibrillation in human and animal models
Transnational industrial policy in the EU's periphery: the use of state aid and EU funds in Southern and Eastern Europe
Transport and reduction processes controlling the toxicity of arsenate
Transport model description of relativistic heavy ion collisions
Transport processes driven selforganization in autocatalytic reactions
Transport Processes in Multi-Component Bubbly Flows
Transylvanian coins in the Numismatic Collection of Frigyes Déri
Transylvanian Romanian politicians’ attitudes to Hungarians in the 20th century
Transylvanian Saxon towns in the Beginning of the Habsburg Rule (1685-1711) based on the examples of Sibiu/Hermannstadt and Brasov/Kronstadt
Trapped atomgases
Trapping the blue light: functional dynamics of blue light sensor proteins revealed by ultrafast spectroscopy
Trauma és történelem. Szociálpszichológiai és pszichoanalítikus tanulmányok. (Jószöveg Műhely Kiadó)
Trauma-induced behavioral deficits: the role of NMDA and AMPA receptor subtypes
Trauma-induced changes of the endocannabinoid system in circuits regulating fear responses and their involvement in the behavioral outcome of trauma exposure
Traumatic brain injury-induced autoregulatory dysfunction and disruption of the blood-brain barrier
Traveling Through Time and (Concept) Space: Hippocampal Contributions to Knowledge Representation in Children
Treasury of Hungarian folklore texts
Treatment of brain tumors by selective targeting of hypoxic, radioresistant tumor cells in a mouse tumor model
Treatmet of renal artery stenosis in hemodialyzed patients by stenting
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) - a potential source of bioactive compounds
Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility in Hungary
triassic gastropods from theTransdanubian Central Range
Tribological research of up-to-date self-lubricating engineering polymer composites in dynamic sliding and loading system, further modular development of the dynamic tribometer
Trichoderma green mould disease of cultivated mushrooms from the genomics perspective
Triggering on charged hadrons produced with large transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
Tringli István: Sátoraljaújhely. Hungarian atlas of historic towns 2.
TRP-dependent mechanisms in meningeal nociception: relevance to human pathophysiology
TRPC6 in human podocytes: Biological role, regulation, and implications for chronic proteinuric kidney diseases
TRPM2: from structure to the function
Trust and Discrimination in the Sharing Economy—With a Special Focus on Collaborative Consumption Platforms
Trustworthiness, emotions, and attractiveness: the role of face in various social relationships
Tuberculosis and evolution
Tumor associated receptor-binding peptides for selective tumor targeting
Tumor induced lymphangiogenesis in human non-small cell lung cancer: pathology and therapeutic implications
Tumor-infiltrating immune cells and HLA class I expression as potential predictive markers of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy
Tumorigenesis and the effects of somatostatin in human pituitary adenomas
Tumour cell-induced pericyte responses during brain metastasis development
Tunable topology of confined soft matter
Tünetvándorlás. A pszichoszomatikus betegségek változásainak társadalomlélektana. (Jószöveg Műhely Kiadó)
Tuning of photoresponse by biocompatible molecular containers and electrolytes
Tuning the interfacial properties of fluid interfaces by strongly interacting polyelectrolytes and surfactants: the role of equilibrium and non-equilibrium features
Tuning the properties of two-dimensional materials by atomic scale structural defects
Tunneling in novel hydroxycarbenes
Tunneling in novel hydroxycarbenes
Tunnelling magnetoresistance (TMR) in ferromagnetic/insulator nanostructures
Turán numbers and extremal problems for paths
Turkish costams attached to important civil events of everyday life in Asia Minor
Turning to a higher dimension in the structure investigation of transmembrane proteins.
Turning Internet into a Fundamental Critical Infrastructure
Two dimensional quantum field theories and their applications
Two dimensional quantum field theories and their applications
Two distinct serotonergic systems in the brain: implications for the control of social behavior
Two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenide crystals modified by individual heteroatoms
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the central nervous system - a genomic approach
Typographic research of 16-17th century printed and illustrated books with Hungarian relevance
Typographical research of 18th ct. Hungarian illustrated and printed books
Typographical research of printed and illustrated books in Hungary in the second part of the 18th century (1751--1780)
Typological Database of the Ugric Languages
Typological Database of the Volga Area Finno-Ugric Languages
Tyre induced self-excited vibrations of vehicles
Tyrosine kinase pathways in urate crystal-induced autoinflammation
Ultra fast-spiking interneurons in the human neocortex
Ultra-low background experiments for nuclear astrophysics
Ultrafast diffraction imaging of single particles
Ultrafast diffraction imaging of single particles
Ultrafast dynamics in intense laser-matter interaction
Ultrafast dynamics in nanooptics
Ultrafast dynamics in nanooptics
Ultrafast linear and nonlinear optical processes on macromolecules
Ultrafast quantum dynamcs: Classical and nonclassical description
Ultrafast Surface Plasmon Dynamics
Ultrafine atmospheric aerosol
Ultrastructural and Genetic Studies in Disorders of Cornification
Uncertainty processing and mental health
Unconventional Condensates in Solids
Unconventional effects of antidepressants: Modification of receptor ion channel function studied by kinetic analysis of ionic currents
Uncovering novel developmental/cellular functions and transcriptional regulators of autophagy (cellular self-eating) genes
Uncovering patterns of inequalities and imbalances in large-scale networks
Uncovering the role of a conserved ncRNA family in fertilization of Angiosperms
Uncovering the sequence specificity determinants and improving the fidelity of CRISPR-nuclease systems to facilitate their high-end applications
Under the Stars - a nation-wide public science outreach campaign
Underpotential deposition of metals on foreign metal surafces (practical aspects)
Understanding and controlling the atomic-level dynamics of chemical reactions: From fundamental processes to small biosystems
Understanding and Controlling the Interplay of Local and Remote Interactions in Transition Metal Compounds with High Potential in IT
Understanding and design of molecular sensors
Understanding colonisation and the transition to pathogenic dissemnination by Candida species: towards early diagnostic and therapeutic approches. (ERA-NET PathoGenoMics)
Understanding loess particle mobilization, transport and deposition by wind and loess grain size distributions: implications for Quaternary paleoclimate reconstructions
Understanding microbial genome evolution: Experimental test of the genome streamlining hypotheses
Understanding the aspects of spatial and temporal variability of macrophytes
Understanding the aspects of spatial and temporal variability of macrophytes
Understanding the impact of nanostructuring to control neural cell - solid surface interactions at brain-machine interfaces
Understanding the importance of TXNL1 for redox regulated protein homeostasis in human cancer cells
Understanding the magma evolution and eruption chronology based on combined U-Pb dating, Hf isotope and trace element characteristics of zircons in silicic volcanic rocks of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Understanding the mechanism of prime editing and increasing its effectiveness
Understanding the relationship between Neolithic communities through ceramic analysis
Understanding the role of ponds and their networks in supporting aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity in the urban landscape
Understanding trends and drivers of poverty decline in Hungary: will lowered rates persist?
Underwater light quality and phototrophic microorganisms: what are the consequences of the ‘red shift’?
Uneven development and labour in Hungary
Unexpected consequences and impacts of the regulation of markets
Unifying principles of protein folding: understanding folding, unfolding and aggregation at atomic-level by experimental and computational methods
Unique Principles in an Ancient Biological System: Structural and Functional Properties of Bacterial Filament Proteins
Unknown Chapters of the 20th Century Relations of the Holy See and Hungary
Unknown records of Hungarian drama and theatre (17-18th c.)
Unknown records of Hungarian drama and theatre (17-18th c.)
Unorthodox molecular and structural determinants of the mechanical and lytic stability of thrombi
Unpublished Hungarian Documents of History of Mathematics in Hungarian and Foreign Archives. Reviewing and Publishing of the Riesz brothers's Correspondence and the Documents of Lipót Fejér.
Unpublished Mongolian and Manchu texts related to shamanism and folk religion and their Chinese counterpart
Unraveling the impact of compensatory evolution on metabolic divergence
Unraveling the mechanism of Post-transcriptional gene silencing and suppression in plants
Unraveling the mechanisms underlying non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug-induced small intestinal dysbiosis and bile acid alterations, and analyzing the effect of cannabinoids on enteropathy
Unraveling the neuroinflammatory mechanisms in mouse models of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and stress-induced pain: novel therapeutic options
Unraveling the role of Argonaute proteins in the RNA silencing pathways of the solanaceous model plant, Nicotiana benthamiana
Unraveling the role of kisspeptin neurons in the human rostral hypothalamus
Unravelling the pharmacogenomic landscape of the oncometabolite-producing enzyme IDO1
Unresolved problems of the modulation properties of pulsating variable stars
Unskilled unemployment in possocialist economies
Unsolved mysteries in supernova astrophysics
Unusual acid-base interactions
Unveiling the correlations of structure and charge-transfer excited state electronic properties in functional model molecules
Up-to-date method to improve psychosomatic performance in elderly persons
Upcycling of crumb rubber after microwave devulcanization in rubber and thermoplastic elastomer formulations
Upper Cretaceous dinosaur localities (Bakony Mts, Hungary): geology and palaentology
Upper Jurassic ammonite biostratigraphy and facies studies in the Gerecse and Pilis Mts (Transdanubian Central Range, Hungary)
Uracil-DNA in early embryonic development
Urban governance in intermediate cities and urban areas
Urban inequalities and social conflicts
Urban Inequalities and Social Conflicts in Czech and Hungarian Post-socialist Cities
Urban Planning and the Changes of the Socio-Spatial Structure of Budapest
Urban Scaling in Socio-economic Data
Urban Space and Society in Fifteenth-Sixteenth-Century Pressburg / Bratislava
Urban space in transition: Suburbanisation and gentrification in Hungarian country towns in the period of transformation
Urbanisation and climate change-driven extreme heat effects on bird reproductive output
Urbanization and behavioral flexibility in birds
Urbanization and climate change: interactive effects on phenology and reproductive success in natural populations
Uropodina genera of the world
Usage of language in the Hungarian diaspore in Upper-Austria
Use of affinity electrophoresis for the study of protein and drug interactions in capillary and microfluidic chips
Use of structural soil properties for improving prediction methods in soil systems wetting by water or non-polar liquids
Use of synthetic and semi-synthetic volatiles in reproductive biological survey of economically significant Noctuid moth species
Using 3D optical photostimulation induced artificial perception to investigate the properties of the neuronal ensembles responsible for the perception
Using and developing multilinear (multi-way) calibration procedures to evaluate measurements of food and environmental sciences
Using Collective Procedures to Enforce Minority Group Claims
Using genetic tools to identify the vascular functions of peroxidasin
Using interfaces of Pt/CoOx Janus nanoparticles and other complex structures for heterogenous catalytic CO2 and ethanol activation
Using OMICS approach for the analysis of viral gene expression
Utility of low dose dynamic perfusion CT using novel iterative image reconstruction algorithm
Utilization of cell culture techniques and a systems biology approach to develop a model of resistance against targeted therapy agents
Utilization of common bean genetic resources for sustainable crop improvement and healthy food
Utilization of quorum quenchers against food-contaminating yeasts
Utilization of remotely sensed and aircraft observations in the limited area numerical weather prediction model ALADIN/HU
Utilization of the results of space research
Utilization of visible light activated photoredox catalysis in organic syntheses
UV action spectrum of the induction of phenolic compounds and other antioxidants promoting stress tolerance
UV-induced translational regulation of DNA damage repair proteins Sgs1 and Rad14
V4 Korea RADCON - The Effect of Chemical Composition of Concrete on Its Long-term Performance in Irradiated Environment
Validated target proteins of the CNS: modeling functionally active conformations
Validation of a new model for stress-related mood disorders: pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide deficient mice
Validation of catchment-scale contaminant transport models using stable isotopes and multi-element measurements
Válogatott könyv- és könyvtártörténeti tanulmányok (Balassi Kiadó)
Valuations on convex bodies and representation theory
Valuations on lattice polytopes
Value system, guality of life, health state
Vanadium-dioxide thin film based nanoelectronics
Variability in Hungarian cattle in light of export at the end of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: written sources and archaeological finds
Variable stars in the instability strip and on the giant branch
Variation and change: Research on language shift in apparent and real time
Variation in Middle Hungarian: a register perspective
Variation in phonology
Variation in Romani morphology (with special regard to the varieties spoken in Hungary)
Variations - Crises - Reactions (Adaptation of the Local Organisation of Social Servises)
Varieties of Capitalism - varieties of direct economic interventions of the state
Varieties of social exclusion – Studies on mobility costs, segregation and discrimination
Various phonetic and phonological decoding processes in first language acquisition
Varsány: Egy északmagyarországi falu megismételt társadalomnéprajzi vizsgálata
Vascular anastomoses, vascular malformations and blood flow - Factors, optimization and prediction
Vascular effects of anaphylatoxins: cellular and molecular mechanisms and their role in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Vascular effects of sphingolipid mediators
Vasomotor function of venous microvessels in hyperhomocysteinemia
Vector semantics
Vehicle-oriented observer design via combining classical and learning-based approaches
Verbal constructions in Hungarian. Research in usage-based construction grammar
Verbs and light verb constructions in ancient Indo-European languages (with special reference to the Vedic language)
Verification of distributed functional programs
Vertebrate palaeontological and sedimentological research on the newly discovered vertebrate sites in the Upper Cretaceous continental succession of the Haţeg Basin
Vertebrate paleontological investigation of the Miocene continental sediments in northern
Vessel cooption in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Vessel wall thrombogenicity and its regulation
Vestigia II. Historical and literary sources from the 14th to the 16th century, related to Hungary, in libraries and archives of Italy
Vibration Control of Transmission Line Conductors
Videogames and creativity in education: Can videogames increase students' creativity?
Village in the Town - Social History and Change of Culture in Miskolc Suburbs in the 19-20th Centuries
Viral and host determinants of polyomavirus infection in waterfowls
Viral infections of animals surrounding humans: from discovery to diagnostics
Virological analysis of the Hungarian reptile and amphibian collections with respect of viruses causing epizootics.
Virological analysis of the Hungarian reptile and amphibian collections with respect of viruses causing epizootics.
Virological, bacteriological, and parasitological survey of free-ranging rat populations of livestock farms and human settlements (with special attention to zoonoses and ongoing epidemics).
Virome and aging: a longitudinal multi-OMICS study using dog as a model
Virtual 3D reconstruction of the pediments of the temple of Zeus at Olympia
Virtual experiment based design of steel structures
Virtual reality-based intervention (AVATAR therapy) for the treatment of residual auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Virtualization of reverberant acoustic environments
Virus isolation and detection from wild rodent species, research of a TBEV focus.
Virus resistance and susceptibility of Lycopersion species to different plant viruses
Visions on Artificial Intelligence and Society
Visual memory and automaticity: Detection of violated regularities in vision
Visual memory: recording environmental regularities, and automatic detection of events violating regularities
Visual Representation of State and Law
Visualization and manipulation of magnetoelectric domains
Vita in Hungaria:Hungarus-consciousness in Multi-ethnic Upper Hungary in the Seventeenth Century
Vitalistic Theories of Matter in Seventeenth-Century England
Viticulture and wine-trade in 16th-19th centuries
Vitrification of fish sperm
Vladimir Nabokov monograph
Vocational teacher training in the 21st century
Voices of the 20th Century - Qualitative Sources of Hungarian Sociology
Volcanological research in the North Hungarian andesite volcanic mountains
Vörs-Máriaasszonysziget - an interdisciplinary study of the prehistoric site
Vulnerability of water distribution networks
Walnut breeding in order to release new late leafing and lateral bearing cultivar(s)
Water in the fire: What can we learn from the geochemistry and water content of volcanic rocks and their phenocryts ?
Water in the fire: What can we learn from the geochemistry and water content of volcanic rocks and their phenocryts ?
Water stable isotopes (18O, D), noble gasconcentration, age, and chemistry as tracers of paleoclimatic conditions
Water use, regulation projects and society in 13th-20th century Hungary
Water use, regulation projects and society in 13th-20th century Hungary
Ways of Asiatic and Alexandrian Thought in Early Christianity
We teach, but to whom? (Contibution to the laying of scientific foundations of agricultual higher education)
Weak and strong dependence in probability, analysis and combinatorics
Weak bonds in carbonylation reactions
Weak near-unanimity operations
Weakly nonlocal mechanics
Weather shocks and health: The effect of changing climate on birth outcomes and mortality in Hungary
Weathering of ''natural'' andesite and andesite as building stone
Weathering of ''natural'' andesite and andesite as building stone
Weathering processes, soil minerals and trace elements in hungarian soils
Weekdays of a global humanitarian action
Weighted and vector-valued Fourier series
Weighted polynomial approximation and its applications
Well-being and Migration: The Hungary-Austria Migration Nexus (MIGWELL)
Western educational opportunities of Hungarian architects between 1945 and 1968. The impact of international architectural literature on Hungarian architecture of the period
Western Impacts and Transfers in the Hungarian Culture and Social Sciences in the 1970’s and 1980’s
What can a single species tell about environmental changes? A multidisciplinary evaluation of an apex predator, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra)
What factors hinder occupational mobility in Hungary
What makes embryogenesis commence?
What makes political leaders strong? Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics
When Immune Protection Backfires: Drawbacks of Bacterial Translocation Induced B-Cell Differentiation in Chronic Liver Failure
Where is the Result? Decomposing the argument structure of Hungarian resultatives and motion predicates
Whole genome based surveillance of rotaviruses: a new model for molecular epidemiological investigations
Why do ecotin-producing microbes survive in the blood?
Why regulate? The impacts of regulation
Wichtrials in Segesvár (1666-1732) (ed. E. Hagenthurm) source-book publication
Wide bandgap semiconductor layers and devices
Wide bandgap semiconductor layers and devices
Wind erosion sensitivity examination of different soil types using in situ wind tunnel experiments, on site and off site effects
Wired Into Each Other: Network Dynamics of Adolescents in the Light of Status Competition, School Performance, Exclusion and Integration
Wiring functional tactile cortical maps: combined optical imaging and light- and electron microscopic tract tracing studies in the primate somatosensory cortex
Wiring functional tactile cortical maps: combined optical imaging and light- and electron microscopic tract tracing studies in the primate somatosensory cortex
Witchtrials in Kolozsvár 1565--1822
Witchtrials in Sopron (1429-1702) (eds. Ildikó Németh, Péter Tóth. G.)
Within and between seasonal influence of wheather and habitat of the wintering, migration and breeding areas on the population of a migratory species
WO3-based photocatalysts and gas sensors prepared by layer deposition (ALD)
Wolbachia infestation in butterflies in the Carpathian Basin
Women in Protestant Ministry
Women on the Frontier. Social relations in Roman Pannonia
Women writers and their publishing platforms in the turn-of-the-century Hungary
Women, roles and practices in 19th to 20th century religious culture in Hungary
Wood Architecture Virtual Database
Word as trope in the poetic text (poetic analysis in Hungarian literature of 20th century)
Work environment and governmental responsibility (ISSP RoG)
Work, values, hope in spaces of solidarity. The possibilities and limits of transformative solidarity in Hungary
Worker sorting and inequality
Worker – Society – History
Working out of a complex development plan for the drainage area of Lake Balaton
Working towards the realization of personalized medicine - pahrmacogenomic and etiological study of adverse drug reactions with severe cutan involvement, developing preventive systems and assays
Works of Ferenc Kazinczy (critical edition)
Works of Ferenc Kazinczy (Critical edition)
Works of Ferenc Kazinczy (Critical edition)
Works of George Kalmár: a digital critical edition
World Congress of Drama in Education and International Research Conference
World of Industrial Work in Hungary 1880-1945
World revision of the most important genera of the Eriococcidae family
Written and read identity in the autobiographical genres
Written sources for the economic and social history of the Muraközi domain (publication of written sources) I.
Written Tradition of a Minority Culture in Multiethnic Environment: Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of the Oirat Literacy
Xenobiotics-induced intestinal damage in swine
Xenobiotics-induced intestinal damage in swine
XXIX.Summer Academy- international methodological conference for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers
Young and active - radio-emitting galactic nuclei at the highest angular resolution
Young and senior researchers' symposium for mutual learning in the changing world
Youth Study in the Southern Plain: Lifestyle, Leisure Time? Value Orientations, Health Behavior
Yugoslav Documents on Hungary 1918-1941
Zárt hévízrendszer szabályozástechnikai fejlesztése
Zhe origin of electronic noise in semiconductor sensors
Zinc and mercuric ions distinguish mouse TRESK from the other two-pore-domain K+ channels (Molecular Pharmacology)
Zinc deficiency and its amelioration with nanomaterials in plants: focusing on reactive nitrogen species
Zircontact – a new approach to better understand zircon thermochronology
Zsolt Acél: The Song of Orpheus
Zsolt, Gallina – Sándor, Varga: 10–11th century grave findings and treasure finds of Kalocsai Sárköz
_The preparation of 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-(chloromethyl)indoles and their application in the synthesis of indole alkaloids, especially that of ergoline, and its derivatives modified in the D ring.
β-decays in explosive nucleosynthesis scenarios
‘...the opium of the people’? – The geographies of religion in the socialist new towns of Hungary
’Oh, Selîmî it would be the best for us if at our banquet, The blood of the infidels was our wine and their skulls our goblets’. The Persian Divan of Sultan Selim I.
“Necroapoptophagy”: role of heart rate in autophagic processes in diabetic and nondiabetic myocardium
“Scroll in Hand” An Attempt to Explain a Common Iconographic Motive of Roman Funeral Representations
„Square Cadastre”: Cadastre of the Maps and Records of the Cadastral Survey in Hungary, 1850–1918
„Square Cadastre”: Cadastre of the Maps and Records of the Cadastral Survey in Hungary, 1850–1918. II. New directions
„When the feet become heavy…” – the concept of purity at the Synya Khanty people